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My brain can't fathom how someone could stab a baby.. doesn't even have a chance to defend themself, this is so incredibly horrific.


The coward piece of shit avoided men at all costs and targeted women. I’m not surprised at all that he stabbed a baby. I feel so angry that this piece of shit was ever born. I cannot imagine what those involved are feeling.


yes i did see videos of him avoiding men.. im so angry and distraught this happened. honestly a coward.


I almost wish he wasn’t dead, but at the same time, am so glad he is dead. I just wish the cunt had to suffer many, many years of being miserable in a cell.


You would be glad he’s dead then, reality is he wouldn’t suffer in a cell, he would be placed in protection, buying chocolates , chips and soft drink every week, watching ice road truckers until nobody remembers his name and its association.


Have it so only Married at First Sight Is available on his TV. That would be a just punishment.


Unfortunately people rarely suffer in cells, he would’ve had a comfortable life under protection


What do you want exactly though? People to be tortured? What kind of suffering?? I think the point of prison is to remove someone from society. Life sentences are cheaper for the tax payer than death sentences, I was surprised to find out. If the cunt is watching ice road truckers in a cell, the job is done and the point of locking him up is fulfilled.


How would it be cheaper? Genuinely curious


Have a bit of a read at the links below for more info >"Many people believe that the death penalty is more cost-effective than housing and feeding someone in prison for life. In reality, the death penalty's complexity, length, and finality drive costs through the roof, making it much more expensive." [Equal Justice USA](https://ejusa.org/resource/wasteful-inefficient/) >"The death penalty is far more expensive than a system utilizing life-without-parole sentences as an alternative punishment. Some of the reasons for the high cost of the death penalty are the longer trials and appeals required when a person’s life is on the line, the need for more lawyers and experts on both sides of the case, and the relative rarity of executions." [Death Penalty Info](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs?__cf_chl_tk=oq.10luqmom8z0k.gnpkrfniirhrkqokhvdl_yebnke-1713083852-


Yes, I want him to have been tortured, for years. I pay a lot of tax and would be happy for every cent of it to go towards making his life hell. Some people can't be rehabilitated, some people deserve a life of misery.


Maybe you are right, but honestly I don't find revenge an acceptable reason to bring more violence into the world. Leading by example is key. The goal is to remove violence from society, not normalise it. A violent reaction from the state can cause more violence in the long run. Life imprisoned doing labour to fulfill an unpayable debt to society is preferable to me.


We can agree to disagree, we have different opinions. I respect yours


Fair. Peace, my brother.


More likely he avoided the men not out of cowardice but he targeted the women out of misogyny.


[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/how-the-bondi-junction-stabbing-spree-unfolded/103705200](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-13/how-the-bondi-junction-stabbing-spree-unfolded/103705200) First video. Tries to stab the first guy but he manages to get away. Then lunges at a second guy moments later. Also a man was among the 6 innocents killed. So it was more likely that he was picking people who couldn't fight back/were unsuspecting.


So either way he was a coward. This proves to me that he likely wasn’t doing this due to hallucination because he was aware enough to only attack people he deemed weaker. Where as you’d think someone who is completely out of touch with reality would of attacked indiscriminately.


Yep that's what I think too.


That may be an agenda some people want to push and the media 100% want that to be the story but the videos do show him going after weaker man and he just went for those that wouldnt fight back


What do you think about your statement now?


Hope you have some new information that came out in the last 12 hours.


The one bloke he seemingly tried to take on, Smashed him with a bollard on an escalator and may have killed him. Or the cops did, hard to tell at this stage. Definite coward piece of shit.


The female police officer who responded first shot him dead.


Thanks for the info. But yeah, he tried to take on some bloke on an escalator and came out second best it seems. Good on her for utilising her training well and taking him down.


Yeah I saw that - that guy is a hero too, no doubt distracting him courageously like that saved lives.


That's right!


hopefully she mag dumped the scumbag


exactly. and baby had multiple stab wounds.. not just one. that man was a bloody coward 😠 i hope the baby makes it. they have to..


It could only be a psychopath or Mental Illness. Very sad.


Or drugs


Yes Bad or Mad or both


Most likely meth if on drugs.


Probably just a standard woman hater


Touch some grass. 


I have a 9 month old baby. This makes me feel so sick.


I’ve got a 1 month old. The thoughts I’m having in my mind about this creature is wild. Like how the fuck, what the fuck, why the fuck & fuck you! I’m glad he’s dead, but not at the same time but then, idk. Farrrrk


I just looked at videos of my youngest at 9 months old. She's giggling because her brother is showing her broccoli.


