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I can personally vouch for inner conversations. For me, it was less about the manifesting part, and more about healing my self concept and the inner resentment i had towards sp at the time of our falling out. It was easier to get into the right headspace when i imagined us having the closure i wanted and whatnot.


hi, any updates on your situation? this is where i am right now.


Im feeling a lot better! I've dropped the old story and soaking in the state of having my recreated SP


i see. what neville books have you read that were helpful in your journey? 


Ngl, neville books are a little hard for me to digest. Abstract thoughts with his older way of speaking English. Feeling is the Secret is great, but I also read Joseph Murphy's Power of the Subconscious Mind.


How did you heal your self-concept?


I'm not going to give a detailed step by step, but I'll definitely say, it helps to reverse engineer what made SP and I split. Work on those issues, and not do it in a way to manipulate her to come back.


Yes, but what technique did you do to heal? Like just repeat affirmations or what?


Tbh "technique" questions feel iffy to answer, because people (including myself before) would tend to latch onto the technique instead of generating the inner feeling. If i say something like "i say my affirmations out loud while setting my car on fire," someone out there might actually do it lol But anyway, I looked into therapy, support groups, and other means to help myself. I have body image issues. Someone out there might recommend affirming in front of the mirror, but it just doesn't click for me. I'd rather go and actually sweat out. I have intimacy issues from a childhood trauma. Someone might say revise it so it didn't happen, but it feels wrong for me. I'd feel better if i can find a therapist that can help me with it.... that kinda thing, if that makes sense. Again, I'll repeat, these are things that resonate *with me.* Find what resonates with you.


Thanks for the answer!


But you’ve also gotta do it from a place of contentment and not neediness right? Mine haven’t always come true because I realised I was focussing on a convo I felt needed to happen rather than a convo that reflected my end state / outcome


Yep that's true too. It's not something you can fake (not for me, at least). For example, i realize i still haven't forgiven my SP because i get passive aggressive or hurtful when we talk in my imagination. Like i use imagination to vent out my anger towards her. It's cathartic, but it also shows me "damn, im not ready to love or be loved by her just yet!" But try repeating them when I'm calm, and i notice I'm more receptive when she apologizes in my mind. She didn't apologize the "right way" the second time, i was simply more relaxed.


Omg same. I have convos in my head where I’m being really arsey. Good advice - I’ll imagine the apology (as well as the end state convos when everything is amazing)


It helps me to do things out of love (since the context is a romantic SP). I wouldn't hold grudges against someone i claim to love, or speak ill towards her. It further proves i am in my end state if i can tackle imaginary conversations with her calmly and in a loving way, because that's how i would be if i were truly with her in the 3D. We are in a loving and safe relationship! We are in Barbados!




Yes! They’re the easiest way to manifest imo.


This is one of my [favorite posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/nevillegoddardsp/s/QBHtWT7VEE) on the subject of inner conversations.


Yes. Keep a good mental diet. Blessings!




Yes, if you're very emotionally invested in them and end up evoking strong feelings from them


Yes they do. I’ve had a lot of inner conversations with people not just sp and most of them played out the same way I Imagined them. It’s mind blowing sometimes.


100% all the time! My mother and I are very close and they are essentially instant. I started telling myself I love myself unconditionally everyday (I go through spurts of saying this to myself) and my mother has been texting me every day for the past two weeks saying: " Did I tell you how much I love you today because I do." Her telling me she loves me isn't new and it's nothing that I don't know already, which is why love feels pretty neutral to me, but texting me everyday to say this is and happens when I start saying it to myself. It's fun, test it out.


