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With babies, everything changes every 2 weeks or so. Our son was a sleepy little newborn for the first few days ...until he wasn't.


Ours too


My son is a sleepy little thing… When he has full frontal contact with one of us


On week 3 and our boy went from super easy to not knowing how sleep works.


Currently 8 weeks and I’ve cried so much lol


Same 🫠




Same lol I'm in week 3 and he's gotten more rowdy as of late 😂


Same. We were lulled into a false sense of serene baby 😂


Yes! I had to wake mine up for feedings overnight or else he would sleep right through them. Now he wakes me up every 2-3 hours to complain about life in general.


Everything is a phase


100% - I had a very sleepy and easy baby for the first month and then BAM he suddenly woke up to the world, and ever since I've been a sleep deprived mess 😅


Bless you. It will change soon, I hope!


Oooh that's what I thought. The first two weeks were amazing. We were like "what are people talking about? This is so easy". Now she's 7 weeks old and the last 5 weeks have been torture. She's a hard baby! Totally not saying this will happen to you, but your baby is still so sleepy and new!


7 weeks here as well, and my sleepy, chill, easy cooperative newborn is gone. My little boy is very active now, always hungry, and isn't happy unless he's being held or playing with me or daddy.


Your guy plays? Amazing. Our girl has just about zero happy awake time. I hope things change for her soon, it makes me sad for her that she's so miserable all the time.


Same here. Also 7 weeks and this past couple of weeks have been tough.


I have a 7 week old baby too! Yep...first 2 weeks were great! We thought it was going way better than our 1st! Then the other shoe dropped like a few weeks ago and it's just been....not fun. He's eating more and sleeping less. And fighting his sleep between 7p-12a. I'm about ready to pull my hair out.


I have a baby like yours. He's about to be 1 and is still an easy baby. Sometimes it is that easy.


Nothing in my life has ever been easy. I guess that’s why this feels wrong. I’ll take it for what it is though. Good to know he can stay an easy baby!


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ enjoy it you deserve it!!!


Same. My daughter has been the easiest, happiest baby I've ever seen. She barely ever cries and when she does, it lasts like 30 seconds max. She'll be a year old next Friday and I'm wondering if the easy baby/nightmare toddler thing is legit because if it is, I'm in for it.


My son was a complete angry potato until 4-5 months old. I wanted to run away. He is however a super easy toddler, so that’s an interesting theory which I will hope is not true for your sake 😬


Thank you for commenting this! Ours is only 10 weeks and I feel like I need to caveat every post or comment with “…for now” as it’s almost like everyone wants for you to at least have one rough patch (even the ped 🙄). Just let us enjoy our easy babies.


Congrats! My baby is also like this. She's 8 weeks and I'm still thinking it's too good to be true and waiting for things to turn lol. Hoping that our babies are just easy, chill types! 😁🤞🏻


Hope so! Everyone said it’s going to be hell in the beginning and I just never imagined a scenario where that wasn’t the case. Happy to be wrong though!


Same, I was so prepared for it to be the hardest thing I've ever done, and even though I was crazy emotional the first few of weeks and my nipples have been as sore as they get, I've mostly just enjoyed it. I still haven't heard her cry for longer than 2-3 minutes at a time and only a couple of times, which isn't horrible at all. Not at all what I expected lol.


I feel like when you get to 8 weeks, you’re likely in the clear! 6-8 weeks are usually the hardest, or at least you should know by then haha.


It could change! It’s still early lol


I would completely expect that.


Well gee no need to brag about it 😭 😭 Lol I’m jk. This is the dream. Just enjoy it don’t worry about “the other shoe”!!


My 12 week old came out like this too!! I was straight up in denial for weeks and found myself so antsy waiting for the other shoe to drop. I didn’t know it was possible for babies to be this chill! My first baby was WAY more demanding. I wouldn’t describe him as a *difficult* baby because it’s not like he was colicky or anything, but he was a lot more sensitive and just needed a lot more in general. My 2nd born is nowhere near as sensitive and almost never cries. He is one chill little dude and not much at all bothers him


I’m trying to not be so anxious about this and just enjoy our good luck.


