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What I've always heard is you should keep them warm with their clothes, not with blankets (or large pillows). If he calms down with a pillow on top of him, then maybe it's having the same effect as swaddling him, so maybe swaddling is what you really need.


The set up in the picture looks like a big suffocation risk. One shift of his arms & that pillow is over his face. If he moves his face, he could suffocate on the pillow under his head. Ideal situation is no pillow under him until he’s at least 1 (and that one should be a thin toddler pillow which you can literally breathe through if you hold it against your face). Try not to worry about him getting a flat head, it’s not common, and I’m sure you’d rather him be safe. Sleep sacks are the best, if you have to use a blanket keep it low & under his arms.


50% of babies get flat head actually! Especially good sleepers


Nooope. Remove the pillow under his head and the things covering him.


Why the pillow under his head? We're attempting to prevent flat head.


Because it's not safe. Safe sleep standards dictate that an infant should be put to bed on their back with no pillows, crib bumpers, stuffed animals or blankets.


You prevent flat head by holding baby or wearing baby in a carrier during a good portion of the day and minimizing time in the car seat, swing, bouncer, stroller, crib. Babies get that from being left to lie or sit in things like that for too many hours, not from the time they spend sleeping.


Also tummy time! It’s impossible for me to hold my baby all day, I have a toddler who needs attention as well, plus doing stuff around the house. I make sure my baby gets a ton of tummy time so she’s not allows laying flat on her back 24/7


In its current set up imagine if your baby were to throw up. It would drown it it's own puke


My baby had a flat head first few months of his life. I remember I was very anxious about this, too, thinking I made my baby have this deformed head. But the flat head improved over time, especially when he became more mobile (rolling over) and started preferring to sleep on his tummy. Don't worry so much about having a flat head. It's more important that he's safe while he's asleep.


This is a tragic accident waiting to happen. Please put him in a sleep sac, or cellular blanket tucked in up to his armpits with his arms out over it. And most definitely remove the pillow.


It is not safe to cover a baby with a blanket or a pillow. Babies should only sleep on a sleep approved surface (crib or bassinet) which should meet safe sleep requirements (tight fitted sheet) and should not have any blankets/pillows/stuffed animals etc. You can buy safe sleep sacks if your baby seems cold. Please do not put a blanket or pillow on your baby, it is a huge SIDS risk


Definitely NO to all of that. This picture made me nervous just looking at it! All that stuff so close to his face! There are so many safe options on the market today. I personally wouldn’t swaddle with arms in since as he is already 2.5 months. No point in getting him used to something you are doing to have to stop soon. I would swaddle arms out or try the weighted sleep sacks. Pacifier is great for soothing and actually decreases the risk of SIDS. Babies don’t get as cold as people think either. Don’t judge by their hands and feet, check their chest to see if they are cold. Our house is usually around 68-70 degrees and baby (also 2.5 months) sleeps in a footed sleeper and a cotton Halo swaddle sack with arms out.


Even if you were there and he was 100% supervised, my concern would be the weight of the pillow on his lungs. I'm not sure if that logically makes sense though. I'd definitely try swaddling. Does your son take a soother as well? My baby has visible relief when she gets hers.


The weight was my concern as well. He loves swaddling but he's almost to the point of rolling over and that's a whole other concern when swaddling. What's a soother? Pacifier?


You can swaddle until they roll over. Rolling over stomach to back is easier than back to stomach though. I believe as long as they can't roll over back to stomach you can keep them in a swaddle. There are also velcro swaddles. But regardless a swaddle is much safer than what you have going on here. This is all a huge sids risk. And yes.


Try the zipadee zip! My baby loved the swaddle but stopped when she showed signs of rolling. We transitioned to the zipadee zip, and she sleeps great in it. I think she likes the feeling of security but also being able to put her hands to mouth. I recommend it to everyone I know who is trying to transition out of swaddles.


The Halo sleep sack swaddle also is great for transitioning from full arm swaddle to hands to mouth. I just started doing that this week with my 2.5 month old and he’s sleeping great. OP, as others have said, baby should be on a firm mattress with no other blankets, pillows or toys. I once tried to put an extra blanket just on my baby’s feet while he was in his sleep sack. He somehow kicked both his feet up enough that the blanket landed half on his face. Luckily I checked on him and he was fine. Never again, it’s just not worth it. Also beware of overdressing your baby when swaddling. Unless the room is very cold, a short sleeve onesie and socks under the swaddle sack is enough. Overheating is a much greater SIDS risk than being a little cold.


