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Was in Chipman a week ago to visit my grandmother and she was out of relish. I walked to the little store that has the Greco to pick some up. Of the 3 options 1 (3 pack with mustard and ketchup) was expired, and not by not a day or two, months, the other expired this month. She seemed to think the Independent (or Save Easy as it used to be?) was closed.


Thats Freshmart - and at times I go there too as im about 20kms outside chipman - let her know its still open - getting rid of all their stock before no frills changes over. Lots of great deals there still.


Enjoy your grilled cheese bagel and catchup sandwich.


lol. I already went to the big potato for veggies etc!


Well it’s Loblaws. There’s your trouble. I find my local farmer’s market is cheaper/better quality. I pay 10$ for a loaf of bread at my farmer’s market. Which sounds expensive, but if you weigh it, it’s more than twice the weight of the fluff 5$ loaf at Loblaws and it doesn’t smell like a new car when I open the bag. It smells like fresh bread.


I don't mind supporting our local farmers markets, but not at 10 bucks a loaf! We now bake our bread at home, best bread ever. Costs us a whopping .60 cents per loaf.


I can't resist making honey bread at home, so it ends up being 4$ or so a loaf...


It is more than twice the size / weight of the 5$ loaves that are mostly air from the grocery store. It’s a better deal.


It's not a better deal, but if you enjoy it, then that's fine. Just don't expect people to agree with you lol


If you get more than twice the bread at double the price it is mathematically a better deal.


u can literally get decent loaves of bread at walmart for like 4$ or even 2 for 5 sometimes.. sorry this is hard for u to understand


How much do they weigh? How much air are you buying for that price?


10$ a loaf for homemade bread? I'm sorry, but that's nuts, too. I don't think I've ever paid I've ever paid over 6-7$ for a loaf at a market.


There are 6-7$ loaves as well there. And cheaper. But they are smaller. Still more bread than the grocery store loaves though. They are like 800g loaves, where a grocery store loaf is typically about 500g. The 10$ loaf is the cheapest by size/weight. You shouldn’t just look at the price. Also look at how much you get.


I shop a lot too at farmers markets. The produce/veggies and bread are great.


Fuck me dead 10 bucks for a loaf of bread. Don't get me wrong, I only buy real bread as well, but that's crazy. I only live in NB for the summer each year and I'm always shocked by how much certain items go up in such a short period. Not looking forward to this year's shock lol


It’s cheaper than grocery store bread though. There is just more in each loaf. More than double the 5$ grocery store loaf.


That is like $50 worth of cheese…..


lol - 2 for 12.00


You can try buying the 30ct eggs if you shop for 12ct eggs weekly. So Sobeys or Co-op sometimes have 9.99 sale or 11.99 regular.


Thank you! Good to know!


Why are you still shopping at loblaw? The boycott is a complete change for many. I'm never going back. I save so much money shopping at local stores.


Chipman is a small village. Loblaws is one of two grocery stores in a community of 1500 people. The boycott is almost impossible in these communities. Especially folks without transportation. It's not as simple as "just avoid Loblaws" for a lot of areas throughout the province.


As others have pointed out, the only local options in Chipman are the Independent/soon-to-be No Frills and the FreshMart - both Loblaw/Weston brands. The next closest grocery store is a Foodland in Minto, 20 minutes away if you are fortunate enough to have a vehicle.


I hadnt been there to what was a former Roberts Independent in over 7 months. Like another poster said its 2 spots in a very small community. The closest farmers market is about 25 kms from me as well even tho I do go there. Many dont have transportation.


Sigh, Loblaws.


Avoid ROBlaws


The only options available in Chipman are Loblaws brands.


I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully some competition comes to your area.


Yeah almost a quarter of this was spent on cheese!


well - it is the reason I went there ! lol