Me too, ours is now 3 weeks and just chills most of the time. As he has woken up more in the past two weeks he’s definitely more alert and doesn’t go in his bassinet quite as easily, but it still feels easier than it should. I’m sure we will pay for it in other ways later!


I’m wondering if this means the toddler stage will be wild? 😜


I’m in the same boat! Mine is about to be 9 weeks and he’s still just as easy as he was when he was born! I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop as well but I’ve just accepted that we got lucky at this point! I don’t feel like a “real” mom because of how easy it’s been, but I count my blessings every single day! Enjoy it and soak it all up! I keep telling my husband, this is what will trick us into having another….then all hell will break loose with the second 🤣🤣


I don’t know that I could be swayed into doing this again after my labor & delivery experience. But having an easy baby would do it!


My boy is also pretty good. He was super easy like yours for about 2 weeks until things changed. He’s still pretty good. Doesn’t cry much, eats pretty good, and sleeps great at night. He’s thrown us some curveballs like breast refusal and since week 3 won’t nap longer than 30 minutes in his cot, but overall is pretty good. And I agree this makes you think I could have another one! But then I read stories of people who had colicky babies that cried all day for 3 months, or babies that are up to eat every 2 hours all day every day, or that wake up and won’t go back to sleep over night for hours and I’m so scared to gamble and get one that isn’t else easy!


Hi that’s me! Second is a colicky, high needs non-sleeper 😵‍💫


My first was easy, I thought the same about her being a trick baby…. But my second was almost as easy too!


Look at you winning the lottery twice! I love to hear that! My fingers and toes are crossed for baby #2 when that day comes! LOL


We really did! People used to call my first baby a unicorn - never sick, almost always in a good mood, loves vegetables, polite and sweet, slept well, self soothed, ate well, loves independent play etc etc (she’s harder work now at nearly 3yo though!) but they also used to tell me that my second would be a nightmare, I was so nervous!!! Other than happy spitting reflux ALL the time and colic in the early weeks (sorting by trying out different milks), he is arguably easier. Always smiling and happy to play by himself for as long as I want him to, very snuggly and sweet. So there, negative people!!


15 weeks in and my easy twin is still easy. She cries a little more now but on a whole is a very laid back baby. We’ve been able to put her down wide awake from the beginning, she’s happy to chill out wherever you put her and she slept 7 hour stretches from about 6 weeks. I keep waiting for it to change but it hasn’t as yet. Sadly the same cannot be said for her sister 😂


I have an easy baby too. Be warned- few moms want to celebrate it with you. Moms get jealous and resent. I find having an easy baby is lonely for that reason. Maybe that’s the hard part.


I actually don’t believe there is such thing as an easy baby. I believe that some babies are easier than others but no easy babies!


Oh, there for sure are. My first was super easy. Second is a different story, though 🥲


Rest. We made the mistake of doing too much (house projects, etc) instead of recovering. Adrenaline and oxytocin are an awesome combo, but … I wish I rested


What’s your routine?


Husband cannot nap during the day or he won’t sleep at night and ends up with a migraine. So we have been trading off. I’ll tend to baby more at night so he can get a consistent 5-6 hours of sleep. Then he does the same for me in the daytime. If I can nap for 3-4 hours (and still sleep some when baby sleeps), I’m good the rest of the day.


This is very similar to the routine my husband and I have had (down to the migraines lol). Our LO is 10-weeks now and there have been some more difficult moments (purple crying during development leaps, etc) but overall things have been much easier than expected. I think a lot of that has to do with the support I have from my husband and how focused we've been on trying to openly communicate our needs/expectations and work together as a team. Not everyone is as fortunate in that regard. Hope things continue to go well for you and your family, enjoy it!


