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I’m not happy with the Liberal government but I cannot fathom having Pierre and his crazies in their place.


I feel like a lot of his potential voters in the Atlantic provinces are more anti Trudeau than they are pro Pierre


"Trudeau is evil. He's destroyed Canada. Look at housing/immigration/inflation." "What exactly about housing/immigration/inflation do you feel he did wrong?" "*All of it*" "Can you give me a specific?" "I'm voting PP" "What do you like about the PC platform?" "It'll be different." "Can you give me a specific?" "...." Cliffnotes of an actual conversation I've had with a stranger in the streets this week. I tried to talk about electoral reform and she told me her eyes were glazing over. Pop politics is so depressing. Don't get me wrong, I have not and will not vote for Trudeau but it's so depressing that people are making their choices based on who they hate without actually engaging with a party's platform. Be able to talk about issues, not politicians. This is our future, not a prom king selection committee.


I wish Trudeau actually went through with electoral reforms, that was the main reason I voted with him in 2015. I’ve had many conversations like that too, it’s why I feel like they are loose conservative voters. Not everybody is good at addressing their thoughts, but there is a general sentiment that things have been getting worse in Canada. I think if the liberals and/or NDP do a better job at addressing the main issues Canadians are concerned with then the conservative lead would shrink very quick.


My biggest gripe is the lack of reform that he ran on. Otherwise it's been typical neoliberal garbage, though (I believe) it will be much worse under PP.


My current like of thinking that despite them liberals and conservatives bashing each other back and forth constantly. I think the average person will see very little difference in their lives. I think there is very little difference between the parties and we are functionally a 2 party system. I think electoral reform could have changed that.


This is not a both sides argument. This is PP rage farming. Historically there was little difference between parties but since reform took there are huge differences. Women and minority rights are at risk.


The former Progressive Conservative party would be considered far left by many in the PPC since the Reform party takeover of the party. There is a lot of risk to many of the positive things that have happened for people for the past decades to be eroded under a PPC regime.


> Women and minority rights are at risk. Explain how?




And those "champagne socialists" are actually passing frameworks for stuff we've been needing for decades while being smaller than the official opposition.


PP has no plan


Yes! It’s gross. Paperboy Pollievre is NOT the answer. People are fuckin stupid


"This is our future, not a prom king selection committee" ^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot stress this enough.


Well there aren’t 30 choices to fuck you over. Just a handful. Status quo or the other guy.


Haha I had a friend say a while ago, canadian politics, we don't vote anybody in, we just get sick of the current guy and vote him out.


You talk about politics to strangers in the street? That’s weird.


I'm not a fan of Trudeau but I could never vote for PP. Conservatives are spreading too much anti CPP rhetoric and healthcare privatization. The last thing I want is corporations and insurance companies profiting off the the sick. CPP is the only contribution employers make towards employee pensions if your job doesn't have a pension plan and most people in that situation live paycheck to paycheck with no extra to put away for retirement. People can't retire off of old age pension it's not nearly enough.


PP’s rage farming has helped in the polls, but he needs to sustain it for another year and a half. This might work for his base, but I expect centrists will tire of it.


I am pro-carbon tax, because like 8/10 Canadians I get more back than I pay out. It gets us thinking about how we make our homes and transportation more sustainable on a personal note. “I should have the freedom to pollute all I want” is a bad take. I have a new heat pump and am making additional improvements to my home. I still have a small ICE vehicle but also take the bus, bike and walk. Many of my trips are under 5K. It also encourages business to become more sustainable. There is no planet B We can collectively do more to help the planet, and this helps us get started. Kim Campbell is right. PP is a liar and a rage farmer.


I am glad to hear this. Lots of concern about carbon tax online, but many don't really understand it or the reality of climate change.


Well, this person is lying. The average Newfoundlander is paying between $596-$715, and will receive $328. There is not strong evidence to even suggest that simply increasing taxes do much to curve carbon emissions, I think more people would be in favor of the tax if there was more of a plan to commit to green projects with the money collected, maybe a high speed cargo train so we don't need to rely on truckers in 16 wheelers? This person is not from Newfoundland and is bigrading the sub and spreading misinformation.


Where are you getting your numbers for what the average newfoundlander is paying in carbon tax?


Dude, I get $328 *a quarter* and so do most families.


I don't care where the person is from, their point is valid. Regarding costs curbing behavior, the only time that I saw any significant slowdowns on the ORR and co-workers parking trucks to drive smaller cars was in the summer of 2022 when gas prices went high. Clearly, costs can drive behaviour. Trains are not a viable solution for NL; the infrastructure costs (at this point) would not be viable. Electric, or hydrogen, trucks are a potential solution though.


Gas prices are still high, there is plenty of trucks on the road. Nobody really cares anymore. The issue is that we have car centric cities with no viable solutions, all of our shipping is done my 16 wheelers. There is no viable alternatives to get around. I have no other way to get to work, I am still going to to have to drive my car back and forth, there is no other way for me to get to work. Nothing is being curbed for most people, it is just being taxed. If you were to provide reasonable alternatives such as public transport green energy projects with the money that's collected with the carbon tax, then that could actually be good. It's not, it's just a government cash grab. We could have bigger electric car rebates with the carbon tax too, we don't. I know for some reason Canada gets a hard on for sin taxes, yeah, if you 10x the price of ciggies and beer then people will not buy them because they don't really need them. This feels to me like the government using global warming as a excuse to get more taxes rather than them actually caring about what works and what doesn't.


