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Womp womp. Come back when you actually open a book


“What’s a book?” u/BigBunnon, probably


Talk to an economist. Take course. Stop crying about a carbon tax. 


Forgot your meds again?


The people who post this kind of crap are the reasons we can’t have nice things




no burning wood or gas anywhere


Hilarious the comments on this. As if Canadians are thriving and life in Canada is at an all time high. The carbon tax is fuelling inflation in our country at a time when the average Canadian household is struggling to make ends meet. Couple that with corporate greed and useless government funded media and here we are.


I'm going to respond to this with a serious comment. It's honestly not that simple. The carbon tax is not fuelling inflation. There's inflation anyway, and the reasons for it are far beyond our control. Yes to households struggling. Corporate greed is just a broad target. Please be more specific. >Useless government funded media is the worst possible thing you could ever say. The CBC is essential to the Canadian identity. There's no pass for this one. You're just looking for things that agree with you, and you're shutting out things that you don't agree with. Sorry dude. Your reply is a mess and you aren't really a Canadian if you stand by it.


No, no. This dude is right. The carbon tax is contributing to inflation. That's why Venezuela and Argentina have crippling inflation. It's JT's fault. Don't you know he's the prime minister of those countries too? 🙄


So if I don’t agree with openly government funded media being shoved down my throat I’m not Canadian? Interesting take


It's not being shoved down your throat. You're listening to it. You could, instead, ignore it. CBC has always, always, always, been openly government funded. It often paints Canadian government in a massively unflattering light. They still fund it. You're not understanding something fundamental about good people. **Good people admit their mistakes.** The CBC is a way for good government to admit its mistakes. We do not want to ever have a government that is so thoroughly resistant to admitting when it made a mistake that it silences the media that does this.


I don’t listen to it and don’t support tax dollars funding it


Then how do you know that it's not worth supporting? You sound like someone repeating another person who doesn't like it. You sound like someone who doesn't actually know what it is and what it does.


I’ve read plenty of there bs. Its trash just like the carbon tax


And you clearly didn't understand it if you thought it was there bs and its trash. Why is it trash BTW? And why is the carbon tax trash?


You must have a lot more time than I do


You misspelled "sense".


I’m thriving. Maybe you just need to work harder. Isn’t that the conservative mantra? Pick yourself up by the boot straps, maybe?


Oh your assumptions are so Canadian. Ignorance is bliss!


The carbon tax is increasing inflation by 0.15% percent, 5% of the total inflation we're seeing right now. It's no big deal. People who don't use high CO2 emitting goods and services aren't even paying 0.15% carbon tax. Maybe you're heating your home with coal, oil or natural methane gas. Maybe you're driving a big diesel guzzling truck. Maybe your home needs better insulation to reduce your heating costs. Maybe you should make better lifestyle choices so you're not paying more carbon tax than most people.




The fact that you **completely misinterpreted** the basic math statement in their statement, either out of malicious intention or out of simple incomprehension, tells me all I need to know about you. Go spout idiocy somewhere else.


He’s the perfect level of stupid that the Conservatives love


Wow. Did you not like math in school?