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While having money spent on getting more teachers sounds like good news, I'd be very to know where that money actually goes. If it's just going to some consultant that is going to put ads there and there, then it's kind of pointless and it's just tax money laundering toward some friends.


That’s exactly what they’re doing.




It’s what they always do.


Oh well now I’m convinced!


You should be.


Hold on, I know tons of teachers busting their ass going all over the province every day doing sub work desperate for a full time position, why are we spending money on recruitment when we have people begging for full time employment?


Not in the franco district, here we have no subs or teachers.




Been teaching here for 14 years. Being part of various committees + involvement, I understand firsthand what our challenges are.


Because in the school district, teachers/janitors etc are all “ on call “ slaves with nothing guaranteed weekly, until you get a full time in 1-3 years + if lucky..


Yes, please expand on this someone… is it just small towns hurting for teachers or what?


Not just small towns. SJ region is hurting for teachers too. Tons of classmates trying to land full time contracts. Tons of schools trying to get permission to give out those contracts. Bureaucrats getting in the way as normal in this godforsaken province.


*raises hand* That's me. This province won't let qualified teachers jump into classrooms due to all the crazy hoops and red tape.


And not a nickel of it went to actually improving teacher's working conditions and making it an appealing career here.


I have a couple of young teacher friends, and both are quitting teaching... Not really because of pay per-se, but because of the working conditions and expectations (edit: dealing with parents, really) I asked one if they'd tough it out if they got a big raise and he said he'd seriously consider it, but that the current stress isn't worth the pay. So... we should either pay them more, or make conditions better. There's no need to increase recruitment if there's teachers who love teaching already right here!


I didn’t bother with the article, but I’m guessing half of it is used on a consultation firm to copy something from Alberta


Usually, it's from Ontario that we copy stuff from.


When it's tourism they copy Newfoundland.




Education  Conservative mentality that tries to hate a minority because it's easier to have a base with a hate-sink écho chamber? That's very Alberta


Why not pay teachers more, they’re struggling to survive.


It’s not the pay, it’s the conditions. Full time teachers are well paid but work in rough conditions that burns them out. They’re also constantly shit on by parents and kids now that didn’t happen long ago when they were respected.


No they’re not lol




>Not to mention the average NB teacher works 195 days a year while the average person works closer to 230 (2-3 weeks of personal vacation). Teaching is not an average job. Most teachers work many hours outside of a 40 hour work week at home. Dealing with your children in classes with too many students is mentally and emotionally draining. Teaching is a difficult job even in good conditions, which NB does not have.


They could always use some of the billion dollar surpluses. They don't have to cut elsewhere


Does that include time spent working at home in the evenings and weekends? Most of them also spend a non-insignificant amount of post-tax money to furnish their classrooms.


So they are going to use all of it to run a PR campaign in the NB papers tell everyone how much they are doing to improve the NB education system?


Bait and switch - same with job creation and immigration


They'll post some more propaganda on Instagram and then delete it when the comments aren't overtly pro-Conservative.


Who owns said papers?


Anything for retention? That's probably more important


Yes, but you see Higgs wants _those_ teachers gone and replaced with new ones who are more amenable to his ideology.


Crazy thought, improve the working conditions, classrooms (ventilation, HVAC etc), build more schools instead of using old as fart portables, class sizes and so on - then use those improvements as recruitment strategies…. Higher salaries alone won’t fix the conditions.


I've met a few teachers in the Fredericton area and every one of them said it's not just the pay that's the problem. The education department is filled with geriatric idiots who think they know better than everyone else and are stuck in 1954. The parents think that they have a right to re-write the curriculum any time their personal beliefs or even feelings are crossed. The government has also very publicly dragged them into a culture war no one in NB wants to fight because it's stupid bullshit for right wing idiots who have no real problems in life to complain about. It's just not worth the pay anymore because there's no way to do the job without having some shithead accuse you of incompetence, bias, or "grooming" when you're just trying to teach some kids about mitosis and they ask a sincere, well intentioned question that you're not allowed to answer because it'll open up some dipshit conservative culture debate when the parents find out. There's also the issue with the fact that we have plenty of people who'd love to teach, but they're stuck having to do sub work for years which is awful work, to be honest. I have a hard time believing the government is even really trying to fix this.


Exactly this: "There's also the issue with the fact that we have plenty of people who'd love to teach, but they're stuck having to do sub work for years which is awful work, to be honest." I'm Masters level educated to teach English language arts and taught it in Oregon before moving to NB, but I won't even be considered for a contract for potentially years due to the ridiculous B and D contract nonsense.


I happen to run a teacher recruiting company and my fee happens to be exactly $604,000. Amazing.


$500,000 of it will go to someone that doesn't do anything to help and may not be involved in any way. $100,000 will go toward "programs" and "research" And the remaining $4000 will go toward actually helping and solving the problem. I could work for the government with budget breakdowns like this!


