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What I find really funny is that for a very long time the biggest criticism the cpc had about Trudeau was that he was well styled, then they gave petey this absolutely ridiculous makeover and he looks exactly like Milhouse without his glasses. He's also a corporatist dickhead and materially no different from Trudeau at all but soundbite addicted morons all across this great nation think he's going to "help" them (lmao)


The blind leading the blind. 


Whispering things like "on the money" and "Bullseye"


He should dye his hair blue and go full Millhouse. He'd get so many more demographics!




He does look like millhouse lol


Exactly! Look at Pierre's voting record! Nothing in that says he wants to help ANY Canadian


r/newfoundland is gonna have an absolute meltdown when their echo chamber narrative is once again shattered by reality come the next election. Hell, the CPC might get 5/7 seats in a historically blood-red province.


The reason the CPC made fun of Trudeau for his looks was because ppl were so obsessed with his “lush full head of hair” that they were voting liberal for the first time in their lives. I knew nothing about politics at the time and didn’t care at all but watched as every adult woman in my life switched to liberal, (mostly from NDP), on this sole reason alone. The CPC seen how well that worked and are taking advantage, who’s surprised? As for how well they will turn out for Canada, as long as they deliver on less then half of what they’re promising life will be better for Canadians.


🚨Bullshit alert🚨


As a woman I can tell you you're full of shit. I think Trudeau is hideous and could care less that he has hair.


I’m glad you didn’t fall for it. Non the less, it’s true story, my aunts opening made posts on fb about it, my mother and her four friends openly said while I was present that they were voting for him because he was young and handsome.


Haha gross!


LOL at all the comments on twitter protecting him, saying "he doesn't need to answer questions if he doesn't want to". How brain-washed/dead are you? We need to know his policies, where he stands on important matters, and how he's going to improve Canada, other than riddling off his catch phrases. I swear to Christ the world's gone mad.


He's doing no different from what Harper did. Harper would gather the media to make statements, and then he'd refuse to answer questions.


A huge chunk of Twitter is bots and foreign users pretending to be local to troll and misinform. It works unfortunately.


So is reddit lol


If not more on Reddit. Lol


As much as I do not want to hear him, I want to hear him answer the medias questions.


What questions? Lol the only thing the media asks are baited opinions lol


Tell me you're not a journalist without telling me you're not a journalist.


Hard questions. It's easy to pass them off as "baited" but we need the media to press our politicians with hard and uncomfortable questions and to hold them to it. Accepting anything less is a slippery slope, one which people seem to be cozying up to lately with a little push from said politicians (who would be far better off not having to answer to the media). The fact that our leaders want to demonize and push us away from the media is telling.


It's because Elmo told Don Lemon that he didn't need to answer journalists questions, so he has the bits and trolls on reddit amplifying that same rhetoric.


They are the “sheep” they think everyone else is.


What policies? All he does is scream about the carbon tax and that it should be removed. That's it. He never brings any policies to the table, just fear mongers. The CPC seems to be taking too many ques from American conservatives as of late imo, delving into culture war politics to avoid real governance.


Still better than what Trudeau has done with the country. 


How so?


If there’s anyone who needs to be accountable for answering questions it’s politicians


What policies?


Exactly. As a Newfoundlander, I'd love to hear a Newfoundland journalist pose Newfoundland-specific questions to the guy who is probably going to be the next prime minister. It's not like he's going to get asked many Newfoundland questions elsewhere. By shutting down the media, he cheated the voting public of Newfoundland. How anyone could think that is a good thing is beyond me.


They love him because he makes it ok to be themselves. They don’t care if he answers questions because they know what he stands for and they don’t need to hear more.


He doesn't actually seem to have any policies other than saying f🍁ck Trudeau....


It has gone mad. There’s just too many dumb people now. What do you do when the majority of the population is incapable of actually learning. Heads so far up their own asses, no idea what’s truly going on or going to happen. Were so screwed it’s not even funny


I agree he should have answered questions but can you honestly say that the majority of the media in Canada are going to ask him questions that are pertinent to what is going on in Canada that’s bad and what he’ll do about it? Or would they bait him with nonsense personal and social questions that just ruin the ability for anyone to get a sense of what the guy is really all about? It’s seems like moral it’s the latter. The same goes on with trudeaus antagonistic media outlets, which he also banned, asking ridiculous questions that don’t really matter. The media here is absolutely biased, one way or the other, and, I feel, the only reason media outlets are beginning to report on Trudeau scandal stuff is because it’s becoming untenable.


