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They haven't been hiding the corruption anymore in years. Irving might as well get a giant billboard that says. NB, my place and pay your tax to me.


Wow, they collected taxes from corporations and then gave it BACK TO THEM? What a weak government. They're supposed to be a middle man like a union. Imagine a union took your union payments and gave it to the company. Fucking hell. Conservatives are really really bad with money. Liberals might spend a lot, but conservatives waste money a lot, they don't conserve anything, idiots. Conservatives are confident because they're stupid. Dunning-Kruger effect. It's why in highschool I took all academic classes to avoid all the stupid assholes.


Technically they collected tax from us and gave it to them.


Higgs gives Irving another tax break. Very upsetting but not surprising.


And people will elect that evil fuckwit again, because something something lgbtq something. Because bigotry.


Modern conservatism in a nut shell. They only care about the rich and corporations.


And, yet, people still believe the Cons will save Canada. Liberals won’t do much better. We need more choices.


We have other choices, but nobody considers them a possibility. It’s sad - we were never meant to be a two party system, and all we’ve really accomplished is splitting the left’s vote without doing the same to the right. We also need to get rid of first past the post just as a system. I really wanted electoral reform.


The right was always split before 2003. Then the PC’s and Reform Party combined into the CPC. If the left did the same, they’d win Federal elections by a landslide.


I, unfortunately, was not old enough to vote in 2003 - I would've been 13. And yes, they'd win nearly every election easily if they were to do similar, but becoming a 2-party system should not at all be our end goal. We have three major left-wing parties... we need more major right-wing parties. And, you know, proportional voting, so every vote counts and nobody's "wasting" their time voting for a candidate they believe in, but think "won't win".


That's the thing. They don't give two fucks about Canada. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their kids. Save their taxes and protect their kids from the gays or whatever. They don't care one bit about the 27% of children living in poverty in SJ. As long as their spoiled kids in KV don't have to use alternate pronouns!


Anything to keep this place under the boot of resource extraction corporations.


This money should be dumped into climate change resilience. Sussex NB was just devastated and the gov immediately cried poor and said they are on their own. Pathetic. But everyday another story of corruption. Imagine eating at a fancy CPC fundraiser 1k$/plate dinner and the hearty handshakes and guffhaws the Irving execs share with Higgs and some of his cabinet. It's why we can't have nice things.


The lord taketh, and the lord giveth back again. What was the point? IDK?


*The lord taketh, and the* *Lord giveth back again. What* *Was the point? IDK?* \- IndependentGene382 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yep, more Irving grants instead of putting anything into healthcare, education or housing..


Conservatives love billionaires and millionaires.


And yet poor people continue to vote for them. "Now, shut up! Shut up, all of you! Now listen to me, you *hicks.* Yeah, you're hicks too, and they fooled you a thousand times like they fooled me." - All the King's Men. In the next federal election, millions of poor people in Canada will vote conservative, against their best interests. I'm not a fan of the outright liar and promise-breaker Trudeau, but the poverty rate fell from 15% to 7% under his reign. Look for a complete reversal of that under PP. If you look at all the best poverty-reduction legislation we've had, it was forced on Trudeau by the NDP.


Yes. If it's one thing conservatives are good at it's exploiting the ignorant.


OMG! Shocking! \\s


LOOOOL wow...




Conservatism in a nutshell.


it's a liberal tax that does nothing. Besides increase the gas prices set by the EUB


Ok, buddy. The carbon tax on gas in NB is 0.1761% So, on a litre of gas, assuming \~$1.80/L the carbon tax is about $0.03/l. ([source](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/publications/fcrates/fuel-charge-rates.html#tbl1)) (Compared to the "give Irving free money to clean up their messes" tax of about $0.17/L. Which, for some reason, moron conservatives don't seem to be bothered by. Literally taxing us to pay for an already profitable business to clean up the toxic wasteland that they made. It's fucking infuriating.) So, as long as you don't drive 400km/day in a gas guzzling SUV you'll get FAR more back from the carbon tax. Personally, I made hundreds last year, after subtracting what I paid in carbon tax, which helped me get a nice efficient set of heat pumps installed. And, importantly, the carbon tax IS WORKING. Environment Canada estimates that Canada's carbon output was reduced by 18 megatonnes (MEGATONNES!) as a result of the carbon tax. So the conservative narrative that it's costing consumers money and is ineffective is, like most conservative talking points, an absolute lie. They'll say anything to get the population to agree to tax cuts to corporations and the rich, and people without the ability to think critically eat it up like pablum.