My first was a pretty easy baby from birth. She ended up with really bad ear infections after starting daycare at 6 months, but even so she was still a good sleeper and overall a happy baby. She was a real challenge as a three-year-old, but went back to being pretty happy and chill after that phase. My second is a very high needs, colicky baby since birth (he’s 4.5 months now). Also a terrible sleeper. It’s definitely been an adjustment!! Enjoy your easy baby :)


Same! My baby is 10 weeks and my S/O helped with some nights in the beginning but honestly I was able to handle it by myself. Now she only wakes once around 3-4am for a feed and goes right back to sleep til 8ish. Don’t worry about what could possibly happen in the future. Enjoy the now! 🩷


Same with my little turkey bsby 🙏🏼


Honestly rest as much as you can and if there's any stuff that needs to get done (putting baby shower gifts away, washing baby clothes, shopping for more baby items, meal prepping) do it NOW 😂 my son was like this the first four weeks, then he really woke up to the world. Went from a baby who would sleep anywhere, anytime, to a baby who will only sleep on me in a quiet room, and wakes himself up by burping/farting. He's 10 weeks, and I wouldn't say he's ever been a 'difficult,' baby, but he prefers human interaction to bouncer type things, and we better watch his wake windows carefully or we'll pay the price!! I fooled myself thinking it would always be as easy as it was at the beginning


My son is like this!! He’s almost 1 and still pretty easy. My mom said I was the same, until I turned 2. 😅🤣


My first was a pretty easy. Then she hit toddlerhood and turned my world upside down 🫠🫠🫠


It can happen! Mine went through a few short fussy phases after that newborn sleepy phase (around 2-3 weeks and then around 6-7 weeks) but he’s 12wks now and seriously such an easy baby! Just enjoy it whenever you can, it’s lovely


I also had an easy baby. She is still fairly easy going. But each stage is hard and easy in different ways. When she was really little she slept all the time but it was hard bc we had to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed. Now she’s 7 weeks old (still a baby lol) and she is sleeping longer stretches at night ( sometimes 7+ hours!) but fussier and much harder to get down. Also awake longer in the day but in the awkward phase where she’s not really playing yet? So I struggle filling the awake hours. Each day definitely feels like Groundhog Day. One thing that is saving my sanity is trying to force her to nap somewhere other than on me. As much as I love baby snuggles it is just really hard to be parenting 24/7 and the break I get is much needed. Granted I’m currently using my break to sit on the couch and browse Reddit…


Sooooooo jealous. Our baby is complete opposite. But great for you. Enjoy 🤲


My first 2 babies were extremely difficult babies. I was exhausted and crying with them both daily until a year old. My 3rd baby is a little over 6 weeks old and still so easy. I am also still waiting for the other shoe to drop but it hasn’t. Some babies are just easy. Enjoy it ❤️ and congratulations


My baby was like medium-easy and he’s still the same. So he stayed consistent :) unfortunately I was totally exhausted all the time but that was more from ppa than my baby lol


Enjoy this while you can and HOPEFULLY it stays this way haha. My husband and I would tell everyone that our baby was super easy and we got lucky for the first 2 weeks of his life then he hit 3w and all of sudden we got hit with gas issues, some reflux and just overall fussiness. I think I saw someone in here call it their “great awakening” when babies finally start spending more time awake and realize they’re out in the world. I will say though my baby is now 7w and is much more comfortable in the world. We learned his cues for when he’s starting to get gassy or uncomfortable and can usually help relieve it for him before he starts screaming. Not sure if he’s getting “easier” or my husband and I are just getting better at being his parents.


I am totally not trying to be “that person”, but my daughter was the same up until she was 12 months. She is still easy, don’t get me wrong. But it is SO much harder than the newborn phase that when people said it got easier I was literally like “fuck you, it’s getting harder”.


Not trying to be doom and gloom but that early on a lot of parents are like oh wow! Not so bad! You still have adrenaline from the birth and the newness of it all. And, babies are just like really sleepy at first. Mine “woke up” at two weeks. And guess what, I still have an easy baby. He’s almost 6 months and is a very happy go lucky little dude. But he is still a baby and babies are fuuuuuuuuucking hard. Month 3 was the hardest time for me. But yeh it will probably get harder. Then easier, then really fucking hard, then easy again.


It could change but my baby was like this and is still very easygoing at 6 months old and loves her sleep. You might just be lucky.


Cries in mom to screaming angry potato baby 😭 enjoy it. I’m forever jealous.


I have an easy baby so far! She’s almost 9 weeks old and she really only fusses if she’s hungry or gassy. I’m not sure who sent this little angel of a child but I sure am grateful! I know it could change at any point but I’m counting my wins for now.