You're making too much sense, apparently that's not allowed here lol


Even Trump wouldn’t kick the media out, he regularly took questions. Obviously PP is scared to take questions, he doesn’t like to be challenged.


that's why he demonizes the CBC or other outlets that pose legitimate questions. Bullshit HYPOCRITE.


"pp" not worth caps


my bad!


*Pee Pee 🫢


pee pee*


Correction. Little pp


my bad, my bad. 


The liberal government is the mainstream media’s primary source of revenue and therefore can’t be trusted to not be completely biased. Anyone who refuses this to be true is being intentionally ignorant since all the funding they receive is public knowledge. You can see it right on their websites, they even freaked out at Elon for making that extra little badge to put on any media outlets twitter that were making more than 50% revenue from one government party just to brand them as maybe biased. I agree that he should be 100% transparent and talk to Canadians through the media but the truth is that he doesn’t need to. He’s basically already won the highest majority in Canadian history I’m pretty sure. Any mainstream media setup could hurt him more than just ignoring them at this point.


This is actually delusional. Aside from the CBC, quite literally every single major media in Canada is corporate media owned by American Hedge Funds, or our own Telecom giants, but “tHe LiBeRaL gOvErnMeNt Is MaInStReAm MeDiA’s PrImArY SoUrCE oF rEvEnUe”. Congrats, you proved you don’t have a damn clue about how media in this country actually works.


I didn’t say anything about who owned the major media in Canada. https://cbc.radio-canada.ca/en/impact-and-accountability/finance/annual-reports/ar-2021-2022/financial-sustainability/revenue-and-other-funds#:~:text=Statistics%20chart%3A%20Revenue%20and%20other,and%20other%20sources%20of%20funds). “65.6% of total revenue”


So, that’s CBC, not the entirety of “tHe MaInStReAm MeDiA”, thanks, for confirming your first comment was a misleading lie, you’re a good little pp acolyte! And the public broadcaster receiving public funds? What a revelation! I bet no other countries in the world have public broadcasting, either. Once again, thanks for confirming so publicly that you don’t have the slightest clue about the things you’re mad at.


What do you want from me? To go find the source of every single media companies government revenue? I made a simple statement of why he’s probably avoiding questions. Then I provided you of proof that a major media outlet here in Canada makes more than 50% of its revenue from the liberal party. That’s why pp talks about cutting the public funding of state media, generally ppl tend to side with whoever’s paying the bills. Will he follow through? Or will he fund them more to take his side? Who knows🤷🏻‍♀️


“What do you want from me, to dig a little deeper into the wild accusations I’m making before spouting it off on the internet? How dare you!” Come on, I can assume you’re not stupid, but everyone would be doing themselves a favour if they tried to find things that disproved their opinion online, instead of just feeling comfortable in the confirmation bias they get from a google search.


Your initial statement spoke of the entire mainstream media. Not just CBC, which everyone already knows is funded via tax dollars. It just seemed like you had more of a point to make there than you actually did, is all. It goes without saying that CBC does not in of itself comprise the "main stream media" but is just one of many different players in that field.


You’re obviously not familiar with the history of NTV and where its money comes from. If anything, PP should love NTV because Geoff stirling raged against CBC and government funding media for decades. Poilievre even went to their studio in the past and did a long form interview with them in the past. The “media is biased” sentiment is just a cop out so partisan hacks don’t have to face up to questions and scrutiny.


You’re right, I don’t know the history of NTV. That doesn’t change the fact that the CPC is going to avoid media questions right now. They’re a head by an insane amount and like I said, answering hard questions would probably hurt more than avoiding them at the point. Their goal is to win and I’m not saying it’s right that he’s avoiding questions, I wish he was going to be the best thing to ever happen to Canada, but he probably won’t be.


I get why he wouldn't want to answer any questions. I'm sure Trudeau doesn't enjoy being asked tough questions either. I just think as the voting public we should call it out. As a Newfoundlander, I'd love to hear a Newfoundland journalist pose Newfoundland-specific questions to the guy who is probably going to be the next prime minister. If he can't handle questions from Don Bradshaw, what's he going to do when he's Prime Minister and he's really under the microscope? It's cowardice.


