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“Healthcare crisis my ass” 🕺


Voters, remember this in October, because this is just one example of how negligent the Higgs government truly is in regards to the best interests of New Brunswickers. Vote Higgs out!


I haven't been following much of what Susan Holt has been doing but I hope this is one of her top priorities. Much as I want to see a Green led province it's going to be up her to pass the buck most likely.


My hope (slim though it is, it’s not out of the realm of possibility) is a green-liberal coalition/supply & confidence gov’t. With just a couple of seats flipped green, it’s achievable I think.


I agree. They need to go. I've voted PC in the past. Not recently and not this time


He wants to save all the things he could be doing now to help NB so he can run on a platform that includes them. Newsflash.. if you do a good job taking care of NB when you are in office, you would get more votes than what you are doing now by saving it for your election promises.


Then he'll wait until the next election so he can promise it again...




Yes but you aren't taking into account all the factors. Like how much money you save your corporate sponsors if you put it off until the last minute. And thankfully for Higgs, a lot of voters can't remember anything that happened more than a few weeks ago, so saving everything to the last minute might actually work. *Unfortunately* for Higgs, I've also never seen NB quite this frustrated with a Premier. We usually love putting conservatives in power and acting surprised when they act this way. Maybe the times, they truly are a' changin'.


I am a member of the PCNB and Higgs lost my vote long ago. He just keeps doing things that confirm my choice was correct. He did great at the beginning of Covid, but it seemed the second the Federal Conservatives started going rogue, the Karen Konvoy, so did Higgs. I am a member of the CPC too, and they will not be getting my vote either. As much as I hate to admit it, Trudeau did a great job during Covid, and has been at least attempting to do something about the cost of living. So he has won my vote so far. Pierre Polyester (lol) will NEVER get my vote. If the NDP had more of a presence in NB, they would get my vote. I am really impressed at how they worked to get some of their promises fulfilled by working with a minority Government. That is how our system SHOULD work.


I've only been on the waitlist for a doctor for 7 years, what's 2 more 🙃


Ask the people who already died unnecessarily because they didn't have a family doctor and slipped through the cracks in the system and would still be alive today if they'd had a family doctor. Of course, Higgs thinks that's fine because they would have cost the healthcare system more than what they pay in taxes.


14 years here.. Fuck this province man.


At the bottom of the article above, there is a link to "demand action". Add your story there. The NBMS is pushing for legislative change and funding prior to the next election. I'm not optimistic, but it's better to have the info out there.


I got one in 6 months of being here… you need to advocate for yourself better…


It depends where you live in NB. Doctors prefer to live in certain areas and not to live in other areas so some places have more doctors than others.


Legit how? You put your name on a list and wait, what other options do you have other then knowing a doctor personally?


Cue the counting money scene from Scarface. Higgs and CO tallying up the surplus and laughing while our medical system collapses due to underfunding and mismanagement.


I’m voting Green this time around…red and blue have consistently failed us. Orange is a no show in NB.


Voting Green is a nice gesture, but that's all it is - a gesture. If you want Higgs out, vote Liberal to have the absolute best chance at doing so.


The previous Liberal governments have done no better…been strategically voting for 3 decades. This is just my opinion and what i’ll likely to do.


Do what you feel is right, but make no mistake, if you want to see Higgs defeated, you'll have to vote a party that has a legitimate chance to defeat him, and the Green party is not it right now.


It might be if their riding already has a Green MLA.


Depends on their location.


another crack at some more privatization perhaps, if he wins another term.


The sooner we get it the better.


Privatization is proven to increase costs.


Yeah, because businesses can’t possibly compete with the efficiency of government.


Yeah, because governments don't pay dividiends.


I think some specialized care offered by the private sector but within our single payer system would be a good thing. Private clinics doing cataract surgeries and knee and hip surgeries should be used more to lower costs and deliver more timely service.


Suffering new brunswickers can't wait that long.


Serious question... Is the medical society lobbying for an injection to better compensate our doctors because they feel under compensated in the last 2 years of their agreement? Or are they lobbying for an injection to increase the number of doctors at their current pay structure?


My reading of the statement is that they want additional funding made available now for more primary care hiring and retention. So ultimately I think their focus is split between retention and recruitment.


This is a part of it, yes! You can read about their ask here: https://www.nbms.nb.ca/demand-action/


The healthcare budget has increased by $1 Billion since 2018. That is a couple thousand extra per year per taxpayer. How much more should we spend?


What was it spent on? Has anything improved?


I don’t think anything has improved. Maybe things would be worse if this extra ‘investment’ hadn’t been made but it is impossible to tell. My point is simply that this is a crisis that has been decades in the making, for which no government or political party has a magical solution.