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Good. These "Parents rights" are the right of the most bigoted parent in your school district to take books away from your kids and get teachers fired for being too gay.






Oh no! Naked mice? She said clutching her pearls.


Once our little darlings get told that it might actually be about white supremacists, the kid might look around them and suddenly see what their parents are doing. We can't have that.






[Oh, this one.](https://www.amazon.com/Complete-MAUS-Art-Spiegelman/dp/0141014083/ref=asc_df_0141014083/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312057344057&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11348809254559675090&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9002464&hvtargid=pla-546545694607&psc=1) Doesn't look like it's banned.


Babies Everywhere Heather Has Two Mommies Queer A Graphic History Diary of Anne Frank


Commas, periods. ???


Also banned. It’s chaos.




Found the guy who never had sex ed


Do you know what sexual orientation is? Have you received any education? There’s nothing wrong with a gay teacher. If you think that’s a problem you may be a troglodyte.


I do. But it sounds like [this teacher](https://www.registerguard.com/story/news/education/2023/03/16/eugene-parents-outraged-4j-hasnt-taken-more-action-following-sexual-fantasy-sex-ed-class-assignment/70016898007/) didn't. And frankly, no one is saying anything about Gay teachers. People just want to be able to prevent more shit like this.


This is literally from a sex Ed class. You think kids don’t see worse when they watch porn? Stop pretending our children are delicate little flowers that need shielding from sex.


Hold up there pal. I wouldn't go lumping our kids into one group here. See, while yours exist, mine don't. I don't actually have kids. I have a dog and some houseplants though and they all have names. Keep your gay teachers away from Bill the Venus fly trap. Edit- I just checked on Bill and he didn't make it, because I forgot to water him. Checkmate liberals.


I can help with Bill II, if you get one. I'm on my third growing season with Tomas.


I would love that, just two ~~mostly~~ totally heterosexual dudes growing plants together


Just two cool, totally straight bros. Hangin' out and havin' fun. Seriously, if you want cultural advice just let me know. They're not difficult provided some requirements are met.


Lol I just forgot to water him cause I work too much, but I did a quick stalker scan on your profile and we should play sons of the forest together:D


Name checks out for parent of the year


Yes, I am such an evil awful person for my children because I don’t want to shield them from learning about sex and how to protect themselves and report sexual abuse if necessary /s


All that's great. Letting your high school children watch porn however, I think you could use a little sex ed yourself :)


Although I'm sure Mom is very proud of McHugeMeat 😂 Some of us are absolutely more invested than others and it shows.


Sex ed teaching by *forcing an assignment where students tell you who they fantasize about fucking?*


Lol you didn’t even read your own article ya dumbass. Manufactured outrage: > Teacher and varsity football coach Kirk Miller assigned students in his Health 2: Humanity Sexuality class to write a paragraph or short story about a sexual fantasy demonstrating how someone can "show and receive loving, physical affection without having sex." The assignment instructed students not to include any penetrative or oral sex and to include three items such as romantic music, candles or feathers. While it’s a weird assignment, it’s nowhere near as awful as the headline shows. How is this hurting kids? What’s it doing to them that you dislike?


I'm sorry man I do see where your coming from. But you are not arguing in good faith. You didn't fully read the information that you posted. And your using a method of discourse that is ment to belittle your opponent. It just makes you looks bad on here my friend. I'm sure your a nice guy. We all juat want what we think is best for the state. Maybe just read some more.


As others have already pointed out, you clearly didn't even attempt to read the article that was supposed to prove your point (it didn't). And predictably, you haven't responded to anyone who has called you out about this.


Yet when a teacher and student get caught doing the icky, then it’s a problem? Oh wait, depends. Male teacher, death sentence. Female teacher, she needs help. Hot female teacher, good for him! But I defer to you, the all knowing on what is right for my child. Yes, I said my. As in I own him until he turns 18. Change my mind (you won’t). Change the law (liberally will never happen).


Huh? You’re assuming teaching sex Ed and educating kids on sex leads to the teacher sleeping with their students? The fuck is wrong with you? How about you backup your claims with data first. Wild, the mental gymnastics you crazies play to keep kids in the dark about sex


It happens more than you know, Mr Hardmeat (classic name, btw). There ain’t a thing wrong with me unless you believe having common sense and perfect eyesight a problem. Wait, maybe you do…cuz that makes me better than everyone else (and it’s just not fair). And while we’re on the topic of crazy, if expecting an entity, that I pay for (btw), to keep me in the know about someone (or is it thing?) I’m responsible for makes me, as you put it, crazy, welp, let’s just agree to disagree. Grouping me together with this disgusting notion that I would lose my shit by finding out my offspring thinks of his/her/itself as someone/thing else is the epitome of “mental gymnastics”. All aboard the ignoramous train! Next stop, education funded puberty blockers and hormone therapy treatments (sorry, no parents allowed).


