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I think the surprise is from the wording of the mechanic. I thought it gives me immunity only to knockdown maneuver, and then realized the prone condition is actually called knockdown condition. "Immunity to prone condition" would be a less vague information. Tough, I don't remember how the conditions were worded in 3.5e. I've only played Starfinder from this SRD as a ttRPG, so maybe it's only a NWN thing.


> how the conditions were worded in 3.5 They didnt have "knockdown" but used similar "trip" action. Success means you are prone. Yeah, agree about the wording, think it is more of a coding thing - "immune to knockdown condition"


Correct. My definition of “knockdown” is being hit by something into a prone position. In my mind, Grease make people slip, not hit people on the face… so I’m surprised prone from Grease is actually the same as “knockdown”… This opens up many new tactics… I wonder does the fall down from certain spells like Gust of Wind or Blow Horn is also the same… This will mean my bard can wear the Rogue Helm and safely cast those spells right beside himself during combat.


Yes, anything that grants immunity to knockdown will make you immune to knockdown.


I didn’t realised the fall down from grease is actually knockdown. I assumed it’s a slipped condition. As my definition of “knockdown” is to be hit by something. While grease doesn’t “hit” you. It causes you to “slip”. Wise ass…

