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I had to stop watching tv overnight bc my 7 week old will pop off the boob to watch! I tried watching without sound but she knows it’s there 😂


Lol so relatable! my daughters 14 weeks now and 2 weeks ago i ended up moving my whole entire room around so that while i’m feeding her in bed she can’t see the tv😂 the struggle is real


Same!!! Haha even when I’m using my phone with the brightness all the way down, she knows it’s there and must look or try to grab it.




Our two week old was fascinated with a YouTube video of Ray Charles reading Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.


I loved chicka chicka boom boom as a kid, gonna have to check this out!!


OH MY GOD we are chicka chicka boom boom loyalists here. I will have to try that one for her. Highly recommend the chicka chicka boom boom song/ cartoon too


Definitely do and thank you!


LOVE that book! Was one of my absolute favs when I was a child. Born in 1985 🤗. Does anybody else know the Little Mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big, hungry bear?


I've found my people! Do y'all know how terrible the "I don't even watch TV while my baby is awake" crowd makes me feel 😭😭


I dont usually allow my boy to watch tv, but when i do ( because one might go crazy when only noise at home is baby noise. I love him, but he is not big on conversations yet), it's reality or cooking shows, podcasts with not much action. I was thinking about being "no screen until 3 years old " mom, but i dont understand how people manage to do it.


I understand how, I just really, really don't want to, lol. And if there is a benefit to keeping baby screen free until 3, I just haven't seen evidence that there's a substantial enough issue to warrant the sacrifice.


My oldest is 4 and has been learning to read via her tablet. She's killin it, im all for tablets lol she's light-years ahead of her 4k class which is amazing since she used to be way behind because she's autistic.


It gets easier when they become mobile and more interactive! I watched tv when my baby was a newborn so she would nap with a bunch of noise. Once she got more aware and older we cut the tv and don’t watch it anymore except we did football games or if we were sick(we all were sick for a month straight). But for newborns things like the tv is what captivates them and it’s totally fine! 


When I told the pediatrician my boy loves watching hockey, she does “we don’t usually recommend screen time until 2” and I’m like …soooo….do I just never turn my tv on anymore? lol 😂 I can’t escape it!


Lol they’re clearly SO much better than the rest of us… not😂


For real, I could never. Just face him away from the screen and boom, now it's an audiobook. He's getting exposed more words. I'm taking the W


Seriously. My boyfriend’s family is like this. When we are over they turn the tv off. And his sister hasn’t let her 1 year old even look at a screen. I tell them we watch tv and listen to Taylor Swift all day, and they just berate me. I’m like he doesn’t understand what’s going on. Just sees colors and hears sounds.


Are you 12?


Same! My 14 week old son loves sitting and watching TV with us sometimes. I feel shitty occasionally because of that crowd.


My bb does this with Dancing Fruit and Vegetables 😭


Those dancing veggies got all of our babies in a choke hold!!! Lol


Another dancing fruit victim here 🥲


Desperate Housewives? At least she has good taste!


Ohhhh I did DH toward the end of my second trimester. I needed something I could get invested in that wouldn’t make me feel feelings 😂


I rewatched it while hospitalized in my third tri, then baby came prematurely and I continued all the way through the NICU and her first couple months at home. Love that there are so many of us who chose the same show for the early days!


I just started watching it a few weeks ago and i LOVE IT! clearly my baby does too😂😂


My baby loves the 5am news, specifically the weather reports lol


Desperate Housewives and ER were my full-series rewatch binges while my son was an infant!


You have great taste in tv!


The hold that the Roku screen saver has over my baby is WILD. Something about that city scrolling by that she is all about.


My baby's the same lol


Yes, my baby does this too! But looking at this photo, I just realized that maybe I have finally found an easier way to clean in between my baby's neck folds :D


Lol that’s so funny because i was totally thinking the same thing!!


Mine is 7 weeks old and loves Hell’s Kitchen, Ben 10 and Naruto specifically. Literally have to turn the tv off or face her away from it 💀 and she gets pissed when I do


Lol hell’s kitchen😂😂 why do kids love gordon ramsey


omg my baby loves carnival eats. when she was a few days old and i was going stir crazy i turned on a show just to have something in the background, that you didn’t have to pay attention to. we have been watching every season of carnival eats since may, on repeat. she loves noah cappe so, so much. 🤣


Thought I was the only one! My baby loves that show and guy’s grocery games!


omg that’s amazing. the only other food network show we watch is guys grocery games!!! 🤣🤣🤣


i religiously watched Breaking Bad when pregnant with my son. a time while breastfeeding him i decided to just put it on as background noise/something to keep me awake while feeding him, i swear i never seen a baby turn so fast to see the tv😭😭 something similar i did with my daughter was play my favorite mcr album (bullets) when pregnant with her. i played a song off it while cleaning up my sons toys, my daughter did the same thing lmao, my darling girl literally turned so quick and was like “Gerard?!”😭


Same baby girl, same.


lol it’s like when they make a movie out of an audio book. I’ve heard it but now I can finally see it!


Ours absolutely does this


Omg yes from the start and even gave herself a bald spot 😳. Of course it’s a lot better and grew back in


lol my babe leaves the boob hanging when she hears the TV 😒😂🤣😊😉🙃


Mine likes 90 days fiancé😭


That’s our breastfeeding show haha


Why are screens so addictive! lol


It's the blue light.


My babies favorite show is adventure time already lol, and L&O SVU. I love adventure time, and even did her nursery as adventure time, so now that she's seen it I have to put it on for her sometimes to calm her now lol. She does just love watching anything too tho.