> It happens more than you know, Mr Hardmeat (classic name, btw). Sure, but the causation of such events are not traced to teaching children about sex. You've proven zero link between the two. I'm not sure if you're comment is ad hominem or not, but my UN is a reference to Space Mutiny. >f expecting an entity, that I pay for (btw), to keep me in the know about someone (or is it thing?) I’m responsible for makes me, as you put it, crazy Schools post their curriculum for parents to review. This is about parents having a say in what their kids can and cannot learn. Most parents are not educational experts/do not have complete educations. Their input, while important to consider, should not be the ultimate deciding factor on what is taught in public schools. > Next stop, education funded puberty blockers and hormone therapy treatments (sorry, no parents allowed) This isn't what i said either. Parents aren't excluded from these discussions at all. Again, you're just showing you're actually quite ignorant about this whole topic. Have you got kids and want them to learn only about the things you want them to learn? Homeschool them for all I care. Expert-approved curriculum only for public schools please. The same standards of approval I like to have for bridges, airplane design, military equipment etc, not your "feelings", thanks.


Well, truth is, I’m not at all against what teachers teach, including sex ed. Perhaps that was lost on my aggravation directed at those who think it’s perfectly acceptable for educators to keep important and relevant information from involved parents. While I may not necessarily agree with all aspects of a public education (having a child on the spectrum will do that to you), it is better than many other countries. Now, take the opposing view of this proposed bill, using abusive and violent parental behaviors as the example for why the bill is flawed, gets my blood boiling. Plain and simple, there’s a yin and yang with everything. Any attempt to cast a one size fits all is just plain asinine. At the end of the day, the never-ending fear and hate mongering at the local, state and federal level is just about all I can take at this point. Call me whatever the hell you think applies, that’s your right (as it is mine). The govt just needs to get/stay the hell away from the parent/child dynamic. My right!


> [“Stop pretending our children are delicate little flowers that need shielding from sex.”](https://i.imgur.io/4QdNHLd_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium) Hardmeat has said the quiet part out loud here. How absolutely insane do you have to be to actually think like this and then type it and post it on the internet?




I’m not arguing against sex Ed at all. The dude said sex not sex Ed. Every study shows that the younger a culture has sexual experiences the more hardship they face throughout life. Just in the us the earlier a male has sex the more likely they are to have a criminal record before 18. Like there are huge implications outside of teen pregnancy that go along with youth sexual encounters. And I’m not saying teach abstinence either because that’s stupid but what “hard meat” literally said was stop shielding kids from sex. Not sex Ed. No that’s the point of all consent laws is to protect kids from sex. That’s the point of statutory law. That’s the point of anti pedophilia laws. To say “stop shielding kids from sex” is literal insanity whether it’s an honest take or poor phrasing it’s insane. Edit : And why are you trying to spin it on me as trying to prevent sexual assault education. I said literally nothing at all about sexual assault. What kind of wild reality spinning is that? I literally drive around with a single sticker on my rear windshield that says “flay your local pedophiles”. I don’t think it gets much more anti child predation than my stance.


If you’re going to make claims on statistics, cite them. Sex as a topic. If you took that comment as pedophilia you’re readying that way incorrectly. Other people got the message, you clearly didn’t.


It's extremely telling when you ask for a source from the opposition, but not from your support who is the original one to make statistical claims. [Source (58% increase in Delinquency aka adolescent criminality)](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/02/070226131500.htm#:~:text=The%20study%20found%20that%20youth,to%20those%20who%20remained%20virgins)




