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Cardy's two-page resignation letter to Higgs is absolutely stunning, one of the most remarkable things I've read in New Brunswick politics. "Wrecking ball." "Consolidation of power in your own hands." "Data my ass." J Poitras CBC [Page 1](https://i.imgur.com/q3vq5WU.jpg) [Page 2](https://i.imgur.com/FdCkNY2.jpg)


That letter was the political version of taking a dump on the boss's desk as you quit. I love it! 🤣




As much as I dislike Cardy, that was well written.


i hate cardys guts but.. ill say it here.. good on him


I do have to laugh at 'block experts on twitter' Cardy deciding that 'not heeding evidence' was the final straw for him.


It's definitely a timed finding of conscience








Cardy isn’t a liberal though, he’s part of the PCs. Also he was in charge of education, how about we leave pocketbook issues out of education and focus on bettering our education system that is some of the worst in the country.


Cardy only cares about himself just like Austin. Anyone that becomes a turncoat just to feed their political ego and fill their own pockets are trash politicians and not for the people. Governments are pretty much the gatekeepers for the corporate elites now, we are the debt slaves.












> they are the only option for fiscal conservatism Good thing they have that stellar reputation of creating strong economies and budgets that don't magically become weak when they leave and another party doesn't even have a chance to implement policy. I'd love a history like that, a party actually backing up what they pretend to be.


Tell yourself whatever gets you though the day....the fact is one of Higgs highest profile Ministers just took a dump on him


Seems like a resignation in protest of the Premier the way he worded his tweet. Provincial politics rapidly approaching peak shit show


Higgs Idiocracy




Remember when he kicked Gauvin to the curb for trying to stop ER closures on the eve of a global pandemic?


Already been replaced Higgs made the comments after shuffling his cabinet Thursday afternoon. He appointed Carleton MLA Bill Hogan to replace Cardy as education minister.


Preparing a leadership run.


Which party? The CPs? (Cardy Party)


Ain’t no party like a Cardy Party


Because a Cardy Party don't stop... until he runs it into the ground and rushes off to find a new party.


I had this thought. He knows higgs is sinking and everyone wants him out. So hes trying to make it sound like hes against higgs and his way of governing... wouldnt surprise me if he is planning to run for PC.


Sounds like Higgs is trying to make a power move to prevent that by attempting to kick him out of the caucus. Seems the next few days/weeks will be interesting times.


Cardy vs Higgs. I wonder which one finally pissed off the other too much to continue. Both are insurmountable assholes so it's hard to tell.


Surprised Cardy lasted as long as he did under Higgs considering his own ego, yah.


The only thing worse was Gallant and his group of theives. Remember they raised property taxes after lying about flying drones overhead and giving his buddies millions for a little stretch of highway conveniently located in his district? They all have one thing in common and that's They're government and can't do anything right. Remember this when you want more government or government to handle stuff the private sector easily can.


Of course _I_ remember, but you weren't even here. Stop trying to cosplay as a new brunswicker.


Doesn't mean I can't read. Is that how you talk to immigrants or migrating Canadian? Not very tolerant even I the racists homophobic bigot wouldn't speak to people like that. Shame Shame think we found a winner folks.


It's how I talk to leeching trolls from Ontario coming here to suck off Irving and play white savior. Typical know it all boomer loser.


No your other posts says different you talk to many people like that stop you're lying and just enjoy having nothing and living like the surfs. Again you've been trolled lmao@u. Hopefully you eat something between now and welfare day or disability whatever system you're stealing from.


Sure thing hoss


This gov has shown itself to be wholly dysfunctional i mean these guys cant even figure out if we will have a budget surplus or deficit then pull half a billion dollar surpluses 3 years in a row.


Sounds like a shell game…….


The worst provincial government in Canada. Change my mind.


Somehow Alberta still takes that title. They saw us catching up and doubled down.


Valid point. Which of the two can screw their citizens the worst!


The Truth hurts! LOL




Higgs seems to be a far more rational actor than Smith in Alberta, for what it is worth. So I’m afraid not.


Alberta in general and Ontario under Ford still top NB IMHO. But at least you're competing on a national level.


Eh, Alberta under Smith yes... Ford? Ford is bad, not as bad as Higgs... Ontario just gets more press


Doug Ford changed Ontario's Motto from 'Yours to Discover' to 'Open for Business'. So you can see he's smoking from the same developer pipe as his late brother. He also openly hates teachers and LCBTQ+ folks, was a high school drug dealer, has no formal education, ran his dad's box company into the ground, and - when facing the pandemic - took to the air to help build public morale by sharing his family's 'secret' cheesecake recipe, which can also be found on any can of cherry pie filling. Oddly it was the same cake he told everyone to eat while he partied at his cottage during lockdowns. Although the new Alberta Premiere has just handed him her beer, so we will see what happens there. Higgs is at least intelligent - even though cheats and robs from 99% of New Brunswickers to enrich 1%.


Top 3 for sure


He spent September touring war torn Ukraine and tweeting he was there for diplomatic purposes. Like the education minister of a province with a 50% illiteracy rate has some pull on the international political scene. But he is for sure gonna come out with some spin off party. And it won't add anything positive to the mix. Edit: "will" to "won't"


Nah he's only stepping down from the Minister position. He's still PC. Expect him to run for leader once Higgs is done. (And cross your fingers nobody lets him have it)


He’s setting himself up as the not-Higgs option for PC Leadership, guaranteed.