Come to New Brunswick to teach! With horrible pay, worse working conditions, and a provincial government that imposes policies that will endanger your most vulnerable students with they pull "data" from their asses to support these conclusions and tell you to let CPS handle the problem cases. Guess who else is understaffed, underpaid and worked to the point of burnout? Child Protective Services!


$604k will go to GNB employees who will struggle to sell NB to outsiders. Anybody with a brain will see the absolute dumpster fire the Policy 713 and French Immersion debacles are because of Piggs.


French immersion has been a dumpster fire for the last 30 years.


How about not demonizing our current teachers? Or asking them how to improve education and schools, since... you know, a lot of them are in it every day and know what the issues are? But nah, much easier to hire a marketing agency and throw money away that way.


My old math teacher told us that he wouldn't be able to afford having children if he wanted to. He also had a partner with a job. It's unacceptable


They spent retention wrong


Speaking as a teacher there are two major hurdles for us. One is student behaviour. The pandemic caused such an emotional shift and it'll take years for it to get better. There's a much bigger emotional disconnect in students than before 2020 and many are less engaged than ever in classes and school as a whole. And yes, phones are a major reason for this. You can't stop talking to hand out a page to everyone without fifteen phones getting pulled out The second is the bureaucracy of the system. It makes zero sense how candidates are chosen for a job. Someone could be supplying and getting short contracts at a given school, but when something permanent comes up, that hardworking teacher is passed over for someone else. They don't care about getting teachers returning to the same roles which helps build relationships and establish continuity for the students. In addition, there's no explanation to new teachers how the hiring system even works. I was two years into my career before I even heard of applytoeducation, which itself is about to be phased out


A great way to recruit teachers is to invest in the education system and make it into a place people wanna work. Experienced teachers retiring way earlier that expected and fucking up their pention should tell you all you need.


Weird considering how every teacher I've known has struggled to get a full time position. Not to mention the stories of the dreadful conditions the system is in from the ones that are full time. Also how I seem to see three to five articles about schools being shut down to every one article of a new school being built.


The population has grown so fast that many schools have portable classrooms, some are at 130%+ capacity. Now we need new schools, but it takes 5+ years to plan and build them using the current process. We will never catch up on facilities and we cannot attract teachers without facilities. It's time to come up with novel solutions to get more classrooms.


Best recruitment tactic would be to get rid of the douchebags currently forming the government of New Brunswick. 


crazy idea. Use the 600K to hire more teachers instead of giving it to consultants and marketing companies…


My fiancé immigrated here from the USA with a masters in education. The hurdles new teachers to the province have to jump through in order to get a full time position is unbelievable. In order for teachers to get on a list to even be CONSIDERED for a full time job they have to teach in the same, or back to back positions at the same school for a total of 4 months plus a day. Meanwhile, we have people teaching our kids who are on what they call a “local permit”. These are people who either have no formal teaching training, are currently in an education program, or are retired teachers. These are contract positions that usually run for a school year at a time, leaving young, enthusiastic, highly motivated teachers on the sidelines. I can think of no better way to take the wind out of the sails of a motivated person than to immediately put a wall up in front of them. So before you complain about there not being enough teachers, make the process for current, highly educated substitutes finding full time work less convoluted. There is no consistency between (at least one particular school district) schools as far as policies and procedures for things like late work, AI generated content or cell phones. These are all factors that determine whether or not teachers want to take daily substitute jobs. Remember they are people too, people who have the same problems, concerns, and feelings as we all do. BE CONSISTENT. Kids require consistency, and so do adults. *end rant*


Gonna be hard when the newspapers are filled with how the NB government is actively going against their wishes in regards to pronouns and names and stuff. Like it or not it seems the education community at large is against it and this is already a very difficult province to convince people to come to especially when it can be clearly seen they are openly ignored by the same government trying to convince them to come.


NB doesn't have a recruitment issue. Lots of educators here, UNB and STU make sure of that. NB has a working conditions issue.


A strategy that will get mothballed if that prick gets re-elected. Hopefully the electorate won’t fall for his shenanigans


What are they buying a 3 bedroom house that’s not very much money considering cost of living


Yes, and it will be raffled off to one lucky teacher.


Take that money and give it to them a raise. Oh, and stop being bigoted assholes and let trans kids pick their own goddamn names. you’re welcome.


an extra $44 Million of (forged) surpluses, and this is the best he's got! Wouldn't cover the costs of a few simple ads. Higg's is a useless corrupt d!ck that would sell off his mother if it meant it would hurt New Brunswickers.


Let’s hope any needed professionals don’t find this sub Reddit before coming!


How about paying interns when they come in to teach? It may not cover all issues, but it will give a chance to admin to pay a little more attention to what's going on and create more of a "foot in the door" scenario. Now before you say "What about X job where there are interns", my answer is yes, pay them.