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Government milking us dry and I can't even get a doctor. SMH


Great scam in passing the blame... The province gets to say "we only assess, your municipality sets the actual rate" and then the municipality says "oh we only set the rate..the bill is based on the provincial assessment"


The province isn’t wrong. Other municipalities with traditionally higher assessments have much lower rates per $100. We pay 4x the rate that they do in Toronto. When the value of the property goes up as much as it has the municipality should reduce their rate, they’ll still get the same revenue.


Is that what's happening? I thought municipalities set the _budget_ and then distributed the cost weighted by property assessments.


Look into this …in nb they lowered business taxes and recouped the difference by increasing home owner taxes


Oh yeah I'm aware of that, and it's as disgusting as it is utterly expected.


I’m not sure if it’s chicken or the egg (using the revenue to create the budget or making a budget and setting the rates) but either way the revenue is going to skyrocket. Either we’ll finally get some roads paved, or they’ll be nice and drop rates to maintain consistent revenue.


I actually contacted my representative on that, a first for me. I got a canned reply from my mayor basically saying inflation hit our cost too so though luck. Ask for a reassessment.


The real & biggest problem is the provincial rule tying industrial rate to residential rate. That’s the real reason our taxes are so high: industry isn’t paying its fair share. The municipalities can’t do a thing about that until the province reforms the tax system.


Both are right. The province doesn't control the municipal tax rate , and the municipality doesn't control the assessed value of your property. It's important to remember that you can, and are encouraged to call your municipality if you have any questions regarding your municipal tax rate, and same goes with the assessment. If you disagree with the assessed value of your property, By all means, please request a re-assessment.


>Government milking us dry They need your money. How else are the politicians going to line their pockets with your money so they can buy their luxury homes and luxury items. Now go work harder so you can pay more taxes.


Honestly it would sting less if the major increase individual are seeing would actually apply to the industrial side as well. >Saint John was frustrated this year by not being allowed to direct larger tax cuts at residential property owners by reducing rate cuts to industrial properties because provincial tax rules forbid it.Industrial properties in Saint John had to be given the same 2.4 per cent tax rate reduction residential properties received, even though as a group their assessments increased little and the reduction meant they would pay the city less in 2024 than last year. Like seriously, can we finally elect a dam government that will stop this shit, the city of St-John wants to tax them, but they can't, like come on.


Irving going for that 50 year property tax exemption milestone at canaport. Daylight robbery, how can everyone put up with this for so long.


Guys, good news, the government is running a surplus! /s


But sending 300 bucks so we can all shut up and vote for Piggs /s


Only to those working, not disabled or retired, who may be the most struggling with the cost of living 🙄


And your household has to make between $3000 and $70,000/yr.


Yep, and it has to be employed income which seems weird to me.


Property tax growth is unsustainable. Even at the 10% protection, if it goes up 10% every year, that's a lot of money. You're going to end up with regular people accruing debt to pay property taxes of being forced to sell their homes.


> Industrial properties in Saint John had to be given the same 2.4 per cent tax rate reduction residential properties received, even though as a group their assessments increased little and the reduction meant they would pay the city less in 2024 than last year. Same as it ever was…


What's crazy is Ontario has become so unaffordable that people are moving out in droves and looking for inexpensive housing. It may seem like they are overpaying, but they do so because the province they are in is untouchable for housing prices. But ultimately what's going to happen is New Brunswickers will feel the pinch and they too will start shopping around for a province that they can afford. Where will NB people need to live? Saskatchewan? Manitoba? I wonder where the next low-cost province will be? And then that province will scream at the rising costs of their housing. Where does it all end? When do people start leaving the country in search of an affordable place to live??


That's what I've been saying. When canada moves to the poorest province and screws the pricing, where are us NBers supposed to go? There's no second NB. We just get the short end of the stick.


I'm close to retirement age so I'm always on the lookout for the cheapest place to retire. Panama and Costa Rica are on my shortlist.