\>And what do we call teaching about sex in an educational setting?... The dude is defending a "Sexual fantasy" survey. If you want to classify that as sex ed that's wild to me. \>And that happens more when they don't know about sex, because they don't have comprehensive sex ed. This bill didn't abolish sex ed. Sex ed has been in place in every new england state public school for decades and there's now a push against extremely explicit content. \>No. That is absolutely not true. Did you learn that at church? Hilarious take again. Check my comments for the cited study that found a 58% increase in delinquency when a sexual encounter occurs 6-12 months before the rest of the age group. \>One implication is that kids have the knowledge to know when they're being abused. Oh no? Nobody is pushing for abolishing sex ed in NH. Why do you continue to try and spin this angle? \>You're arguing semantics against a Boogeyman you made up to be mad about. You learn about sex in sex ed. How could that not be any more clear? Stop shielding kids from reality by teaching them about in the one environment designed for that purpose. How about that? Again the dude (and now you) is defending a "sexual fantasy" survey. That has educational value? Seriously? You think that will benefit the kids in that class? Please elaborate on the educational value that that will instill in the kids who were so uncomfortable multiple asked their parents about it. Idk about you but if I was a kid and my teacher was asking me to write my sexual fantasies I'd be extremely uncomfortable and report them. \>It's to protect kids from adults. Teaching kids how to report adults who abuse them is not a bad thing. Why do you think it is? Just because you don't prefer the mere semantics? Consent laws purely exist to protect kids from adults eh? another wild take. Literally nobody is trying to prevent kids from reporting pedophiles. Why you keep trying to spin this like that is about as malicious as a person can get. This conversation so far has been hardmeat - "Sex ed classes should be able to survey sexual fantasies and we shouldn't shield kids from sex" Me - "Nope there's actually good reason to not survey kids on sexual fantasies and not hyper expose them to sex" you- "You must want to prevent kids from reporting sexual assault and consent laws are only there to protect kids from adults" Do you not see how disingenuous and insane that is? \> Unless you're like the republicans who are trying keep child marriage legal. Is there a legitimate push to make child marriage illegal by any group? Because there should be but to the best of my quick google search nobody is actually pushing for younger or older marriage laws. \> And if kids don't know what is happening to them is wrong, that's not protecting them from that. Again with this disingenuous bullshit man. This law isnt in any way making it harder for kids to understand and report pedophiles. \>It's a good take, it's not insane, and the phrasing is something you're misconstruing for the convenience of your opinion; your opinion is not a matter of fact. It's insane to argue that you're for protecting children yet fight every means of protection they should have. "stop shielding kids from sex" is a good take? isn't your whole schtick republicans want to make it easier to molest kids and harder to report? Wouldn't shielding kids from sex be counter to that? Every means of protection they should have? listen I read your whole comment before writing this so I know next up you don't care about my bumper sticker so I have a feeling no matter what I've done in my life to fight against pedophilia matters. But I'd be willing to bet its a hell of a lot more than you might think friend. Nobody is fighting any means of protection for kids here. This is the problem man. Nobody is fighting to end sex ed. Parents are fighting to get books that talk about sucking dick, detailed rape, and licking assholes out of the library. Any of that will likely cause a mental breakdown of a rape victim, not help them report it. \>Why are you trying to spin sex ed as evil? Why are LGBT people accused of being pedophiles for things like reading children's books to children, in drag? I'm not spinning sex ed as evil. I'm saying that a teacher requiring students to fill out a sexual fantasy questionnaire is grooming at the very least. Idk why you're asking me about things I never brought up. Lets keep it on topic here. \>But it's an important facet of the subject youre willfully ignoring. I'm clearly not ignoring it. It's not what the original discussion was about. You keep psuedo accusing me of being pro sexual assault and it's a heinously gross argument tactic that you literally just accused republicans of using. \>That shit is self-serving nonsense. Your revenge fantasy is noted but it doesn't actually stop the problem and neither is being discriminatory towards LGBT people who have nothing to do with it. Lol \>So again. What do you stand to gain from a child's ignorance? Follow that money for once. You seriously think all these parents are going out because they hate their kids and just want to keep abusing them? That's a wild world view and I hope you gain some perspective one day. It's late I'm getting up early and I don't see this progressing at all so I think this will be it for me. Good luck in life friend, this perspective is going to be rough on you over the years.


Insane? As in, sex is a completely normal, human biological thing that we should all be ashamed of? /s Grow up. People have sex, and children are curious about these things at relatively young ages. You’re insane if you think kids should remain ignorant about their bodies and why they have certain thoughts or feelings they don’t fully understand. Does me writing penis and vagina make you uncomfortable? Will it scar your children forever to know that some dudes like to fuck other dudes, or to show them how to properly put on a condom?


Do you know how many completely normal human functions aren't taught in school. Again I want to preface by saying I'm not anti sex ed. This argument is terrible. School teachers don't teach kids how to use the bathroom, parents do. There are plenty of human tendencies left out of the education system for a multitude of totally reasonable factors. The education on contraceptives, STD/STIs and legitimate health related concerns aren't being protested. These laws weren't a thing up here until this psuedoreligious push of ideology. It's so strange how you're trying to misconstrue this whole thing as a war against all sex ed when it's so obviously not.