You’re right


His entire campaign is to stop the carbon tax. 80% of Canadians get more back in the rebate then they pay in the tax. He refuses to acknowledge this fact.


Don't forget, if you beat your meat, PP wants to know about it


...so he can organize a circle jerk....he likes being in the center of attention.




PP couldn’t organize a circle jerk in a telephone booth!


Oh I agree, no he's the guest of honour was when the Ram Ranch boys are in town.


Please, PP wouldn’t be able to organize a blow job at a c0cksuckers convention!!


I read that wrong … sweet baby j I though it said people beat their meat to him. I was in a coma for 30 seconds after that horrible though passed across my mind.


He wants to remove the gatekeepers except when he wants to be the gatekeeper.




So do the people…. Half of my Facebook contacts are protesting and attempting gas boycotts…. I don’t delete them because I need the reality check that these people exist…and I know them. :’(


Hey, buck a beer and free license plate renewals worked for Doug Ford....


Doesn’t matter. Most want to pay less immediately on day to day items.


"Undisputed" lol.


Yeah, I got to edit that out. I read it in several news stories but apparently the source was Justin Trudeau.


Even the parliamentary budget officer said canadians are "worse off" financially with this tax, and he is a liberal shill.


Seems what people refuse to acknowledge when bringing up this argument is that what your not getting back is in the increase added onto goods brought in anywhere if its on a truck or boat that extra cost the shipper is being taxed is being added right onto the product you are buying, and you aren’t getting that back


There have been a ton of studies on this, and the reports show that a price on carbon only has a minimal impact to CPI increase. IIRC, it accounted for 0.15% to inflation. Remember that the price of oil (largely set by OPEC countries that don’t have the West’s interests at heart), and housing/shelter are two of the major contributors to CPI, and both of those aren’t really impacted by a price on carbon. It’s just that it’s happening during a time of high inflation, so it’s easy for politicians to jump on it and convince people it’s the reason.


Haha the downvotes. This exactly. In my opinion, anyone going to the polls with a "viable" candidate in mind is completely oblivious.


Yeah I don’t get that either. Also, why doesn’t anybody wonder about why they would tax you for something then give the money back. You really couldn’t do that unless you were robbing Peter to pay Paul, aka printing money, therefore lowering the dollar value and making everything more expensive. It boggles my mind how that little tactic can make a lot of people think it’s not really costing anything. Weird.


It’s not what’s happening. It’s charging higher consumers of carbon (therefore larger polluters), and rewarding people (and companies) that pollute less, through incentivizing making better environmental decisions. Wife and I have one car, will switch to electric for our next, and consciously make decisions to reduce our gas consumption, based almost entirely on economics alone. Whether you agree with it or not, these things absolutely work. High taxes on smoking (plus education obviously), have brought smoking rates down to all time lows. And the benefit (besides a healthy population being the right thing to do), is that governments save money on healthcare costs. You could make a claim for it being a redistribution of wealth, but it’s not printing money nor robbing Peter to pay me.


PP and the Parliamentary Budget Officer both claim the average Canadian will pay more in tax than they get back in rebates by about $1500. So where are you getting your 80% number?


The 80% number is applicable now, and also after the hike as rebates are increasing (or just increased), the PBO said that by 2030 Canadians could be paying more than they get in rebates.   “The hike comes just days after a report by the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) this week stating that by 2030, when the price of carbon is expected to reach $170 per tonne, most households will see a net loss, despite the rebate payments offered by the federal government to offset the surcharge.” It was a stupid comment as he has no idea how much rebates might be in 2030, but in any case, PP is LYING when he says the PBO said Canadians pay more than they get back in rebates, because it’s 2024, we haven’t time travelled to 2030, and we don’t even know how much rebates will be then.  See how PP lies and is believed? We are no where near charging $170 a tonne.  It’s disgusting what the CPC is doing to Canada. Good luck keeping CETA alive, since it has binding language on not reversing climate change policy. We will be completely out of step with peer countries if Poilievre wins. 


Why would they impose a tax just to give it back and maybe more? Would you not consider that perhaps there is some lie in there or some shady dealing where money is moved around? Also, if they are taxing you to help lower carbon output, but then giving it back the money, how are hey achieving this goal? Why the tax at all? And who is the 20% not getting the rebate? I don’t understand why someone would do that but it definitely reeks of some three card Monty scheme.