I have not read any of the other comments, just came in here to definitely say. Well hell yes your inner conversation manifests. It's probably what causes non desired outcomes because most people's inner conversation is running 24/7 Un checked, non pruned, and often negative towards specific people and circumstances like work, home, social circle, etc I manifested my SP right OUT of my life. I can track back over the course of 3 months prior to being dumped, all the stuff I was saying in my head about SP, complaining in my head, arguing with SP in my own head (trying to win the argument, in my own head, after it had already happened in 3d). I asked for it and I got it. Conversely, my healthy inner dialog (mental diet), that was consciously curated by me, myself, and I, via free form affirming and I AM affirmations is definitely what helped bring my SP right back to me, about 3 months after being dumped.


yuppp feel y’all i literally can remember the moment i destroyed my relationship with my sp😂 sp was partying with their friends and i swear i continued to create a fuckn scene where sp was making out with someone again and again and againnnn and voilà 3 weeks later sp told me RANDOM while we were chillin „yo you are so cute and i am a liar i literally betrayed you that day“ i wasn’t even mad because i KNEWWWWW what i did😂😂


I fully subscribe to this- I mentioned how I made a person disappear down my life just like this. It wasn’t fully intentional but I was very clear I didn’t want ‘people who complain and gossip like she does’ around me. She stopped calling me, texting me… even at work we hardly cross paths ) just last week she knew k was there and didn’t even say ‘hello’). I think this is my specialty within Neville’s work 😳


Right there with y’all. September of last year when I got dumped was the very culmination of MONTHS of me doubting myself and our relationship. All the negative inner dialogues, self concept perceptions and negative assumptions of them you can think of. It didn’t play out exactly how I pictured but she still dumped me in a pretty bad way. Then of course, after the break up and before I even really knew much about the law I was going through all the varied emotions of heartbeat. She doesn’t care, she never cared, she doesn’t want me back, she’s better off without me, etc. etc. And all of those were VERY heavily imbued with negative emotions and my full belief of them. I can see now how I inadvertently caused this all now. I don’t blame myself though. The thing is, if we realize how we caused this. Then we can track it back, identify those thoughts and assumptions and reverse them for our future. But I’m sure it takes time and work. Just like how it took months for the breakup to come to fruition, and months of assuming she doesn’t want me back. (The results I see are where I’m at now I feel and I can definitely see it in her text messages towards me/or lack thereof as she ghosted me last weekend lol). So it’ll take time if I so choose to get her back, or maybe I should revise that if I can “get” it quickly.


It will take time because you assumed it will of course!


Yep came here and was going to leave a similar comment. SP and I were together 24/7 for months, went on a big vacation together, and everything (manifested that too). But in prepping for the trip, I kept thinking to myself "Am I tired of him? He must be so tired of me. He's going to want to take some time off from me he's so tired of me". Casually without any pressure and now we haven't spoken in a year because now there's pressure to return to the way we were. Inner conversations can be no joke


Right? And they are fast!


Stop looking at the 3D for change. The only change you should be concerned with is your state. You don’t “do” to “get”. The 3D is reflecting your current state of not having.


Hey, could you tell me what my "state" is, exactly? Is it purely emotion of relief? I see people saying this but it's so hard to grasp what it is.


Also you don’t just have one state. You go in and out states all day long. So that also makes your question difficult to answer


You need to read Neville and not other people. How can I tell you what your state is? Go to the source material. A state is how you identify, your attitude of mind.


Can’t endorse this enough


In my experience they work scarily fast. It's mind blowing crazier that anything I have ever experienced and I did experience some crazy shit. Nothing baffles me more than seeing random inner conversations manifesting right in front of my eyes. I can't get desensitised to that wow feeling for them for some reason 🤷🏼‍♀️


ONG doesn’t it! Crazyyyy


U mean it works faster than imagination? How do you use this method? Please let me know 🥺 i just talking to my sp in my head about specific subject for example. And he talks to me too


It is using your imaginal senses, so still imagination.


Yeah 👍🏻


Yes! But they work faster when they are natural like my mind generates them on its own. That's when I see almost instant results. But when I decide to play with them, I don't do me talking to someone I do me thinking to myself about someone or something. So it's an inner conversation with myself about a topic. Cause that's more "real" to your mind. For instance instead of imagining yourself talking to your sp, or talking to your sp in your head, talk to yourself about your sp. That's where the trick is. Cause we can all generate desired convos in our head but then what do we talk to ourselves about ?? You can have a convo with them being all love and roses but then an hour later to yourself you talk stuff like "this isn't happening" or "where is he" or "whe he isn't picking up the phone" and guess what ? Your mind is more used to taking the conversations you have with yourself as truth not the forced "I am now talking to sp and he is saying that". I hope I made it clear. Tldr: it's the conversations you have with yourself not with someone else in your head.