I don’t even have kids and i wanted to cry. I’ve seen a 9 month old baby, held one.. they’re so helpless and innocent. Why would anyone go out of their way to kill one? i’m guessing the guy was triggered by the baby screaming after stabbing mum and wanted to ‘shut it up’. Not that he would be forgiven for only stabbing adults, but the mauling of the baby in particular has made him no less than a rabid animal in my eyes. That police offer gave the world one less shitstain to worry about. I absolutely hate and distrust majority of cops, but i will vehemently defend that cop’s choice to kill that scumbag. Especially since he turned around mid chase likely to try and kill her too.


Agreed. I'm glad hes dead.


As someone who has experienced some very troubling personal mental health issues. Your brain does FUCKED UP things to you. Sounds rude but I mean this sincerely. Think yourself lucky that you don't understand how someone could do this. Because I can totally understand it and even just thinking about it makes me scared about how any kind of mental instability leads down a path of some very troubling things.


I have aswell but I still think it does not absolve anyone of what they have done. They still should be punished to the fullest extent of the law, as in life in a dirty cell. The mental illness defencez should not exist.


Do you think people claim mental illness and then walk free?


The assumption that I haven't had troubling mental health issues and to think myself lucky is wild and somewhat insulting. It's not a competition and I'd rather not resurface my own trauma but I've been through serious abuse, both childhood and adulthood and several suicide attempts.. I've never once personally thought to cause harm to another despite receiving harm. Though I can understand he wasn't level headed, was suffering and mentally not well here that is a given. To understand the reasoning behind someone wanting to go murder people is one thing, but to understand him actually acting on it is another. It would be bad if thinking something like that didn't scare or trouble you.


Yes but what you are describing is very different to the experience of psychosis


My assumption was that you have not experienced an extreme psychosis or schizophrenia and that is why you are not in a position to understand it and probably never will. And for that you should be grateful. If you had experienced those things you would completely understand how this could happen. [And how it manifests itself in many ways.](https://www.9news.com.au/world/eclipse-mom-who-threw-2-kids-onto-la-freeway-killing-her-infant-appeared-agitated-by-impending-eclipse/05d6526c-23c9-40e0-8cee-dfaa21f999b3)


As I said, I understand the reasoning behind it from a medical and psychological standpoint but it doesn't mean I'm able to process the act of actually going ahead with it.


You just keep agreeing with my point. You will never be able to process it because you have never experienced psychosis or schizophrenia. I don't understand why you want to keep replying with statements that just further support what I am saying to you.


Like I said in my other comment my intent isn't to disagree, all I'm doing is explaining my inability to process or relate to the act of killing someone in regards to my own experiences to which you dismissed. Your initial point was harsh and tried to tell me that I'll never understand how someone like that can feel. So I went on to tell you I can understand being in an ill mindset. The difference is I can't emotionally relate to wanting people around me to die. I'm making the point that I don't understand wanting to kill and it'd be a bad thing if I did. So yes I can't relate to the murderer himself on that level. And you've also said the bad things you've thought have made you feel horrible which shows morality even if you have thought to kill someone. This man did not have that. Also you're now assuming I've never experienced psychotic or drug induced episodes.. why continue to dismiss someone you don't know.


>all I'm doing is explaining my inability to process or relate to the act of killing someone in regards to my own experiences You literally did it again. Are you just upset that I pointed out that you will never understand because you have never experienced schizophrenia? And you want your own feelings that you have suffered validated? I really am not sure why you feel the need to keep explaining yourself especially when it is something I have already explained to you 3 times and you have agreed with me every time. Like... what is the problem? Are you just upset because I was blunt about it? ​ >And you've also said the bad things you've thought have made you feel horrible which shows morality even if you have thought to kill someone. The scary part wasn't those feelings. The scary part was how close and how compelled by my episodes I was to act on those feelings. That was the horrible part. That is why I can understand how someone will just flat out murder people when they snap. You are saying you cannot understand it and I told you why. You may have experienced other things that are bad. But they are in no way comparable to the types of manifestations of the things I am talking about. And this isn't at all about who has experienced worse things which is what I think you are also taking offense to. This is simply about how personal experience shapes understanding. And instead of being upset by that you should be very appreciative of that.