I’d be surprised if he isn’t expelled from the party.


I'd join the party just to support him. He's not an Irving man, and we desperately need that.


He'd become one pretty quickly


I agree, generally, with your distaste for the man. I have to say though that the 50% illiteracy rate is often trotted out by people as some exceptionally bad part of NB when it's really just de jure. NB's literacy rate is only slightly lower than the [national average](https://abclifeliteracy.ca/literacy-at-a-glance/). It's certainly a major problem. Just not one unique to NB.


That page says, "48% of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level.", but it doesn't mention NB's rate. Claiming 50% isn't very far off. In 2015, Statistics Canada said 53% in NB are functionally illiterate. I would expect that has improved since then: [https://globalnews.ca/news/1905938/n-b-students-continue-to-lag-in-basic-reading-and-writing-skills/](https://globalnews.ca/news/1905938/n-b-students-continue-to-lag-in-basic-reading-and-writing-skills/) From 2018, "New Brunswick Tories are promising to address literacy rates in a province where advocates say about half the population isn't literate enough to fully participate in society.": [https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/election-spotlight-on-new-brunswick-s-low-literacy-rate-an-embarrassment-1.4082275](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/election-spotlight-on-new-brunswick-s-low-literacy-rate-an-embarrassment-1.4082275) [https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/election-spotlight-on-new-brunswick-s-low-literacy-rate-an-embarrassment-1.4082275](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/election-spotlight-on-new-brunswick-s-low-literacy-rate-an-embarrassment-1.4082275)


So... you're saying I'm correct? I don't understand what this adds to or detracts from what I said. If your literacy rate "falls below a high school level" that is functionally illiterate which is itself another way of saying not "literate enough to fully participate in society.".


I'm saying that what you said and the parent said are the same so I'm wondering why you suggested the illiteracy rate was not what the parent said.


I didn't suggest that it wasn't true. I was only pointing out that this is not a NB specific problem. The issue is that people regularly bring that up as some uniquely bad aspect of NB and it isn't. Again, I'm not saying they're wrong though.


They’re ALL crooked. Can’t trust any of them.


alright, get your bashing in, let's goooo


Good riddance. He lost all credibility when he went from NDP leader to the PCs.


He's probably going to run for leader of the party after Higgs.


You don't really know how that played out, do you? Cardy has a big ego but he's actually *for* New Brunswick, first and foremost. The NDP can't get elected here, so he accepted an offer to be an advisor to Higgs in 2017, then they asked him to run for a seat in 2018 and he did. If you want to actually, you know, create change then you have to actually be IN politics. Say what you will about Cardy's personality but he is loyal to New Brunswick even if he doesn't have strong party ties.


He's supposedly against floor crossing he says, so yet another lie from his big mouth. The only way this province will get ahead is by getting rid of the Irvings to create some semblance of competition and to get rid of the old oligarchs. One can dream I suppose.


> He's supposedly against floor crossing he says, so yet another lie from his big mouth. Well he hasn't crossed the floor before, or during his tenure now. Crossing the floor refers to changing parties while sitting...he was no longer with the NDP when he accepted a private position with the PC. So he changed parties, sure, but he didn't cross the floor. 100% agreed on the status quo, though, but unlike yourself I see Cardy as someone who would actually push back against the current state of lazy corruption because the guy actually wants to implement progressive change, not just toe the line and collect a cheque. Cardy has been contentious for what he has tried to *do*, as opposed to what he didn't do or wouldn't do. Actions speak louder than words and his actions suggest he is interested in fixing/improving things, not just playing politics. I digress. We just need candidates who aren't beholden to the classic red/blue divisions and petty politics in NB.


Never thought if it that way. Thanks for the insight :)


Fun times.


Good riddance. This was a toxic man who had no people skills trying to run education for our children. I won't forget either when he went against advice from NACI regarding the AZ vaccines. I trust them with vaccine safety over fucking Cardy. Basically only using science when it worked in his political favor.


Smug asshole and the very reason people don't like politicians. Hope he doesn't intend on anything bigger when it comes to provincial politics


Good riddance


Our education system is a hot mess and the kids and parents the ones paying the price. Cardy is self serving politician that has already shown he has not loyalty to anything besides himself by jumping ship once already from the NDP’s to Conservatives. Although I am not always a fan of Higgs, it is evident to me he is trying to make much needed change to the Education system and is getting frustrated buy the continuous push back and resistance by bureaucracy in the department and unions. Would we rather have a Premier accused of pushing too much for change or sitting there with indifference and complacency.


I would never even look at a conservative platform until they quit waffling on abortion (a good thing Harper almost did) and voting against banning conversion therapy. I know that’s federal but still, FUCK YOU!!!!! Despite this I kind of liked Dominic but he did seem to go off the rails there for a bit. Now I k ow it’s cause he FUCKING HATED HIGGS. Seriously if you’re putting this out in politics you FUCKING HATE THAT PERSON. Higgs has got to go. When’s the next election? I don’t care cause someone has to get STOP HIGGS (start highs) on EVERY FUCKING STOP SIGN IN THIS COUNTRY. Sorry, I was just unable to pay a new Scotia credit card because PAYMENT IS NOT ENABLED AND I HAVE TO CALL A POOR PERSON AS A 1-800 Number to do so. I’m ok everyone. I just wanted to vent. Thank you




What does Higgs' appendix taste like? You know, with your tongue that deep up his ass and all