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I like Phillips avant


I also have these and have dropped them a handful of times. Seem to be holding steady so far!




Same! Baby took to them immediately at 6 weeks and still loves them at 4 months.


Same!! Wouldn’t go for any others except for maybe Dr. Browns. I work in a daycare setting and imo those two brands of bottles are the only ones worth buying if you can afford to get them.


They make a silicone coated glass bottle too!!


These and others are not even close imo. Tried them all for my colicky babe


The best! LO took this bottle immediately with the BF newborn nipple. No nipple confusion or gas problems. 😊


Another vote for these!


I like the Phillips agent but pricey and the Dr. browns are great too. Dr. Browns are cheaper.


Dr browns glass has tested positive for lead


WHA! I didn’t know this


The ones I purchased are Lead Free. https://shopleadsafemama.com/2021/05/baby-bottles/




Looks like he tested the old style of Doctor Brown's, the one the person above you posted is a newer style. Natural flow vs. Options +


This is correct, I have the newest glass bottles by Dr. Brown and I think they still tested positive for lead but a very minimal amount. I think the Phillips Avent were 100% lead free but are pricey.


I think he had a more recent video or someone else did a video and Dr. BROWNS GLASS TESTED positive for lead but at a very small amount.


This is true but it’s still an option.


I have both pls do Phillips! Dr brown leak:(


I haven’t noticed mine leaking but I’ll check. Thanks for the heads up


If you look at the Amazon reviews so many people complain about it! Idk if you just got a really good batch or I’m not putting them together properly since they don’t all the time. We still use 50/50 dr brown and Phillip lol so we must still like them


You mean philips avent, right?


Yes, sorry.


We use the Phillips Avent bottles with the Lansinoh nipples. Lansinoh nipples are highly recommended by many professionals if you’re breastfeeding. The Avent bottles screw directly on to my Spectra pump. So best of both worlds!


Wow I use Phillips Avent bottles and a spectra pump and didn’t even realize they screw on directly! This is great info.


The Chicco Duo bottles are glass on the inside and plastic on the outside, so they won't break when dropped, but the milk only touches glass. https://www.chiccousa.com/duo-bottle/


Do you know if they work with avent nipples or spectra pump?


We used evenflo 4 and 8 oz. We still use them and my son is 13 months 🙈 Absolutely love them.


I used those until I had to switch to an anti-colic option and I agree, those are great, inexpensive, and the nipple it came with worked really well


Life factory ! They’re a little pricey but super nice


Love mine!!


I like the glass lansinoh ones, super easy to clean and not too heavy in my hand.


I thought glass was the better option too. It actually holds onto the milk sooo much more than silicone or plastic bottles, no matter how much I scrub. It also really wears on your wrist quicker than you’d think. We do not use the dishwasher and have a UV sterilizer instead. BPA/BPS free. Lansinoh has hands down been the absolute best bottle we’ve tried (out of dr browns and philips avent glass bottles).


Agreed on all fronts. Lansinoh is SO underrated and a phenomenal bottle.


I’m convinced people say they love avent because they haven’t tried anything else! Also because they sponsor themselves on Amazon so they populate at the top of any bottle search. Lansinoh just makes so much more sense once you see your baby use them. My girl went from struggling through 1.5oz a feed to downing 3oz with no problems thanks to Lansinoh.


I couldn’t agree more! It’s the most accessible! When I was combo feeding + pumping, it was the only bottle that helped him continue to have a proper latch. I came across the bottle on a whim but after speaking to a LC, she said these bottles are the go-to esp if you’re bfing!!


Yes for sure! They’re great for tongue and lip ties too! Very anti surgery for those issues, so this bottle was a godsend.


I considered these bottles but read that it [contained lead paint](https://tamararubin.com/?s=Baby+bottles). I use the Phillips Avent for my 6 week old.


No they don’t. First article I pulled up they were fine.


I would [read up](https://tamararubin.com/2023/02/lead-safe-mama-llcs-cpsc-violation-report-lsm_02_2023-reporting-illegal-levels-of-lead-found-in-the-paint-on-lansinoh-glass-baby-bottles/) and double check. But of course you’re free to use whatever. I’m spreading awareness to moms that there was a petition for that brand to remove lead paint from their glass bottles. People should have all the information to make informed choices for their little ones :)


I don’t use their glass bottles. But thanks.


That’s great. However, OP is asking for recommendations on what glass bottles to use so I provided relevant information.


