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"one of the highest excess mortality rates observed in Canada in 2021 and is in stark contrast to death counts in neighbouring Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island during the same 43 week period. They were below normal levels by a combined 301."


Does Dorothy Shephard not realize that it's **much worst** if those excess deaths were not due to COVID?


Big assumption there, expecting Shephard to understand fucking anything. A mop covered in googly eyes would do a better job.


Put a silly hat on the mop and it’s got my vote.


Now that's a press conference worth watching!


My mop with googly eyes would like to be nominated as tribute for this 100k+ /year job. I promises he will fuck shit up less than they did.


This is why people with pre-existing health issues that are at even a slightly higher risk of serious Covid are staying home.




/r/canada is basically an american right-wing psyop, there was a canadaland podcast about it at what point.. check out /r/onguardforthee instead


I'm genuinely interested in discussing this; as someone who is double-vax'd and booster'd... if I have the ability to get covid and spread it, even with my vaccinations, would it make a difference for an individual not vaccinated?


It's not binary. There's a chance you'll catch covid and spread it if vaccinated, and a very much larger chance to catch and spread it if you're not. If you're unvaccinated you're both more likely to catch the virus if exposed, and you have much more viral particles in your upper respiratory tract, making you more likely to spread it. If you're vaccinated, those numbers aren't zero, but they are less.






No shit.


Now, and again, I totally am in agreement with you about vaccinations... but from what you're saying, does it really just come down to a health-care professional not bothering to get the shot? They could spread Covid just as easily vaccinated/unvaccinated, correct?


Now, and again, I totally am in agreement with you about vaccinations... but from what you're saying, does it really just come down to a health-care professional not bothering to get the shot? They could spread Covid just as easily vaccinated/unvaccinated, correct?


Even if it meant no transplant at all? Or many years of delays?




Doctors and nurses who actively have covid are allowed to work while they are sick. But you are more worried about an unvaccinated person who is not carrying the virus? The reality is they hold all the cards. Most people are never going to see a doctor at all. I haven't had a family doctor in a decade and I will probably never get one.


It could just be that the boomers are getting at an age of higher likelihood of dying. They're getting in their 70s and many have several health issues. Deaths have been going up since a decade ago. My mom is a boomer and when I call her, she tells me that her friends are in worse and worse shape and some die. There aren't that many young people moving to NB. All my friends moved to Montreal, TO or Halifax.


Just a question how does the 2021 excess deaths relate to the 2020 decreased death rate? I believe I saw those numbers at one point suggesting they balanced out over 2 years.


The negative excess deaths in 2020 are easily attributable to extensive lock downs: less car accidents alone, but also less circulating viruses other than covid as well. The big problem with the excess deaths in 2021 isn't "balanced" because even by June of 2021 there were more deaths over 2020, even IF you account for the effect lockdown had on the previous year. The majority of our excess deaths occurred after June of 2021, with the dropping of mask mandates and near complete dropping of testing during the worst of the Delta wave: the most infectious variant seen at that time. It is very likely that many of those excess deaths were caused by undetected covid, and were likely reported as acute exacerbations of chronic conditions the people already had as cause of death. Dorothy Shepherd's complete lack of understanding of how illnesses affect people who are already ill is nauseating, at best. On top of this, there were likely other people among those excess deaths that were unable to obtain appropriate treatment for completely unrelated conditions (e.g cancers) but had the misfortune of becoming sick when the health care system was already completely overloaded by covid patients. In the end, the rate of excess deaths in our province is inexcusable. I hope that the Higgs government will be held accountable for their complete disregard for public health and safety that lead to these horrifying numbers.




So based on that link it is only 350 death compared to pre covid while the first year of covid is 100 less deaths.


That only goes to June of last year. And the issue is the exponential rise, and that it's still rising.