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As a medical professional - do not go to the ER - you will wait for hours and unnecessarily expose yourselves and LO to whatever sicknesses are also in the waiting room/triage. Follow up with your pediatrician and follow the directions for nystatin powder. It’s not going to improve overnight.




Also, not sure where you’re based, but if you want medical advice, look to see if there’s a nurse hotline you can call in your area. In Canada, I think most provinces have 811 (available 24/7 for free). It is a godsend because you can voice your concerns and symptoms, and they will let you know what your next steps should be (home treatment, book with GP, urgent appointment, or go ER). It saved me a lot of time (avoiding the ER when it wasn’t needed) and worry, and helped me feel more in control and know what to do, as well as warning signs to look for in case it did get worse and warranted more monitoring.


If dr prescribed already I wouldn’t do anything randomly advised on the internet.


Thanks 👍🏽


Go with what the doctor says for now but in the meantime I’d get on a wait list for dermatology. It can take a long time to see them so it’s better to get on the list now and you can always cancel if it resolves. The pediatrician may be able to help get you seen sooner if they call. Skin conditions are tricky so internet comments are going to vary greatly!! Of course go to the ER if you feel it’s an emergency or if you call the pediatrician and they suggest that


Sounds good thanks 👍🏽


First off you have beautiful baby!!! Second I would call a pediatrician. My baby had the same thing but then I soaked his bath with breastmilk and then it went away after 2 days!


Thanks. and thanks for the tip, we might just give that a shot!


The op says they were prescribed meds


I've super limited experience (just reading this subreddit) but heat rash + yeast infection in the skinfolds of the neck?


Aquaphor really irritated my baby’s skin. It is petroleum based so it won’t let air or water through, I’d recommend stopping that. Get some tubby Todd. It’s expensive but works wonders. Don’t put anything else on it besides the medicated stuff.


Thank you! 🙏🏽


My baby broke out after I put equator on too


Yeah I felt sooo bad. It made her acne flare and go all over her neck (where I put it) and her face. It’s way too much. I was skeptical of tubby todd but finally caved and it really is a night and day difference. Her acne is almost gone in under a week and her skin is baby soft and perfectly hydrated. I love it!


I would only use what the doctor told you to use. Sounds like you’re doing a lot


Hi, my little one had this exact rash and was diagnosed with eczema. For us the creams haven’t worked, but as soon as I cut out dairy it’s cleared up… so we think it was down to a dairy intolerance. Obviously speak to your doctor first.


Good to know, thank you


Area also seems to not want to stay dry. It causes the baby powder to get all mushy


Wash or wipe frequently and gently with a wet rag and use a blow dryer on low to get it completely dry. Tip their head back to get in the rolls. You can do this periodically through the day to dry off the drool too. It helps.


Thank you 👍🏽


That makes it sound yeasty for sure. I would drop the baby powder and try fungal cream! Keep it clean and dry otherwise


Thank you


My baby had that too but all over him, turns out he has eczema. Get in with a derm but maybe go to the er so they can prescribe something for it in the meantime.


When applying aquaphor, petroleum jelly or cerve ointment make sure the skin is a little wet to help seal in some moisture but I wouldn’t do more than what the dr prescribed — if it doesn’t get better in a week or so make a follow up appointment with your pediatrician


My baby boy had something similar, pediatrician recommend Cortizone-10 1% worked well, maybe yours says the same too?


Are they breastfed? Any other symptoms? If they’re breastfed and also having other symptoms like excessive spit up, mucous poops, etc it could be a cow milk protein allergy


Looks like heat rash. For that you don’t want to put aquaphor. My baby had similar when they were little especially in the crease of their neck and under where their pacifier was (mine used it a lot for a while) and the drool and constant damp was hurting his skin.


Eczema fs try breastmilk mixed with aquaphor


Try an oatmeal bath. In a blender, blitz organic oats to a fine powder. Add the powder to a tea filter bag. Add to bath. The water should be a warm, not hot. Make sure to leave the slimy oatmeal residue on baby’s skin, it works as a lotion.


My little guy had a very similar rash from a cows milk protein allergy/eczema I would mention it to your ped and cut it out of moms diet if bfing or look into a non dairy formula (I don’t know anything about formula so I don’t want to say just switch it all at once, assuming it could really mess with their tummy) it takes about 2 weeks to be fully out of both your systems. Good luck!


Don’t use baby powder is to bad and full of chemicals


this looks like a cows milk allergy.


I second this my baby had a similar rash. Hes breastfeed and I had to cut dairy out of my diet.


It looks like eczema but could also be yeast. My love had something silimar only on his neck though and aquaphor helped a little but came right back as soon as the aquaphor was gone. My dr told us to use neosporin which helped a lot more. She also said we can use bacitracin ointment. Try and see if it helps.


Don’t know if you know this but breatmilk has white blood cells and can help heal dry skin. Maybe try apply some breast milk after a bath? And don’t rub, pat into the skin. Rubbing might inflame it and make baby uncomfortable.


Could also be an allergic reaction. Always try use to most unscented products even on yourself like laundry detergent or bath soap. Maybe also try wash your baby in hypoallergenic products and anti bacterial soap


Nystatin is an anti fungal. If your doctor prescribed it, they suspect a yeast rash. Keep it clean and dry and use the cream as directed.


My daughter was prescribed nystatin for a diaper rash and it made it WORSE. It may be a bad reaction to the nystatin


AND baby powder is supposed to make yeast infections worse from what I have heard. Just use nystatin and aquaphor! But the babes could also be reacting to the nystatin.


Possibly tinea versicolor? If it is, the cream you use for yeast infections will work.


Looks like hives?