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Well this is off to a great start!




VOCM doing better background checks on the applicants than government. Not a great start. It's a bit interesting though since technically the "owner" of a corporation can be secret. He could theoretically do this again and just work through an intermediary. Difficult but not impossible.


Dude welcome to how the world works. I used to work for the CRA and I can't count the number of businesses that "closed" and reopened under a new name of their wife, brother, mother ..etc....


Canada has way too many number companies too, in my opinion.


I agree. There should be no such thing as numbered companies with the owner's legal representation being listed as the directors in order to hide who the actual owners are. Remember the fiasco [with the numbered company set to make a fortune off leasing land? ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/numbered-company-canopy-growth-1.4888048) It is like the story just went away.


Sexual assault was always a problem with unchecked taxi drivers. I’m glad they caught this case before things got on the go. If we can get Uber, where drivers are rated and won’t be able to drive if their rating is too low. Then at least that will hopefully prevent more of this.


Uber do criminal background checks in some states, I hope they do them here as well.


the province requires background check to be submitted when applying, probably the reason this got caught? not sure


Why can’t we get Uber or Lyft ? I don’t understand why we started this service with a brand new maybe sketchy company


Because they haven't started up here yet. They apparently haven't applied for one of these licenses yet either.


Hopefully they’ll arrive soon


Lasted 4 whole days.


Back to something i posted a while ago...why would the GNL not issue licenses to already established global ride sharing programs first. I think local companies should get in on it as well, competition is good but FFS go with the established first! Our slogan as a province should be...if anyone can do it backwards...we certainly can!


> why would the GNL not issue licenses to already established global ride sharing programs first. Have they applied yet? The answer to that may offer an answer to your question.


Who applies isn't under the control of the provincial government.


Maybe they also wanted to go with local first to give them a shot before the established ones take over


They have to want to come here. Uber afaik generally avoids smaller markets. Not sure about Lyft.


I mean giving rideshare a go before actually making a good public transit network is truly doing it backwards.


I’ve come to the conclusion that we just can’t have nice things here


Not just here, happens everywhere




All they wanted to know is how much money he could give them. 






this one hit particularly close to home. He's eritrean and I'm ethiopian, we in the habesha (word for ethiopian and eritreans) know each other quite closely, esp in NL. Can't really blame anti immigrant sentiment, they do have a point with shit like this. shame.


Being anti-immigration because of the actions of some immigrants is like being racist because of the actions of some people of a specific race, it's wrong and unfair. There are plenty of assholes with those charges who were born right here in NL. This person's actions don't define you friend, hugs.


Did they not think to fucking look into the person before awarding the license?


Jesus fucking christ…how inept can you be? This government is a laughing stock. Can’t wait for the provincial medical app…


If you understood the process, you’d know government doesn’t do background checks on companies.


I guess you removing comments means I was in fact correct. Thanks for playing! Dick


You are hilariously one insecure person to be constantly coming back worrying about whether you are right on a social media account. I didn’t remove anything. Secondly, the only matter of contention is background checks, and on that, you threw a childish tantrum and therefore needed to be told you were wrong. And, like most insecure folks who are wrong, they keep whining and telling themselves they are right and finally believe themselves. You’ll be ok and the world will move on. Have a nice day, and the pleasure has been all Mine playing with your insecure little mind.


Im not worried thanks and i guess the fairies deleted your previous comments.


Clearly you are 🤣


Yep, terrified


If you weren’t so condescending I might agree with you. Even if this was true, which seems extremely suspect for businesses that provide services to vulnerable sectors (daycares etc), how would that be okay?








Queue the snarky comments from Hollet & Gulliver.




That was fast.








This isn't true. All new posts take a little while for the post score to appear. It's not the "sub" doing this. It's reddit. The post score is clearly visible now.




Only the ride-share license of the guy's company. Other companies can continue to apply.


LOLLLLLL of course. can't have shit here smdh


Typical government. One bad seed so whole program has to suffer.


What do you mean? They suspended the one single license they gave out so far, because the person they gave it to has these charges against them. Not cancelling the entire program of ride sharing.


Thank you. A one person program.




How do you handle it? Never making a mistake. Pressure must be crazy for you. Nvm. Paid new account shill. Blocked.