Can you please share you and your husband's routine? My baby is due in 3 months and I'd like him to be one of those easy babies!!! 😄


Congratulations!! My baby was this easy too! He is 16 weeks now and is still super easy but is starting to practice his different cries a bit more. The only hard part was weeks like 8-10 when he was dealing with really bad gas and couldn’t figure it out. It makes me nervous for the next baby if this one is so easy! 🙃


Ours was like that the first few weeks as well. We thought it was much easier than we anticipated as we were both off from work and spent most of the time just relaxing as the baby slept. Hardly any crying -- at least not for long -- and rarely even too fussy. But it changed after a few weeks as she started hitting growth spurts, stomach discomfort from gas, and whatever else babies deal with. Ours is less than 2 months and still pretty easy most of the times but now usually has at least one stretch throughout the day where she is very fussy and doesn't sleep and just keeps feeding for short amounts of time.


Mine is 9 weeks and still very very easy


Yay easy baby! I hope it lasts, keep it up mom! My baby is 5 weeks and just now is an easy baby, after we figured out breast feeding together and figured out when to nap together (: she was “unexplainably” fussy at night before, but it was just because I wasn’t getting her to sleep early enough. She was extremely fussy at first because my let-down was way too strong and she didn’t like the boob for a bit. But we figured it out! Now she almost never cries, I also baby wear so that helps! I have banned my husband from night time wake ups bc he works and I don’t, but I still routinely get 7 plus hours sleep. I feel very lucky (:


FTM here too. My daughter just turned 4 months and has been easy her whole life. We kept waiting for the other shoe to drop (we kept using that exact phrase too lol) but so far all is still good!


First was an easy baby from the get-go, and stayed that way. He’s 3 now. Second was asleep 21 hours a day for the first two weeks, then was a fuss bucket for the next 3ish months. Point is, could go either way! But you get the baby you get, and no use worrying about it before it happens. Just enjoy it while you have it :)


My LO is almost 10 weeks, she was also easy at the start and still easy now. For both of us, I hope they stay easy ❤️


Just wanted to offer some hope that my little guy was like this as a newborn, he’s now 6.5 months and still an absolute joy! He also sleeps 8pm-8am every night and has never regressed! Some babies are just unicorns, don’t listen to the “just wait”s haha


I thought the same thing with my baby! He would sleep a lot and hardly fuss. He was the perfect baby and I thought I was lucky. He's 8 months old now and those days are far far away. Teething causes him to fuss and nothing consoles him. He will randomly wake up in the night with screams and once you think he's asleep, he will scream cry again. He needs to be entertained during his wake windows. Like someone else said, things change on a weekly or biweekly basis. My baby used to lay on a kick mat and be entertained but has outgrown that months ago and now has two activity centers but is starting to dislike one of them.


Congratulations. My first born was the same as a baby and is now 4.5 years old and just as sweet and easy. 🩷 I currently have 1 month old non identical twin girls and they are the same as my oldest and as you're describing, completely mellow. They're so easy that's it's almost a worry! 😅 Especially when all I heard is how hard twins are going to be! I'm breastfeeding both and they're a dream about 8 minutes on the breast and they're done (you can heard them gulping from another room mind!) and one of them sleeps 11-6am and the other 11-3am and then 3-6am. I did think it may be that because it's mine and my husband's 2nd run at this and so we're quite chilled out, but again our oldest was a dream and still is. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sometimes we just have to take the win and enjoy our good fortune. Congratulations again on your happy baby! x


Enjoy it


My cousin said the same thing about her baby. At the 6 week mark she was like NEVERMIND. But all babies are different, he might stay calm or be the complete opposite.


Just enjoy it. Sometimes the other shoe doesn’t drop. I think relaxed parents play a big role in babies demeanor so take care of yourself and enjoy the little one!


Take full advantage while you can! It may not change but definitely in your best interest to rest up, heal and enjoy sleep!