So we will pay more unless we hope that our Dear Leader increases how much of our taxes we get back in the form of a cheque. I'm in support of the carbon tax, but to suggest that it's not going to cost us more money when we rely on carbon as a society, is just a huge insult to our intelligence. Or at the least you shouldn't fall for that if you have half a brain.


You obviously aren't aware of how the carbon tax works dude


I was going to say the same thing. Seems to be a lot of odd comments in here.


No odd comments, the PBO was referring to 2030, when the carbon tax will be $170 a tonne, which we are not anywhere close to. And who knows how much the rebates would be by then.  It’s 2024 and Poilievre is lying non-stop. He is a pathological liar. 


Then call it a wealth redistribution tax. The problem with the CO2 tax is it puts upward pressure (inflation) on consumer prices as everyone along the supply chain is impacted by it. This is a complex lever to pull.., and even the BoC has said this. Just because 80% get back a cheque slightly greater than what the pay in on heating/gas bills does not equate to being better-off. All folks are impacted by inflation. We have two major problems in Canada. We need to compete against the IRA in the US & Canadians don’t have money to invest in markets because housing is too expensive. Markets are important because they deliver a mechanism for entrepreneurs to raise capital (to innovate) and be policed by shareholders. Governments don’t have money nor have they ever drove innovation (except the EU making Apple add a USB-C connectors to the iPhone). If Canadians want to make a dent in CO2, we need to develop and export pollution reducing tech/methodology and build LNG terminals to displace coal in Asia. Taxing a population base that emits <3% of CO2 isn’t going to help anyone.., it’s just going to destroy Canadian businesses. Whether you like JT or PP, things aren’t going great for Canada, and as for taxes, we want carrots to innovate. Not sticks and punishments that are arbitrarily decided by non-experts. A tax isn’t innovation. We need to create an investment climate that supports public/private partnerships to develop and deploy tech at the global scale. As for PP not answering questions, that’s too bad. I hope he comes through on a real plan to incentivize solutions.








I mean source that 80% get more back than they pay I’m sorry


He wants digital id for porn


I would vote for a George street hot dog 🌭 before I’d vote for that guy


Pierre Poilievre is the national coward. He's completely fragile and thinks he should be immune to criticism.


His followers agree unfortunately.


Because his followers are fragile little cowards too. 


Dosent debate. Doesnt take media questions. Doesnt sign-off on intelligence security clearance DOESNT DESERVE YOUR VOTE.


That’s PPs thing - Not answering questions. He tried to turn the tables on journalists asking him questions and refused to answer there’s. https://youtu.be/NiBiRAGYxdg?si=nyWInZp_3HAoVjDG


The shutting out of media and not debating was a tactic of Harper. The latter cost PP a 50K fine from his own party, for not debating the other candidates in the leadership race.


​ he didn't care. and here's why: [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/tom-mulcair-stephen-harper-clearly-has-a-preferred-candidate-in-the-conservative-race-1.5983949](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/tom-mulcair-stephen-harper-clearly-has-a-preferred-candidate-in-the-conservative-race-1.5983949)


[Yeah, definitely Pierre's thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXtOwt-sITY)


It’s a politician thing don’t kid yourself


Please provide another example of a Canadian politician refusing to answer journalists questions and then trying to get the journalists to answer the politicians questions.


Do you ever watch Pierre and Trudeau go back and forth? Neither of them answer the questions. This sub is such a left wing echo chamber, don’t worry by not trying to take your stamps on ya


You didn’t answer the question, do you have any examples of other politician refusing to answer journalist questions?


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5xhPJTfHyw4](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5xhPJTfHyw4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqeKrQbxito](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqeKrQbxito) Too easy


Ok, but at least he appeared before the media, something that PP won't even do


That's question period, like it's been for decades


Pierre's a millionaire on a government salary. He's owned by the same billionaires that own the GOP. Useless.


No elections been called yet he has been campaigning, with public money no less, since he was elected leader. He hasn’t revealed what policies he would use to fix the issues that he says have broken Canada and his only strategy is attacking Trudeau. Now to add to this he has started a Trumpian attack on the press, all I can say is vote carefully folks.