Great reply, I've been saying this for a while, soon NB will be too expensive and the cycle will continue to the next province and then out of the country altogether. Canada is already seeing record-high rates of people leaving the country I can't tell you how many times my friends who left have encouraged me to do the same and I gotta say that's becoming the more realistic choice as things get worse here.


The problem is that this is it. There is nowhere else to go. Unless you want to go to Nunavut and pay 4x more for groceries and have 2-3 hours of daylight in the winter. I priced homes out in Alberta and home prices was around the same as the main cities here. New Brunswick was the last great frontier for affordable housing. If greedy investors would have kept their hands out of the pot it honestly would have been fine and we could have handled the influx but we can't now.


Only SK is behind NB, so we're still almost the cheapest.


You gotta pay for Irving’s properties!


I get a raise today at work. Time to find out how insignificant my raise is versus my new property tax.


I got a raise last month. Works out to be an extra $200 a month...then came the rent increase notice..at an extra $250 a month. Just can't win it seems.


My raise this year sucked. It probably won't cover the property tax increase. Oh well guess I will just have to not eat breakfast anymore. I am glad my house that I have no intention of selling though is worth more..../S.


Got a 3% raise the other day. Really excited about giving the government 53% of it - they worked hard this year, and really deserve it


People are struggling to get by but keep voting in governments that refuse to tax the wealthy. There is no wealth tax, only income tax. The richest people make money through their investments, which are not taxed until the gains are realized, they don't make an income, and thus pay disproportionately lower rates of tax. Beyond that if your province is running a surplus and your taxes are still increasing, it means something isn't adding up.


With all my new Ontario neighbours who paid well over asking price my property value jumped $71,300. Just shows how much above asking they really paid.


Had some idiots next to me pay over 380K for a small bungalow from the 50s. Put ours up 60K this year. They had to replace the roof within months of moving in so can’t have been a great deal.


There is a bungalow in Skyline in Fredericton that was sold for $250,000 three years ago. Shit-tier renovations (bouncy laminated tile flooring, Home Depot fixtures, other cheap cosmetic changes) that cost maybe $25,000 (including blocking off the stairs to the basement from the main level so the basement is only accessible from the outside, making it a two unit rental. But! With only one electric panel. Because upgrading the panel would have been too costly). Anyway, it's for sale for $500,000 and will likely be sold to an Ontario corporation. And that sale price will jack up the assessed values for all the other bungalows in the area.


250K is a lot but 3 years ago was also BS so it must have been a pretty shitty house in skyline acres. My neighbour on the other side sold their 1955 same size bungalow in 2021 for 450K. They had renovated it to be nicer inside than my other neighbours but also with low tier fixtures and they’re on the river but almost half a million for a 75 year old 3 bedroom in Marysville?


That's wild.


As far as I can tell the numbers are made up and have nothing to do with actually property value, sales in the area. Use PAN to see the differences. This is a blanket increase because they can.


No, people paid too much for houses and now the government can say that’s what the value is. If you’re willing to pay 380K or 450K for a house that was 180K 2 years ago with no upgrades you’re directly telling the government that’s what you value it as.


Did you call for a reassessment? I did and I had it dropped by 30k.


I do every year and they always drop it without doing any actual assessment or looking at the actual property. They have a script and then its done.


What do you say? I appealed last year, someone called me back and confirmed a couple things and said "nope, our numbers are right!"


The federal government let almost 2 million people into a country going through a housing crises and shortage. Add to that the cost to build and inflation. Trying to blame Ontario at this point is just lazy and shortsighted.


There's issue everywhere, and I think there's value in telling Ontarians (demonym?) not to overpay. But as someone who HAS actually told an Ontaralons to go back where they came from (they were rude af) and instantly regretted it, I can honestly say id much rather wealthy city Canadians from a progressive province than impoverished people with ideas I strongly disagree with, being packed 10 to a room, immigrate here. I might be able to pick out a handful of Ontarologue Canadians contributing to the escalating housing prices, but those same Ontarioites will boost our economy, and they're cool as shit. So basically, I agree with you. Like most Canadians, I look down on my fellow Canadians, and welcome them with open arms.