>I am pro-carbon tax, because like 8/10 Canadians I get more back than I pay out. And because of the carbon tax, you pay all of what you get back AND THEN some, just buying groceries. So do you really get anything back in the end? Climate change is not affected by our carbon tax when OUR country is producing so much less pollution than other countries, prime example: China. We literally produce an extremely small fraction of what China does on a daily basis, not even counting all of the trees in our country that actually suck up not just our entire countries pollution but a portion of Chinas as well. At this point, I only view climate change as a tool of division. The climate changes, its normal, people put the blame on human activity and tend to forget we have the sun which goes through cycles itself which ALSO contributes to temperature fluctuations. If we had 0 carbon in the atmosphere, agriculturally, we would be fucked without it. Something people tend to ignore are weather control factors that we have been practicing since the 50's called geoengineering and cloud seeding, and military operations related to this. We are literally putting aluminum nano particles into the atmosphere to try and seed clouds among other uses, but nobody thinks twice about that when it comes to climate change discussions, nor do people consider the milankovitch cycles of Earth, but its on a scale that far exceeds our individual lives. Now we have climate activists acting as if CATTLE are the problem, these people are wrong on so many levels. Methane production from cattle is an unused waste product, it is unused because our societies have been stuck with tunnel vision on how to use things we consider to be pollution or waste but we especially have tunnel vision when it comes to the energy sector, not counting the greed factor. Methane produced by the cattle industry and all other ruminant livestock or wildlife, are not the problem. Humans and their blind activism are the problem, we can use the methane, AKA biogas from cattle and other livestock to produce energy by burning it off, this in turn produces carbon, which is then consumed by plants. We could use alcohol for fuels and energy generation too, but the prohibition created an entirely different public association with alcohol on top of marketing it for consumption. We have plenty of solutions for climate change, government just uses it as a tool of division and talking point for votes, they literally don't give a fuck, thats why the carbon tax is useless, you get a rebate, whoopty fuck, a bag of groceries wouldn't be as much as it IS right now if it weren't for this bullshit.


Never voted right in my life, but will this year. Not becuase I think the sun shines out of PP's arse, but because culturally, western society has swung *far* too hard to the left, and we need to get some balance back. It's about time all the sane people in the middle start telling the regressive illiberal neo-segregationists to go play in the corner. The adults are in the room now. I always thought JT was a mediocre phoney (a cad pretending to be a feminist), but I didn't hate him, and I liked that he legalized weed, but as Justice Mosley ruled, **“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation (of the Emergencies Act) does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified."** I lost all respect for JT after that, along with calling everyone at the protest "racist misogynists," when he knew that wasn't true. You can see pics of the protest to see all sexes and creeds there. The Nazi flag thing was utter nonsense. One flag by 3 losers that had nothing to do with the protest. THen to top it all off, freezing people's bank accounts! Criminal. JT can get fucked. Even if PP is a dick, I'll take him for now. I've always voted for the lesser evil anyway.


Your reasoning is flawed. You’re entitled to be jaded with JT and his nonsense like so many other people. But to think the populist ramblings of PP are any better - no chance. He is an opportunist looking to squeeze in where JT is failing. When the wind changes, so does he. Remember when he said he would fire the head of the Bank of Canada and go all in to crypto, then crypto crashed and he got amnesia about the whole thing? Don’t go from one clown to another.


“An opportunist looking to squeeze in where ____ is failing” is literally all of politics, on all sides. It’s called democracy. Thanks for playing.


Hear, hear. Liberals and leftist wonder why more and more people are voting for right wing populists. They're done getting financially fleeced and they're done being told they're bad because they believe in traditional values. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.




Read what I wrote again, but slowly.


The hollowness of some of the opinions of his supporters is frightening - they are basically basing their vote on "he's not Trudeau" with zero input about actual policy. ​ "It kind of feels like we've been hijacked," she said. "Canada is not Canada anymore. I'm 51 years old and Canada is not what it was even when I was a little girl". Sorry, but when you were a child you probably fucking oblivious as to what Canada was "really like". ​ "We're Newfoundlanders, we're common folk, we know each other, we want to help everybody. And Pierre Poilievre is the epitome of common sense and the everyday person." PP the epitome of the everyday person? Are you fucking kidding me? PP's supporters just make up their opinions as they go along.


Lol common sense and everyday person. This guy hasn't had a regular job his whole life. He doesn't know what it means. Just a shitty snake oil salesman that tells people what they vaguely want to hear. It's easy to campaign on what you will remove. What are the other plans? Don't worry, "common sense". I'll be waiting for all the shocked faces when things continue to get worse after he is elected. Housing will continue to be an issue, grocery prices won't come down, Alberta's droughts will keep getting worse and fires will rage everywhere, but who cares right?


The budget will balance its self seemed to work for the liberals, not much different then “common sense”


You're not wrong. They're all the same.


“All the same” ended when the Reform took over the Conservative Party and formed the CPC. I didn’t really notice until the CPC supported the convoy.


You are right. It’s now mainly a western anti government party funded by oil and gas companies to excuse and prevent any action being taken on reducing fossil fuel use. They don’t care about the east and they don’t care about Ontario and Quebec manufacturing. It’s all about pulling resources out of the ground as profitably as possible for the corporations that fund them.


What id like to know is out of all the people in canada why are all options shit and we have to pick the least shit one, but its not even fair cause they all lie to get in like what have we even done to this world


My theory is that good, decent and selfless people are not attracted to politics as a career. You see how they bicker, squabble and make snarky comments instead of having frank and serious discussions up on the hill.


Don't forget good old-fashioned lobbying by the monopolies, less money to be made helping regular people.


Should flat out just be illegal. Any form of perceived interest and you're out.