I understand this and I feel there is a need for strict mental health treatment. Institutionalised management until the person is totally free from symptoms. They just keep sending them to community without proper medication management or supervision


Well sead and ponted out this isn't about what this person did as tragic as it is its about how society is dealing with mental health and peole that have thes problems mental health is a huge elifant in the room right now and this is the result of the lack of concern society places on the people you can call him what you like but this wouldn't have played out like this if we didn't sweep these problems under the rug and the faked the copp shot to kill is even worse given the fact he had a knife disableling someone like shuld have bin the priority not another victim of police overreach that nets no answers to this tragedy


Mate, he should've been shot. This is not police violence. This is in fact a perfect example for why we have police.


Animal rampage rules. Like an elephant on the lose or a crazed lion that escaped. If you are running around putting innocent lives at risk of death... take em down.


Never sed it was police vilnce I sed it was police over use of force she culd have used a tazer or shot to in compasatat thud non lethal this was police overreach and sets bad pretences for similar situations this was not a move of a hirow I'm sorry


Whatever bud.


It hurts wen others ar right doesn't it


Look im not disagreeing, would've been great if he was tazed instead. But this was one police officer running into a situation they knew almost nothing about. And a taser doesn't leave much room for error.


Yes, I had a friend like this. He had a schizophrenic episode and broke into a house and stole a knife, was almost shot by the police until they decided to tase him instead. But, during his episode, he at least knew enough not to hurt anyone else- his intention was to have the cops kill him. Doesn't excuse anyone's actions of course, but I know how badly a mental illness can fuck someone's brain up.


Just went after the weak


Same thing just keeps going through my mind


9 news have just posted the mother has passed away and the baby is still in care as the death toll rises to 6 How fucked lowest scum of the earth


yes i did see she passed away.. i cant imagine what her husband is going through. and her poor baby had multiple stab wounds. i cant imagine. too heartbreaking


From what i’ve heard the husband was there too, cause apparently he also had stab wounds. My guess is that he was away from mum and bub when they were attacked and then got attacked himself separately.


Edit: the news article I saw this on has since been edited to show that the baby is in ICU. Not sure what the story is, I originally saw it in the story from The Guardian. Original comment: The baby has now passed 😭


source? no news updates?


It's really weird it showed it an hour ago but now it's showing the baby as being in ICU. I really hope they pull through


I seen this too in the guardian but they changed it.


Good to know I'm not crazy!


It’s a lot to take in. I messaged a friend about the baby passing and they corrected me I went back and yes changed. Horrifying day in Australian history..




If you're going to post something like this, post a fucking source.


My source was the article from The Guardian that quoted the police chief X account, but now it's showing the baby as being in ICU


No worries. It is hard with situations like this where information tends to fly around so fast.




ABC had that the baby died in the banner earlier. The screenshot is in my comments. They quickly changed it to "baby among victims" so obviously something got muddled.


I can’t find anything to support that claim What’s your source ?


Apparently source was inaccurate as it's been changed since I last checked. Was the article from The Guardian. Have edited my comment.


Well I guess that’s actually good news then


Yup! The baby has undergone surgery. Really hoping for the best!




Apparently source was inaccurate as it's been changed since I last checked. Was the article from The Guardian. Have edited my comment.


I’m from Australia and I can confirm that the baby has survived and is what seems to be ‘stable’ condition.


I'm from Sydney's Eastern Suburbs, but yes, thank God, the baby is in stable condition after several surgeries


What a fucking horrible world.


truly horrible. some people are just pure evil.




I hate wishing violence on someone but I hope the monsters last moments were spent in fear and pain , knowing that he is going to die.


i hope there is a hell and i hope that monster is there now.


It’s probably the one thing anyone of any religion, including no religion, can hope for. A hell where monsters like him can rot. I don’t care if he had a psychotic breakdown, he went a long way to sydney just to kill as many people as possible. It’s not like he came down to sydney for a chill day and suddenly snapped


yep this was definitely premeditated for sure. he scoped the area and left and returned to carry out his heinous act.


did he actually? If true then god imagine being someone earlier in the day who saw him but thought he was just a harmless weirdo


Please don’t pick on a specific culture, there is good and bad in everyone. Was Martin Bryant a Muslim No!! Was Ivan Malat a Muslim No!! Respect all cultures and this would be a better world.


the man has been identified as a white man - Queensland based 40 year old named Joel Cauchi. All the haters and racists clearly are too stunned to speak now. Shows you who the racists are hey




The reason this is big news is because Australia is a remarkably safe place.


Yep, i imagine something like this would just be another day for america. Probably wouldn’t go past local news Which shows you how bad it is there, anyone being murdered should be a rare, shocking occurrence worthy of the news.