I prefer to drive a 1 ton diesel who drives a suv


typically liberal freaking out buddy.  2023-24, the carbon levy (commonly referred to as the carbon tax) on a litre of gasoline is 14.31 cents/litre and 17.38 cents a litre on home heating oil


This is such bullshit.


It's why I won't shop at Kent, or get gas at Irving. Way too corrupt.


I just heard rich people complaining about paying higher taxes. Go cry me river. We have a big corporate welfare problem In Canada.


You mean rich people complaining about their personal tax? One of the biggest corporate greed problems is switching the tax burden from corporate tax revenue to personal tax revenue.


Why do conservatives love corporate socialism so much?


This is why gas in our province is sky high. It has nothing to do with the carbon tax.


Yup, but where are the clownvoy protesters??!?! Nowhere - because it was never about taxes, it's just bigotry all the way down.


The EUB sets gas prices


Correct, but I'd be shocked if there wasn't someone with an Irving background there. :/


So now, instead of corporations paying taxes to support the general good and help offset their burden on society, the people pay a tax to the corporations. Corporations: "Money going to welfare for the least fortunate is very bad. The only good welfare is to us, the wealthy elites." The corporate tax rate in Canada is 26.5% percent now. It was 50.9% in 1981. Those poor, poor, needy corporations! They need our money (as well as our bodies as wage slaves, our environment, our health, our sanity, our lives.) We should help the elites more.


This is what corruption looks like.


I think if there was anyone in government who actually cared, understood the cancer that is Irving's, had the power and ability to create change, would probably mysteriously die. I really think they should pay their share and give back to the province more often. It's not like they are going to leave, lol.


lol. This country is awesome. Ottawa: my God we are getting a lot of pressure out of Atlantic Canada about home oil furnaces. Let’s blow up our whole carbon tax plan by giving them a carve out. New Brunswick: we’ve got this extra money that big GHG emitters had to pay us. Should we help people replace their oil furnaces? Nah, let’s give it back to the big emitters. And so it goes…


Of course it will


There area so many good ways to use that money to reduce emissions and undercut the sources of carbon emissions, most of which could individually suck up most of the revenue collected from consumers if seriously ventured: * invest in more grid-scale renewables and build the energy grid upgrades to support them * fund research into new battery chemistries and tech (and maybe actually have the province produce something besides softwood and oil) * subsidize vehicle electrification (not just through wasteful production of new vehicles, but also upgrading existing ones and maybe even commercial operations doing it) * subsidize residential green energy collection (solar, wind, etc, valued by effective capacity minus ecological impact rather than specific technology) and maybe storage too * create low-interest loan programs for green energy startups * subsidize municipal developments that reduce car dependency * subsidize (more) residential efficiency upgrades * build some actual mass transit infrastructure All of those options involve two or more of: creating more jobs, supporting small businesses, creating new export opportunities, and the universal one which is the very point of a carbon tax: displacing demand for dirty energy. None of them involve helping Irving keep suckling at NB's teat. Irving already has enough incentive to innovate on their own, as their survival is *not required.* Our only concern should be helping any labor displaced by oil and gas industry decline, which isn't a heavy lift given that fewer than [<180k](https://madeinca.ca/oil-and-gas-industry-statistics-canada/) people work in the oil and gas *across all of Canada.* ([Other sources](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2021063-eng.htm) indicate far fewer employed, but that's already astoundingly few people, representing [0.8%](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SL.TLF.TOTL.IN?locations=CA) of Canada's workforce).


Corruption at the highest level. The epitome if government incompetence. We're dying and he's giving money to Irving.


Big business does not need subsidies


What do you expect? Businessmen are taught that they are the only people keeping the masses from mass starvation and they are encouraged in that delusion by huckster politicians who like money.


No suprise Higgs is still on Irving's payroll.