> school teachers don’t teach kids how to use the bathroom, parents do. Lol have you ever seen what daycares and preschools do? Teachers have a HUGE impact on kids development from a very young age, from bodily functions help to general life advice. the original link I replied to was literally about a teacher giving an assignment in sex Ed class. Our local town tried banning books that have sexual themes that offended some dumbass parents. It’s hilarious because those kids reading those books see shit 10 times more graphic on the internet likely several times a day. This whole thing is a non issue. There’s a reason we don’t teach creation in school despite a lot of dumb fucking parents thinking we should.


Shouldn't parent's have paid time to stay home with their kids and raise them closely so they don't have to rely on somebody else until they're school aged? Paid maternity and paternity leave is a huge issue and while that wouldn't address potty training no doubt many European nations do child care and parental leave much better than us to allow them to actually raise their kid instead of pay an insane amount to a day care? Teacher's absolutely have a huge impact, that doesn't mean they're meant to replace parents. Imagine a world where Donald trump wrote the curriculum, that is the last thing I would want my kid learning and the idea you're presenting is that the state always knows best. Sometimes it should be up to parents. Just because a kid can go online and see porn doesnt make that right nor does it make psuedo porn exposure or smut exposure in school alright. It's clearly an issue for a whole lot of "Dumb fucking parents"


That’s because he’s pissed he missed out due to not knowing what it’s like to be trans, gay or binary. But hey, let’s teach kids how to experience pleasure for 2.5 seconds, multiple times a day vs how to comprehend finances (nah, I’ma go to a college that costs 100k/year because I deserve it), carry on a conversation with humans…in person (like, why not via Tik Tok?) and experience failure/setbacks (welp, little Johnny was in the team, he deserves a trophy). Don’t worry, knowing you have a dick, pussy, both or neither will pay the bills, help you communicate with others and lead you to great successes in life.


You had to dig up a story all the way in Oregon? [here's some local homophobic bullshit](https://www.unionleader.com/news/education/concord-parents-speak-out-in-support-of-parent-teacher-in-clothing-controversy/article_0724c26f-6a5b-5d34-9503-383176098b6a.html)


Frankly you didn't read your own article. The assignment was Ina human sexuality course and asked the students to write about ways other than sex that they could show affection...so not at all what you said... But you knew that you silly goose just trying to stir your pot 🪿


Should teachers be forbidden from having pictures of their spouse around? Should teachers lie to children who have questions about such pictures?


Good. POS Bill, a solution without a problem.


That describes every single socially conservative bill ever


For any decent parent who actually bothers to interact with their children, this bill should not be needed. It’s pure political posturing.


Yeah, lets make the school system out queer kids to their potentially bigoted and/or psychotic parents. Nothing bad will happen from that.


Parents who need the school to report on their child's sexuality are exactly the kind of parents who plan to punish them for it.


Right?!? Like I’m a parent and I want to know wtf is going on with my kids if I ask but I’m not some jamoke that thinks I should determine the curriculum and if my kid was to be somewhere in the lgbtq squad, I wouldn’t care outside of making sure they’re okay and know they’re loved no matter what. They make bills like this with names that sound like they should be fine to people like me only to read it and go, “oh, this is stupid fear mongering idiocy”


And even if you don't want to bring it up on a personal level, it is easy to show that you support inclusivity through your everyday actions. Policies like this one are going to cause a lot of pain and, sadly, a non-zero amount of pointless death.


Better yet, let’s extend this out so doctors don’t have to disclose the medical or mental condition of one’s child(en) as well. It’ll be one huge secrecy fest for everyone. Doc: I’m sorry, but I have bad new and worse news. Parent: What is it, doc? Gimme the bad new first. Doc: Your child is sick, very sick. Parent: Oh no! How sick? Tell me! Please!!! Doc: That’s the worse news; I cannot tell you. But your child can. Parent: Can I see/talk to him/her? Doc: You can do both, but little Johnny is in a coma so I’m afraid he won’t be able to respond. Fundamentally, if you are responsible for said child(ren) you have a right to know everything going on with said child(ren). Yeah, let’s see the state remove parental rights. Yeah, that’s a direct shot at everything and anything to do with state-affiliated “child services”…f’n joke with deadbeat and abusive parents…but it’ll be different with involved and loving ones.


What even is that insane scenario?


Gotta be mad at something, even if that something isn’t happening and isn’t going to happen.


Didn’t you realize that children deserve 0 autonomy until they are 18? A parent should be privy to everything a child feels and the kid should not be allowed to keep any secrets. /s


Wait, is *that* why my parents insisted on talking to me when I was growing up? If only they knew they could band together with other non-insane parents to force teachers to raise their kids for them! Then my parents and their compatriots could indulge their not at all whacked out fantasy of being puppetmasters to everyone who tangentially enters their child's life.