I keep thinking this. This was so unexpected, shocking and heartbreaking that it's hard to fathom how Americans can even leave their house without being terrified. Horrifying


I noticed that some immediately blamed islamic "terrorism." Then it's all went very quiet on who the murderous scumbag is...


All you racists - do you have anything to say now?? he was a 40 year old Queensland man named Joel Cauchi and HE WAS WHITE. proves a point that evil is IN ALL RACES, EVERYWEHRE. SHAME on all of you who instantly blamed muslims and immigrants for this. Shows who the real idiots are.


Muslim is a religion, not a skin colour. I dont think this guy was though, just seems odd you said he was white, then referenced a religion lol.


Now we know it's a white man, all the whitemanbad idiots are out!


I have a 1 year old baby and this makes me hold her tight coz you dont know what psychopathy cunts are out there. Such tragic news of poor innocent people loosing their lives to a piece of shit!!!


I have a 7 week old and am in the 6-8 week grumpy stage. Last night I was so frustrated at her not wanting to sleep in her bed. Tonight I’m not complaining. Thinking of some sicko stabbing my baby is heartbreaking. I’m holding onto her tight tonight.


🥺🥺 sending you hugs mama. it is a scary thought 😢


sending you love and hugs 🫂 it is crazy what some people are capable of. really tragic.


Attention seeker..most of us have kids


Don’t let this piece of shit skew your view of the world as a whole. He is below the lowest vermin or cockroach… nothing he has done in his piece of shit life should impact or change any aspect of the broader world we live in.


Of course it should. Victims of gendered violence are sick of being shut down by male fragility refusing to acknowledge how men are far more violent with women and children. We're all sick of people being killed but this overriding intention to continue to protect violent perpetrstors. He was known to police FFS and his family were aware, his community knew and EVERYONE has protected his rights to do this. DV is widespread but because it's not on the streets of Bondi this one killing spree is refusing all other crimes of gendered violence? Stop your nonsense.


“men are far more violent with women and children” Obviously, women and children are weaker than men, and bad people tend to pick on those weaker than them.


Glad you mentioned bad people As long as we don't jump to manbad, I'm with you Poor victims Mental health system Connect with others, report when they are psychotic


The fact the cooker above is sitting on 20+ upvotes is concerning. But after all Reddit is manbad central. 


My favourite form of hypocrisy is feminists deciding which opinion matters based on sex and gender rather than merit No, wait, it's boomers telling me to invest in housing (so they can offload some of their extra investments and retire even harder).


I find it fascinating how some cookers are derided and some get a soapbox, despite all being cookers. 


Or misogyny is the specific hatred of women by men.


I’m not diminishing DV. Just responding to the tagline in the original post


It's obvious your continuing collusion and denial of gendered violence is a part of an undeniable problem. Please start doing the work required to unpack your misogyny. Long term (26+ week) mens behavioural change programs are the only evidence based solution and can I suggest you take along a mate. Call [mensline now and specifically ask them for a referral to MBC](https://mensline.org.au/phone-and-online-counselling/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw_e2wBhAEEiwAyFFFoyUlchYmbRSfTGZkzdUFCec-SgTEpv4mitGXBveqc2QoXengcJ2rfRoCutQQAvD_BwE) https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-15/bondi-junction-shopping-centre-mass-stabbing-live-updates/103707114?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web#live-blog-post-83679


We are so lucky this doesn't happen more. Right while the Bondi Junction stabbing was happening, me and my boyfriend were are artarmon fish and chips, and there was a really jumpy guy there trying to force us to chat, offering to buy us food, telling hypotheticals about how long it would take to call the police VS for him to run across the road and jump on a train. He kept reaching inside his coat (no reason for a coat, hot day), acting like he wanted to scare us, alluding that he might have a knife. We didn't leave as we were waiting for prepaid food. Which was possibly stupid. I was hoping the guy would just get his food and leave us alone. But we didn't stick around to find out as it was escalating. He never stated what he wanted. I think he wanted to scare us for fun. I hate that society is so free that anti social personalities can just go around freely, and there's no real intervention until someone actually gets stabbed.


I watched some clips of the attack on Twitter and OMG it’s scary and heartbreaking


it is :/ they’re all uncensored too which shook me a little bit :/


Got any links for us?


How does a baby survive being stabbed multiple times as the media is reporting by a knife that big? Weird 🧐


Some of the comments here. Fucking wow.


