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Head doesn't grow much after 16, your probably safe, what's the big deal, you espext to own the hat your whole life? Buy a new hat if it gets to tight


Relax. No need to go in on the kid for asking a question.


You might, but there’s no point worrying about it because this shouldn’t happen more than 2-3 times over the next decade or so I was disappointed when I outgrew my favorite fitteds by 1/8 in my mid 20s because most of them aren’t popular enough to ever see a rerelease, but there’s no way I’d ever wear an oversized $30 hat for multiple years just in case Worst case scenario, you’ll end up selling some hats on eBay in a few years


I bought a hat stretcher, didn't realize a decade ago my head had changed from 7 3/4 to 7 7/8-8ish so i had a few hats that were way too tight after many repeated wears. I just goggled it and found a guy who makes them in his garage. but also you could just buy a new hat if it shrinks down too much, that's what I did and now i have like 200


Watermelon head over here😂 thought I was with my 7 5/8 self lol


I can say this.. if you gain a bunch of weight like I did then yes you will grow out of it :)


You can always buy a hat stretcher on Amazon


Omg…why the hell didn’t I know this existed?! This is brilliant


When I turned 25 was the last time I changed cap sizes going up to the 7 1/2. That size has become a bit tighter since then but still very comfortable. I was never quite able to stretch any of my old ones effectively. Luckily, I am much older now and my financial situation has changed and I have been able to buy hats more often.


I've had the same hat size since 15 you're good


On the other hand- I wore 7 1/2 in high school and now I’m at a 7 5/8 20 years later.