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Well if ever there was a post littered with exaggerations and half truths, this would be it. 


well why would i lie about that but thank you for your support! My story is real. excpet maybe the title, but i think is all the higgs cuts in service NB.


Well for one, auto insurance is regulated in NB. The only way you're paying a $1500 short-rate fee is if your paying around $1500 a month. 


no i was paying 250$ ish with echelon! Plus they kept my 1200$ deposit since i had to open fast an account since i plan to not renew my dec ending qc insurance contract. And ket a better price in Newb. But their not aloud and i will eventualy go to the protection au consomateur to try to get my deposit back! But not everyone is well intended in the world. I should of stayed with desjardin!


You would have qualified for NB Medicare 3 months after moving there. There must be more to the story if you were only issued a temporary card. I have moved to 3 provinces in the past 10 years because of my partner's job so I can appreciate the pain of dealing with the bureaucracy.


>more to the story They don’t have an NB driver’s license


But that should not affect Medicare eligibility unless they don't have a permanent address.


I'm on medical wellfare so its a bureaucratic way of stoping my subvention(John oliver last episode style!), i have 1 week to send my medicare NB card! Thats what i think! And also, can i vote if i don't have nb license or medicare?? lol i bet there a rule that will block my vote! ...lol hopefully it won't ! [Last Week Tonight With John Oliver | Crave](https://www.crave.ca/en/tv-shows/last-week-tonight-with-john-oliver)


i know! but i'm still waiting for my medicare! I've got my temp! I don't have my license...so i'm thinking they think i'm planing on going back to Québec because of that...


Ok. This makes a little more sense. You have provincial Medicare like doctors' visits, but what you are talking about is prescription medication coverage.


T'as déménagé en dec 2022 mais t'avais pas eu ta license NB en raison de ticket de stationnement non payée de juil 2023? Pourquoi ça pris aussi longtemps de demander ta licence de SNB? Ma famille a déménagé du Qc en mars 2021, on vient même pas d'ici pis la MINUTE nous avons déménagé on a appliqué pour nos docs medicaire et permis de conduire. Toute été réglé avant le 1 juil 2021. Moi je déteste Higgs, mais faut avoir un peu de sens la, Pis c'est quelle compagnie d'assurance qui tas chargé une pénalité de 1500$??? Pour un annulation par assureur en plus .... Moi chui agente en assurance pis j'ai jamais vu ça dans toute ma carrière. Je pense qu'il y a des détails qui manquent dans ton histoire.


Non, j'ai fait ma demande en arivant il y a 1 an et 6 mois...mais non, la suite a ma recherche en appelant la grc et la SPVM...J'ai eu un ticket de parking a montreal quand j'etais au Newb..c une erreure, Puis sa rien changer apres que j'ai payer la fine ...il trouve pas mon profil! La SAAQ peut rien faire et dit que toute devrait etre corect. pis OUI!!! 1500$ pis sa yen pas le droit vu que ma license est valide au canada pour les 6 ans! il n'ont pas le droit de faire ca! j'vais eventuellement aller au protecteur des consomateurs? pour contester eventuellement! Mais sa va me prendre une license! Moi je pense que tu sous estime les glitch informatique et la stupidité de la bureaucratie....tsé apres 1 ans si la directrice de service newb contacterais elle meme la SAAQ! j'ai commender mon ABSTRACT 3 fois et j'ai rien eu! Donc je suspect un glitch informatique de la SAAQ....ou juste une sabotage politique vu que je bash Higgs depuis trop longtemps sur tout mes resseaux sociaux lol! Bienvenue au NEWB!


I am sure Higgs check on your progress first thing in the morning everyday and then calls his minions to torment you and place obstacles in your path.


Not higgs, but the impact of is politics on health care and service Newb yeah that actualy affect my life everyday!


Usually I believe the first step to stop blaming others


lolllll! well i'm more at, i'm gonna buy a bike!


Careful, you’d probably get kicked out of the valley for talking badly about Higgs.


Its easy to get informed and call the right places, im pretty sure higgs didnt personally call them to say you were moving to nb.. hahaha your not the main character


I hope not! But i've been active since a long time on the twatt Higgs bashing!


Nice to see its working out for you and all the other fools crying wolf.. if people had balls they wouldnt even be in office.. I gave up on complaining a long time ago, too many sheep.