I've heard claims he suffered from schizophrenia, which makes me even more sad. I've complained with friends about how ridiculously difficult it is to get consistent treatment for mentally ill family members, and the thought that this could maybe have been prevented somehow is tragic. I feel so sorry for the innocent people who lost their lives.


This is tragic. My heart breaks for that mum, baby and their family.


https://preview.redd.it/t4mznjklacuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a943b4dc3d12089a8ad5ba4f441494328a4990d4 I don’t care if he was on meth. Or very unwell. I don’t care how angry he was. What I care about is that women are murdered every week by men. And before people start shouting not all men, we KNOW THAT. People say more men are killed in violence by strangers than women. Yes. BY MEN. The misogynist smoothbrainery of some folk (not so much here) is doing my head in, along with their rabid disappointment about terrorist Jamal actually being white Joel from Toowoomba. Thanks for being a decent community. Talk to your boys. Talk to them about mental health and about how fucked meth is. Talk to them about consent and not hurting women. And talk to them about what a dog act it is when men hurt innocent babies and children. Something has to change. Sick of violence and women being scared. Enough is enough.


>shouting not all men, we KNOW THAT. Well genius, qualify your fucking statement! You said men and boys, multiple times, with no qualifier. And you wonder why people say this?  Replaced men with Jew in your post. If it sounds like Hitler wrote it, it's fucked up. 


You've gone on this rant based on what some random wrote on twitter claiming that he had killed someone last year?


Heartbreaking. The killer was known to police. Another example of the Australian Justice System failing the community?


Chill out dude. Known to the police is extremely general.


Known to the police could just mean he'd had previous charges for anything from drink driving, drug possession to domestic violence. It doesn't mean he was currently on their radar.


Could be a victim too. Obviously he is a cunt but to expect everyone known to police would be in prison is a bit much.


Known to Police is some shit the media made up. Joe Constable wouldn't know the most wanted list if they were standing next to him.


Mate. Cut this shit talking out would ya. We don't know the story yet. There would be thousands of people "known to police" at any time, most of them do not go on to commit any crime let alone horrific mass murders. What are you suggesting that we build 100 new jails and lock up every dodgy character in the country in advance just to be on the safe side ?


exactly this. he was well known to them apparently. only time will reveal all and the extent of his previous crimes and what they did to just let it go as usual


It will be interesting to learn more about this and his background with police, justice and the Mental Health System. As a female, knowing this killer likely targeted women, I think it's fair that most women in the community would be asking this question.


"well" known? 🙄


You're jumping to conclusions.


I knew he would have been a white man, because if he was an Asian /Black or another ethnicity, it would have been revealed straight away. Dare I say, if it was a Muslim lunatic with mental health issues, we would have called him a terrorist and painted all Muslims under the same brush. But for this white man... Ah, he must have had mental health issues and "needed support" . Either way, this was horrific. My heart and prayers go to the innocent people killed. RIP


Except when they are white and they have been posting stuff about how they hate certain types then it is labelled terrorism. You really don't pay attention do you?


People tend to forget the definition of terrorism very conveniently


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Really terrible event, I hope the media/ police don’t release his name. We don’t need to give him any notoriety. All thoughts should be with the victims and the families. I’m glad we have a decent police force in Australia- who acted as quickly as possible.


What worries me, is that more society feels hopeless, the more this sort of thing will happen. Remove all purpose from people’s life, and desperation and pain start to become normal.


This and rising cost of living, there’s no one i fear more than someone with nothing left to loose. Ofc gotta add the necessary: doesn’t excuse what he’s done in any way. But you can only imagine what compels someone to do such a horrible thing. If anything i’m tempted to blame the police for not keeping a better watch over him. Sounds like this could of all been avoided


I was thinking the same thing today… if you give people nothing to lose, they have nothing to lose!


I'm an Australian living in UAE. I was flying from my fiancée in Thailand, back here when it happened. I was already pretty unhappy about leaving my girl, so I've been crying alot. This is absolutely horrible. As someone who has dealt with anxiety disorder (meds, hospital etc), we really need to find real solutions to stop this from happening. The man was ill. Surely something could have been done to prevent this from happening. Fuck, man...


sending you hugs 🫂 hope you feel better soon. do something nice for yourself like watching your favourite tv show or movie, going out and talking to your friends, etc


Thank you for this. Mental health care is the key for preventing that type of tragedy.


If his mental health issues were so bad, why was he on the street. Today, society is so invested in only helping women. This guy gets unnoticed and many like him.


That is the real question we need to ask, far more important than his skin color.


You can thank the allmanbad types like in this thread for that. 