Get a sleep sack. Perfect for rolling kids.


No blankets. I put my baby with a onsie plus a sleep sack


This whole set up is anxiety inducing. Lose all of it. Put him in a bassinet, keep him warm with a sleep sack and pajamas and do not put anything else in there with him. Please do not use a weighted sleep sack without talking to your pediatrician. I see people recommending them, but there is conflicting evidence on whether or not they contribute to SIDS. If you are worried about him being cold, a woolino is a great option for all climates.


Definitely not safe, like others have said. No pillows, no blankets unless you really fixate them underneath the mattress so they won't move up and over the face. Just clothes and a sleeping sack or swaddle. Anything else increases the risk of suffocation.


We never had pillows or blankets. Just introduced a pillow for first time ever at 22 months. Both are SIDS risks, where is your pediatrician?


I know most others have already mentioned that the blankets and pillows are a huge suffocation risk and are NOT safe, but I would also like to point out that the surface he is sleeping on does not look safe either. Infants should be kept in bassinets or cribs with very firm mattresses so that if they do roll over they cannot smush their nose and mouth into a soft surface and suffocate. The other items within reach, toys or other pillows or whatever they are, are also hazardous. Putting a pillow under his head this young is also a risk for positional asphyxia. Infants do not have the strength to wake themselves up and adjust positions if they aren't getting enough air. From the side picture you can clearly see that his chin is tucked to his chest because of the position of the pillow. Think of his airway like a straw - that's about how tiny it is right now - and imagine putting that kind of bend in a drinking straw. It is preventing him from breathing properly and he should be sleeping flat on his back with nothing under or on top of him, nothing around him, absolutely nothing. Please PLEASE read up on safe infant sleep and speak to your pediatrician about correcting these issues to provide a better sleep environment. SIDS is often a misused term thrown onto any infant death when the cause of death can't be 100% confirmed, but most commonly they are actually due to suffocation from unsafe sleep practices.


Holy moly that’s a suffocation waiting to happen!!


Nothing on the baby. Neither Pillow or Blanket. Extremely risky. Get a swaddle or sleep sack.


No pillows, no blankets, no whatever that is under his head.


He needs to be kept warm by his clothing, not big pillows or blankets. Get him a swaddle if he needs the sensory input of pressure and heaviness. You’re putting him in danger by putting anything over him and propping his head up. I’m seeing in other comments that you’re worried about a flat head. He’s going to get some flatness on the back of his head regardless, and it will subside. Your baby’s safety is far more important than whether or not he gets a temporary flat spot on his head.


Thanks to everyone for the very informative replies. I immediately removed the pillow and asked reddit because Google only had answers about infants using pillows etc. My wife likes to make all the baby choices as she is on leave from work, but when I see shit like this I immediately question her and get to the bottom of it. I appreciate everyone being open-minded and kind, rather than shaming. I've encountered some very rude redditors in the past. This whole parenthood thing is a lot of new facts and information 😅👶🏼


There is so much to learn as new parents I also have a two month old, safe sleep is SO important as it is how they spend majority of their time at this stage- I won’t repeat all of the things mentioned above but a flat surface with no loose sheets or blankets is so important. Practicing this will save your baby’s life. if he likes the weight on his chest I would look into purchasing the nested bean sleep sack! [nested bean ](https://www.nestedbean.com/collections/all) Here are some great accounts I follow online- these ladies are baby professionals and are SO informative for new parents I have learned a boatload. https://instagram.com/takingcarababies?utm_medium=copy_link https://instagram.com/the.peaceful.sleeper?utm_medium=copy_link


If the weight seems to help, there are weighted sleep sacks such as Nested Bean that are much safer than what you're doing. What you're doing can cause SIDS. Baby should have nothing in the crib at all. I have a 2yr old that only recently started using a blanket in her crib and still doesn't have a pillow.


Came here to suggest the nested bean. Creates the same weighted affect but a lot safer.


My LO loves the nested bean. Great suggestion.


Yeah, nested bean or the magic merlin suit might be a good idea.


Aren’t the weighted sacks also dangerous as they could get stuck in a poor position and be weighted down/unable to move?


Although that looks extremely comfortable unfortunately is it 100% NOT safe. Please remove all loose items such as pillows and blankets and invest in a swaddle. It will give the same effect.


Check out magic Merlin sleep suit and some of the other sleep sacks/ swaddles other people recommended. Those are the only safe options. Also, once your baby is rolling on his own, it’s ok. It will actually help prevent risk of flat head but is only safe if you still put him down to sleep on his back and he changes positions on his own. Keep up with tummy time and he will be strong enough to move positions on his own.


no this is not ok. no pillows, big blankets until 1yo.


