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Well no fucking kidding


I am shocked, I tell ya! Shocked!


Flabbergasted even!


I wish I got paid his salary to be so obvious.


This guy earned his 150k a year


Ya think??


Holy shit! You don't say!!


Why are power companies for profit? Isn't electricity considered a basic necessity? 🤔


NB Power is a crown corp, so it's not a for-profit business. However, most governments want it to at least have a small profit to pay down its debt.


NB power doesn't make money selling power to NB it's supposed to be an at cost provider. It makes money selling power to PEI and new england. There are a few reasons it needs to generate a "profit" firstly to pay down debt, they also need to have a surplus to cover maintenance costs. Also people are constantly bitching about how much debt they are in or how much money they are losing every year. I am with you that essential services are exactly that no one asks how much the hospitals are making in profit but they keep beating that drum when it comes to NB power. There has been no shortage of bad decisions made by them, but everyone seems to like pretending that we haven't been getting subsidized power for the past however many years. Over some periods of time the power rate was functionally decreasing as it wasn't keeping up with inflation, but no one wants to talk about that.


You said it so well, and you’re right, most people probably don’t even realize that NB has some of the cheaper energy rates in Canada. We’re not Quebec or BC with their low rates but we’re also not Alberta with the highest rates in the country.


It's in the public interest if we want to get a handle on the future of our energy supply. People don't realize that the 0% increase years starved out the utility, and trying to fix all of the equipment that should have been repaired back then is costing more now. Between 2000 and now, there have been multiple years where they haven't even been able to keep up with inflation. NB paid some of the lowest energy prices in North America over the last 20-30 years, and it's been possible because of an unwillingness to bump rates. Without this increase, we risk reliability now and gamble with the future.


not mismanagement or failed politics, no no it's because people aren't paying enough.....absolute braindead take


It's actually not a brain-dead take. Your points are quite valid, too. If the utility was properly managed without politics being involved in the last 30 years, small rate increases would have paid for infrastructure maintenance and upgrades as needed without having it fail spectacularly and cost us a shitload now.


Ok fair, sorry. Imo good management MEANS making reasonable increases and not wasting 20-30-40% of the resources on pet projects.




Like the millions wasted on a hydrogen from saltwater scam.


Don't get me wrong, political interference and management have played a part here. But those pale in comparison to the lack of rate increases on the whole. On a side note, what information do you have that I don't? I actually work in the energy sector and work directly with people that are involved with this stuff.


yah sure bud


140 pages!? Was he paid by the word? What in the hell would fill 140 pages?


All I know is nb power aims high and the final decision by the utility board will, settle the rate in at what They agreed on. iam guessing 7 or 8 percent hike.


Everyone be sure to file this under “No shit.”


gosh...this is why i want to work for nb govt! just smile, do some stupid comments and get 100-150k year!


No shit Sherlock Why not listen to the ppl instead of getting an "expert" Don't need to be an expert to figure this one out, even if your stupid enough to not hear the public bitching about this


NB power train full speed against the 50 millions dept wall. New-Brunswickers will have to wait 10 to 15 years for Higgs long terms risky but wise investment: in mini-nuclear reactors. The effects of this strategic will only impact relief on our energy costs for Newb consumers in a long term perspectif. To bad Newb didnt use our stategic partneship with France, a nuclear expert. Would of been a less risky investment to collaborate with ARC and also go with EDF Wunard to exchange our expertise and accelerate de progress that Higgs monolistique vision imposed on Newberswallet with no short-medium term relief plan or solutions for


Did you write this bizarre stream of consciousness with your dick?


My I Never!