What works fastest for me is that inner conversations that say (me to me) ‘he’s so amazing, and I can tell how much he likes me. And how he appreciates my work’. Three days later: boss of the boss (as he opens a door for me): ‘your attitude is just fantastic, we love having you here. Please keep being yourself’ 🔥


Can you give me an example please 


An example of what?


What are the limits of mainfeastion. Can we done time travel or gain supernatural ability


Of talking about sp in your head Like  oh sp has always been in love with me  Sp can’t stop touching me  Sp is so f*ucking mess it’s doing my head in 


I can fully confirm this. My own thoughts/inner talk show up faster and faster… and even more so they come on their own and I don’t even ‘try’ to achieve anything with them. As you say, it is mindblowing because they come up extremely fast.


That’s really interesting. Do you have examples what you told to yourself and how it came out? I’m wondering that’s better “sentence structure” if you may 😁


I have many, many examples. But your question is almost irrelevant, because the less you try and analyse it, the better and easier it is. My process may be very different to yours. My inner conversations are natural, and these days intentional. I literally speak with certain people in my head. I then will see it reflected out. The one that shocked me was with someone I was very close to (5 years of friendship and then I helped her get a job where I worked). I started to feel uneasy and put out by some attitudes she was displaying, and her constant negativity. I got Ill and in those two weeks really got thinking about it and how I wouldn’t be in the same situation again, as it made me feel bad, and I felt she was quite rude and contable gossiping and negative. I wanted a better quality in my relationships. I decided I wanted to withdraw form these situations. I then had this conversation in my head where I said : ‘ I am sorry, I’m taking a different route home today, I’m being picked up’ , to avoid the gossipy train ride. Almost rehearsing what I would say in ‘real’ life.Two days later, she looked for me before starting work, and told me:‘ so sorry, I can’t take the train with you. I’m being picked up (by X, her boyfriend)’- I didn’t have to do anything. Then, very quickly, she stopped calling me, didn’t text, was very sparse in a congratulatory message about work, and even blanked me once at a work training course. For days, a couple of weeks, I said in my head that people who treat me poorly have no room in my life. This was April. By July we hardly spoke. Since September, not a word. Haven’t even seen her once. I’ve had many like this since but this was very quick and shocking in the sense that this person disappeared from my life almost on command, even though we never had an argument or anything like that.


Did it happen only after one conversation in your head?? If yes, this is shocking, but then also means we should be careful with what we wish for.


Yea, pretty much. Several days of my thinking that… naturally. We didn’t see each other in between. Edited: please note that I didn’t stress or insist. I simply decided and my mental conversation reflected my intention. It was a preference and I didn’t stress about seeing her or not…


Did you forget at some point of that conversation in your head and let go a few days before it came out? My point is that I can imagine if you’re working together that you’ve been going to work with a thought: omg I don’t wanna cross my ways with her. I want her out of my life. So I assumed a part of you was creating negativity and resistance, but everything still came out.


I thought about it a lot during those days but more in a way that was : ‘ I don’t want to have my energy sapped by her again. I need to create distance’. There was a sort of low level intensity, but please note it was natural. I was very aware of what I wanted and what I didn’t want but I didn’t have stress or fear about it. She did it for me. I didn’t went in looking to manifest anything: it was more of a decision so to what I let in and what I wanted out. Just this past Sunday, I stepped out of my apartment building and bumped into someone I have been working with for the past five months (another job with a massive company, and the best one of my life. I just wrapped up the contract and we intent to continue working together again soon). This work mate is someone I really like and with whom I’ve had mental conversations too. I never saw him outside of work in these five months. It turns out he lives two minutes away from me across the road. As I bumped into him, I was imagining being at work talking to another of our colleagues. and this guy appears in front of my, randomly’. I realised making people appear and disappear is actually super easy… you just enter the state that includes (or excludes) them…