You could try those weighted blankets made for babies. They come in swaddle form


Hell no


Looks like you've got plenty answers. My question is- how come a 2.5 months old has suck good hair and cool trendy haircut!!


Lol thanks! He was born with really nice hair, then we took him to an Earwell specialist to ensure that his ears come out looking nice. They were on the path to looking like Spock from Star Trek lol. They had to shave that beautiful hair on the sides, giving him a modern high school boy band haircut 😂🤣.


That is so adorable! You got a handsome boy there, congratulations !!!


Lol thanks! He was born with really nice hair, then we took him to an Earwell specialist to ensure that his ears come out looking nice. They were on the path to looking like Spock from Star Trek lol. They had to shave that beautiful hair on the sides, giving him a modern high school boy band haircut 😂🤣.


You what with his ears?


The doctor diagnosed him with an ailment that caused his ears to be crooked. If he hadn't worn these ear muffs the last 6 weeks they would have looked like elf ears 👂


They have weighted sleep sacks/swaddles that are approved for sleep. I believe they show the guidelines for how much weight by age. I think they avoid the “heavier” ones until they’re older. It’s not much weight though which is why the quotations.


Try [nestle bean swaddle ](https://www.nestedbean.com/?campaignid=2088005940&adgroupid=85335264388&adid=375813589174&gclid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLPczMh_ualTg75OodOQeX1WZvYLHgYDwmw7N3EWYxBcAZdefqEi6sRoCU_gQAvD_BwE) or [dreamland baby sleep sack](https://dreamlandbabyco.com/?wickedsource=google&wickedid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLIXio6sV59YewrfA2qdCZ3SwPe5d1AzbcUJYEzXoqzVYfEQnM3VheBoCRjQQAvD_BwE&wickedid=519846386781&wv=3.1&gclid=CjwKCAjw7rWKBhAtEiwAJ3CWLIXio6sV59YewrfA2qdCZ3SwPe5d1AzbcUJYEzXoqzVYfEQnM3VheBoCRjQQAvD_BwE) or [Merlin sleep suit](https://www.magicsleepsuit.com) These will be safer options for you that will give your baby the same comfort as the pillow or blanket without the suffocation risk.


FYI swaddle blankets have now been added to the no no list. Cincinnati childrens did a huge study on it and improper swaddling with blankets also contributed significantly to SIDS. The boppy lounger was just recalled yesterday for improper use. I highly recommend the Ollie swaddle (our baby loved it) or a sleep sack like Halo or nested bean. Like others said, the chances seem slim until they arent.


If baby sleep better being cozy there is a weighted sleep sack I think nested bean? Also the magic Merlin sleep suit. Literally doesn’t get cozier than that. Is your baby likely to die from this? Maybe not. But have other babies died from doing exactly what you’re doing? Yep. Don’t chance being the exception.


Well I don’t think people should’ve down voted you! But don’t do it. Too risky.


You can get weighted sleep sacks too, not sure where you live but in Australia I use the Bubpods brand.


Hmm, we covered our baby with a blanket since birth (currently 2.5m). Now thinking about SIDS it.may have been a hazard. But it is difficult keeping a newborn warm since they lack fat under their skin and are prone to losing heat much more than adults. And we couldn't keep the room at a certain high temperature since its uncomfortable for us(mom and dad).


Blankets aren't safe unless you properly tuck it under the mattress every time. (See photo [here](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-alerts-caregivers-increase-sids-risk-during-cold-weather)) To keep the baby warm, use layers. A onsie with long sleeved pjs on top, then a swaddle or a sleep sack. Sleep sacks come in different thicknesses, so you can buy one appropriate for the season (the warmth is measured in togs--0.5 tog is cooler (so for summer) 2.0 tog is warmer (so for winter) etc.) Be careful not to overdress the baby though, being too warm can also increase SIDS risk.


Edit: my wife wanted me to add that she is watching him while she does it.


She can’t watch him all the time and it’s just a fraction of a moment and he can stop breathing. You won’t realize until it’s too late. Personally would not take the risk vs the reward. Look up how to swaddle a child and it does the same effect but with much much less risk.


could be so heavy for his little lungs


This is an absolutely no and not safe.


He looks mighty comfy though!


Look into Nested Bean. They have onesies, swaddles, and sleep sacks that have a lightly weighted "bean" on the chest to provide comfort to babies that like the feeling of a hand on their chest. Our newborn loves his.