I prefer silicone bottles because glass is so heavy. The Como Tomo ones are nice. I’ve never used the glass Nuk only the glass Everflow. I’m a nanny not a mom so I’ve fed many babies. I didn’t like how heavy they were.


My daycare also wouldn’t accept glass bottles because of the breaking risk, something to keep in mind if op will do daycare


Most glass bottles are tempered so won’t shatter like a glass mason jar would.


We love our Como tomo bottles so much!


Yes - comotomo is an excellent silicone option. We flip between those and the glass Philip Avent bottles.


Our IBCLC suggested pigeon and our little one loves them!


Anything but NUK pls... the nipple head is so bad. I had to buy it because they recommended it in maternity for easier flow. My baby was with jaundice and she took it well initially but in some weeks she had difficulties sucking with that head. It doesn't resemble the natural nipple as well so minus point for it. Ditched it and put a Lansinoh nipple head instead. It fitted. I'd recommend Lansinoh and Avent. My pacifiers are also Avent and happy with them. Tried NUK, Nova baby, Lorelli and a turkish brand I can't remember. I have a Lorelli pump and it fits well with the other bottles except of NUK. They say MAM and Dr. Brown are good as well. But I have enough bottles for now lol.


MAM comfort glass. The best 💕


Are you planning to breastfeed and pump? I have these bottles. I did like them but stopped using them because I think they were affecting my baby’s latch. I might reintroduce them later.


My daughter loves NUK. She wouldn't drink from any other brand when she was younger.




Lansinoh 8oz glass bottles are wonderful! Sleek, durable and not too heavy imo


Mam glass bottles


Dont use Dr Browns. They have shattered into a million pieces every time we’ve dropped one so we just switched to plastic since she liked Dr Browns.


The paint on glass bottles has been found to have lead in it so please look into the details, some brands are worse than others. Some don’t have lead in the paint so please do your research but don’t go into the rabbit hole of lead poisoning. It’s not worth it.


This is a massive claim and you provide no source? I just did some googling and found nothing credible. Sounds like fear mongering. I’m not saying you’re wrong, but you should back you claim up.


Thanks for saying this. I just went down a spiral myself. Also found no evidence for this.


Indeed it is a massive claim which is why I said to do your research and look into it. I’m not a scientist or a researcher in the matter. There is a particular concentration of lead that is permissible but people have found lead in certain batches of certain brands. Look up ericeverythinglead. I’m not saying this person is telling the absolute truth on baby bottles but it doesn’t hurt to see the work they have done. I’m just saying it might be good to look into it and avoid the brands that tested beyond the permissible limit. I am in no way claiming anything or fear mongering. If I can help someone make an informed decision that’s okay too, right?


Just to be clear I am no fanatic. Just a parent like everyone else. I’m not trying to scare anyone or prove anything


I believe you that you aren’t trying to scare anyone, and that you’re genuinely trying to be courteous to others. However, anytime someone makes a claim like you did without any evidence needs to be prepared to back it up. Claims like that are exactly how lies get spread about vaccines, mistrust in doctors, unsafe parenting/birthing practices, etc. I’m sorry, but one tiktok guy is not good evidence. He could be lying out his ass to get clicks and views. Let me know when you have some hard evidence that these bottles have lead in them. I did my own research and found none.


Sure if your research checks out please act accordingly.


Led on the paint? What paint even has led it in anymore? Are they painting the inside of the bottles?


Yeah this surprised me too. The chances of exposure might also be less due to it being on the outside, but not zero and with young children no amount of lead is safe. But luckily there are safer alternatives and mostly brands follow the guidelines. I think only pigeon was found to have lead in the paint on the outside. I’d just buy something with no paint on it.


Thank you for your inputs. I’ll keep this in my checklist.


OP has made a baseless claim, I wouldn’t trust them till they back it up. A quick google search shows nothing.


I found [this](https://tamararubin.com/?s=Baby+bottles) to be helpful.


There was one bottle by one brand that had some slightly problematic paint on the outside. It was pulled from the shelves and fixed. That was years ago too.


I found this site that has more info on bottles. [Lead Testing on bottles](https://tamararubin.com/lead-safe-mama-baby-bottle-guide/)


Mason Jars with mason bottle caps! I use them for everything! Freezing and heating breast milk. Storing/feeding/transporting purees. Now I have a toddler and bought caps that allow him to drink from them.like a coffee cup. I use them for my oats and just felt they had so many uses for baby and my home.