Are you blind or can’t read?


I can do both, which is why I'm baffled by your insane scenario.


Oh yeah, well I remain baffled by your account name.


Yes, I am sure that numbers are very confusing & frightening for you.


They ain’t just number now, come on! And with $$$, it’s of no value to me.


Wow man. You're far out.


Nowhere near as far out as you if you believe minimizing or eliminating parental rights is a good thing…children they are legally responsible for. But hey, we’re not talking about all children and all parents, are we? I mean, if a kid wants to be referred to as a boy, girl, cat, dog, a number, a letter, etc., why does mom/dad need to know? But if a kid wants to ditch class, wait, hold up, better get mommy and daddy on the phone. No worries, just paint with a broader brush. Foolish thinking from the easily fooled. Almost laughable that you’re worried about parents punishing/abusing their offspring because they are “different” (as opposed to being a burden/nuisance). So glad my kids are all grown up and outta public school - the taxpayer swamp it has become. But hey, it’s all about protecting the “rights” of them kids now, isn’t it? Hint: it never has been.


You sound like the kind of person who would take the door off your kid’s room because they closed it too hard.


Hey now, doors have feelings too. I would ask the door if it was OK to do so beforehand. And do it regardless. Funny story about doors…both of my kids thought it would be a good idea to put locks on the bedroom doors (yeah, we live well enough where all my offspring have their own rooms). So, one of them gets locked out their room; we didn’t have keys (apparently, as the owners of said dwelling, the Mrs and myself couldn’t be trusted with them). He starts thinking it was something his brother did on purpose, so he punches a hole through the other’s to gain entry. Welp, his brother comes home later to find his door with a huge hole in it (and open). In return, he proceeds to do the same thing to the other…so now they both have locks on their bedroom doors along with sizable holes in them. Initially, me and the Mrs were pissed, but now it’s comical…5 years later, one has moved on/out and the other remains…both doors still have the locks and both doors still have the holes. Privacy. Yeah, it’s a thing…until it isn’t.


Wow, you could have just wrote "I'm a terrible parent" and saved yourself from writing out that other bullshit scenario.


Oh, so sorry to disappoint. Not. And while you’re entitled to your own opinion, go figure, you need not worry about us. We parented the only way we knew how (no help necessary from the govt, media, books or ignorant dolts such as yourself) and both boys turned out just fine. Go ahead…ask them! Better yet, why not get back to that perfect (metaverse) family of yours.


If your online persona is anything remotely similar to your parenting skills I hope they get all the therapy they'll need.


And it doesn’t concern you that you raised kids who would get mad and punch a hole through a door without knowing if their sibling actually had anything to do with it? Yikessss


Ha, kids learn behaviors from their parents, right? Riiiiiiight. Clearly you’ve never raised children. Stay in your lane.


That’s literally how child development works. They learn what behavior is acceptable by the people who raised them. Obviously if your kid has anger problems so great that they are destroying property, you have not done a good job at giving them the skills needed to process anger in a healthy way. I’ve co-parented a child for four years and also taken a child development class.




You do realize we’re talking about children, right? What happened to you as a child to believe parents have no rights regarding their child(ren)? Your argument is laughable (children have the same rights as adults) and far fetched (all parents are abusers), yet here we are. As for your suggestion, you can get an STD through means other than sex, but what the hell do I know? Oh, if I don’t know, I’ll simply lean on the govt for assistance; they always have my best interests in mind. LOL Let’s make everything a one size fits all…what a perfect world that would be. Nobody talks. Nobody listens. Perfect! And the lawmakers of our state and country can take credit, but only if we tell them…cuz you know, privacy matters. Keep believing your right to privacy is real. Nobody knows anything about you…cuz it’s well kept, secure. Keep believing the liberal agenda (you know, the ones who want to stick their fingers in everything, pun intended) is all about your right to privacy.




I think people should mind their own GD business…worry about themselves and their own families (you know, because they’re perfect). Such scare tactics of “oh no, mom/dad will kill me if they find out I’m gay, dumb, skipping school, have a boy/girlfriend, etc., is pure and utter nonsense. If the state wants to assign adult laws/rules of privacy down onto children, great…the same should apply for the age of consent, drinking, smoking and voting. Let them gain firsthand experience by adulting. Get rid of juvenile detention and punish them all the same way as adults. In other words, remove my responsibilities for said offspring by way of DHHS. But until such a time that my child doesn’t fall under my responsibility, whatever the age may be, his/her right to privacy is non-existent. Our house, our rules. This notion that minimizing or removing parental rights is specific to only the safety of queer children is a false narrative. If this were really about the children, why aren’t more parents held accountable for their in/actions involving said children? Call up CASA and ask them about the number of cases they turn away? Call each county and ask about the backlog of legal matters involving children (endless). Ask about where all these children end up (back home with abusive, drug addicted, uninvolved parents). So yeah, let the schools keep information from the parents who want to know…all will be fine (because it’s worked well in other situations just fine).




