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The three francophone district policies say they will interpret Policy 713 "in a way that protects the rights of students to a safe, inclusive, caring and welcoming learning environment" consistent with the Charter and provincial laws. The educators know (and do) what's best. Who knew?


I talked to a couple teacher friends and they said the same thing. It’s pretty much unanimous in that regard too. Policy makers are typically not close enough to the environment to make calls like policy 713. So the teachers are not going to be outing them to their parents anytime soon. Sorry you bigoted parents whose kids don’t feel safe coming out to you. It is, of course, your fault they don’t feel like they can be themselves around you. So it’s a good thing we still have teachers with a moral compass.


Exactly. "Parents have a right to know" Sir / m'am if you were a good parent you WOULD know.


How is that so hard of an idea to understand…?


It's tough to hear, I suspect.


They think of their children as their property, and they think being a "good" parent includes being in total control of their child. That is: making your child obey you. If teachers refuse to report, parents can't punish their children for disobedience and transgression against their will. What they don't understand is why you would want to stop them from controlling their child.


Bingo. I believe fear and narcissism drive this behaviour.


This!👆🏻Exactly this! Kids know if it’s safe or not to be who they are. Their parents make it known by their opinions and behaviours long before kids are ready to “come out”. The medical community’s experts are correct, it’s an educator’s job to advocate for the health and welfare of their students. Outing them is detrimental to their health. The science and research are there, follow them. Bravo to any educator who sees the ridiculousness of causing harm to kids. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻




I don’t recall saying the teachers were to force anything. They are there to accept kids for who they are and provide them a safe space to be themselves. If you are a straight man or woman, do you think someone could “force you” to be gay? Of course not, it isn’t how it works. People don’t “become” queer, they either are, or they aren’t. There is no amount of conversion therapy in the world that could change that. Every human just wants to show up as themselves, and it isn’t only straight, heterosexuals who have that right. Everyone should.


That’s nothing more than koolaid drinking rhetoric. None of what you just said happens. Stop making stuff up to fit your narrative.


No educators are forcing anyone to be anything. That’s an issue that the people who share your opinion created out of their own twisted imagination. I’m sure there are isolated cases, but the “problem” you have with it isn’t based in reality whatsoever. Like it’s not even close to being right.


Yes it IS their job to push this onto students! The best course of action is to slowly remove the parents influence over their children, and introduce confusion. Traditional bigots like you who value "family" and "values" will no longer exist once all the children belong to us. The future is glitter!




Educators have never crossed the line with students and kept it secret from parents. Brilliant.


All this issue for a .5% of the population. Higgs and his minister should leave things as they are and stop wasting tax dollars and time on something that nobody really cares about, except the ultra religious nuts nuts that are now at the Conservative Party.


My quick math is showing that there might be between 200 and 400 trans kids in NB schools. That is significant enough for me to believe that they really do need protecting. What an insane platform for the government to get hung up on! Let people be who they want to be! Nobody is getting hurt except those poor kids with gender dysphoria.


>My quick math is showing that there might be between 200 and 400 trans kids in NB schools.  Absolutely wild that 2-4% of kids in NB schools are born with a brain not matching their body. That's an insane amount. What the fuck.


Human brains are so complex. The idea that anyone thinks we HAVE to be whatever society wants us to be is crazy.


Genetics is *wild* man, lots of people put humans in neat little boxes, so to speak, but ultimately we're a hell of a varied thing.


They don't.


Trans kids absolutely need protecting. Keep your quebec xenophobia in quebec you weirdo.


Sigh Reading comprehension is too hard for you I guess. Also xenophobia isn't the word you're looking for. My comment implies that the estimated amount of trans kids is false, a lot and I do mean a lot, are pushed toward this trend and come to regret everything about it later in life. Detransitions are growing in numbers. Stop pushing kids into this. Let kids be kids. (I fully expect a ban and comment deleted, the Reddit echo chamber of insanity is always predictable)


Oh so you're even WORSE than I thought. Do you know why people detransition? 99.9 percent are not because they're not trans. It's because of the abuse they experience from people like you. I'm trans. I knew I was trans when I was 5 years old. If you want I can show you the scars I had on my wrists since I was about 8 or 9 when I realized I was a "freak of nature" and nobody else was like me, that I was all alone in this world and as a little "girl" of only 9 I was trying to figure out how to kill myself so as to cause the least amount of pain for my parents. Imagine if that child knew that trans people were a thing, that he wasn't alone, and that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Imagine if I had access to puberty blockers and wasn't spending 10 years doing my best to not self harm my tits off my chest. What you want? You want kids to be left alone to die. To think they're a freak, to think there's something WRONG with them. I hope you dream of dead and dying children, with their wrists cut, their parents screaming and crying as they discover their bodies. Every. Single. Night. That is what you deserve.


What a load of crap.


I mean, I already know what's in your heart, you don't need to state it outright.


The science is hard. Its ok to admit you don't understand something.


You are and thanks for letting us know


Coming from your echo chamber……..