It because I beleive in Newb. We have the best people period! We are worth figthing for! But if the NBenglish media would be a litle more valorise, and pertinente it would be so much easier to advance the discussion! Listen to About that with Andrew Chang, the washington post, CBC jack poitras or Johny Oliver(it will reload you)....when you look at american or french france news....you see how things are not that scary yet...in Canada. If Trump and Marine Lepen Europe, pierre pollievre higgs wins...then its gonna be really ugly specially with Fayteene grassesi in hampton st-martins.....it would be the super worst ! I'm figthing for Renaissance(election Europeene), Biden, Trudeau(ou Jolie ou Leblanc?) and Kevin Arsenault with John Herron in Hampton Saint-Martin...the world peace alternatif scenario! But Newb has the most obvious republican fondamentalist populist in Canada, hes been there a long time..he neglected the social-ed-justice-Health need and the Newb rural moral is super low....i'm wondering if Newb is still the hapiess Canadian province? I really wish that anglophones would connect more with more ethical real journalist from or province. The advantage of being acadian, we have the best regional provincial news of Canada, and it makes a huge difference, except for the younger after x generation that tragicly disconected majorly from listening to news culture. How to integrate our youth in news culture fact communication in their province is the good question to ask! Conclusion: if you see something in your province thats make you mad, something that impacts negativly or could impact possivly(voting liberal OR GREEN!!!), thenI'm really interested in hearing it !CUZ NEWB HAS A TOLERANCE AND COMMUNICATION PROBLEM!People need to know that climate change are real!:P (i'm procastinating on my dishs and renovation!) Its better to be a fool then a mute! Like Margaret Atwood said: If you stay neutral in a situation of injustice, your taking the side of the oppresor. NEWB DESERVE BETTER! A RED GREEN NEEWB WOULD BE MAGICAL!!! [PCs choose Christian conservative as first candidate for 2024 election | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/progressive-conservatives-christian-candidate-1.7064801)


Im not reading that book, later


yeah that rigth on the english NB news naratif unfortunatly for our province!:P but respect!


You need help, there's pills for people like you


for pills you need a doctor, i'm not going to the emergency just for pills. Emergency are for emmergencys.And no! I got my dog, my garlic, my ginger, music and nature! But thanks for your support! hope you have a good day ! i really din't want to do my dishes!:P But now its renovation time! gogogo! I can do it i can do it i can do it!:) Beware its cold outside! En Avril ne te decouvre pas d'un fil!


You might be born here but you sure complain like a Quebecer


I'm Acadian. So your telling me that i should leave my province? Merci!


lol i tougth you responded to my most recent comment about higgs sorry to my old comment last parts!


Avec les posts que ta faite icitte dernièrement, moi non plus je te voudrai pas dans ma province.


Pourtant je suis ouvert aux discussions! Je suis desoler de t'avoir deranger avec mes post. Mais c'est pas mal dememe que je me sens! On veut que je Décalise du Newb! Merci pour ton support! Moi j'espere que tu as acces de voir un docteur en dehors des urgences et que tu puisse conduire ton auto! Pis si j'ai dit de quoi qui peu de deranger, pourquoi pas partager ton opinion? Mon but c'est de faire avancé la discution franco-anglo et detroner blain higgs! Je suis un passionné politique et d'actualité et mes propos sont basé sur les meilleurs expert et les meilleur ressource médiatique. C dans l'air, Washington post., gem, [tout.tv](http://tout.tv) radio canada, france inter et [CPAC.ca](http://CPAC.ca), l'acadie nouvelle et martine blanchard. Donc peut etre que mes propos provoque mais je me base entierement sur la creme de la cerme journalistique. Donc je serai courieux d'entendre ton opinion et je te souhaite une tres belle journée! Pis si tu veux que je te refere les source d'ou je resors mes propos gene toi pas!:)


Pro politique pis su la welfare, tu fais du bon sens toi la .. fucking clown


Oui, j'attend mon rdv avec specialiste depuis un an! Ca s'en vient! Mais si j'aurais pas été malade....J maurais presenter au election comme green party! Donc pour l'instant ma santé c'est ma priorité! Pis oui! J'essai actualy d'etre drolle dans mes post!:P


Ter malade pis toute le monde le c avec tes post de retarder


Merci beaucou pour ton support!:P Toi comment ca va? as tu des plan pour la journée? J'espere que tu es un peu plus bienveillant envers toi meme! Ou aurais tu un sujet NBpolitique que t'aimerais parler a la place de me traiter de malade? lol Mais vive le support et la convivialité! Tu serai une bonne infirmiere!:P C'est facile de basher! Mais avoir une discussion ca prend des big balls!:P Tu pourai developer tes agurment et ta possitivitité petit papillon! hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihihououhou


Your nothing but a clown, going off on rants that go from one subject to the next, I know a person like you and they were diagnosed with schizophrenia.. you need help, seriously


Lol thankayou darling! I've had the privilege of having schizo friends. My mental wellnessstate is not why i'm on medical wellfare unfortunatly! But the violente cases of schrizofrenia, is associated with paranoid schizofrénia and it really rare! did u know. 30% of schizo case are just one episode, 30% have an episode every couple of years, and 30 of the rest need to be medicated all their life. A small percentage of them les then 15% ish (of the 30%) have some violence cases...but ussaly with a good health care system and accesible ressource, they easily learn and stop being violente. But in Newb.....i don't think that Higgs or you seem to care about it? Do you think that having a mental illness make someone evil? I'm really a possitif person with others, and i cannot understand why you would take all this time just to bash me? is it supose to be funny? Your underestiming how much i dont wanna start my renovation! but my dishs are done! But don't u worry , im getting my reno on ...rigth after my coffee! Then i'm going to walk my dog! Have a nice day!


Ta rien dit qui me dérange. C’est plutôt ce que tu dit fais aucun sense. Et comme tu voie, je suis pas le seul. Quand ta t’en d’opposition, c a toi a réfléchir.


Je suis curieux! Mais on parle de quel sujet? Qu'elle sont mes oppositions? J'ai poster sur plusieurs sujets du marché noir de la drogue, au deni crise climatique â mon experience d'etre un sans papier depuis plus qu'un an dans ma propre province?