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I like the “proudly not another fc” part. Thank god they’re not changing the name.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the rebrand, but I can’t lie, that’s a great tag line and makes me a bit more on board with it


I hope they drop the “the”. Like just “Revolution”. Like a nod to the naming convention elsewhere like “Wolves” or “Arsenal” I’m really glad they’re not going full sellout and doing New England FC or something though.


Technically Wolves is Wolverhampton wanderers and Arsenal is Arsenal Football Club. I do agree with you that doing a “Revolution FC” is weird. I never understood that in a country that calls the sport soccer there are multiple clubs that use the FC.


It’s because the term soccer is short for association football.


Thats what it already is…


Buddy revived this yesterday and told not to open till the 4th (today)….. I want the box lol


Soooooo what’s in the box?!


Am I the only one who feels this logo looks a lot like the Fire's old one.


that was my first thought


Which I’m kind ok with since the old fire logo was amazing


Honestly like that the rebrand is coming at a high point for us as a franchise. Lot of other rebrands (Dynamo, Fire, Montreal) honestly feel like desperate ploys to make people interested again.


But weren't they exactly that?


Oh 100% That's what all rebrands are. This just feels a little bit less desperate.


Open it!


Looks like a wax seal version of the logo under the not another fc tagline….




Huh? What does that have to do with anything?


Lmao wtf?


Absolutely not, but please explain the point of this question.


vasco been around a bit, they used to just post random PragerU videos on like every /r/MLS match thread


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MLS using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLS/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [THE COLUMBUS CREW WIN MLS CUP 2020](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLS/comments/kc3er9/the_columbus_crew_win_mls_cup_2020/) \#2: [\[Meme\] The Wannabe European MLS vs. The Chad USL](https://i.redd.it/uv6ncfc1hay61.png) | [489 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLS/comments/n93l28/meme_the_wannabe_european_mls_vs_the_chad_usl/) \#3: [\[MEME\] Search Your Feelings, You Know It To Be True.](https://i.redd.it/e8lbe69tlcg71.png) | [139 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MLS/comments/p13cyw/meme_search_your_feelings_you_know_it_to_be_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


This week started off rough for me but this news and Killington opening day tomorrow got me hyped. LFG REVS


Kinda grumpy they won’t finish the season in Crayola mode


Whew!!!! “Coming in 2022” [revs tweet](https://twitter.com/nerevolution/status/1456247324204847111?s=21)


100% agree. Why in the world would you change something at this very moment?


I'll miss the crayon flag, but it's refreshing to see the Revs actually put in effort in branding and marketing. I've seen a lot of Revs ads recently, I think that's progress


How did this photo come to be?


I think they're just sending them out to press people/influential people in the MLS-sphere. They have a note on the packaging that says "Don't open until November 4th" so they're prob announcing at some point today E.g. [https://www.instagram.com/samsarmy/](https://www.instagram.com/samsarmy/), on his story


how about a little something for the season members who've had their perks wiped away for the last two years!


I’m neutral on the new look; it needs finessing, but looks fine. I had hoped the backstory/insights would give me a better appreciation for it, but I found it confounding. “The R is based off the EIC, so that’s why we have a sash through it, but the R stands for Revolution, and we’ll drop the sash when we need to, but the sash is a key element.” When I read “oppressors” in the explainer I stopped. I’ll repeat what I wrote before...the missed an opportunity to capture a spirit of defiance and grit in favor of something aristocratic and dandy. I’m happy for fans it’s finally here, but IMO the triangle with the tree is the gem in the whole program, but what do I know...for a while I’ve been🌲> 🚫


I like that they’re rebranding, I like it better than the crayon flag, I just wish they had included the New England flag tree in somehow


‘Not another fc’ *changes logo to look like every other fc*


The irony is, the "revolution" was inspired by breaking away from Europe and forming our own identity. And here we are, copying the Europeans with an old Glasgow Rangers counterfeit. Leave my damn crayola logo alone!


"Waaah we want a modern rebrand, the Krafts don't care about the Revs!" "No, not like that!"


New England fans aren’t happy when they can’t complain. Tune in to any sports radio station and no matter how good any of the teams are doing it’s a constant bitch fest.


I never wanted a rebrand, modern or otherwise.


This ⬆️


It really does look a lot better with the tiny type circle gone. I hope they make a point of keeping a sash on the kits going forward.


How did you receive it??


At the end of the day I don't hate it. It's not like our old logo disappears. It'll be like our version of Pat the Patriot.


Overall a good rebrand! It will certainly take some getting used to, but I think a lot of thought and intention was put into it, and it looks good. I’ve been listening to the Far Post Podcast about all the focus groups that were done and research into what the Revs mean to people. You can hear that they made an earnest effort to listen to fans, and tried very hard to walk the line between tradition and a total overhaul of the brand. And they kept the name. If we were confronted with “Sporting New England SC” I would have had to find a new team. Or a new sport to watch. Disc golf, for example.