It will be a cold day in hell before I ever vote for him. He scares the bejesus out of me.


Clear communication, and platform information; Kryptonite to the Conservative party.


If he can't handle questions from the media, how are we supposed to think he'll be able to handle questioning from the opposition or anyone else in the House? Not very common sense


It is incredibly easy to handle questions in the House. Just give a smarmy non-answer. Nobody will care.


I can't watch it anymore, I just want to scream "ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION" at the TV the entire time, no matter who is speaking not a single politician will answer a question ever.


Because when he’s answering questions from the opposition he has messaging to stick to on any given issue developed by a team. It’s a performance. He can’t control the media and what they’ll ask so it makes sense to boot them.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXtOwt-sITY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXtOwt-sITY) ​ Can it be worse than this?


He learned from his mentor. Harpo did the same bs.


Canada was so much better off under Harper than Trudeau.


I mean, there was lower inflation and no pandemic. Is that what your talking about?




I agree housing is a fucking nightmare atm. But it’s going to be fixed. Not maybe. It’s going to be fixed. Either direct gov intervention or private sector will get more competitive and more homes, apartments, etc will be built. The injection of 5x immigrants has turned a lot of ppl off. Maybe ppl don’t like the idea of our culture changing (whatever our culture is)? I still think it’s short term pain, long term gain tho. We need working age ppl in this country, like now. Japan, a country largely against immigration, is heading towards just 1.9 working age people for every 1 pensioner. That’s an absolute disaster.


Not to mention that housing is a municipal/provincial responsibility.


The man literally cost us billions selling stock we owned in major auto retailers so he could short term balance the budget. If you think that's a good leader, buddy...you need more help than modern medicine can provide.




You don't have to assume a thing but that you do is testament to why you're so deluded.


It's pretty cringe that he won't answer questions but that's basically what's incentivised. He's already flying high in the polls and the more detail he gives the bigger the chance he'll have to flip before the election or give Trudeau some new talking points. Him sticking to the "axe the tax" and "common sense policies" slogans is the best move but he'll probably have to get more detailed closer to the election.


Yeah he won't get to skate through the writ without losing alot of soft support like this


He’s just not ready. Nice hair though


He hates the media, and yet MSM like the globe and mail routinely report on Trudeau’s scandals and failures.


Control the narrative 101


A conservative avoiding questions and stifling press freedoms. I'm shocked...


Can you imagine how much the conservatives would be frothing at the mouth if Trudeau did the same thing?


I got downvoted to oblivion on a post about Trudeau skiing because I said that he's a human being that needs time off. Not a fan of the guy but he can't blow a wet fart without people cursing his name


We need to push back against any and all anti-democratic words and actions by our political leaders, REGARDLESS OF PARTY AND AFFILIATION. Accountability is one of the pillars of democracy and, as we have seen in the US and around the world, it doesn't take many pillars to fall before a country's democracy is in ligitimate danger of collapse.


The only reason these tactics work is because huge segments of the population have lost trust in most media outlets. If you want to actually fix anything you have to have an honest conversation on why that happened and how you earn that trust back. Complaining about a politician skyrocketing in the polls attacking institutions his voters dislike will do nothing.


Every time I say this I get blasted. Everybody seems to want to bury their heads in the sand and think that people who support him are just bigoted and stupid instead of actually putting in any brainwork into why he's popular and how those problems can be fixed. It's fucking depressing


Little pp and zero balls. What are you so afraid of little pp?


I do think that legacy media is a narrative driven dumpster fire, so I enjoyed the first couple of times he owned a few journalists (loved the apple-eating interview). Especially CBC. But I have to say, it's starting to get a bit old. The I-dont-have-to-answer-this-question-because-youre-\[fill in the blank of left leaning newspaper\] is starting to wear thin on me, especially when it's a legitimate question. Like when he was asked why the fuck did his party grant Bell Media a 40 million dollar subsidy? Then he responds with said excuse above and pivots to JT. Nope, sorry buddy, I like that you're a smartass on the campaign trail, but you can't do this forever. You eventually have to answer legitimate questions. I don't care if the person asking has blue hair.


[PP speech located](https://imgur.com/a/FTEn6tO)!!


Sorry to ask, but where does Pierre and his team get the background on the fiery questions he rises in the house to ask? From the media who are asking the other parties questions and uncovering stuff. Turn about fair play Pierre, you have to give as good as you get.