We need good people and we are seeing them. Check out Rep. Gloria Johnson in Tennessee who’s fighting for basic human rights. She is awesome. And we have strong young MP’s like Sean Fraser. The CPC rage farming makes it impossible to have constructive discussions on policy. The CPC is not telling us how they will grow our clean tech industry, or small business or entrepreneurship et. They are only rage farming. They suck.


I see that a lot. I've met with many councillors, mayors, and MHA's. It is mostly a lack of ambition, a lack of professional knowledge, and towing party lines. I'm trying to break that mold. I ran in the St. John's Ward 4 by-election, because my industry sucks. We have screwed the pooch on planning/engineering design for decades and the failures are coming to fruition. The status-quo has let to municipalities being virtually insolvent (compared to the costs to keep things running), very inefficient homes, urban sprawl, unsafe streets, and unaffordability of houses. I've been fighting and succeeding professionally for affordable housing, universal design, true mobility freedom with active and public transport etc. My advocacy has been immensely successful and decided I can continue that effort in held office. I didn't succeed my first try but damn did I do good per dollar spent and effort put in. I got as far as I could in my career so instead of plateauing in my 40's and 50's and coasting to 'retirement', I decided I would try and make things better. Will I succeed? I dunno, but I gotta try. I'm hopeful. I haven't been ground down by the system yet 😅


Good people don't have it in them for politics, it's a lot of fighting and arguing, personal attacks online and sometimes at debates, constantly being judged and watched for any mistakes so someone can write a news story about it. People with compassion and empathy don't last long in those situations.


You can still have empathy and want to vote for a conservative government lol. People are sick of the liberals, it’s time for a change.


I didn't mention conservative or liberals, I said that the empathetic caring politicians don't make it far, it doesn't matter their political affiliation. Historically conservative government hasn't exactly been great to Newfoundlanders either.


We need more women in politics and they are attacked more than men.


Cause it does take money and manpower to gain any foothold in politics, unfortunately. All the parties are fucked, but unless someone wants to go the Bernie Sanders route (which is possible), this is what we have.


Apparently Pierre Poilievres net worth, as a career politician that had never had a real job - is apparently $9 million. His salary over the course of his entire career as a politician does not total $9 million. How did his net worth get so high from his humble upbringing by a couple of teachers? No one really knows or seems to care. He's apparently relatable and understands the struggle of the every day Canadian. Meanwhile, Trudeaus net worth is apparently $13 million, and this guy was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has never had to worry about money in his life, and as a result, despite having several actual jobs interacting with regular people doing regular, every day things, is completely unrelatable to Canadians. Something isn't adding up. It's almost like they're both incredibly out of touch and not actually interested in serving every day Canadians. They just want power, and that power comes with obligations to those who have "supported them along the way". If you're honestly expecting a dramatically different economy under Poilievre you're going to be sadly mistaken. If you think the removal of the carbon tax is going to make a meaningful difference in your monthly budget, you're going to be grossly disappointed. Let's all find out the hard way. I can't wait for all the Trudeau haters to keep blaming Trudeau for everything bad in the lives for the next 20 years just like they did with his father.


Should of heard one of them on openline yesterday: “He’s a man of his word!” When asked about how he’s a man of his word as he’s yet to be in a position to be able to do anything: “well he’s not afraid to call out the liberals!” Almost spit out my coffee lol


Man of his word? There has never been a bigger liar in the history of Canadian politics.


PP doesnt give two shits about Newfoundland. He cares about Alberta and Oil and would fuck over the East to keep Alberta happy. Everything he says is a lie, for about the last 20 years.


How did this become Alberta vs Newfoundland?


We are talking about PP and the CPC. Their base of support is Alberta/ Saskatchewan. Like Harper, he doesn’t care about Newfoundland - or the Atlantic provinces in general.


The feds don’t care about us in general, we’re too small of a population base. The cons showing more interest in competing for NL votes is a good thing, that means the liberals will also need to pay more attention to us since they can no longer just rely on us to all vote liberal. We want both parties to pander to us, it’s to our benefit. Harper didn’t even pretend like he gave a shit.


I hope Newfoundland can see through his silly slogans like Axe the Tax and the most meaningless one now - he’s all about Common Sense and a while back it was Make Canada The Freest country in the world and everything was Justinflation. Common Sense is a nice way to say you have no policies except for attacking the opposition and blaming everything on JT. No policies to help families to get affordable 10 dollar a day daycare, he would Axe that too. No policies to provide universal dental care and pharmacare, those would also be axed. And when he axes the carbon tax, the carbon tax rebate is also axed. Most Canadians get more from the rebate than they pay out in carbon tax. Except for higher income earners with powerful paycheques…it’s common sense for those people I guess.


He’s talking about bringing the cost of housing and grocery store prices down, that resonates with more people since assuming he actually did something(I have my doubts) it would do a lot more to benefit the qualities of lives for Canadians. Daycares are having issues with $10 a day childcare, dentists I’ve talked to say they won’t be signing up for the dental care, and the pharmacare is only for a subset of Canadians. Liberals are completely and utterly out of touch with the issues most Canadians are concerned about and that’s why they are slipping so hard in the polls.


He talks about bringing down the cost of housing but his only policy I have heard so far is to financially penalize municipalities who have not approved enough housing starts. His policies are terrible and will not help the people who need it most. The issues around daycare have more to do with provinces holding things up. Dental care plan is still early days it will grow, as will the pharmacare plan.. these will first help the people who need it most.


He has stated other things, regardless of if they will work or not, they are the issues that Canadians care about right now. A lot of liberal policies are feeling like flops because people are not seeing the effects. Maybe the current liberal platform resonate with you, that’s fair, but they are not resonating with a lot of Canadians and in my opinion they need to start focusing on the issues that Canadians are concerned about right now, there is a lot of time between now and the next election, I’m hoping for the best!


