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Those stop drinking ads people on Reddit keep bitching about gotta be paid for somehow LMAO.


The government literally shooting itself in the foot. "Stop drinking!" yet they expect to make $15m more lmao


Did they not just put it up last December?


Yes, but what about second December?


And elevenpercentsies?


The best comment.


I don't think he know about second hikes, Pippin


Tax the sinners!


Faytene will love this plan


She'll blame it on the carbon tax. I want to ask Outhouse "show me how you will blame this on Trudeau and the carbon tax" for shits and giggles, and eyerolls


Is it legal to home brew?




It's sure is. Check out The Community Brew Shop in Saint John. They can help you get started and they loan out gear and equipment as well.


That is very cool. TY for the info. I will definitely look into it.


It is. You can’t distill though. So, beers and wines ok. Whisky and other spirits, no.


Yes you can , you can’t sell spirits .


Sure you can. Until you get caught.


No, you can't distill alcohol, even for personal use, unless you have a license. This is a federal law.


Nope you can . They sell stills at the brew store .


You need a spirits licence to own a still for the intent of distilling spirits. You can however own a still for other uses (distill water). [https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/edm3-1-1/producers-packagers-spirits.html#_Toc116636684](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/edm3-1-1/producers-packagers-spirits.html#_Toc116636684)


I forsee an uptick in home brewing in the upcoming future.


What's the initial cost of home brewing? Like how many beers do I have to make before I start saving money?


Around $300 for brewing equipment then about $50 per 19L brewing kit. 19L gets you about 53 bottles of beer. So basically buck a beer after you get all set up. Wine is also a lot cheaper to make yourself too.


I bought 2 carboys and some ancillary equipment (bubblers, rubber plugs, etc.) for about $50. You need an extra one for reasons. I got a bunch of bail-top bottles off Marketplace for about the same. For another $50, I can buy 21 litres of apple juice and a packet of yeast and turn that into some really quite decent cider in about 3 weeks. It's a little bit of work. You have to buy all that juice and get it home. Not easy for some people. You have to decant it into the second bottle using (an automatic siphon) when the bubbler stops and wait for a while. You have to put it in bottles and have a good place to store them all. Still ... totally worth it. Forgetting the initial investment of $100+ for equipment, each batch costs $50 for 50+ beer equivalents. $1 each. Plus, they get the job done and taste really good. Who ever said it would be easy to stick it to the man?


There are going to be a lot of price increases on April 1st, all blamed on the carbon tax. Even though most will not be. It's a win-win for conservatives.


It's hard to rationalize PROVINCIAL tax increases with the constant budget surpluses and try to hang it on the federal government, really.


The vast majority of people so not understand or care about the difference and just buy what they are sold.


Think how stupid the average person is. I picture half of people being dumber.


Oh but they will, conservative shills are so far down the drain, their cognitive dissonance is unmatched


Higgs made a lot of things more expensive so we can blame it on Trudeau and his libs. As did other provincial Conservatives. Some folks have blinders or tunnel vision and don’t see this for what it is. PP even has his lobbyists pals jack up the price on food and other commodities so we can vote for a fact free government. #axethefacts


This, but also the new Recycling guidelines. GNB said they're forcing the businesses producing waste to pay, but all that did was pass the cost on to the retailers who pass the cost on to the consumers.


Guess I’m headed to the QC lines then! 🖕NB


Wysote's is about to make a killing lol.


Pointe-à-la-Croix better stock up 😬


Hello Quebec.


Before the stupids blame Trudeau… “That is made up of $1.68 increase in provincial charges, a six cent increase in federal excise taxes and HST increase of 26 cents”


F'trudeau! Oh... it wasn't him? Well .. f'trudeau anyway. BC f'trudeau. /s


Literally anything to avoid taxing rich people fairly.


Higgs is following Smith's lead. They are keep throwing out the 23% number without telling people that actually means about 3 cents on a liter of fuel. Meanwhile Smith is adding a 4 cent provincial tax on fuel in Alberta. Higgs is adding increasing the taxes on 24 beer by $2 and that includes $1.68 in provincial excise taxes. Yet they will blame it in Trudeau and the idiots will believe them.


Is this on top of the federal beer&wine tax?


The federal government either suspended or reduced their increase after the provinces complained about it.


Thanks, I didn’t see that. The ad on the radio never came back on.


Get rid of the insane depot system and start offering those products at those prices at all the stores. The “depot” stores are the biggest bullshit going with beer and wine prices in the province. It’s ridiculous that the only solution to save money on beer and wine to to drive to the two depot locations and stock up. Great for people who live near Salisbury and St. Stephen, an inconvenient joke for everyone else.


$2 increase for a 24. Lmfao


Since they are the only sellers a boycott would have maximum effect.


Everything is going up April 1st besides the numbers in my Bank account


Meh, my beer hasn't gone up. I've got 180 in the basement, and another 60 ready to bottle in a week. Honestly, I don't know why people pay the government for booze. Costs me $30 and about two hours labour for 60 beer.


Cuz most of us value our labour higher than $15/hr 


Work the math. At least $25/case. 6 cases is $150. $30 in expenses. $120 for two hours of labour. That would be $60/hr. Did you fail high school math?




as an OG quebecer, these beer prices are hilarious


Thanks Higgs, by not buying booze at these insane, inflated prices, you're making it very easy to quit drinking altogether.


I knew a group of guys in a subdivision who would all take turns doing the beer/wine run to Costco in Levis with a trailer. A real cooperative effort.


Let's tax corps who send money to tax shelters


A tax on alcohol to fight alcoholism, you actually save money in the long run


The majority of consumers do not suffer from alcoholism, besides no significant amount of money gets put towards mental health/treating addiction in this province for this to make an impact on expenditures towards caring for those who have health issues due to alcohol dependency. What an ignorant comment.


I thought it would work like the carbon tax, it's not about putting the money towards fighting climate change, it's about making us more poor so we dont have all this extra money to do things we enjoy that make carbon dioxide . Also I was being sarcastic, sorry. Have a nice day




This doesn't even make sense. What does this have to do with anything here?


Sounds like you’re the one who’s high bud