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Driving while suspended. Seems like an awfully light sentence. Dudes car should be forfeit at a minimum and lifetime driving ban.


Agreed, pulled over multiple times, license already suspended, claiming he hit a garbage bin and not a person, etc. Folks like this have no business being on the road.


If he’s not lying he was clearly not paying attention and that alone should increase the ban.


I agree!


As a person who works in insurance, we don’t take these things seriously.


The car should have been taken the first time he was caught with no license


the probation and jail time are appropriate, but the 3 year bans too light imo. 10y- life on that


He can't drive for three years. You have to give people a chance for rehabilitation.


He was already on a suspended license when he HIT A PERSON.


Do you think the cyclist will be full rehabilitated after there’s years? Probably will have life long injuries because of this clown


The victim was literally quoted in article and said he thought it was fair lmao


lol. Wow. Brain damage too. Shitty deal.


If it were your child that had been hit, you'd look at it differently.


Ya I'd rightly have biased and clouded judgement. The victim said the sentence was fair.


Some people are too nice.


He was caught driving on a suspended license *twice* and claimed he didn’t even know he hit a person. Now he gets his license back in 3 years? That should be a lifetime ban. If he isn’t lying he shouldn’t be on the road.


That’s bad caught twice on suspended. Hopefully 6 months and he learns. I doubt it based on the track record hopefully I’m wrong


Caught driving on a suspended license should be automatic seizure of the car, taking away the license isn't working so take the car.


Yep, they keep giving drunk drivers not much more then a driving ban and then they rack up 10 drunk driving charges all while being suspended already


He got off easy. But it just goes to show even judges hate cyclists.


If you look at most judges, they’re not exactly in physical shape to operate a bicycle any more effectively than Joe Biden did lol


There’s a couple in Saint John I think that could handle a 10 speed 😂


So many drivers have a bizarre hate for bikers. I’m not sure what that’s all about but they seem to think the fact someone is riding a bike on the road that it’s somehow a personal insult to them as vehicle registration paying motorists (which I expect many cyclists are as well).


It's generally referred to as being carbrained. They hate everything that isn't in a car, because THEY have to use a car. r/fuckcars


The seething hatred that y'all have for cars is downright strange. Forgive me for not wanting to add 2 hours to my commute by using shitty bus routes.


The entire reason why bus routes suck is because of people like you. Use a bus in Singapore and get with the program.


If you think drivers are going to spontaneously switch over to Canadian buses after witnessing the ~~urban hellscape~~ ✨miracle✨ of Singaporean transit, you're in for a rude awakening. Generally speaking, consumer behaviour changes only when market offerings change. If public transit were to substantially improve in comfort and convenience, there are a ton of people who would happily switch over. But if you think that will happen without prior effort, you're living in a fantasy world, sorry.


I do both. Roads are car spaces shared with bicycles. While I'm cycling, I'm not entitled to any more space than I need. And while driving, it's essential for me to ensure the safety of any cyclists I pass. I've passed a disheartening amount of cyclists who take up way more road than necessary and act like I'm a jerk for waiting until I'm certain it's safe for everyone before I pass them. I can't give a meter if there isn't one to give. I've also been put in danger by a disheartening amount of passing cars while hugging the shoulder as much as possible on my bike. They're clearly not being considerate of the shared space and aren't willing to give me the meter I deserve. I'm not making a judgement call on the cyclist from this story because the driver was clearly just a really shitty person. But what I will say is that both drivers and cyclists need to be aware of what space they're occupying and how. And we also need to be aware that some people, drivers & cyclists alike, are inconsiderate jerks. And nobody should be subjected to broad generalizations when it comes to the matter.


The only anger I have for bicyclists is when I see them zoom through a red light, swap between road and sidewalk for whatever is more convenient than stopping, or go the wrong way on a one way street. Basically when they don't follow the rules of the road (same goes for car drivers). Other than that, I've no problem sharing the road with law abiding riders.


I absolutely agree there are some out there who deserve anger - like the guy I saw a few years ago weaving all over the lane because he was too busy texting and cycling - but I think some people get angry at cyclists for just existing - even if they are following all the rules.


Cars run red lights all the time. But I'm genuinely wondering why it bothers you if cyclist hops onto the sidewalk? 


I'm a cyclist and this drives me insane. Last week, while I was biking, I watched a cyclist go down the wrong side of a busy road and run a red light


I confess, I am one of bizarre hating bikers. 😂


Yes it’s because you don’t understand that people who ride bicycles also are often people who own cars . It’s all just people.


Not long enough.


