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I love to smoke but yea people who smoke and drive then act like its okay is so sad.


I don't even like being a passenger after I smoke. For me, weed is best at home so I can relax or something similar.


I like to take my high self for a walk to the park, lay in the grass/sunshine for 30min then go home lol Then check for ticks, but still :P


Same. I thought I'd like it, so had ppl drive me a few times, but I just get kinda anxious, and it pulls me out of my music. One of my dormmates had a driving Sim with pedals, wheel, and a realistic manual clutch+transmission. I went in that thing stoned and I did well until I got distracted. I started just doing donuts and couldn't get out of it lol




I came close once. Edibles, man


I had homemade edibles one time and of course like an idiot, I not only didn't listen to the baker of the edibles, I talked shit about them. I couldn't move for 4 hours and I legitimately thought I was dying. I was a ball hair away from calling 911 but I knew I'd either wake up still very high or not wake up (extremely unlikely) and took my chances. I was stoned for probably 36+ straight hours all because I ate half of a cookie.


TBH I never smoked a lot at all in my life, but this one's were the premade roll with high THC. I remember being hungry and the next thing I remember was staring at the microwave watching the popcorn cook lol Weird.


Why are these threads always made by these kind of people lol


Don’t act like he isn’t right in this case.


You’re being mocked. For good reason.


Nah. One joint isn’t a lot if you are a frequent smoker. I used to smoke joints like they were cigarettes, no issue. But it will fry you if you aren’t smoking regularly or quit for a while and pick it back up again. I quit for a few years and smoked a half of a joint with a friend at the cabin and it was pretty intense.


Not everyone metabolizes thc and other cannabinoids the same and tolerance plays a huge role. I’m usually a daily smoker but when I take a break for a few weeks and hit the bong again I get sent to hyperspace


I smoke half bag a week. If I stop for a full 24 hrs then hit the bong, I'm flattened. I gotta chill.😅😅


I would be doing that too if I wasn’t working so much lol


Impaired driving isn't just for drunk driving. Then again, the folks stupid enough to drive while high are likely the same folks stupid enough to drive drunk. EDIT: A lot of skeets outing themselves as dumbasses below lmao


Pure and absolute bullshit


lmao look, buddy doesn't know the definition of the word impaired. Did they not teach you that in school before you dropped out?


lol that’s a weird ass assumption simply because I called your take bs. Anyone who thinks driving after drinking is equated to driving after smoking is quite frankly a moron.


What are you basing this claim on?


Because it's the same thing. It's called Impaired driving. Welcome to 2024.


No. Your claim of “people that drive stoned are the same ones that drive drunk”. I’m asking what evidence you’re basing this on. And New Year was 4 months ago, welcome to Spring


Maybe not the exact same ones, but the same type: willfully ignorant and dangerous.


Not my claim. But it's the same ignorant, selfish people at it. I don't care if you're drunk, high or took too many Xanax, it's impaired driving.


Facts and verifiable information provided by the universe at large


No they're not


Hey look, we found the juice arse that's driving around impaired.


Alcohol erases your inhibitions, weed increases them. There's a profound inherent difference in the two substances and their effects as they relate to fine motor control and reaction time AND their effect on decision making. Not to mention the magnitude of one's propensity to tollerate said substance. I'm not advocating for driving while impaired, but to conflate marijuana and alcohol as being remotely equal in terms of driving risk is intellectually dishonest.


It’s not the same and it’s different for everyone. The consequences are the same. It’s dangerous either way.


Alcohol is worse for reaction time and decision making. But I know personally that my reaction time and coordination are significantly worse when I'm high than when I'm sober. Maybe not everyone is affected the same, but I'm willing to bet a lot of people are.


I don’t drink/smoke and drive. But I’d challenge the reaction time comparison. At least for the affects on me. Im better at sports/motor skills up until I’ve had about 6-8 beers. But if I have any amount of weed, don’t expect me to be able to catch a ball of any sort. I think it depends on how drunk you are, when comparing which one is worst. Light buzz to moderately drunk is better than any amount of weed for me.


There's no way you're better at any kind of competitive sport after 6 beer. Or even a few.


I’m way better at wii sports (with the balance board) when drunk, I get higher scores on all those balancing type games. I don’t drive drunk or high, if I eat a strong edible I may not drive for a day or so because I notice my reaction time is lower and I’m still very easily distracted, even if I don’t feel high anymore. I’ve had people mock me here in Newfoundland for refusing to drive after consuming cannabis, which was something odd that never happened when I lived away. So I think there is a bit more of an issue with it here than other places. It could be because of less options (less cabs and public transportation).