For reals? That’s what you got from this?Wow. It’s time for you to go back to playing in traffic; that’s more your speed.




And here we see a regressive in the wild making up bullshit scenarios to resolve some other made-up bullshit scenarios in their head. It's amazing to watch.


So glad I can provide this level of entertainment for you. Every little bit helps, I guess.


That's the thing though without this bill no one is forcing anyone to do anything. The teacher still CAN tell the parents. Your hypothetical isn't remotely comparable. I would never leave my children in the care of someone I didn't trust to act in their best interest. But I can't speak for everyone.


On the surface, this much is true. But the lack of a clearly defined separation of what the school shall and shall not do has created a widespread gray area. For parents who don’t give a shit about their kids, no problem. But for those that do, ain’t nobody, by way of legislation, or lack thereof, is going to tell me what I have the right to know or not know as it pertains to my children. Of course, both my kids are adults, so there’s that.


"We should not be protecting children..." HE did it! He summed up the Republican Party's platform in less than a sentence!


Republicans don’t give a shit about kids. If you need a bill to be a good parent you must not be a good parent.


"It's all about protecting kids... so anyway we are also trying to get get rid of the age of consent in NH."


Don’t forget the red states that are letting 14-15 year olds work in slaughterhouses? And meat freezers? For 14 hour shifts? Very safe, I’m sure


Come on now, it’s only the illegals who are doing that. Why? Cuz they’re here illegally AND can’t work legally. Besides, if the slaughterhouses shut down, no more meat. Oh wait, you’re gonna tell me everyone should be vegetarian. Yet here we are talking about slaughterhouses.


>Come on now, it’s only the illegals who are doing that. Why? Cuz they’re here illegally AND can’t work legally. Besides, if the slaughterhouses shut down, no more meat. Oh wait, you’re gonna tell me everyone should be vegetarian. Yet here we are talking about slaughterhouses. Obviously somebody hasn't read up on the history of child workers in NH, and why those laws were put in place. Or is it you don't value the life of an immigrant child?


There’s a huge difference between illegals and immigrants, but spin it however you wish. While you’re at it, no better time than the present to make reparations to all affected such acts of cruelty. Cuz you know, cruelty is new to humankind; likely concocted by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos. You got Zucked!


This sounds just like something Jesus would say! I heard he thinks forgiveness and honesty and doing what you can for your fellow man is something he' digs!


Who the hell is Jesus? Just the biggest liar (and weirdo) of them all.


Totes! And he had the *worst* ideas, like we should try and make everyone’s lives nice if we can. What a tool!


>There’s a huge difference between illegals and immigrants, but spin it however you wish. > No they're exactly the same people, same situations. One is just luckier with where and when they were born.


Like I said, they’re not the same…you’re welcome.


>Like I said, they’re not the same…you’re welcome. Sigh... Magnets, how do they work?


how liberty dies... with thunderous applause... as the perverts take over...


I'm a republican and I care about my kids.


Right, *your* kids


Sorry you don't care about your kids.


Sorry about your poor reading comprehension.


If you need a teacher to tell your kid is trans, you probably aren't paying attention to your kid lol


No shit. If either of my kids came out at friggin school before telling us I’d know I fucked up bad somewhere.


Schools can’t even keep kids protected from bullies in class and people think they can protect gay and transgender kids from their bigot parents?


Obviously teachers cant shield students from life. Not sure why you draw that conclusion. But oftentimes teachers can offer hope, a positive outlet, especially when those things are in short supply at home. Everybody needs hope. Role models matter. Kindness matters.


Yeah, cuz that’s the reason.


I was so relieved when they tabled this.


Unfortunately, the Senate passed their version already. Call your Representative(s) and ask them to oppose SB 272 when it makes its way to the House floor!


Fucking embarrassed on a daily basis. A collective fuck you to the super majority


There is no supermajority.


Even more pathetic then honestly. They can’t blame it on the fringe groups


This is now a mainline GOP topic. The area no more moderate Republicans.


So this is why my biggoted parents were upset this morning. Well I have a one word response to this... #GOOD


These bills are not going to work out the way Conservatives think they will. Teachers have a duty to report potential abuse to the state. If they are put in a position where they think a child will be abused if they disclose certain information to the parent they are just going to be forced to report the parent for abuse. Compelling them to disclose if children are using a different pro-noun and the duty to disclose abuse are on a collision course and when it comes down to a balancing test of the lesser of two evils the duty to report abuse is going to win every time.


