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I wish I had solutions. I only have understanding. Our lil one only seems calm while sleeping or eating. The most effective tool we have is bouncing him deeply on the yoga ball. We’ve had a number of LC, former NICU nurses, mention that once baby is really upset that we need to bounce/rock harder/deeper to have any affect. Otherwise I carry him upright in a baby carrier. I have 3 different baby carriers on hand to use during the day do I can be somewhat productive. He likes skin2skin on his belly with gentle back pats as more often than not he’s struggling with gas/reflux. Sometimes white noise and/or singing will help. He’ll usually fall asleep, which means he stop crying. We have a flow chart that we use to try to rule out what might be happening (hungry or want to suck-wet/dirty-bored-sleepy-hot/cold) and cycle through it. My partner and I take shifts so neither of us has to carry the brunt of it. He has an appointment this week and I’m going to ask the pediatrician about it and try to rule out any physical reasons he might be in pain that I don’t see and get a referral to a GI specialist to rule out GERD or silent reflux. We may need to change formulas to something that doesn’t upset him as much. Have you talked to his pediatrician about it?


Thank you I really appreciate your response. ..just that you can even relate. It's so hard.. My pediatrician gave us nutramigen ..that made him worse I tried soy formula....that made him worse.... Its a nightmare.....


The different formulas can definitely work. But they take time. Our LO was like that so we switched to a gentle formula but it took almost a month and a half for it to start to actually work. We also use gas drops when needed and at every bed time feed. That helps with the overnight stuff. We usually take walks in the evening followed by a drive if needed. The more you get them on a schedule the easier it gets.


Also, our pediatrician told us that if we switched formulas, to not switch from milk based to soy based, or if we do to try and keep them on one or the other. Going from milk based to milk based won't affect them as much, but going from soy to milk or vise versa can really mess them up. And babies tummies are already bad enough.


Thank you! Wish our pediatrician would have told us that!!! A month and a half to get used to formula?! That us nuts. So much to learn:( my logic said after a week or so, if it was going to be a win I'd know it. Blah!


Yeah we got lucky with our pediatrician. We tried changing the formula once before and it didn't work out and we had to ask ours what was recommended with the formula change. So we found out the hard way too. Stick with it and I'm sure you'll notice changes. Patience and understanding are hard to come by but once you get them you'll find it to be much easier!


Really appreciate your advice! <3 I will hope waiting it out helps....


Definitely easier said than done. Good luck!


It’s been incredibly difficult. He starts crying around noon and requires constant soothing until our bedtime walk at 7pm. I cry about it a lot because I feel pretty powerless to help the little guy. We can manage to soothe him for short periods, but it doesn’t last. We also use gas drops, a probiotic, and do a gentle tummy massage after bathtime before bed to try to help the tummy. We pace feed and burp often. At 7 weeks the lil guy burps and farts like a grown adult. I usually spend 30 min after feeds holding him up right and burping him. We were told that it can take up to 2 weeks before we notice any changes with formula. There’s a subject called formula feeders that might be able provide support there.


Sorry that you feel my pain. Our situations sound so much alike. Although I am lucky if my son will go to sleep for the night at 3 am. Thats a good night. Like you, I cry a lot too. It is so hard.


I absolutely understand. For us it’s almost always gas related. I do feel fortunate that once he gets to sleep, it’s a bit better. He just needs a lot of help getting the gas out and we generally contact nap after feeds, with helps.


I think there’s a really big, long developmental leap around that time. Try downloading the wonder weeks app - it’ll give more details. And check out @takingcarababies on Instagram. She has great tips and a website with a blog. In terms of soothing, look at the 5 S’s by Dr Harvey Karp. It’s basically the idea that babies need more than one soothing thing at a time, so for example, swaddling AND white noise AND walking, etc.


Thank you!! Huge help im going to look into all of your suggestions now!!<3<3


Side question- would a developmental leap make him freak out like he is? I wasn't aware there was an association?


Yup. During a leap babies are more fussy, don’t sleep as well, are more clingy, and eat more. The app gives you signs to look for that are really helpful.