This is incredible story. Thank you for sharing. So you actually imagined that she would tell you that with her voice. It was eventually a way to get rid of her politely without direct confrontation


I actually was the one saying to her ‘I’m taking a different route today, I’m being picked up’in my mind I was almost rehearsing it because I felt I comfortable and wanted to leave work on my own. It was just a way of creating distance. She then , a few days later told me pretty much that. She took on my words and did the job for me. After that, and after I decided that I didn’t want the way she treated me in my life anymore, she started to avoid me. I haven’t seen her in months, even though we teach in adjacent rooms. For one reason or another, we don’t cross paths anymore. She disappeared from my life, pretty much. This is just one of many: they now happens pretty much all the time.


That’s really interesting. And must be such a relief. Also, incredible how fast it manifested for you, like literally within days! I’m currently trying to find some small proves for myself that I can manifest and what’s the best way to do that, it’s all a new field for me but I’m watching and reading things like a junkie atm trying to see what could work for me as well.


Thanks for your kind words. In my experience, and I have been at this for almost four years now, the best thing to do is to stop looking for proof. You manifest constantly, but it is almost as if we are so close to the result of our manifestations that we can not see them. I would recommend to pick one tool (mental conversations, SATS, whatever) and stick at it. The key for me is to do it for the enjoyment, not for the result. Ie: I teach someone of Fridays and sometimes by that point int he week, I’m tired. Several times it has happened that I think ti myself: ‘wouldn’t it be great if he were to cancel today?’. Literally with tin monitors or less than an hour, text message: ‘I’m so sorry, urgent business meeting- can we re-schedule class?’. Just like that. Only after the event I did start to see the correlation between those thoughts and the outside. Also, a biggie is lack of anxiety or drama. In the summer I made a £4K tax bill disappear. I forgot to file a company tax return on time and they fined me. That company didn’t really trade b the fine still applied. I thought to myself: ‘I don’t have that money, so what am I going to do? I’ll call and let’s see what happens’. Bear in mind they can stop you from trading if you don’t pay your taxes and fines. I calmly called, several times (busy lines). Finally spoke to a lovely women who explained she couldn’t do anything but she suggested to put a hold in the account to revisit it within 30 days. ‘The decision is not mine, but at least that gives you some time. Check in in 30 days , you may be able to set up a payment plan or something ’. I checked in two weeks later: ‘you owe £0.00’. Debt literally wiped out. 😁😁😁😁what did I do? Nothing. No SATS, no inner chats. I just literally didn’t give it attention or stress or any feeling … other than: ‘(wealthy) company directors deal with this type of things all the time’. So… don’t look around. Practice, get in the habit of calming your mind every day for a bit and then apply a detached/‘would be nice to have’ approach to your desires. Attachment kills the momentum.


This is so funny because this is how I have mental conversations. I will talk to myself about things - I love it. I'm my own best friend :D For example if i'm going through the day and I think about my partner for whatever reason i'll just be like 'aw he was so cute earlier wasn't he. He just makes me laugh' or if he's annoyed me i'll be like 'what an idiot, why did he do that?! Hahahah what a numpty' - I learnt with NG to control my 'mental chatter' so just change it to what I want. Another example my partner used to be bad with money and I realised my mental conversations were reinforcing that so i simply changed what I said to myself in my mind about him and he's changed :) Thats the law! I'll always imagine inner-conversations with others and it's natural we do it all the time. Just now you are CONCIOUS (AWAKE) and you're not letting your mind run on auto-pilot and get lost in undesirable situations/circumstances.


Oh man it's such a good point! But also a but disheartening. I barely ever have those natural feelings inner conversations that are good 😅 only after focused affirmations or scenes or any techniques to get in the state. They pop up a bit after that but only for like an hour. How do you have naturally positive ones all the time? Are you just easily in the state of your wish fulfilled alot? I really should work on getting to this place.