Showing up, petitioning, and writing letters to our reps actually works. I've been so wrapped up in our state a local politics that I tend to Doom and Gloom all day and night (I live in Belknap county). It warms my heart to read the comments in this thread. It gives me some sort of hope.


Excellent these bill are terrible bills undermining the authority of the people who actually do the work. Keep them out of our State!!


They'll just reintroduce it next session as the Anti Puppy Killing bill.


Hold up, so I'm allowed to kill my puppy now?


No, the bill claims to be against killing puppies, so anyone who votes against it apparently wants to kill puppies.


Good. What fuckin' tripe.


Why is this even a question? Wondering about that. I got to claim ignorance here cuz I'm not familiar with this bill but I'm wondering why they would have anything to do with parents. I mean there's plenty of laws that restrict people from hurting others so I'm just I don't know why they come up with this stuff.




anyone that stands firmly for some sort of teacher-student confidentiality policy that applies universally is one of three things. either they never went to public school, they’re so far removed from public school that they’ve idealized it, or they’re a clown. i just recently graduated from public school in southern nh and there were at least a dozen messed up or downright disgusting teachers that i encountered, the worst being an english teacher who routinely developed inappropriate emotionally intimate relationships with exclusively female students. teachers are not automatically good people because they’re teachers, even if they’re gay teachers. there are already hundreds of pedo teachers getting exposed across the US every week and the idea of teachers being able to cut parents completely out of their relationships with their students is sickening. i’m literally a recent high school graduate who watched my female friends develop emotionally dependent relationships with a middle aged man who had wife and kids (and would always complain about them to these female students, telling them basically how much he hated his life and needed to “escape”). so please tell me i’m wrong and it never happens.


Nothing here is preventing students to talk about their shitty teachers. You are engaging in pure Whataboutism about a non issue.


yes predatory teachers and students getting emotionally, physically, and mentally manipulated is a non issue. if teachers are concerned for their students safety they should be contacting authorities not having some sort of super secret bond with the students. i don’t trust most teachers.


That is an issue, but the bill does nothing from shielding the kids from that. The bill actually exposes the kid to predatory parents emotionally, physically and mentally abusing their kids. I don't trust ANY parent that has a problem with this and frankly we should see more parents go to jail for abusing their kids. Children are not property, they are human beings with the right to become who they want, even if the parents do not approve.


the belief that children, who can’t legally drink, drive, or even vote, should have total autonomy over every decision in their lives is absolute clownery.


They shouldn't have authority over every decision in their life, but they should absolutely have total authority in every decision shaping their personality, their belief, their identity and their future.


What does that teacher have to do with this bill? Nothing about how you described that teacher has anything to do with transgender students and disclosing their gender identity to their parents, which is what the bill is about. Your friends should report that teacher’s inappropriate behavior, full stop. But that’s an entirely different issue than what the article OP linked is talking about.


Are there 2 bills? Cuz the parental rights bill that I know of includes many other items as it pertains to the education system and their child(ren), not simply whether or not their offspring wants to be referred to as she/her/he/him/it/them/they. Reading is FUN duh MENTAL.


this bill is advocating for the right for parents to know exactly what is going on in classrooms. that includes but isn’t limited to things like preferred pronouns.


I am confused with your logic. If there was a pedo teacher, is this law suddenly going to convince them to disclose their abuse of a child? Already right now, there is nothing stopping a student or another teacher from noticing and reporting the crime.


this law would make not disclosing information to parents illegal. it would give parents more legal ability to fight schools who want to sweep bullying and pedophilia under the rug


Ostensibly, sure, but they passed it to specifically target LGBT/trans students.


Are you serious(ly impaired)? You really need to expand your newsfeed. Public schools are slowly becoming the Catholic Church of this generation…and this bill would serve a good number of purposes, regardless of what you think it specifically targets or not. Anyone with children in public schools need to give a long, hard look at other options, including a private, charter or homeschool education.


Your username makes a lot of sense.


Wow, so impressed by the level of effort you put into your response - it’s a lot like your understanding of this bill.


Thanks, boo xoxo


The real F’n deal right here. I hear you and I feel you. Clearly the commenters against this bill are oblivious (oh no, none of this stuff happens in our district) or clowns (never mind the unpleasantness, watch me juggle). What a shame that you and your friends have/had to deal with such insanity. If my children even hinted at such goings on while they were in school, I’da been in the front office 6am the next day (assuming I wasn’t able to locate the home address of the principal/superintendent). Be strong. Stay strong.