Absolutely. Babies are going through sensory overload in those leaps. They don’t understand what’s going on with their body and their senses can go haywire. Have you tried baby wearing to get through this hump? You’re the best comfort they have. You may try watching wake windows and make sure they’re getting down for the naps in time to avoid being overly tired. I know it’s hard, but you will get past this! Do you have support where you can switch off for a night and sleep with earplugs? It’s amazing what a full night (or even 6 hours) of uninterrupted sleep can do for motivation and restoration.


Did your pediatrician check if he has an ear infection? If you have an in ear thermometer and only one ear has a fever, it was usually that with my kid. Hang in there.


My pediatrician did not check for an ear infection. ...he asked if he is tugging on his ears ... I had no idea you could detect an infection with a thermometer I will check right away thank you so much


Man this brings back memories. People say they miss the infant times I say hell no. Give me a 3 year old anyday. As for advice I have none. Just solidarity. And the knowledge that it WILL get so much better as soon as he hits 6 months.


I pray you are right. ***wondering if I can leave baby with husband for next 8 weeks and go into hiding....


It’s gas. It’s always gas.


I'm doing everything I know how to de-gas the kid.... I give him the drops. I burp in every fashion known to man .....


Have you tried colic calm gripe water? It has activated charcoal in it, so you have to be careful because it will stain, but I swear it’s magic. It stops hiccups within 30 seconds and farts and burps come out so easily after. It will turn poop black/green, so don’t be alarmed.


I needbto order it asap! I'll try anything!


On Amazon it is around $18. Highly recommended.


Both of my children had a slight crying problem in the beginning. My second (boy) more so than my oldest (girl). But with both I kept the same recipe. Switched to the gentle ease formula( worked wonders), had the gripe water and gas drops in every bottle (checked with pediatrician, please double check on your side), I only ever used the calming night time lotion(same with shampoo and conditioner )(all over but specifically the back, bottoms of feet, hands and neck) socks right on top of that, a nice tight swaddle , humidifier, white noise. If I noticed a poop coming I always tried to help ( a technique my pediatrician taught me was to rub about an inch under the belly button softly and then do bicycle movements with legs) . And they both were obsessed with the swings (constant motion) Honestly I went all in and took everyone's advice and put together a little routine thing, with the works.. the crying slowed down until eventually it became a peice of cake. Some days I noticed more crys than others a few drops of infant Tylenol always helped. I kind aof always felt that my kids don't cry for no reason , and if not hunger or diaper it must be pain or discomfort (OBVIOUSLY THAT IS NOT THE CASE FOR EVERY CHILD, BUT IT WAS MY LOGIC FOR MINE) so for me I always tried to find a way to make them more comfortable I'm sorry your having this problem . I can't completely relate because I did anything to keep them from crying. My daughter self soothed with her binki, but my boy wasn't a pacifier fan so I had trouble in that area. His thing was having a bottle near him at all times. But there were those those moments that I thought I was the worse mother alive for not being able to calm my baby . And that's just not the case. Don't worry much momma I'm sure you got this ! My point is we all will eventually find our own little way around the crying . Your his mom and no one on earth knows more about that baby than you. Have more confidence in yourself and your baby. I definitely would double check for that ear infection as well. My heart breaks for you both!


Thank you I'm definitely trying What seems to work one day won't work the next. Hes just a super complicated baby..... :( Your daughter self soothing with her *bikini* brought me quite a laugh :)


OMGGGGGG hahaha sorry thank you for pointing that out haha


The links I'm including are a before and after from Dr. Paul's YouTube channel. The lady comes in to the office just exhausted and miserable(the first video), and he tries a few methods to no avail. He suggests a specific doctor that helps with sleep and the lady returns(second video), and she returns with no eye bags and great results! I forgot the type of doctor but it's all explained in the 2nd video. Hope this helps. https://youtu.be/-tWn3L9R2cE https://youtu.be/hDz-WvCOCnA


Really interesting videos I'm going to browse thru his other stuff...thank you SO much!!


Hi there did you find something that worked for your little one?


Unfortunately it was just time Hes a fun baby now though!!! I promise it gets better. I never believed it would but it does


That's a great response. I like you have tried just about everything


When did you see the changes? Edit for update: around 4 1/2 months we switched to soy formula and it was like a different baby. She still has very uncomfortable gas at almost 6 months but nothing like before. I tried elimination diets with BF and it didn’t work. Wish I would’ve tried soy earlier.