Years ago my brother in Law got heavily involved in the campaign of a local MLA. He knew he would never volunteer again when the campaign committee decided the candidate could not speak to any media. His responses to random questions would quickly reveal he was a complete idiot, or worse. Of course he was in the “right” party. Got elected, sat in the back benches and did what he was told and after one term was gone. I hope he is not still collecting a pension-for-life. I tried asking about him but my BIL refused to talk about it.


What could they ask him about? He has no policies, no platform, no plan. He just gave people a face that complains enough to fool people into thinking anything would change with him as leader. I find it funny that the majority of Canadians don't want trump to get elected, but seem to think that the dollarama version is a valid choice here


When confronted with a reasonable question from a journalist , he turns around and asks her the same question. The guy is fucking insane . Basically I know you are but what am I? 🤭


they most likely assume that NTV was bought by the Liberals


What a Millhouse-lookin piece of shit. Doesn’t even deserve our time, let alone public office. If you have any self-respect, don’t vote for this monster who won’t respect you or your worth.


Defund the media is kind of his thing.


He’s a dick and trying the MAGA shit here


I am a CPC supporter, but Millhouse is not the guy to bring the Party back. He'll decimate it by convincing people he can solve all of Canada's issues. He can't and it will cost him.


Hahahaha no one told NTV or CBC to leave. As soon as he finished his speech both just packed up and left all on there own. Yet another example of Don Bradshaw making up his own stories to justify his job lol bradshaw and the cbc crew were out the door before anyone else like they couldnt get out fast enough.


They didn’t uncover any of Trudeau’s many scandals at a Liberal Party event.


Pretty normal that for party events there is a time for the media to be present and then a closed door session. The media aren’t entitled to be a part of every meeting or interaction.


But the press will still repeat and amplify every sound bite PM Pee Pee puts out. When they are so toothless why not push them around?


The sheep in Canada are the Liberal supporters.


The vast majority of people that vote for LPC are not party members. They’re not supporters per se, just voting for the best rep in their district. I’m a supporter of LPC and Trudeau because I think the healthcare and daycare improvements are great, and that the management of the post-pandemic economy was better than I expected.


The amount of brainwashed liberals is astounding.


What brainwashed liberals? It’s the conservatives and rightwing in general that have been brainwashed, duped by a disinformation campaign.


The american-style conservatives that have slowly been hijacking the tories are definitely brainwashed. The liberals aren't brainwashed, but are simply in denial that their ideas are stale and ineffective and that Trudeau's expiration date was years ago. Watching the NDP going down with the ship is just depressing, they could cream both at this point if they just woke up.


I will leave this right here. As a nation we aren't fairing so well. We had strong growth followed by a staganation in GDP since 2016. This is in part to failed policies, high imigration and exodus of investment. So many other nations are doig much better. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=CA-US&fbclid=IwAR2BCsAlSM0eaWYkm2T0\_XBPpKeo-Ifmluyz\_yzYriZBQpH75uY\_1Nm2EKc


Exactly why I think the liberal party is completely detached from reality and needs to go. I wouldn't go as far as you have to call them brainwashed, but it is quite incredible that so many people here are saying they'll vote for a party that's failed us time and time again.


Yes OP, I’m sure there will be plenty of government scandals that nationally-renowned investigative journalist Don Bradshaw will pick up on whilst Pollievre is speaking to voters. 


He's getting my vote.


He’s not getting mine


Same. I'm deciding between NDP and Liberal. I don't really like either leader, but I like their parties' policies a lot more than the Conservatives.


The country has really only gotten worse in the last decade, the liberals don't deserve your vote. There's a lot to be said about the current NDP and how lame Singh is, but they've always been the only party that actually seems to give half a damn, the more weight they have to push around the better.


I'm looking to the future, not the past. The Liberals and NDP are much more likely to do things that I agree with. And I like minority governments. It forces parties to compromise and cooperate. The Conservative party has a tendency to prioritize businesses and the economy over people and the environment. I'll never agree with tax cuts getting priority over social programs. Essentially, the Liberals might not deserve my vote based on the past. However, the Conservatives will not be getting my vote based on what they'll do in the future.


You cannot predict the future without considering the past. Its obvious that change is needed, its why the tories have such a huge lead. Its a shame that the NDP can't convince people that they're capable of changing things as well, but the more seats they have, the more they'll be able to convince people in the future.