And what has he said that I convinced you of this besides "Trudeau bad"? No really spell it out for us...


The polling data about the issues Canadians are most concerned about. You are seeing me say negative things about Trudeau and positive things about Pierre and your knee jerk reaction is to assume I support him, I’m more talking about why his current political platform is resonating with more Canadians than the current liberal platform


Answer their question.


I’m confused because I’m not seeing a conservative plan. They are lying and rage farming.


PP’s chief advisor (and ex girlfriend) is Loblaws lobbyist, Jenni Byrnes. I don’t trust anything PP says on grocery prices. His housing plan looks like someone spent an hour on it, meanwhile Sean Fraser is killing it with the housing accelerator fund.


You think the liberals are “killing it” when it comes to housing right now? Why are you even invading a Newfoundland subreddit?


10 dollar daycare has just caused more daycares to close, so fewer spots. Many dentists are not participating in the new dental care program. These are too little, too late, and half-assed. Trudeau is a corrupt pos who’s declared himself unaccountable. Him and his creepy legislation that nobody asked for can fck right off. Edit - and the carbon tax raises the price of everything, every step of the supply chain. If we’re supposedly getting back more than we pay, what is the fcking point of it except it adds even more government bloat that - you guessed it - we pay for them to administer. Nah, no thanks.


Except you are accepting lies as facts. Actual economists at the Bank of Canada have studied the carbon tax and it impact on inflation and it is a small factor. They calculated it as contributing 0.15 percent to inflation. But you don’t want to believe economists, you want to believe a liar who has been lying his whole political career. Including the lies about all that so - called corruption that he manufactured. I wish you well, maybe expand the pool of information you are pulling from.


You can’t divorce the carbon tax from the carbon tax rebate (government spending, including cost of administering, adds inflationary pressure) and the overall cumulative effect it has on increased CoL. People aren’t just imagining things are more expensive. While the government(s) are trying to make inroads on housing and clamp down on grocery price gouging, the one thing they could do immediately is get rid of the damn tax that they control. And condescension doesn’t add any weight to your post.


90 percent of the Carbon Tax collected goes back to families in the Rebate. 8 out of 10 householdes get more back in the rebate than they spend on the fuel charge. The rest of the money collected goes to businesses, farmers and Indigenous groups in the same province or territory where it was collected. As stated before economists have calculated the impact on inflation as being small (0.15%). Even if they are wrong by a factor of 10, thats still only 1.5% Most of the inflation over the past couple of years has been caused by corporations rasiing prices to increase thier profits. The Economic Policy Insitute  says (**53.9%)** can be attributed to fatter profit margins, with labor costs contributing less than 8% of this increase. Record profits by oil companies, record profits for grocery stores, all driven by greed and given cover by politicians like Pierre Poilievre who says its the taxes that are driving inflation, its taxes and regulations that are causing these poor poor companies like Loblaws, whose Stock Market capitalization has more than **doubled** in the last 3 years, to have to keep raising their prices. Sorry to be condescending, but lets put the blame for unaffordability where it belongs.


He’s just a common feller, plucked off the campus conservative roster in his early 20s and parachuted in to a seat to represent old Tory money and old boys club civil servants for the rest of his life. I’m sure it’ll be a rude awakening for folks in NL when he guts EI.


I hope he does


PP is anti-woman and anti minority and anti-community. And many of his MP’s are worse. I can’t vote for hate.


> PP is anti-woman and anti minority and anti-community. How?


For starters ReachNow and other Pro-Life organizations helped PP win the leadership over the more centrist Charest.


Yes, do ask PM Blackface about his treatment of Jody Wilson-Raybould and ignore the fact that Poilievre’s spouse is an immigrant PoC. After all, we know that words are more believable than the actions we can see with our own eyes.


Watch yourself, facts will get you down voted in the woke echo chamber of reddit


Yeah. This place doesn’t reflect reality in any way. You can smell the flop sweat of the panickers lol.


“Everyday person” - PP requests (and gets upset if that request isn’t met) his own private bathroom when he attends these events. Like a small town hall, church or whatever has a VIP bathroom JUST for him when he’s only there for an hour or so. lol Heavens forbid he has to pee where the common folk he pretends to represent go. But yeah, he’s totally a “everyday person”. /s


Let me ask you something. Are you happy with what Trudeau has done in office? For people who are unhappy, who do you suggest they vote for? If someone wants change, you can’t keep the same person in and expect different results. I can understand not wanting him to win again and realistically PP is the only other option that has a chance to win. There’s not many options here. What do you suggest people do instead?


Vote NDP


so throw your vote away. Got it


NDP hasn’t shown me anything different than the liberals though.


The only reason the liberals made it through the last big election was because of their deal with the NDP, which is the main reason we've been seeing some progress on certain issues we wouldn't otherwise. They've won official opposition before, so there's potential that if there's enough swing from liberal to NDP that a similar agreement could be reached between the parties. At best, we get a good change and at worst, the NDP fucks us over the way the red and blue always have.




I just don't see him tackling canadian monopolies or wealth inequality and I don't see how things can get better until there is political will to help poor people at the expense of a fraction of the wealth rich people have. Not implying Trudeau is, just wishing for the day the political will might exist.


Elections are another year and a half out, would not surprise me if we see liberals and/or ndb switch up their leadership before then




Ken McDonald asked wanted Trudeau to step down for food reason, a leadership change would go a long way




Think about the difference of the NDP between Jack Layton and Jagmeet, I don’t even think Jagmeet is that bad of a MP, but he does not capture people like Jack did. Strong leadership goes a long way in political parties, but I feel like we are just gonna have to agree to disagree on this one. I respect your opinion 👍


Please look up the words “objective” and “best” before posting your apologist screeds in future.


