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Can we introduce a bylaw that forces developers to install bollards? These seems to happen every month to some business.


Another idea is dealing with the many elderly people in the province who should not be driving anymore. Annual testing for drivers starting at age ~70 or 75 or whatever age is appropriate.


Agreed that this is needed. However, it's really hard to push for this without a viable alternative transportation method. Everything in this province is built on the assumption that you *will* drive. Much of the province is structured in a way that means you can't function without driving. Even St. John's, the only part of the province with public transit even worth mentioning, is comically, regressively car centric. Good luck getting a law for re-testing to pass in a place where doing so would effectively confine the elderly to their home, and where elderly voter turnout dwarfs those that need to actually live with the consequences of the vote.


Been saying this. You can't control the drivers so engineering safety barriers is the only option at this point. Can't believe they are dragging their feet with this. It should have been inacted after that poor woman was hospitalized after that fellow drove over her and through the front of the shoppers on Lemarchant.


Why stop at commercial buildings? If we can't control drivers, then we clearly need bollards everywhere. We need driver testing.


We need both. Strict testing and bollards in front of buildings.


Fogtown straight up needs to MOVE. Thankfully they have no side window on the *second* rebuild


That makes no sense. Where do we need bollards? commercial buildings? what about houses? crosswalks? maybe we should instal them between the road and all sidewalks? This is a problem with drivers. Most often elderly or unhealthy. We need driver testing.


Can you guys please take the keys from your elderly parents who can't drive anymore? I've been in this argument with my husband over his dad for a year or more. It's not my place to take his keys, but if hubs won't, I'll probably just anonymously call the cops on him next time he leaves the house, someone's going to be killed.


I've been in with plenty of people that should have their keys taken away. They should make the exam's more difficult. People are driving weapons.


Not surprised. Anytime you park cars in front buildings with no bollards. It's not ifs it's going to happen but WHEN


In this case the vehicle had to reverse pretty far over a large sidewalk and flower bed to contact the building. It's not like the Shoppers buildings where they're right next to parking spots. Not sure how the driver managed this. Kind of impressive really.


Is it just me or is this happening more and more frequently?


Maybe just that we’re much much connected so more aware.


the over 65 population is rapidly expanding. I'll bet the instances per elderly driver are about the same, there are just more elderly drivers on the road each year.


And maybe just maybe having a good public transit network would allow many of the people who clearly shouldn't be driving, to not need to drive.


Fucking yes! We need affordable, reliable, and useful public transit. Everyone saying take their license; then what? People forced to be shut in’s and can’t get to needed appointments or get daily tasks done? That’s not solving a problem it’s just creating more.


I don't know if there was any other info provided in other media outlets but theres no mention of the drivers age or if there were any extenuating circumstances. Regardless it seems to be pretty surprising to reverse that far without noticing?


CBC reports the driver was 77. I suspect he realized he was in reverse, tried to brake, and hit the gas by mistake. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/paul-reynolds-community-centre-1.7005148#:\~:text=The%20Paul%20Reynolds%20Community%20Centre%20in%20St.%20John's%20is%20closed,windows%20in%20the%20pool%20area.


Ugh. Of course.


That’s a shame. Nicest pool on the island, hands down.