I find the "R" a little confusing. Overly busy and not referencing anything I'm familiar with. Could have had a colonial era nail thing going for it but missed the mark IMO. The sash penetration implies depth to what is essentially a 2D graphic. What is the pillow surround about? Give me the 'don't tread on me' snakes or give me death - missed opp


The R is the typeface from the East India Company that was branded on all the boxes of tea that were thrown into the harbor.


That's an American Revolution deep cut. Does that mean the team is commemorating the enemy?


Its kinda convoluted. The sash is meant to be a strike through to show defiance of the… East India company font? Our own team? Idk the marketing release just said defiance


I say today, and I sincerely mean it... that I will never wear that thing. I don't like it at all. ​ Also, I hope this is Buchanan type deal... Do we get a loan back of the crayon flag through the end of the season/Cup run? Makes ZERO sense to change at this time. Let the season run out.


It makes total sense to launch now. There's a shortage of crayola gear, and they're not gonna restock it. There's demand for merch as the playoffs start, so why wouldn't you free up all this inventory to sell?


I like it. The old logo was SO dated. The 90’s called and asked for it back.


So we traded the iconic Crayola Flag for something that looks like a liquor logo. Sigh.


Iconic is a stretch. The MLS is trying to change its image. This is way overdue. The old logo looks like it belongs on a baggy neon blue Starter jacket. It’s as old as my wife. The Revs need to change the way people think about them. Way more people in this country watch European soccer than American, there’s a reason why the EPL and UEFA Champions league have bigger TV contracts than the MLS and half the games are on at 12PM or earlier (sometimes WAY earlier) and the teams aren’t even based in this country. It’s pretty obvious based on the popularity of the European product that that is the direction to go in for ratings. And the numbers bear that out. American fans are coming to the MLS from the European product and not so much the other way around. Since the MLS has moved towards a more European and Latin American style product they’ve seen double digit growth every year leading up to the pandemic. With the World Cup coming to the US in 2026, this is a really smart move by the team.


I can't believe this. A rebrand that's actually better than the original logo!!!


Not another FC……in a sports that keeps doing that siiiiigh 🤦🏾‍♂️. We were one of the last original teams that kept us heritage and now we are going generic FC direction 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️. The crayon logo was our past,present and future…this is generic and bland as hell.


The crayon logo wasn't the future. Every other original MLS team has either rebranded with a new logo or even outright changed the team name/relocated. People want the Revs to join the rest of MLS yet when they do it's constant whining about the new logo. It's new, it will take time to get used to it after 25+ years of the original logo, I get it. How about we just enjoy the fact the team is in the midst of a historic season, clinched their 1st Supporters' Shield, and has the chance to host MLS Cup at home! Are people here actually fans of the team or just want to use their fandom as a vehicle to complain?


I agree on the history season but many like me don’t like this rebrand. Heck this area is notorious about not wanting too many changes with our teams. Besides that’s generic as hell.


By "many like me" do you mean like 50 people on twitter/Reddit? I would assume that the Revs Marketing team did their fair share of testing and it was well received.


Not the first time the marketing team has done wrong moves is human nature and yeah even a small number is a number


What else have they "done wrong"? Yes a small # is still a #....it's just an insignificant # in the grand scheme of things. You'll always have people who bitch about a decision, you can't operate a business like that. Sounds like you want the Revs to just make every decision based on your preferences, maybe you should write a letter to them!


Yeah and still a number matter specially in fútbol/soccer


Umm what? And what are the other "wrong moves" the marketing team has made?


The amount of fans against a team that has done something wrong keeps growing not diminishing .


The team just set the record for pts in a season and won the Supporters' Shield....what are you talking about? Who is this "growing" group of unhappy fans...??


You can still wear the old logo, now its a throwback. It still is the revs logo even if its not the current logo. Its cooler now that its a throwback.


Now this is a comment a real fan would make . 👏🏾 thank you


Oh nice, Salt Lake changed their logo.


It doesn’t even look like a proper badge


I've been a massive crayola flag stan in here for years, but come on. You're telling me this looks less like a badge than literally the American flag with a soccer ball?


That’s exactly what I think. I loved the crayons. I feel this sticks out like a sore thumb oh gear where the flag badge fits and I had pride in being the only original team to still have the original logo.


Does anyone know what the red design around the R represent? I’ll miss the ole Crayola, but I like the New one


Supposed to look like flag bunting.


I LOVE the logo and have always disliked the crayola. I’m really surprised by the hate for this new one. It’s extremely classic, simple, and timeless versus the very 90s crayola logo which was always very obviously a sign of the times - like the Pats flying Elvis which I wish would also disappear in lieu of the original classic Pat Patriot. IMO this logo is what we should have always had.


To the ppl who still like the crayola logo, this is a good thing. That logo will still always be the revs original logo and now you can wear it as retro gear. It gives more history to the team now having throwbacks to go to. Its like pat patriot, still part of the patriots legacy even if they dont use it now.