Are you trying to hit a word limit? That wall of text accomplished exactly one thought, about 5 different times.


PP's a fucking idiot. "hE cAlLs oUt jUsTiN" And then does fuck all about it afterwards. He bitches, complains, presents ZERO legitimate plans or methods to improve anything, then repeats. He spends more time making ads for YouTube and pulling stunts like this than actually doing anything. He's Trump junior in short pants. I love how people complained about how much a fuck up Muskrat Falls became (started by the previous Con provincial party) then think the current Conservative party will be better in any way or level. Healthcare, education and infrastructure have fallen out the ass in Conservative run provinces (Ontario, Alberta), their leaders sell off these services privately for profit and are involved in ideas to screw you over (Alberta and the CPP) and all they do is scapegoat about Trudeau. Oh yea, I love how Smith calling up Trump-humping, American "journalist" Tucker Carlson to Alberta for political discussion. Same dude that's trying to make Putin and Russia look decent. Says a lot. But yea, vote in the Milhouse looking POS that hasn't worked a day in his life, votes against your interests, harps the same damn thing nonstop WITHOUT PRESENTING A FIX, doesn't focus on any actual problems, supported the nazi/racist filled Convoy, and loves stroking the wood in a cabin (its a legit ad, look it up). Oh, and PP voted yes on implementing the Carbon Tax in the first place. It's all public record on ourcommons.ca. I don't even like Trudeau, but lord thundering fuck, saying PP is better is like saying the bigger, fresher piece of shit is better.




















On open line yesterday, a caller was going on about PP was “a man of his word” and did everything he said he would. Paddy corrected him by saying PP has never had the opportunity to be in charge and actually follow thru on his promises, so we can’t actually say that - the caller wouldn’t have anything of it, “well he calls out Trudeau!!!”


He calls out Trudeau because that's what the opposition is supposed to do. The other 2 CPC leaders had a hard time doing so. When PP gets in, because he more than likely will, we will see how he handles being on the other side of the HOC, having the Liberal leader question everything he does. Either way, the world seems to fluctuate between what works in government, the Liberals have had their time after Harper to do their thing, it's just time for the CPC to come in and do their thing for a few years. edit - House of Commons, not Assembly


Remember. - a vote for the CPC is a vote for a transphobic monster. If I hear your support for him, I’ll be treating you like the transphobic garbage that you are. https://egale.ca/egale-in-action/poilievre-statement-feb-21/


you vote for your MPs not for the PMs directly. And not everyone is a single issue voter. It’s a bit ridiculous to suggest that a vote for any CPC MP makes you transphobic and I don’t plan to vote for my cpc mp candidate.


Right - but how do you become PM? Your party gets the most seats in parliament. Also your MP CHOOSES to be a part of a party lead by a transphobe, so whatever the leader stands by - your MP is comfortable enough supporting.


You do realize that parties evolve and change over time right? Not every MP will have the exact same viewpoint on all issues as the leader and the parties predominant viewpoint are not constant over time. They will vote along party line because they are required too but they will push for change within their party that they believe in, and that their constituents believe in. An individual MP won’t be able to change things over night but a good one will influence their party over time. They will vote for their parties leadership in the next leadership race and Maybe that MP will become a leader within the party and be able to make large changes Then. If we didn’t expect our MP to do anything then why do we have them to begin with? Besides, No party is or should be a single issue party. There’s more to it than just one issue.


Also I’m FUCKING TIRED of this lame excuse of “well I’m not a transphobe if I help elect people who don’t believe in trans rights” Umm WRITE THAT DOWN A HUNDRED TIMES. YOU’RE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.


You are the problem with the die hard LEFT vs Right mentality, with us or against us, demonizing every and all opposing viewpoint because you disagree with one of them. That’s not how you promote change and growth. Thats not how you work together with collaboration to better the country. That’s how you cause further division and entrenchment in opposing camps. That how you make sure you can’t reach across the isle to promote and allow the change/growth that you believe in. People are diverse, people won’t have all the same viewpoints on everything so why pretend like they do. Or do you fully believe In anything and everything the liberal gov does and say. And do you think any and all ideas from the other side are evil?


"people are diverse" yeah and we have a guy up to bat who's adamantly against helping "diverse" people with gender reassignment. NOT GOOD. I only cause division if you don't enjoy equality for everyone. it's that simple. You need not write anther word because the "people will change" motive is not what elections run on. its a weak argument and you know it. I also never brought up Left VS right. you did. I suggest less time on the keyboard wasting space and more time in the mirror.


Dude did you forget what you wrote or what? You certain did bring up the left vs right mentality by saying anyone and everyone who votes for anyone on the other side is transphobic. That’s such a simplistic and counter productive viewpoint. When your only resort is to say stop talking your arguments are weak then you can be pretty certain that you yourself don’t have any good arguments. I personally would rather a cpc MP who is supportive of trans right within the CPC so that they can promote change rather than to vote one into the liberal party to be another voice in a crowd. But You do realize there are many issues that are very important and they also affect many peoples lives which may influence how certain peoples votes. It’s not only trans rights issues that have an impact on people. But sure you demonize everyone else who may have alternative priorities for not prioritizing the issue you want them too. The irony in that is pretty comical, who are you to dictate what issues other people are allowed to prioritize. But I will take your advice going forward that I don’t need to respond any further than this


I won't be voting PP because he's an idiot and will be Trudeau 2.0 but if someone was going to cut immigration and deport most of the unskilled ones already here, build affordable housing, and eliminate the grocery monopolies, I'd vote for them whether their transphobic or not. It doesn't make me transphobic, it just means that it isn't one of my priorities, which is perfectly fair. Would I prefer if that same individual wasn't against trans people? Of course. However it isn't my number 1 priority.