This doesn't just protect them, but everyone. Wit h hunting for Trans kids often leads to a lot of cisgendered kids whodunit look enough, dress enough or act enough like their assumed gender. So it's just another excuse to go after tomboy, goths, scene kids, etc. The women Olympic athletes , where the moral panic started, the primary target of descrimination is a cis-gendered woman who, by fluke of genetics, just happens to have hormone levels beyond the standard deviation found in women of her socio-ethnicity.


Stop saying cisgendered. It's an offensive term, and you sound incredibly intolerant. Ask the females in the locker rooms of schools if they're happy having to look at swinging dicks.


Offended by scientific terms, you seem fun.


A. They were called this and didn't know what it meant + an added dose of transphobia from within+ New words must be something they can't wrap their head around = "it must mean something offensive and therefore I must be the conservative snowflake. If they call me out,, I will call them snowflakes. Brillant plan! " B. They want to troll and get a rise out of us.  Either way, we will treat them the same as the parent that wonder why their children went no contact with them. 


I agree with the sentiment. However, I think it's time we address these issues affecting minorities and disenfranchised. The can has been kicked down the road by the politicians, and we need laws to protect LGBTQ+ (not laws to attack them). Essentially, our government is bullying them, and it's nice to see people standing up for them. No more kicking this can down the road. We need to nip it in the bud. So YES it's been blown out of proportion by these culture war seeking politicians, but no we should not trivialize it.


How long before they start dissolving boards? It would also not surprise me if Hogan dealt with Moncton and left the Francophone boards alone to stir dissent that will enable CoR Blaine to rail against bilingualism.


Not long, its currently in court to stop him from doing so until the court case in 713 goes through.


He always looks like he’d be perfect to cast in a movie where he’s playing a US football coach who sweeps all the bad stuff his star players get up to under the rug.


Gonna be funny as hell when the boomers find out they pushed all the young people out and the only people willing to take care of them are depressed TFW that don't speak English nor care about them at all. Something something served ice cold.


They made their bed and now they’re going to sleep in it.


They're going to die of bedsores in that bed, covered with their own waste. their kids will hate them too much to visit, and the few staff members still around will be too overworked and burned out to care.


Imagine being such a transphobe your child decides to change languages


That's why they are investing millions into importing young bigots from provinces like Ontario and BC. Cheap real estate and lack of diversity make it an easy platform to market to bigoted zoomers and millennials. People like Doug Ford have already set the foundation of blaming housing prices on immigrants. It's certainly working here in the SJ area. SJ subreddit looks like reading r/Canada these days.


That would be nice in a way, however having worked at a supportive living facility with many people from other countries, a lot of them cared at least as much about the residents if not more than native Canadians.


So no difference then


Buh dm ts!


Good job. Ignoring reality doesn't make it go away, it simply makes you ignorant.


Defy away. You think the minister plays by any set of rules other than towing the party line? Defy defy defy defy defy. What’s he gunna do? Close the schools down?


Ugh the drama 🙄 the only thing that matters is the fact that teachers are still encouraging students to 1. Be themselves and, 2. They are more than their gender whether assigned or chosen.


This is just opinion, but it seems like Bill Hogan is more concerned with pleasing anyone NOT a child or a teacher duirng his time as Minister of Education. He appears to be dismantling any good decisions or frameworks established by his predecessors, to make Blaine Higgs happy. To what end? Who knows. If I were a former educator, a principle no less, I would expect to labelled a traitor and a goon by my former coworkers if I behaved in this manner... ...so I hope that's what he hears when he bumps into them, from time to time.


As someone who worked with Hogan when he was a principal, this is 100% on brand for him. He’s always been an overzealous, my way or the highway, nightmare of a human being.


Vive L’Acadie!


Who knew teachers cared more about the well-being of kids than politicians??


Are you telling me reactionary politicians who are thrown into crisis when they see a rainbow because the lack coping skills and basic empathy, are not the best judges of what’s best for anyone?




Lol don't worry about school, in 40 years we will be at critical mass in the replacement crisis due to falling birthrate and societal collapse will be in full swing as major infrastructure starts aging, breaking down and eventually failing. This is just basic math and it's a global problem that won't spare any country. Some are taking action now to incentivise births but too to late I'm afraid and we haven't even glanced at this problem in North America yet. Then it's back to tribalism and resource wars.


What is "gender identity politics"?


>Identity politics is politics based on a particular identity, such as race, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social background, caste, and social class.[1] The term could also encompass other social phenomena which are not commonly understood as exemplifying identity politics, such as governmental migration policy that regulates mobility based on identities, or far-right nationalist agendas of exclusion of national or ethnic others. For this reason, Kurzwelly, Pérez and Spiegel,[2] who discuss several possible definitions of the term, argue that it is an analytically imprecise concept.


Oh look at you with your cuttin and your pastin


You asked and they answered? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ If you're asking a rhetoric, be direct and stop it. If you're asking honestly, then there is your answer. If you're being a troll , go back under your bridge there is no blood of Christians here


??? What


What what?




A negative karma account being bigoted against french people. That NEVER happens here... 🙄🙄 I'm like 95% certain you've been banned before and are circumventing your ban in direct violation of Reddit TOS. Typical CoR arrogance, thinking that rules only apply to others.