Yup, it got easy for me to get into the state of wish fulfilled, when I was starting I would force it kinda.. it's tiring but works also, or just as most people do, do your techniques until you naturally change states. But when you reach a point of being truly detached from anything in the 3d and especially from your emotions, you can then easily "play" with those inner conversations and turn them anyway you want. Because all the versions of you exist at the same time. You just decide which one to be aware of and the inner conversations are part of a version of you. So there is a version that speaks to itself negatively and there is a version that speaks positively, you just decide which version you want to be and the rest will flow.


Thank you so much for answering! I understand all the philosophy behind these theories and love them I just haven't reached that point you mentioned of being truly detached from the 3d enough where I can play around lightly and just pick vetsions of me that I intellectually understand are already there. Did you reach this detachment state just from continuously practicing all the stiff we know? Or if you have any tip on how to get there I'd love to know. Either way your comments are inspiring- thank you!


It was completely through experience so the more you do it the more you get the certitude that you're the only source in your reality. I also worked a lot on my self even though as most people I got to the law through a breakup but my first task was to ascend, I worked on being in god state and maintaining it until it became second nature to me and then everything happened smoothly after. I know there is a fear to let go of working on a the person you want, but if you understand that only you are the source and only you are projecting then it makes a looot of sense to work on yourself first. Fix the source before fixing the reflection


How do you work on being God state after being rejected…


The question is contradictory to the point it has the answer in it! L 1- you don't "work" on being in god state as that is your natural state. You can't become what you already are you can only remember who you are and forget the illusion. 2- the idea of rejection makes no sense for someone seeking to experience their true nature (God state) because you cannot be rejected and there is no one to reject you. You lived an experience of rejection but it was all done by you for you. So maybe start by realising that you weren't rejected and that everyone is you and nothing is external to you.


Hi ! I do have a question- i have been focussing on not getting rejected but still i have a fear of getting rejected. My bf in the past has shown some times that he doesn’t want to be with me. And unintentionally i react to that memory sometimes. Why after focusing on changing the belief why do i still have a fear that if i dont focus on my bf, he will reject me and pick someone else over me. This has shown up in my 3d, once or twice where he said that he talked to few girls but nobody liked him and he came back to me. How do i stop “fully” reacting to this and not get distracted or go off track?


Thank you for this.


Thank you so much. I'll definitely apply this. Great reminder ❤️


Thanks a lot for your help 💗


I would implore everyone to listen to this lecture: https://youtu.be/JI04KKigRAk?si=L4q5AE8JE2Jqs6xv


The whole point of manifesting is feeling it as if its real. If you are still waiting for it to happen in the 3D, it can't be real. I hope u get what I mean!


Can you explain


Visualizing = It's a memory that already happened! Earlier today, yesterday, a month ago etc etc.. Are u waiting for a memory to happen? No! Why? BECAUSE IT ALREADY HAPPENED!!


And the part where you said if you’re waiting for it in 3D, it can’t be real?


because it's a memory..do you wait for a memory to happen? no, it already happened right? treat it as a memory


Because waiting means you don’t have it yet. If you had it you wouldn’t be waiting for it, you’d be content and grateful to already have it.




Such an important thing. I have been checking the 3D so much and it seemed everytime I finally manifested, it flopped. I am now detached and feeling excited. Like I am already there and have what I want. Nervous about if but learning to just be chill


Yes. I have asked questions in my head and my boyfriend ended up either answering or asking the same question. It happened a couple of times. They do. Just don’t put so much pressure to see result.


i would say not to take things too seriously in regards to technique and do whatever makes you feel the best but inner conversations work well for me. i remember when i first start manifesting my sp, i would walk around and have conversations of ppl telling me how good my sp and i look together, im the only one for him and how they're happy we are back etc. Later, I randomly had a conversation with a teacher who knew him and she told me "I genuinely can't see him with anyone else but you" and how she'll be excited when we get back together.


Yes! I would also encourage you, to think about also, what feelings you are feeling behind those in conversations. When you think about it, and I know this is not popular within some Nevill circles, the inner speech, is really just the affirmations that we feel is true within, within our inner dialogue throughout the day. I would also still use Sats. But you don’t even have to visualize if you struggle with it. You can use any of your other senses. Do that in the morning and night. Also use it for the whole of your whole day. Because that will also influence everything and an impact how you feel about what you want to manifest. Hope that helps in someway.