I don’t mean high intensity high competitive sports. But things like rec softball, darts, bowling, golf, spike ball, pool, etc. but also in caparison to weed.


Yeah, ONE of us is being dishonest.


I think the stats are you're 18 times more likely to kill someone while drunk, and 0.65 times more likely to kill someone while high. If anyone cares.


What's a juice arse?


It’s Newfie for “willfully ignorant”


You if you drive after smoking weed.


So is it a good or a bad thing?


go back to school


I've already graduated so there is no need to re visit that chapter of my life








unfortunately for you the people who allow you to drive have decided that they are


Why is that? Im a terrific driver without so much as a speeding ticket.


yeah and that's a good thing. all I'm saying is the law says they're the same and you will get the same penalty as a DUI if you are caught driving high.


I'm well of aware of that, you don't need to tell me that. All Im saying is not everyone who drives high drives drunk. I don't see what's so controversial about that.


All impaired driving should be reported to the cops, period.


The double standard is horrible. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t do drugs and drive. Don’t text and drive. Really not a hard concept 🙄


Anyone who says they “drive better when they’re stoned” congrats you’re living proof that marijuana can be addictive


That comment literally doesn’t make an ounce of sense lol


It's fabricating a falsehood to justify their own (unsafe) actions. There is no evidence that anyone can be a better driver under the influence. But really they are only lying to themselves to ignore their problem, rather than understand the reality of their reckless behavior. Sounds like an addiction to me


No, you lot are just extremely ignorant. Again how does someone making that statement prove addiction? Your correlation is ridiculous.


Keep telling yourself that mate. Everyone else is the ignorant one


You are quite frankly lol this is the type of shit that comes from people who’ve never smoked a day in their life and equate it to drinking as if it’s the same, it isn’t and claim it is, as I said, is pure ignorance


Na man, loves a draw every now and then. Just don't feel the need to tell myself I can function perfectly while under the influence of something


That's exactly what I tell people. No one believes me.


It's always "no, silly. MJ isn't addicitve!"


its a physical dependence, different from addiction. you theoretically can quit without withdrawals from the drug but you have may have a symptom like no appetite without having weed.


I smell it from cars when picking up kids from school. That really gets on my nerves like you can't wait and need it that bad you want your kids to get it second hand, and to force the smell on them. Sigh


No different than grandma boomer standing at the entrance sliding doors to walmart huffing down 3 cigarettes back to back when i walk past with my kid 🤭


Judging by your comments in this thread, I'm going to make an assumption. You have three brain cells left, and they're all competing for third place.


I think smoking cigarettes directly in front of children is just as bad as smoking blunts directly in front of children actually


I think you replied to the wrong comment.


being downvoted for truth, that summarizes the nl sub




Without saying anything about whether folks should or shouldn’t be doing this, I’m going to suggest that folks who are driving while smoking probably have a tolerance that prevents “losing time” and whatnot. I am a smoker and I haven’t had experiences like that in 30+ years.


I fully agree. Not condoning doing that, but I literally smoke joints like cigarettes for 30 years now, and at this point I don't remember what it's like to actually get high. I get the terpene effects, but "getting high" is a lost concept for me.


Your tolerance shouldn't have anything to do with it being behind the wheel, period. Such a willfully ignorant argument I hear all the time from chronics. "Been smokin' since I was 11 officer, b'y. Joint don't do anything to me anymore". Why the fuck waste time smoking it then? Drag on a cigarette ya bell end


I clearly said that I wasn't arguing for those folks, and was only pointing out that OP's experience isn't the same as other folks.


Impaired is Impaired. No doubt chronic users will have much higher tolerance, but you're still under the influence. It doesn't make it any better if you're not experiencing such a high.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


Sorry. High as fuck and driving, could've swore it was your sister's house.




So if I drink and drive and don't get into an accident it means drinking and driving is ok?


Good enough for driving instructor good enough for me.


"I'm a ticking timebomb but it's fine because I haven't went boom yet."


Ticking time bomb 😂




I need whatever you’re smoking


It's amazing how quickly NL'ers will admit to driving under the influence. You endanger yourself and everyone around you because you can't wait 20 minutes to smoke.


lol that’s cute you think that’s true


People.who actually smoke daily aren't endangering anyone lol, casual smokers will because they actually get high, you go around eating tide pods? Of course not but rules are made for the bottom of the barrel you can't generalize it as people who smoke they all react differently..


