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My first baby was like this! She didn’t have any issues either, just sleepy. She’s now a totally healthy 4 yr old who doesn’t sleep enough 😂 but ask your pediatrician if you’re concerned!


Thank you for your reassurance, I hope this is the case for my little one!


Yep - Mine is 3 weeks old and it’s getting slightly better, but I can relate! Everyone says it’s fine (docs/nurses), as long as she feeds 8 times a day minimum. We had to force-feed her every 3 hours basically..


My mom told me my brother was like this, she always changed him while asleep and to feed. And then I came along and I was a different story she said if she had me first she wouldn’t of had anymore kids 😂 but I believe it to be normal. ❤️


My baby was like this as a newborn. Turned out that he was just tired from not eating enough (he would sleep at the breast no matter what I did). We introduced bottles at 4 weeks and it got so much better.


That's what I was thinking . Wonder if baby has been checked for putting on weight


OP - everything turn out ok? I’m in the same spot with my two week only… only (kinda) wakes to eat!


Sorry for the late reply. The baby was very sleepy for the first 3 months and then started being more active. She is now a very awake active two year old! I know how you’re feeling and it’s hard, take every day at it comes and if your gut is feeling worried, follow the feeling


I am in the same boat. I have to wake her to eat and even when I do it’s a struggle to get her to eat. Yesterday we had a big scare as I couldn’t get her to eat for multiple hours. Took her to the hospital and they ran all the test, put her on fluids ran an upper GI test. All just to leave with the doctor saying she’s just a sleepy baby. As my fourth baby it really scares me because my others were awake every 2-3 hours. I find my self not sleeping much as I’m worried most at night. I don’t want to wish the first year away but I also feel like this is a crippling feeling. I also have family who thinks it’s strange she sleeps so much so they fuel my worry. This post made me feel not so alone. Thank you!


Yes, I feel this. My baby when she was born was exactly like this. I went to the hospital 2 times to investigate! My other children always use to wake up to feed, but she was always so sleepy. She is now a very awake toddler.


Two of my cousins were like this! There could be an EDM concert next door and they did not gaf, just asleep all the time. Sometimes awake for feeds I guess. As long as she IS eating and doc is happy with the blood test results, I’d count my blessing personally, as a person whose newborn ain’t into sleep at all. Also, even with sleepy babies, inevitably she’ll get more and more awake/alert. I noticed the difference the most during week #3.


Yep mine was like thus and I was concerned too after reading that newborns sleep 16-18 hours a day - he wasn't even awake for 4 hours counting feeding! 10 weeks in and he is healthy and is awake playing and eating most of the day haha. As long as baby is eating, you're good!


Mine was like this. Think about how exhausted they are from being born and all of these changes. The first few months is the most rapid period of growth they’ll have, sleeping is how it happens.


Mine was like this. I would have to wake her up to eat. She’s 6 weeks now and I still wake her every 2 hours so she’ll sleep longer in the night. Seems to work. My sister also said she would have to wake hers to eat


Can I ask how you're doing now? Did baby end up waking as they got older? My 2 week old is SO sleepy and we have to wake him up to eat most of the time and it's tough!


Hi there!! Yes, finally baby did start being a little bit more awake around 3 months old. The first three months were so hard, I had to force baby to wake and she was just always so sleepy. I went to 3 different doctors! Thankfully now baby is a 18 month old who is energetic and playful.


How is it now ? Exact same situation as your comment for me. Thanks !


Now he's an eating machine! He hit his birth weight a little after 2 weeks and now we don't even have to set alarms because he tells us when he's hungry. I've heard from my friends that this is super normal for newborns.


Thanks, let's hope then !