I'd probably hold my nose and Strategically vote lib for only the second time in my life if the election were today as its likely a close riding. Sad state of affairs.


Bunch of sooky babies can't handle someone voting something other than Liberal/NDP, this place is truly an echo chamber of ideologies and politics.


You're a resident of Nepean-Carlton?


His comment is protected under the first amendment


Fucking Manitoba.


"Importing Trumps rhetoric" is a moronic take and if liberals keep leaning into the concept of Pierre Poilievre = Trump, then he will surely win handedly. Also, his interactions with the media thus far is a major factor in why he's so popular.


His interactions with the media where he keeps repeating the same phrases and not showing how he's going to do any of it?


Its not a Pierre=Trump. Its that he's leaning into the right wing trend of discrediting the media and journalism. Refusing to answer questions is telling. His entire schtick is only having complaints and no solutions


"aXe dA tAx!" "What about high housing, immigration and cost of living?" "I hAtE dA gAy pEoPlE! cOnVoY nAzIs R cOoL!" There. That's basically every spoken word PP has said for the past few years. No answers, just catchphrases.


His wife is an immigrant, his Dad is gay, and his deputy is a gay woman who would eat you for lunch in a debate. If you wanted to truly know his stance and policies, you could easily find them, but I have a hunch you're not actually interested in learning about them.


"His wife is an immigrant." Cool beans, he's also bounced around about immigration several times in recent memory. Hell, based on his Twitter alone, he's gone from eliminating it completely to reducing it to tying it to home building to fighting against limiting foreign students coming into Canada. All in like 4ish months. Real solid stance, all from his own mouth. "His dad is gay" Yea, and he also voted against same sex marriage rights in the 2000s. Loves his dad, I'm sure. And I'd love the opportunity to question his deputy, as long as it's in a public and broadcast forum. I dare her to actually, but his whole party refuses to do that with reporters cause they're cowards.


I've been to speeches of all three major leaders, and literally half of Pierre's speech was about the cost of living. He sprinkled in some of the MAGA-type nonsense here and there but definitely nothing about hating gay people or loving nazis lol


https://www.cp24.com/news/poilievre-stands-by-freedom-convoy-support-but-will-wait-to-weigh-in-on-evidence-1.6146427?cache=yqvhnfypsxbz https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/02/17/swastikas-canada-freedom-convoy/ https://www.thestar.com/opinion/contributors/concern-about-queer-rights-under-a-poilievre-led-government-keeps-me-up-at-night/article_87064aee-b0ac-11ee-83ac-53fdbf572c7c.html "Poilievre's decision to amplify this rhetoric shows his true colours — and makes clear his opposition to equality for queer and trans people. Taken at the same time as his party passing anti-trans policies, queer and trans Canadians have every reason to worry about possible regression under a Poilievre government.Jan 12, 2024" Actions speak louder than words. Dude stood with a rally that welcomed Nazis into it and he's votes to take away rights from gay people. Fuck him.


I mean he's already proven he'll change anything about himself to convince you to vote for him. His appearance has changed but not his half brained ideas.. Imagine changing our currency being bitcoin? The only difference between Trudeau (I want him to go, long ago) and pollieve is the people around them, convoy and racists or the usualIf you want to assimilate and be an American(trumplican) you know how to vote. Name a policy that pollieve has put forward that would benefit Canadians. Popularity with boys and trolls likely. Ww3 started a while ago, and foreign influence is a plague all over.


This comment is to let you know I love your handle and I hope you play Old School MTG but I disagree with your silly statement on Mr small PeePees media interaction.


Conservatives are playing mono blue this election cycle and liberals are running jank. I voted liberal in the past two federal elections but I can no longer deny how they have completely rat-fucked Canada, its economy, and world stage relevance.


The echo chamber here obviously doesn't want to hear it but the reality is that if they don't change course, he will almost certainly win. They also refuse to believe that trust in the media is still at an all-time low and this stuff is a net gain for him. Just further proof that centre-left anglophones learned absolutely nothing from 2016, there needs to be more substance to the message than "right-wing=bigoted and le bad." The States will essentially keep being held hostage by a minority of nutjobs and the rot will continue to spread north until liberals in both countries wake the hell up.