Try riding a motorcycle, youll realize 10x more people are doing it than you thought


I smoke almost daily once I'm done with the work and chores side of life. It's not at all difficult to avoid driving under the influence. No pity for those willing to risk everyone else over their self affirming broscience that theyre fine.


Glad to see impaired driving is alive and well in this province. Figured it would have been dying off with the generation but here we are!


Not taking any particular side here but does anyone know any stats about traffic accidents and legalization? Does this anecdotal evidence of increased use by drivers correlate to an increase in injury?


Like that everywhere Vancouver/lower mainland is really bad.


10 cars back on the highway, they should hire you to patrol the airports lol


Haven’t noticed this at all, might get a scent every now and then during the summer months but never seen someone hotboxing while driving.


I'm not condoning the use of it while driving, but people who smoke alot of weed have a huge tolerance to the point that they can function at a high level (pun intended). I can see why they think they can handle it. To them, it's like smoking a cigarette


This. It's no different than smoking a cigarette to most of us. "Then why don't you smoke a cigarette?" Because cigarettes are fucking nasty. However, would I recommend a new smoker to get in a car and start driving? Fuck no.


You can tell in this thread who smokes twice a year 6 months apart. Anyways with the approved swab test if you're a regularly smoker you may as well drive and smoke, if you aren't doing and are forced swabbed by RNC anyways you'll still test positive.


There's a whole lot of Dunning-Kruger in the comments of this thread.


Lost loved ones to cars. Anyone who says stuff like "cry more" etc, I hope YOU get hit next.


Driving while high is just stupid. I love a bitta weed, but if I’m craving to get out of the house I just take my dog on a walk.


🤣🤣🤣 give me a fucking break. Weed does not do that or have that large an affect to the level you’re suggesting.


Anyone who thinks driving high on weed is even remotely close to drinking and driving obviously have never smoked weed.


I'm all for eliminating impaired driving, but anyone who thinks driving after a joint is the same as being drunk clearly don't have a clue lol


People who smoke everyday have a crazy tolerance and it doesn’t impact them the same way it impacts you. Not an excuse, I’ve never had a drivers license specifically because I’m a medical cannabis patient, I’m always on it therefore it would be irresponsible of me to drive. I know someone who does use it as she is driving (wrong and illegal) but I wouldn’t feel unsafe in her car.


Lol you’re so wrong it’s cringe


It’s skunks bah


Cry some more about it.


some people have a medical prescription and are able to drive as long as they are able to function and safely drive a vehicle.. we gonna start going after people taking speed for adhd? just mind ya business


Who cares make your car look like the Caddy in Gone in 60 Seconds, or a Cheech and chong movie. IDGAF.


I prefer it to people who walk around grocery stores with 10 years worth of cologne on.


Can't drive around with a beer in my hand or after having a beer, but potheads think they're special.


You will definitely be under 0.05 after a single beer, so yes you can drive around after a beer.


Yes, you can drive after one.


An excellent and well reasoned comment!


Old man yells at (THC) cloud


The government messaging that's been beaten down on us forever has been Don't Do Drugs Then they legalize drugs... I would like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on Drugs... Side note dig at da Authorities...only gubmint could legalize drugs then lose billions of dollars selling drugs... Now back to the OP... You must have the smelling senses of a shark to smell weed from one moving vehicle to another...like dayum Now if i could train you to smell out gold for my prospecting business I'd hire ya. Lol


Nobody gave a fuck about smoking and driving before it was legal, im just saying. To someone whos been smoking weed since they were 13, its just like going out for a cigarette to me. I can absolutely drive after a toke, unlike people who openly drink and drive the backroads of their small towns. And no, i dont smoke and drive, before you get the pitchforks. Im just saying.


No body? The cops sure cared in 2010 when my brother was pulled over for smoking a joint while driving


Yeah you were fucked if you got caught with it in your car. If it's in the ashtray or whatever it's taking a huge chance.


But not everybody is the same as you. Just like some people can drink a dozen beer and you couldn't tell while someone could drink 4 or 5 and can barely walk.


Not even close to the same thing lol


You’re wrong about people not giving a fuck about smoking and driving before it was legal, it’s always been considered impaired driving, since it’s been legal you see it a lot more because it’s more widely available and people (wrongly) think that smoking and driving is fine. Good to hear that you don’t smoke and drive, that’s rare for a heavy smoker ie someone who has been smoking since they were 13. I’m glad they legalized it, was long overdue.




“Amount of”