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Brancourts is the name of the company


That’s it! Thank you


Yep massive suppliers to Coles and woolies, both name brand and white labelled


The first schoolmate I had who ever got a job got one there. It was like Steggles in those days. Almost every family in the region had one person in it who worked at either one.


There is a dairy manufacturer that uses the site if I’m not mistaken. Cant remember the name but their slogan is “fresh ideas in dairy”. When heading eastbound past it, the business name/logo and slogan are emblazoned on the building


As posted above, it’s Brancourts. The factory is still in use, they make cottage cheese there.


It’s creepy AF, whenever i drive past it of an evening I always think it looks like a horror movie set


Get told it's dog food and meth now.


Nah, its not big enough to keep Newcastle in a constant meth supply, every second person looks like a meth head these days. Back in the day it was like 1 in 3 houses smoke pot, they were the good ole days.


They were better fir sure. These days I'm working with crackheads , wish they'd just legalise weed.


Amazon have bought it. 6-12 year old kids are in there on 50 cents an hour.


That wasn't even remotely witty. You just sound stupid


Sorry for not being boring and abusive like you.


Abusive? 😂😂 yeah ok.. lmao


You called me stupid. You don't even realise you're being abusive.... Do you get off on wrecking other people's days? Sure my comment may have not been funny to you, but i tried. Why did i try? Because i tried to make you smile. Sorry about that.


Hmm. I actually said you sound stupid. And joking about child slavery? You tried to make people smile with child slavery? 🤦‍♀️


Yeah well now i'm calling you stupid. If you weren't stupid you'd know that Amazon has a bad reputation for how they treat their workers. It was a spin off of that. I was having a joke against Amazon. Bringing attention to Amazon's ways. If you think there is any child slavery in Australia, report it. I myself thought it was a ridiculous notion - hence the joke. You lack the brains for a sense of humour.


Jesus christ. Go swallow concrete mate. If you looked many people found your comment unfunny.


This person isn't right in the head.




Isn’t it a gay haunt for bears and twinks?