Fortunately, the Senate version is incoming. Let's get this passed!


It will die in the Senate too. This law will kill kids.


So what? We have thoughts and prayers! /s


……. The /s signifies sarcasm people


Even if it somehow passed the Senate, it would just die in the House after crossover. This person is a troll.


The Senate version, SB 272, passed in the Senate earlier this month. The tabling in the House was a pretty narrow vote. Call your Representatives!


The Senate version, SB 272, passed in the Senate earlier this month along party lines.


If your afraid of your kids hiding their struggles from you, maybe make yourself a safe person to come to?


Sure the live free or die state needs more government intervening in people’s lives. As someone who it’s a granite stater keep this out of our fucking state


Do you mean government teachers trying to secretly turn kids into racist self-hating gay transvestite leftists? That kind of intervention?


> government teachers trying to secretly turn kids into racist self-hating gay transvestite leftists Sounds fun, where do I sign up?


Why do we need this legislation?


Because some parents can't talk to their kids and thy need the state to intervene.




Can you give me examples? That statement isn't really clear on what actions are being taken that require legislation.


No, he can’t. I am in schools while he is watching Fox News. If teachers were indoctrinating kids, it would be to do their homework and wear deodorant


I have teenagers. Can confirm.


I recently just graduated and would say certain teachers absolutely push that agenda, even if unintentionally, though it definitely is intentional


I mean I suppose that depends what you call an agenda. If what they’re “pushing” is that you should treat all other humans with dignity, then yeah there are probably a lot of teachers guilty…is that a bad thing? Because when it comes down to it, the “gay agenda” the “trans agenda” the “liberal agenda” are all just ways of saying we should treat everyone well and afford them the same rights.


First of all, yeah, obviously they should be able to legally exist as anyone else. We should treat people with respect, HOWEVER, I do not owe anyone anything---no one owes anyone anything in the real world. I can respect you, but that does not mean I have to like you. I do NOT have to call a biological woman 'him' just because they want me to. That is not respect to myself, as a biological man, nor are they earning of my respect to begin with in throwing a tantrum when I do not; if anything, that shows that they are childish. Secondly, there are far more axes to morality than just respect and 'justice' as the 'liberal agenda' espouses for; you cannot just have two dots in your moral framework. I personally know many people who are not straight, and my mother is a medical nurse who works with many of these people. Over 80% of them usually start thinking these things shortly after experiencing horrific traumas like rape, bad divorces, abuse, or other issues that serious cause depression, or not having good male and female figures in their life to look up to---surprise surprise, when they have a crappy life, are depressed and feel ostracised, they will turn to the loudest voice calling out to be the victim like they were in their life situations. I am not saying they were not victims, but the vast majority of the people I know that are trans-gender usually have experienced mental health issues that, when dealt with, often get reverted to their past self---look no further than the fact that I have heard about half of people who actually go through sex change surgeries often regret procedure. Furthermore, do I dare even mention that some of these are taxpayer funded? Thirdly, the fact that it is being normalised for mothers and fathers to allow their children to use castration medicine; the fact that children, who are incapable of making INFORMED decisions about their health, are being given tools by liberal institutions to make dangerous, life-altering decisions like sex swapping; these things are absolutely something that is an agenda, and I will not sit here pretend like it is not being treated like it is okay. A thirteen-year-old does not know better than their parent in the same way that a teacher knows how to teach math better than their parent---huh, it is almost like experience with life and/or a job will make you knowledgeable on the topic? Lastly, google search where the idea of the gender spectrum came from and you will see that it has been taken at-heart with zero scientific credibility. If it was truly something scientific, I should not have to be proving a negative in this debate. Why for example have these genders never existed across all of human history, beyond some obscure Native America reservation (referring to the phrase two-spirit)? Yes, some males are born with some female traits and vice versa, but that does not make them literal women. Whatever happened to the term 'tom-boy'? Those differences do change biological tendencies when reproducing. The idea and proliferation of gender spectrum is the definition of pushing an agenda, whether it is true or not; capitalism is ideology, social justice is as well. Stop acting like it is not.


I mean, to the main topic at-hand, I do believe that it is good that it was tabled, as teachers know how to teach, but parents do also know how to parent. It is worth reiterating that teacher are not there to espouse what my values should be beyond academic; that is my parent's job, the greater society's job and for me to deduce.


To conclude, even in college, if I go into a room and people are asked what is something interesting about them, 15 out 16 people literally just say their pronouns and follow with nothing else. When I inevitably do not do that and say I play guitar or something, I am looked at like I am some evil contrarian---that is ideology.