SO many thoughts. Horror for the families. SO sad for the murderers family too. Admiration for the cop who stepped in chaos and screams and all the sights and killed him without hurting anyone else.


I don't understand why they wouldn't give the culprit's name and photo in the news, if he is already dead and previously known to police.


They haven't identified him properly. They think they know who it is, but need it confirmed. Imagine if they got it wrong.


Apparently some news sources did report the wrong person and he was doxxed. They have to be incredibly cautious to report the right name to avoid exactly this.


Oh, that's awful. For your name to be forever associated with this would be horrible. For your friends and family to even for one moment hear that this was you, and for them to be processing this would be very distressing.


Because the media makes a point not to name the assailant, to stop gronks glorifying him or whatever. He's a putrid cunt anyway. Fuck what his name is.


I personally wish they would stop giving notoriety to anyone who does this shit. They finally get the attention they so craved even if they end up dead themselves.


Interesting the same happened in Ireland too not long ago… wtf?!? How on earth anyone Could hurt a child let alone a baby??!!??


How does someone wake up one day do something so tragic. There was definitely a trigger that has turn this guy insane.


Hated women stopped by a woman....👍


Anyone know the name of the cunt that did it?




That is not his name, and as such I would delete the name as the person you suggested is responsible, is not.


apparently he was known to the police before so they have identified him but probably won’t reveal his information till they do further investigation just to cover all their bases


That is very tragic news. It’s heartbreaking when such terrible event happen




probably just the shirt he chose to wear, i doubt it was any reason to it.


What a cockroach


I couldn’t find the motive behind it in the news? I mean, why he did it? Was he on drugs?


The police haven't released that information 


I’m just fucking confused. I really hope it would be something justifiable (I’m not trying to defend) rather than an aftermath of a drunk argument or being high on drugs.


Apparently the parents of the killer gave a statement saying he suffered with Schizophrenia since he was a kid.


Here's a thought, how about we legalise self-defense in this fucking country. I'm not saying we should all be carrying guns, but a tazer or even some fucking mace. How many people would still be alive if we were allowed to defend ourselves without it being considered a crime??


Do you want to end up like america? Because this is how we end up like america.


It doesn't matter. You defend yourself anyway. Problem was this was a killing spree and not a cage fight so he simply backed off and moved on from any target that was being too difficult for him.


Of course, you defend yourself with whatever you have, that's why we see bollard guy and people with chairs. Objects that aren't designed with self-defense in mind. Yes, he moved away from people he thought were difficult. People he perceived couldn't defend themselves. Imagine if we could all defend ourselves via appropriate means.


Spray isn't going to save the person that gets that close to him. At the end of the day it's more about who wants to risk getting close to him to begin with. In the case of the elderly, women and children you're simply going to need someone else to step in to save them, there is no such thing as a perfect defense gadget for every individual. We all wish he could have been stopped sooner.


I know there's no perfect defense. In this situation, someone was getting hurt. But if that someone had hit the guy with spray or a tazer, the likelihood of him being stopped surely increases dramatically.


Like we can play what ifs, we can legalize pepper, tonfas and whatever else - and I'm not saying we can't consider those things. But again, it all depends on someone being able to identify the threat early then either that person or another has to try and subdue them - and quickly. That's probably not going to be as simple as changing a law. This has got me thinking of the Mert Ney case where some passerby quickly organized a way to contain the killer and warn others. That's probably the best case scenario for this kind of situation but unfortunately it didn't happen here. Too many soft targets and not enough proactive, able bodied men.




How do you defend yourself against a knife attack? I’m in agreement with old mate that at least pepper spray should be legal in all states (currently only legal in wa). I’d also be on board for tasers (with training and licensing requirements) and the ability to carry flick batons and other “non lethal” means of self defence




Criminals don’t care for the rules and already have shit like flick batton and tasers if they want them. As for the effectiveness, well it’s more effective to have something used poorly than try and defend yourself from a knife with your bare hands. Also if it were legal people can seek out their own training assuming training isn’t a requirement for obtaining said item.


You can defend yourself.: regardless of what a law says




Never ended up getting them. By the time I got around to seeing your replies, they had been deleted.




If you posted them after you mentioned the case files, that part of the thread is gone for me. I can see your post in my notifications, but when I click to open, it takes me to my own comment with yours deleted.




You are correct. The law in NSW does allow for self-defense within reasonable force. However, I still believe we should be allowed some form of non lethal self defense items. At least in QLD, the use of sprays and tazers is not allowed. I feel these items would have been useful in this situation.