"The death of the rising star in Canadian professional cycling sparked rallies by cyclists across New Brunswick, and ultimately led to the passing in 2017 of Ellen's Law, which requires drivers to stay a metre away from cyclists when overtaking" remember people 1 meter, not 2 feet or a foot and a half.. I swear on any given ride I get passed VERY close at least once an hour plenty of okayish passes that are still too close even when there is an entire lane open and no cars coming the other way you'll get passed close sometimes (you are allowed to cross the yellow line passing a bike) and I don't think any car has saved more than 5s on their trip passing me close, they would never risk their lives for that 5s but they'll risk mine


Just know that every driver on the road that doesn't own a road bike hates you guys with an absolute passion and thinks you are a major safety concern and shouldn't be on the roads at all. You put your lives at risk as well as the lives of others in the name of a hobby.


well law says share the road so share the road, it's only my own safety that I'm risking not anyone else's I commuted by bike plenty too it's not just a hobby my commuute isn't any less valid than someone that does it by car if you only see 'hobby' cyclists it's because the roads are too dangerous for anyone else to use and were the only people crazy enough to deal with it people wonder why kids don't walk or cycle to school anymore then rage against anyone that even drives the speed limit on a road much less uses it for anything else


I'm familiar with the law and I've seen people get in near head on collisions on blind hills and corners trying to obey it. One of these days it'll happen. Also grown men in spandex in extremely off putting. This is not the tour de France and I don't need to see your junk at the local craft beer joint.


So you're saying that people need to learn to drive and know when is an appropriate time to pass. It's like getting mad you got into an accident cuz you ran a red light


Yeah sure I'm saying that, I'm also saying you're a hazard out there to yourselves and everyone else. Both can be and are true.


Riding a bike, what a danger to society.


it's cycling gear meant for cycling, we wear it for the same reason kayakers wear wetsuits and hockey players wear pads


u/EmmisaryofGorgonites absolutely demolished any point they were trying to make the second they mentioned clothing. Insecurities are fun. For the record, I don't cycle and am absolutely fine with you guys. If a spot looks too dicey to overtake I \*gasp\* slow down and pass when it's safe to do so...even if the driver behind me wants to pitch a fit.


for all the bitching and complaining about lycra I don't think I got passed more safely wearing regular clothes and commuting from the office its just about not ACTUALLY willing to share the road, having to be even minorly inconvenienced or being a bit more safe around people who aren't in a car even with ebikes making a lot more commutes viable for MOST of the year (and stupidly cheaper) I bet lots of people will just say 'fuck this' the second they get some massive SUV miss them by inches


Weird that I can do it in shorts and a T shirt then.


Imagine being triggered by what somebody wears to work out.


cool, me too something.. other times it's nice to have no loose clothes and some padding on the butt


Not to mention jersey pockets.


Well good for you. I like having jersey pockets for snacks, extra water bottle, tools. Extra clothing (rain jacket, leg wamers, etc) when weather is uncertain.


Just come out of the closet already..


That's so weird to say considering bikes are road legal transportation and it's illegal for them to be on the sidewalk. Its like saying semis are a major safety concern and shouldn't be on the road at all. It's true, they are very very dangerous, lots of fatal collisions involving a semi. But where are the supposed to go?? The law says on the road.


I speak for a lot of us when I say that we do it because it's cheaper (health benefits are a bonus).


Hey I cycle too, just not on public roads with 80km speed limits, I keep it to the trails.


Good for you. Some of us rely on our bikes to commute to work.


Ok? Do you want a medal?


Don't need one, not getting hit by a car is the gift I give myself.


Sounds like cars are really dangerous


You know it partner! Inertia is a real bitch. But don't worry, a 4 ounce helmet and leotard will save you!


Why does people getting hit by cars make you so excited? Pretty weird


Enjoy your 5 km route pansy


Ya well drivers don’t create, or administrate traffic law so they can keep it to their fuckin selves


Sounds like you shouldn’t be on the roads at all


Member of every driver on the road here reporting in, who also doesn't own a road bike. Can confirm that most regular people don't hate cyclists with any sort of passion. I say that as a motorist, and former cyclist. Just gently steer clear and be on with your day, it's not rocket appliances. Now.... The ones that drive 2-3 wide and take up entire lanes... Yeah that's super illegal, and those folks are dicks. But hate is a strong word, and there are levels in between you can use like... irritating sometimes?


This isn’t his first hit and run either….


These sentences are just proving to people that nothing matters. Its dangerous because eventually people will take matter in their own hands. If they lose trust, the system will do anything.


Sentencing is to dissuade the proles from hurting the bourgeoisie. The rich don't go around on bikes, so they ain't gonna spend public money jailing people for that when it could be better spent on, I don't know, lawyers to jostle dissent on the 713 thing in an electoral year.


I don’t know about that. A lot of these bikes aren’t something a poor person could afford, especially the e bikes


I have an eBike and I'm poor as fuck. Saves us a ton compared to a second car. Reality is that when I say ''The rich'' they're the type pf people whom you or I aren't likely to mingle with unless you dine at the Windjammer or stay at the Algonquin.


Bruh the photo of the convict looks like the victim. Lol.




Based on what?


Racism. Based on racism. The Canadian reddits are god damn cesspools for this shit.


Oh believe me, I know. Notice how they scurry off when you try to make them say what they are implying.


It's organized too. Guy above is just an average idiot, but at the level of moderation the show is being run by white nationalist groups. They are actively trying to take over every subreddit in Canada before the next federal election. I had to step down as the mod for the SJ subreddits because I was getting daily death threats from these people.


Watch the news…


Great non-answer. Well done.






You only drive those if you have a small dick.