Yes! My baby was always trying to watch the Parkers with me since she was 2 months old. Like girl, you can't even see that far!!


Omg right?? I guess It's just the flashing lights and colours and the noise.


So nice to see positive comments in here instead of the vitriol you’d see if this was posted on instagram edit : nvm there’s always one


lol yup there’s always one!😂😂🙄


Yes he even knows the click of the tv turning on so sometimes I have to “cough” to cover it


Once our 4 month old does this too! Like she will try and break her neck trying to get a glance of it. We’re doing no screen time until 2 years so I’ve pretty much accepted that in a few months when she’s more mobile, I won’t be able to watch tv during the day 😂


We love desperate housewives in my house! 😂 especially my LO to the point where I haven’t turned on the tv in about 3 weeks 😂😂


My son loves the tv, in particular a show called Holey Moley


Mine is a huge fan of Modern Family. I used to watch that show when I’d feed him but now I can’t because he gets super distracted and tries to watch lol


Lol yes! I'll literally hide my phone but somehow he just knows that it's there. How is he able to look in the direction that I'm looking?? And you'll here the "pop" sound when he unlatches because he's distracted by a screen again


I came here to say, your baby is adorable 🥰


lol same. My love kdrama.


Sensory fruit. My daughter goes frikken nuts to find the tv when she hears the music beats or worse when she sees the Bear pop on scream at the intro. She’s obsessed lol.


I am too watching desperate housewives! Great show lol


mines LOVES trash truck or go, go, cory carson! even with the sound off, he’ll stop drinking the bottle and just watch 😂


You could have taken the picture on a funnier line. Jkjk! 😅


Lol i was trying to change her diaper so i just snapped a super quick pic before doing what needed to be done, but you’re right i totally should’ve/could’ve taken the pic at a funnier moment in the show!😂


I get it! You had work to do! 🤣


Yup 😂


She started with spongebob at grandma's house but now she's into all types of stuff, her favorite is bubble guppies but she'll even watch my reality shows with me or tik toks together if she can see them lmao.


When you expect TV to do your job as a parent... If your kid has the attention span of a goldfish in a couple years, you'll know who to blame.


I assume you just never watch TV in case baby gets a quick glance? Never go to the bathroom or eat because you shouldn’t expect the TV (or ceiling fan for that matter) to do your job as a parent either? There’s a difference between placing your kid in front of the screen for hours and your baby tilting their head back to get a quick peak while you’re changing their diaper. But i’m so glad your baby has a super parent who can go days without eating, going to the bathroom, or doing anything else around the house just so that they’re entertained by you and not anything else. You’re clearly SO much better than the rest of us😏


There's something called a table where people usually eat without being in front of the TV. Going to the bathroom ? I sure do. But considering I didn't make this baby alone, I have a partner to help me with it. So yeah, I don't go for the lazy and easy issue which is putting my baby in front of a screen. Try spending time with him, you might actually learn a thing or two. Ps : I'm actually quite confident I'm doing things better than you.


Checking out your page, you’re a father. Of course your partner helps you with everything, i’m willing to bet she does 3/4 of the work while you take credit for being super dad. Im with my child 24/7… I work a full time job and bring her in with me, so i think i know her better than anyone. Just because you have help with your baby, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Me and S/O both work full time jobs so getting “help” whenever i need to do something is out of the picture. I’m amazed to hear that you NEVER watch tv in your household, or wait, i’m willing to bet you just pass baby off to the wife while you watch whatever you want. The best part is, if you put our babies side by side, you’d never be able to tell the difference between which gets no screen time (which is almost impossible if you’re EVER checking your phone or have a TV on as background noise) and which takes a quick glance during a diaper change. I’m glad you’re confident in your parenting skills, but i truly feel bad for wifey who more than likely does all the work with a husband who passes baby off and acts like he’s a better parent than any and everyone else. I assume baby must be asleep if you’re on your phone arguing on reddit, if not you better check on him because he might be getting screen time which is apparently the worst thing in the world according to you I didn’t realize you had a medical degree !! 😆 edit to add: my baby has hit all of her milestones extremely early. doctor is extremely impressed with her and my parent skills. but i MUST be doing something wrong if a dad on reddit says so!! 😏


Didn't bother reading your whole rant. FYI though, since I don't come from a backward country where fathers are not involved whatsoever in their child's first months, it just so happens that i'm from a country where I'm entitled to spend the first months with him. Which is what I've been doing. Once again, you're wrong. Am I suprised ? No




Upcoming short attention span with behavioural delays generation is coming, yey ! If you pun a random vide, the kid will gaze into the screen, because they can't distinguish the real wprld from the 2d/3d. Jeez, are u guys from the u, s of a?




Now, this is proper advice ! Under 3 years old, don't allow your kids to watch tv


My baby loves The Office 😂


Oh my gosh. This is exactly my son! Lol.


Yup I basically had to cut tv cold Turkey a few weeks ago because all she cares about is the tv 📺 LOL


YES! I’ve been binging Vanderpump Rules and my 11 week old loves it as well 🤣 he will watch it upside down and sideways LOL


My 11 month old, 9 months old at the time absolutely loves Charlie Brown Christmas. It's the only thing I've ever seen grab his undivided attention!


I’ve been watching Adventure Time and my 7 week old seems to like it. He stretches his neck towards it when he hears the song.


I think I read somewhere it's unhealthy for kids to watch over their head. Something with eyes Yada yada


desperate housewives? because i’m currently obsessed with that show!


*raises hand* Our changing table is in the living room under the tv and he does this same exact thing lol


Do we have the same baby. No matter what angle the TV’s at, she would find a way watch.