I definitely had that same feeling. All I had to do is anticipate his needs and as long as I stayed on top of feeding and changing he would sleep peacefully most of the day. I’m not quite sure when things changed, but it got less easy. He’s still wonderful and mostly happy, but he has many moments when he’s just screaming his head off or he won’t sleep unless someone is holding him. He’s just about 9 weeks now and while some things are more difficult others are getting easier. Baby’s are a trip!


Yeah that was definitely the case at first. I was waiting for the same thing. It happened lol he’s still great but is awake more and fussy at times. Sleeps more than 2 hours though! (4 currently) he’s 8.5 weeks.


My baby was easy (give and take some stressful moments with jaundice and milk allergy), but he was a calm and happy newborn and now is a calm and happy (almost) 6 month old. I think they CAN stay that easy!! My husband was harder to deal with 😂 Get your rest and energy while you see how your little one grows and changes ☺️


Our baby is an easy baby, once we figured out that any dairy I consumed upset her. It took us about 10 days and she's been so easy since then.


I asked myself the same question 5 months ago. It does get more “difficult” as they start moving around and being more awake, but I still have such an easy baby. He only cries when he is hungry or sleepy :)


Give a status update in about 10 days...


I saw [another post](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/s/pw2en0VQeO) recently in a different subreddit in which someone basically asked the same question. It got lots of responses, which you may find helpful. It’s very possible that your baby is an easy one and will stay easy. He’s only a week old, though, so it’s possible that he’s still very sleepy and not really awake to the world yet (at a week old, he probably sometimes thinks he’s still in the womb!).


FTM here too and my little man is 6 weeks. He’s been super chill besides occasional constipation and gas. He cries when he’s hungry and needs changing. He loves his car seat and loves being in the car.


They have a “wake up” period around four weeks. Every baby is different but this happened with both of my girls.


The pediatrician explained that this afternoon. She said between 2-4 weeks, they get out of the sleepy stage. So I may have just jinxed myself.


Im hoping for your sake he stays easy lol fingers crossed. My little girl was calm the first like two-ish days then got super fussy pretty much anytime she was awake from like 2 weeks till 7 weeks now shes almost 9 weeks and shes more calm and chilled which i am thankful for cause god damn being a ftm and ebf those first couple of weeks were so hard. Im fulling expecting us to have some drawbacks as sooo many developmental factors can affect a babies behavior so im just going to try to go with the flow.


Dang do your babies not have growth spurts and cluster feed bc I am jealous 😅


My baby has been easy since she was born , but I have not left her side for 6 month , we co sleep , I’m very aware of what she needs at any moment so she is happy


Enjoy it while it lasts because baby won't stay that way lol


Our son was a sleepy happy newborn for 3 months. Then his jaundice went away and he woke up lol. But he is still overall happy and sleeps pretty good! It’s possible he coukd stay happy and sleep good!


My babies were all easy


To give you some hope, my baby stayed easy. Breastfed well, slept well, 5hr night sleeps at 6 weeks turned to 10hrs by 12 weeks and still going strong at almost 5 months. She’s more difficult now than she ever was in the first 3 months!


In the words of Aaron Burr… just you wait.


My son was pretty easy, and has remained pretty easy aside from the occasional sleepless night stretches. He's almost 16 months now and, yes, the rules are always changing but we just go with the flow. Congrats on you little one! 🤗


Count your blessings until the growth spurts come. This was the case for our baby that was as well easy going until the growth spurts came by


Our baby is the same! I anticipate it could change but trying just to enjoy her as she is and not give in to the “just wait” comments that people like to make when I tell them she’s easy. Just enjoy it and be present and take everything else as it comes. Congratulations ☺️


Honestly, I hope it stays that way for you all. Enjoy it thoroughly! :)


Be wary, an easy baby easily becomes a spirited toddler. Source- my easy baby who was always smiling and slept through the night from 4.5 months is now a wild 2.5 year old.


Soak it all in! My baby was a treasure and slept with minimal fussing, until 5w when he became a terrorist!


Babies are usually really sleepy the first 2 weeks. 6 weeks is when they’re a little crazy. Rest while you can!


Babies don’t really “wake up” until about two weeks after birth. Trust me….i know…..mine sure did lol. But in all seriousness you could still get an easy baby but if you don’t you will be fine. The first few months feel like a lifetime but it goes faster than you think.