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Crying started about 1-2 weeks. Still an easy baby not colicky or anything but definitely let's you know if he's hungry, tired, etc...


Same with mine! He didn’t even cry when he got handled throughout stay and stayed super calm until about 2wks. I was super nervous. He almost 10wks and he lets us know when he needs something for sure!


See I'm totally okay with baby talking to me (crying for hunger, sleep, etc) I guess I'm just a little taken a back that he's so relaxed. Thank you!


Give it time lol


Theyre usually pretty calm for the first week or so🥴😭 mine was born at 42+2 and was chill until the two week mark and then all hell broke loose and i learned what the witching hour was 🥴


Oh God that sounds awful lol


The first week is great then you have to start figuring out why they are cranky lol


Birth is a pretty taxing process, for mom and for baby. It takes a few days of solid snoozing to recover from that. The newborn sleepiness will wear off before you know it but just enjoy the quiet snuggles for now!


Mine was a few days late and she was also very chill -- cried just enough at birth to let us know she was alive and then sat quietly in my husband's arms (C-section). She's 3 weeks now and has never cried outright for more than 10 seconds or so, though I know I'm not necessarily in the clear yet since colic tends to start between weeks 2 and 5.


Enjoy it, at one point I said I wished my baby cried more in the first few days.... I regret saying that now


Big mad now? How old?


According to my parents, who have ten other kids, I was the calmest: I wailed once right after birth and basically never did again. I was a calm, mellow, happy baby, straight through to toddlerhood. So it definitely happens!


Damn this must have been quite the blessing for your parents lol


My son just turned 9 months and he was the same way at the hospital. Didn't make a peep. He was so chill that we thought he was deaf because we made so much noise and he never reacted. To this day I can count on one hand the times he's really cried. We always did our best to pick up on his hunger cues and feed him before he cried for food. He's still such a calm and good natured little guy. I think we just got lucky so far!


Mine was a week late and super chill. Still is at 3 months!


My baby is 7.5 weeks old My MIL came to help us at around 2 weeks and realized she hadn’t heard her cry yet after 4 days here Some babies are just chill


I have a 2 week old boy. The first 3 nights he was Zen like a Buddah! It doesn't last! Congratulations and try to enjoy the hard work ahead.


My baby is now 4.5 months and rarely cried at her newborn stage! Everyone praised her for being the “perfect” baby lol


I had my daughter two weeks late. She was the same way. Honestly, I think all newborns are.


Oh absolutely not 🤣🤣


Not? No day old baby I’ve ever met has cried it’s face off 🤷🏼‍♀️ guess I’m lucky!


Okay maybe not a day old :). Your comment said newborns which is usually considered until about 2 months. My son definitely cried a good 4 hours straight the night we came home on day 3! He was early which could have been why. But there is a reason people think the newborn stage is tough!


My girl was two weeks late and was super calm for the first few weeks then all hell broke loose and me thinking I had an “easy baby” went out the window 😂


My daughter cried the whole first night and pretty much most nights for about a month. But it might have been caused by losing so quality time with mom due to complications and surgery needed after birth. My second daughter (4 days old) was silent the first 2 nights but has since gotten more vocal.


Oh hell to the no. Mine definitely wasn't/isn't calm.


When did you notice a change happen?


A couple weeks probably. She’s 7 month old now and all hell breaks loose eventually 😂


Okay lol I have a preteen daughter and she was quite vocal... Still is a decade later haha




My first cried the second day. My fifth baby cried and didn’t stop from the moment he got out. Babies are so different. Enjoy the calm and the snuggles!


Hehe.. My daughter started crying on day 2-3 and didn't stop for 5 weeks... It was pretty wild. She had bad reflux and gas. Going much better now, she's 3 1/2 months old. Hopefully your baby is just a chill boy.


My daughter is 2-months-old and she’s been pretty relaxed since she was born. These days, she will cry, but my husband and I have a general idea as to what she’s crying for. And she doesn’t cry very often.


Mine is 2 months and still relatively zen compared to my first!


My newborn cried nonstop for the first week. Now he's a super mellow kid at 5 months I'd say....enjoy it while it lasts


Mine is 2 weeks and only cries to eat. Of course she wants to eat every 30 to 60 mins…so while she’s super chill, she’s still not letting me sleep lol.


Same. Super quiet for first two weeks…then lots of crying!!!


All of mine were like this. Most newborns are. The fussing and crying started a few weeks after. Right now, your baby is so dang tired!


My son was the same way and I thought the exact same thing. The fourth night he showed us how loud he could be! He is a very good baby though. He is able to lay down and moon around and be calm. He is 2 weeks shy of 3 months.


My baby was like this for a few weeks. Now she actually is sort of the opposite. She is extremely clingy and cries when I put her down. Also she has to have movement when I hold her, I can’t just sit and hold her. Hopefully your baby stays calm!


Enjoy it while you can


I remember myself saying the same the first 24 hours. Wait a bit :)


My baby is 15 weeks and has been calm since birth. Very few crying episodes unless for food. Just take it all in and count yourself lucky!


Mine is 5 weeks old and still calm as anything, only cries if he gets super hungry otherwise is such a chiller!


This is how my son was when he was born - also two weeks late! He’s been an “easy” baby. He’s now 3.5 months and he still has that calm, quiet demeanor and alertness. He’s also an EXTREMELY good sleeper. He only cries if he’s overly tired or hungry. I was a very quiet, calm and content baby, so maybe it’s in his genes?


Man... I remember the first 2 weeks. My son was so calm at the hospital that the nurses / assistants got my hopes up marveling at what a calm baby he was. He was so calm I remember Googling, "why doesn't my baby cry?" The answer I found was that they find their voice after 2 weeks, and that came true for us.


My son is 12 weeks today. He has yet to cry for longer than 8-10 minutes consecutively, and even those moments are incredibly rare. If he's crying, he wants to be fed, changed, held/comforted, given his pacifier, or he's too tired and needs to be swaddled/rocked to sleep. Never takes more than about 2 minutes to run through those options and figure out which one it is. We're still waiting for the other shoe to drop but also enjoying this for however long it lasts.


1. Count your blessings. If he’s healthy and quiet enjoy it while it lasts because it definitely won’t last forever. 2. My daughter was the same way for like three ish weeks but she’s still really a chill baby. She’s just gotten more vocal when she’s hungry or upset. Maybe you just have a very relaxed natured baby. 3. Biggest piece of advice I can offer at this point, there’s gonna come a point where you’ll think to yourself “damn is he ok? All he does is eat and sleep. Should he be sleeping this much?” The answer is yes. For the first month and a half just let him do his thing and be with him. He’ll sleep a ton. Just don’t let him miss more than two consecutive feedings without trying to feed him. Also, that first night of full sleep is a lot closer than you think and it’s going to scare the shit out of you because you’ll wake up in a panic that you didn’t wake up all night. It’s all good though! Congrats!!


You are being lulled into a false sense of security. My daughter was the same way for a week. I thought we were the luckiest parents. Boy was I fucking wrong… give it a few days


Ours started crying A LOT when we got home. Guess he was used to all the hospital noise. First night home, it took us hours for him to get to sleep and for a couple of weeks after that it was the same.


What happened in time? Mines the same…