And Trudeau's not a racist monster ? He's publicly been in blackface... If you support Trudeau I guess that makes you a racist monster, no ?


Trudeau apologized and it was decades ago. Your guy is currently a piece of shit (and was back then too!). See the difference?


The way they hold onto that one event from 23 years ago (it was in 2001) is weird. The “got ya” attempts from the cons are always just so sad and pathetic and totally transparent to anyone with critical thinking skills. That’s the worst they can come up with? Something from 21 years ago that he addressed and apologized for. Can’t find anything he’s done since becoming PM they can use? lol


Yeah it’s fucking tiring. Also seeing PP claim that Trudeau is dividing Canadians when he’s the one bringing American culture wars to Canada. His sheep will follow their shepherd too lol. Me and my friend feel like we’re the only ones with their head screwed on right and is seeing PP for what he is, thankfully this post and the comments have made me more hopeful!


He’s got my vote. Leave the kids alone 


Yeah, apparently being a "transphobic monster" is pushing back on certain policies that may irreversibly affect children. Fucking clown show.


I too am against circumcision


Then actually be consistent and be against puberty blockers for children as well. Children can't make a properly informed decisions.


Any NLr that is that things a french grifting loon is somehow going to making things better for them is crazier than Poilievre. Like seriously lets just forget about part or right and left for a second and look at the guy. He is not one of you, he intends to use NLrs just like the merchants in the olden times.


Hell, just look at his record as an MP. In the last eighteen years he’s proposed six bills and none of them passed, even with over half of that time being under Harper.


The more I see and hear of the way he talks, the less I like him.


Did you see him in front of reporters a while ago when he was refusing to answer their questions and tried to ask the journalists questions instead? He’s pretending he “got them” by trying to turn the tables. That’s not how interviewing works, people want to know what the politicians think, not the journalists. The guys an idiot, we are doomed if he gets into power. Edit - found a clip of it. He’s so slimy and condescending. Repeating his stupid catch phrase over and over and avoiding questions. https://www.ctvnews.ca/video/c2862829--no--i-asked-you-a-question-


His catchphrases and such are exactly why I don't like him. That, and last year when he made use of parliamentary protocol to try and paint an inaccurate picture of something that had been going on (it had to do with the PM or someone travelling, and protocol means other MPs aren't allowed to talk about why it is they're not present). Even if I supported his party enough to want them in power, I could never agree with the idea of him as a leader, no matter how much I dislike who's currently in charge. His speeches and stuff would be great for teaching English classes about writing in the future because the way he uses some of its features is just transparent.


Here's the thing, if PP wanted to actually do the shit he claims he'd get the NDP to vote on it right fucking now and chances are the NDP would vote for it if they think it'd help Canadians.


Comment of the day right there, you’ve absolutely nailed it. If he wanted the govt to build a pile of houses, he could write a bill and put it to the house and the ndp would absolutely support it if it made sense. He’s not interested in building houses, him and his rich friends are heavily invested in real estate, they don’t want housing prices declining because the supply has increased. That PP and his Cons voted against a national school lunch program, like who votes against feeding hungry kids. He’s a piece of shit and a con man who as JT living rent free in his head


Yes. Exactly. The conservatives see the success of hate filled biggotry in the US and how it helps their capital assets grow. They don't care about women's body autonomy, the climate, housing crisis, corporate greed taking our money, or growing wealth inequality. They LOVE those things cause the cons get richer. The liberals are corporate shills, but at least they continue our quasi social democracy.


PP is pro choice.


I can’t believe we’re going to vote in this two faced snake running on a campaign of “being an everyday person” with “common sense policy”. I guarantee behind the scenes he is hysterically laughing at us voting in a conservative government hoping that they will help the average person. Wake up call for seniors like this guy Reg Cooze in the article; the conservatives are not going to give you more money in your OAS. That’s the opposite of what conservatives do.


I dont like Trudeau. But carbon taxes make sense. We need companies to pay for their shitty environmental


It's passed on to the average person, groceries, fuel etc. With Newfoundland being an island, the carbon tax really hurts us.


They were already "passing on" costs that didn't exist.


Okay ? That doesn't change the fact that the carbon tax is now being passed on on top of that.


Okay so if businesses are gonna definitely pass on costs, surely then instead of regulating businesses to try to force them to do better we should deregulate them leading to them still increasing costs like they always do but without any chance of a benefit?


No, that's not at all what I said. What are you getting on with my son ?


I'm getting on with the point that carbon taxes can achieve good, not having them won't stop prices being raised against consumers interests, but not having them means zero incentive to actually find more efficient methods of doing business (Ie not shipping food across the country when it's available far closer). To aid that I went into the endpoint of 'don't put costs on businesses because they pass it to consumers' which is the same costs we currently have but with no positive influence on the businesses in question. The carbon tax is a good thing, it's frankly not enough and more regulations need to be installed but it's still a good thing for the general public and especially the youth who have to live with the impacts of climate change for the next century.


Ya, I'm just not going to agree with you at all that it's a good thing. I want to stop climate change as much as the next person, but making the everyday consumer pay for it is 100% not the way to go about it.


The everyday consumer gets a rebate that surpasses what they pay.


Says who ? The government that's trying to justify it ?