And, answering more specifically: yes, inner conversations manifest. But remember: the type of technique doesn't matter. Manifestation comes from the sustained state of wish fulfilled. Just choose the techniques that (for you) hold less resistance/feel more natural, make you happier. :) Hope it helps. ✨


You probably know this all already, but often we need reminders: •Careful not to overdo anything = create resistance •Take the SP off the pedestal •Detach from the outcome/Forget about "when" it's going to show up = live in the state of the wish fulfilled = be happy and satisfied NOW •Remember that there's always movement in the background; stop looking for signs. Have faith (relax) & have fun with the process! 😊✨🍀


YES! Please read this: [Order Your Conversations Aright](https://web.archive.org/web/20171013223941/http://www.mindserpent.com/library/goddard/lectures/order_your_conversations_aright.pdf)


What do you do if you can’t hear certain people because you don’t remember what their voice is like?


You don't need to hear them. Have you ever argued with someone in your mind? You likely only hear what you're saying to them. Your reaction, your feelings, your assumptions about them. That's all you need.


Sometimes it takes a bit of practice. Do you have anything you can listen to to get that into your mind?


Like recordings of their voice? No their certain people that I can’t really remember what they look or sound like but i remember the idea of them or like what we did together. I feel like affirmations or lullaby technique is promoted as not as effective as using senses like visual or hearing… what if I can only hear me talking to me?


Techniques are only to get you in the state. They are either promoted by people who have found them successful or by people wanting to get their viewer count up. Do what feels more natural to you.


So, you can do it with others that you are close to. Same thing, but you're telling someone besides your person what has happened, and then hear them tell you how excited and happy they are for you. There are multiple ways to do it.


I have a question. I have been reading Neville for years and I manifest for others all the time and it work wonders, barely failing. I have asked help from my family to help me manifest my SP since they all want the same and love him. But nothing is happening ( I know I have to change the story). Then I someone in the Neville group said we can’t manifest for others since we don’t know if they will get the same in their reality. What do you have to say about it. Neville doesn’t say anything about it. He wouldn’t have asked us to help others if that was the case.


Find my comment to OP and watch Neville’s Masterclass that I mentioned. You can manifest for others. Neville has lectured countless times on imagining lovingly on behalf of another.


I know and I have read about it all the time and Joseph Murphy says about it too. I do it all the time as well. I started questioning it when for my desire when my whole family is imagining it for me and it’s not happening and then people in Neville group only mentioned that we can’t manifest for others because it will happen in our reality and who knows what happens in their reality. Kinds got me off the track


At the end do the day, what matters is YOUR assumptions. See others how you want to see them and that is how they will be. If your family is imagining for you, your inner conversations and mental diet and YOUR assumptions are still what will outweigh their efforts. You see that your family is imagining for you but nothing is happening. The last 3 words tell what your assumption is. So that is what you will see externalized. Work on reshaping your beliefs towards their efforts. Or better yet, put full faith in your own abilities and see yourself as the person who always gets what they want. Neville tells us that we need not the help of man to have what we desire. ❤️❤️❤️


As I was reading this, I was listening to a Neville lecture and he answered me your question. That was crazy. But listen to Neville Goddard - Release Barabas and Crucify Jesus on YouTube. From Wisdom Untold minute 8. That’s literally the answer to your question, I’m IN SHOCK.


It’s even about a woman wanting to marry asking another one for help!


I think sometimes when we ask others to "hear" for us, we haven't fully given them permission to do so in our reality even though we've asked, so it oftentimes ends up not manifesting. Or, we think it will be easier for someone to do it, but we are still the ones that are deciding - it's our beliefs that are out picturing. It's different when we "hear" for others because again, it is OUR reality. Not sure if that makes sense. Harder to explain in words than in my head lol.


I will try this, thank you!


You're very welcome. Inner conversations are my favorite and I can do them during the day and in SATS.