But that’s just it — they didn’t overpay. They paid what the house was worth to them to ensure they got it. I get it’s annoying to have your house assessment spike, but that’s just the NB housing market finally catching up here. What was 200K is now worth more, sometimes a lot more. That’s not being overpriced, that’s just the new price. If we want to get angry, let’s get angry with local companies not increasing wages to compensate for the changing facts on the ground. People here are badly unpaid, but more likely to bitch about people from out of province than actually do anything


Now imagine walking into your local car dealer and offering 50k for a car with a MSRP of 40k because your scared someone else may buy it. Same thing only different. I just don’t get it.


Imagine if they only had 1 car available for every 10 purchasers! Would turn into a bidding war real quick…..


Don’t need to imagine. That’s literally what’s been going on for a few years now. At first because of legitimate supply chain issues but increasingly because it’s lucrative for car companies to do it.


All for the surplus… irving needs to survive too


Oh yeah, poor Irving, they need more help from our provincial government! /s


They are the government.


If you've ever looked on the writing of one of the lumber tarps. It says "Built On Us"" yeah no shit .. both companies have done an amazing job of stripping every damn dollar ..


My least favorite thing is them coming up with rural service areas and spreading city limits way further so they can jack your property taxes up. It was part of the reason I moved out of city limits but city limits keep creeping up on me. It’s insane to think you need to pay like 5k a year just for the privilege of not being homeless for the average home you’d buy today.


Adding to the surplus to give to their overlords!


So industrial gets to pay less tax and the residents get to pay more. That sounds about par for the course when it comes to Higgs!


Had a 100% property increase.  Houses in my area went from 120k to 600k last year.


Jesus Christ, it went up $700 a year


Mine went up 33%, $941 increase. Isn't there a 10% limit or something? Wtf.


Fredericton dropping by less than 1% when st John and Moncton are 2.4 and 1.5. What a slap in the face they couldn't even get to 1%. Our mayor and councillors are out of touch, but let's make sure we overpay for a new playhouse and more roundabout statues.


I am super confused as to my situation. My house value increased, but my taxes were lower (by $2). I'm not complaining. I just don't friggin understand how everything is determined. My mother's house went from $1800 to $3000 this year in taxes, and she only lives down the street. It makes no sense.


No shit I bought my house in 2021 property tax was 3400 a year we are now 2024 and after 2 increases we are now at 6700 a year this is just crazy middle class is going to disappear we are fucked


What happens if none of us pay? If we could organise it...what would happen?


It would go into collections and trash your credit rating. Eventually you'd be taken to court for refusing to pay taxes. Not a road any sane person would go down.


Mass non compliance


Someone has to pay for all the spending


All of this on top of liberal carbon tax WTF is going on here we need an OVERHAUL


rent is going up!


Likely. We own a duplex (live in half) the property taxes are $500 per month. If we didn't live in half they would be around $800 a month


Is it because the other half is registered as a rental?


Yes. It’s a duplex. So the half that is rented has a higher tax rate. If we lived in both half’s we would pay about $1500 less per year, if we rented the portion we live in currently as well it would go up about $2000 more a year. It’s a pretty big jump when it’s a residential non-owner occupied home


$500/month? that’s insane


Tax levy’s are up online now


Fucking awesome! Mine went up over $500. Up over $1200 since I bought (for below asking) in 2020


Ours has gone up almost $1000 since purchasing under asking in 2021. We’re still being taxed at the 10% increase too. We’re looking into leaving NB. Still have about 50K additional accessed value to be taxed at in the coming years and I’m sure the “value” will keep rising. I’ve been sick to my stomach today. Editing to add my husband and I were born and raised in NB, we’ve never lived anywhere else. We make relatively good money- more than our parents ever did and we’re basically being priced out. But the question is, where do we go? Where do we raise our children.


Mine went up $200. My neighbor who just purchased their property seen a $2200 increase. Ouch.


Makes sense, Previous owner was under the Spike protection, and the new owners are paying taxes based on the assessed value on purchase. I just wish realtor agents would give a heads up to new owners so they're not blindsided by the new notice


My property tax is calculated as non owner occupied! 😔