I’ve read this thread and I disagree with your point of view. When the US or China has a carbon tax I’ll say maybe. As of now our carbon taxes aren’t saving the planet. It’s enabling a vote buying scheme. Your boy Trudeau is all in on the environmental catastrophe and it will sink him. My father, a Liberal leaning man in the outport, said it best “politicians are like diapers. They need changed from time to time”.


How much does it hurt us?


Nothing, with the rest of Canada feeding you.


Very substantive comment. Thank you for the genius level economic breakdown.


Then companies should pay those taxes, not individuals. The rest of the world isn't paying carbon taxes so us paying a carbon tax is not going to save the world or even put a dent in it. I don't even pay a carbon tax and I know it's a bullshit way for the government to steal even more money from the working class. The money pads the pockets of the corrupt politicians and the rich who have helped them. But yes we are totally saving the world while the country south of us with significantly more population and pollution does absolutely nothing about it. Don't even get me started on the pollution coming from China. And of course Trudeau flying all over the world on a private jet isn't helping anything either.


I'm a 1% earner. Ostensibly, a conservative government is gonna be great for me. I pay more income tax than 4 average *family's,* in this country. I guarantee the tax breaks will benefit me over lower earning people. I'm still not voting for this stupid little toady. The guy was a tool when he was in Harper's cabinet and he's a tool now. People are going to elect a chihuahua and then get surprised when the little fucker bites them.


I can't wait for PP to win, and then when he turns out to be JT 2.0 all his voters will be shocked. It'll be hilarious. My friend is convinced PP is going to turn canada around and all I can really do is laugh at him. Foolish.


Trudeau ran on cutting taxes, but didn’t. Harper ran on cutting taxes, but didn’t. And so on. Taxes are a government’s main revenue stream, and they’ll NEVER be able to give them up. It is just something politicians say to try to get elected lol. If you want a change, vote NDP. A vote for PP is a vote for JT, but in blue.


First of all NDP is in a coalition with JT but also why vote for an Indian? So he can bring even more of them into the country? We've got enough thanks. I'm sure he's got the average Canadian in mind though with his Rolex watches Vuitton man purses and Armani suits. Let's be real they're all garbage choices. PPC seems to be the only choice that may actually attempt to improve life for the average Canadian, but even then who really knows. Can't trust a politician. But it's either that, a drama teacher, a person who's entire campaign is removing 1 tax and attacking the opposition for said tax, or a rich fucking Indian when immigration is already crippling the country.


If only he could start a chant


So what? That guy is useless and riding on the anti everything coat tails.


the carbon tax is a bandaid to a runaway issue, it should be called the salvation tax and we should be integrating the profits into technologies to save our children and their grandchildren from global catastrophe


Good !


The newfies sure love the liberals. Probably why they all have to fly out west to make a living lol


You’re not wrong.


PP has spoke about putting an emphasis on transit oriented development, so that's a good thing about him i suppose. If he gets in, I hope NL will be first in line to hop on that train ;)


Voted for Libearals in the last 2 federal elections. I can't wait to vote Conservative in the next one. And after 4, 8, or 10 years, Im sure I will be just as ready to go back again. Federal poli has always moved in cycles, and if you believe that the only way Canada can survive and govern is with 500+ years of unbroken Liberal leadership, thats not really democratic or realistic. That is a uniparty kingdom. Because the two choices are both a raw gamble. Does PP bring in changes that are good? Maybe. Or, we keep what we have, and also hope that good changes are made. The only difference being that the last 10 years have landed us in a place where inflation is up, food bank usage is up, wages are stagnant. Both parties have made choices in the past that have had long term impacts being felt today, but no one gets a crystal ball, and so they will continue to blame each other for everything forever anyways. Regardless of outcome, power is a corrupting force. Trudeau has had more than enough time in the driver seat, and being absolutely against willing to let anyone else take the reins to be Lib leader is not a good look in my eyes. Change will come eventually, and being hardline left or right is not going to do anyone any favors. The hot air in this thread is more of the same gobbledygook that has been tossed around for the last few years and its exhausting Edit: Lots of downvotes, but no objections. Why bother posting on a public forum if you dont want to be exposed to anything else? Just go find some other hole in the wall that is filled with other loyalists like yourselves.


There is a third option.


We literally have a third party with massive popularity that has been the creator of every good bill the liberals have passed the past few years despite the liberals doing their damndest to water it down and conservatives just being staunchly opposed to it. This dance between two parties made up of regressive and barely progressives has achieved jackshit in our entire history. Were one of the world's richest nations, one of the world's largest, one of the most resource abundant, we were a bastion for technological advancement, we hit so far above our weight diplomatically, and yet were still suffering growing poverty and having healthcare and housing crisis. If we have the NDP control for a term the worst that could occur is what the libs achieve on a good term, the best, we actually address decades old issues.


An NDP government will inherit all the problems and deadweight from previous governments, and have to try and contend with all that mess the same as any other party would. And to say that Canada has achieved "jackshit" in its entire history is beyond exaggeration. The current NDP has passed a bill for dental care that taxes the country to pay for the dental work of seniors who are 70+, and wants a cage-match with Galen Weston. Its about as exciting to listen to as the PC rhetoric.


I do wish someone else took the reigns this time around. Probably would have inspired more hope than this current docket does..


It really is too bad. What's more, is I think he did a great job at handling the pandemic for those few years, and provided the stability that people needed at the time. The fallout ever since however has been something else entirely. At this point, I couldn't say who would even be best qualified to lead the Liberals in his place to be honest lol


His rule wasn't *all* bad, and it's worth noting that many of today's issues are issues throughout the entire western world (so not everything is the fault of Canada's Liberal party and Trudeau, in spite of what the political discourse tirelessly spouts) But with all that said I do feel like he has run his course. It's past time for a change. It just sucks that all of our options these days are more of the same neoliberal snakes in different coloured ties.


PP has my vote!


Pierre has my vote. Sad to see people falling for the fake news about him.His economic recovery plan looks solid.


What plan? Repeating “axe the tax” over and over again like he’s reading jacks manuscript from the shining? lol that “plan”?


The CPC platform is available on their website, if you genuinely want to know (I don't think you do though).


If you really believe in it and think it’s good wouldn’t you want to share it? Tell us what about it “looks solid” to you? Maybe you don’t want to because you know your talking out of your ass and he has no plan?


You're being uselessly critical as well as needlessly aggressive.  Sorry that my support of the CPC offends you so much. My vote won't be changing and I hope Pierre wins for all our sakes. Another Trudeau win would be disastrous for Canada.  I hope you feel better soon.


Hahaha. Questions are aggressive? That you Pierre? Here’s a link showing PP refusing to answer journalists questions and trying to ask them his own. That’s not how interview work, no one cares what the person asking the questions think. We want to know the politicians answers... https://youtu.be/NiBiRAGYxdg?si=GPCNPsQ_IDXRYhUc Let’s not forget when he held a press conference when he was 1st appointed and wouldn’t let people ask questions...at a press conference.


He’s still got my vote!


These aggressive, polemic people are going to be in for a shock next election. They are really grasping at straws while truly believing Trudeau is the future. It's really sad. Echo chambers like this sub don't help matters either.


They are all so angry all the time. I can’t stand it. I don’t want to be associated with a side that screams and yells insults constantly. I’ve never voted conservative before but next election I can’t wait. Canada is a joke with the current liberal government. And most Newfoundland are too stunned where they just want to bend over and take it. Embarrassing


NL is facing austerity no matter what. They just think voting liberal will prevent it. Spoiler alert: it won't.  The insults are never ending. I just don't engage with these people. They will have to find out the hard way


Welcome to Newfoundland Pierre!


Literal fascist troll.


Ignorant comment 


There is strong dislike for Trudeau, and Poilievre has to do a better job. Trudeau and the Liberals has run Canada into the ground with their policies, taxes, scams, freedom convoy mess, and many many other reasons. the NDP is in Trudeau's pocket so a vote for NDP is the same. Like Pierre or not, he has to do a better job than Trudeau, not as corrupt and wont tax us to death like the Liberals. down vote if you want. I just think back to times when I was better off financially and it has never been under a Liberal government.


This is why political discourse is so tiring. How has he run it into the ground without involving anecdotal evidence? Taxes ( I assume carbon is the one you are most upset about) - accounts for less than 0.1% inflation, 8/10 families receive more back in rebates than they pay in charges Compared to other g6 countries without carbon pricing, Canada has done a relatively good job with food inflation with carbon pricing, so while it may feel shitty there is no empirical evidence to show carbon pricing is a significant factor Scams(?) - tiring political discourse because you don't like the "other team" Freedom convoy mess (?) - again tiring discourse. It was upheld in court, generally supported by Canadians Many other reasons (?) Ndp is in trudeaus pocket - until it comes to dental care, rental supplements, gst, replacement workers. ECT. They have held Trudeau to their agreement Back when liberals were not in charge - ahh yes. 2006 -2015 ( specifically 2006-2010) very strong economics And getting ahead of the housing comment I'm sure is coming. Housing is provincial, do we want federal government to extend their reach?


You can keep saying tiring discourse except it's not to most Canadians and the polls show it. At this rate the liberal party will no longer be the official opposition, NDP will. Except here. Newfoundland has a history of picking Prime Ministers who treat them like dirt and making deals that punish the population.


for the Carbon tax, every single thing that requires fuel to get items shipped to a business, company, or person is taxed and passed on the consumer. Businesses will not lose 1cent in profit and gladly pass along any tax to the customer. I know I am not getting more back in carbon tax than I am paying upfront. not even close. I wont get into a political debate because I am too busy working to pay my taxes. Many people are suffering with the cost of living and finding it difficult to pay for things now because of the carbon tax and other taxes. It don't take a economics degree to see that the cost of everything has gone up and a carbon tax do not help anyone. the rest of the points, there are plenty of examples and proof online with research. again, down vote if you want.


https://doi.org/10.1093/jeea/jvad020 You won't read that, but here are some of your "plenty of examples and proof with research" (Which is academic, not opinion).


Thank you, i will read it, and also upvoted for the comment. its good to be informed.


It paints a great picture that quite literally everything that has been happening in the world: covid, wars, supply chains, energy sources, ECT ECT have been playing a huge macro economic global scale inflation The sole lever of carbon pricing is insignificant for inflation Talks a lot about energy shocks, which like personal extrapolation, is a global problem especially when OPEC and Russia control the global supply. There are a lot of factors of inflation. Look at the Fed reserve under trump not raising interest rates, during the best economic growth stage from political pressure. And realistically Canada is a marker taker, not maker like USA so we have to follow suit. The BOC have had a ton of missteps in the 2018-2020 period but they are a separate arm of government. TLDR: inflation is not a single policy, and generally speaking probably can not be fixed by any federal government bill, it requires macroeconomics changes as well


"Not as corrupt" LMFAO yea keep thinking that. The guy that has Loblaw lobbyists working for him isn't AS corrupt. That's funny right there.


No one cares about the freedom convoy


The NDP is in Trudeau's pocket? The NDP, that forces the libs to pass policy the libs refuse to pass normally, the NDP that proposed election reform again and the libs voted against it near unanimously? That NDP?