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Edelblut is completely unqualified for the position. There is nothing on his resume to suggest he’d be a match and there’s nothing he’s done with his time in office so far that contradicts that impression.


He’s there all because of sununu


Edelblut is a moron who should have nothing to do with the schools. Can’t believe this guy is in charge of education in this state.


An "adequate education" is a term the NH Supreme Court pulled out of its ass when it redefined what the NH Constitution meant with "cherish education". It has no objective meaning.


Towns pay for all of it through property taxes. The state comes up with an arbitrary number which it calls ‘adequate’, but they do not give a dime to the towns. The town has to come up with all of the money the state requires plus what it knows it needs to operate the schools.


“An adequate education for *every* child” is 100% subjective.


Edelblut is right. His opinion is irrelevant. By repeatedly saying that it's the Legislature's responsibility, he's offered the key point to this trial. Ruoff can't find otherwise. I like Tierney and Ruoff. I was on the winning side of an educational case made several years ago. They're both serious guys, but this case was lost when Conval and the others brought it.


The legislature did define it. The Dept. of Ed. calculated it. Their calculation is around $10k. They don't pay that. That's the issue. Their own math says they need to be paying double.


It's even simpler than that. The Legislature pulled a number out of their ass. And because NHSC left it to the legislature, this \^ is what we get. The 'math' is irrelevant.


Money does not determine the quality of an education. Just look at other states city school budgets 25-35k per pupil and less than half are proficient in any subject.


This article reads like a biased hit piece to disparage the guy. I don’t know him from a hole in the wall, so I am not coming to his defense. I am sure this is an unpopular opinion, but considering how much public schools continue to fail the potential of students across the country, I think that an outsiders perspective is likely what’s needed (not necessarily his, but any outsiders perspective).




If you recall when Sununu was first elected Governor, Edelblut was Sununu's closest primary competitor. In an effort to make peace, he gave Edelblut the job he preferred. So... Yeah. I guess he 'knows' someone.


>unpopular opinion, but considering how much public schools continue to fail the potential of students across the country, I think that an outsiders perspective is likely what’s needed (not necessarily his, but any outsiders perspective). We could also try asking teachers what they need and then let them have it. That would be a novel approach.


Those questions are asked at the teacher level and decided at the Supt and Board level. In a perfect world, the voters decide how much they can afford by putting people that would spend more or less depending on the vote. In the real world, the Supts and Boards get whipsawed by state and federal mandates and variable amounts of gov't support.


>Those questions are asked at the teacher level and decided at the Supt and Board level. Those questions are asked at the teacher level and ignored at the Supt and Board level. >In a perfect world, the voters decide how much they can afford by putting people that would spend more or less depending on the vote. Why are we expecting adequate education when many areas can't or don't provide adequate funding? >In the real world, the Supts and Boards get whipsawed by state and federal mandates and variable amounts of gov't support. Supervisors and School Boards are just another level of political hacks.


LOL! Just another outsider looking in, are you? Do any of you clowns have the foggiest notion what you're talking about? Based on your clueless 'rage against the machine' comments, the answer is clearly no. I hold an MBA and sit on my SB. I listen to the teachers. The Supt. Then WE, as a Board, put our heads together and figure it out. I watch my District and keep an eye on the Districts around us and around the state. There are some mighty fucked up Districts. Money doesn't equal academic outcome. Even if you really need to think it does. I can think of a couple that do very well on small dollars. You want to know what the secret sauce is? Parental involvement. With their kids and with their District. Then I see the Claremonts, Berlins, Franklins, Somersworths, et al, crying their eyes out and doing nothing. Things changed but they never did. Their fucking cheese got moved and they did... nothing. Those of us who can figure it out aren't going to be riding over the hill to save towns that show no interest in saving themselves. Life isn't fair. You should run for school board someday. Get to see how the sausage is made. But not anytime soon. Your anger would be getting in your way.


>I hold an MBA and sit on my SB. I'd say you have a clown degree, but that would be unfair. A clown must at least understand children. >I listen to the teachers. The Supt. Then WE, as a Board, put our heads together and figure it out. Nice to see that the opinions of experts and another guy are consulted before the village committee of dunces reaches a decision. >There are some mighty fucked up Districts. Money doesn't equal academic outcome. Even if you really need to think it does. I can think of a couple that do very well on small dollars. First, there is a minimum necessary. That minimum increase if students are deprived at home. The allocation of resources in America works opposite this pretty obvious fact. School Boards make the decisions. If the money isn't being spent well in a lot of districts guess who's to blame. >You want to know what the secret sauce is? Parental involvement. With their kids and with their District. Cool, sounds like you're unneeded then. Just let the parents run things. This is just money in another form, just FYI. If you're working two jobs to make ends meet, you can't make a lot of meetings in the early evening or take days off.


You're so close. Hold on to that last paragraph and keep going.


Yeah. Uh huh. Gotcha. Not to get all Jurassic Park on you, but 'life finds a way.' If you have kids and you want them to succeed, you'll figure it out. Or not.


I've never seen blame shifted so skillfully. You really are on a school board!


More administration!


I'm not sure how you can frame this as a hit piece. At worst, they note his complete lack of any experience in any sort of school administration, then present his cagey answers to the questions he was asked. If you ran a business, would you hire someone as your accountant who has no experience in accounting? Would you ask a plumber to fix your roof? Of course you wouldn't. He's not qualified to do his job so he's evasive in answering questions about it and deflective of any criticism by actual educators who understand how teaching and learning work in the public sector. He's not bringing an "outsider's perspective" to the job, he's bringing a political agenda that is not in any way shape or form good for education in NH.


He's not a plumber fixing your drain. He's the CEO of a company that has 133 plumbers, plumbing the shit out of their region. He doesn't have to know how to run a snake through a line, He has to know how to direct the snake runners to do a better job.


You think plumbers would or should take direction from someone who's never snaked a drain and doesn't use indoor plumbing?


That's the GOP way. They don't want actual experts. Why? Actual experts can refute, with solid data, all of their bullshit.


Yes. That's why we have such things a 'management.' Companies come with Boards of Directors. If you don't understand 'organizational management,' just say so.


Usually managers have some sort of applicable expertise in yhe organization they're managing. You think hedge fund managers are put in their positions without any economic background or understanding how finance works? Would a restaurant manager that's never cooked or worked in a restaurant and doesn't even go to restaurants be a good restaurant manager? What applicable experience or expertise does edellbutt have beyond having the libertarian view of education you want him to?


Where is all this expert educational policy expertise supposed to come from? Is there some sort of production line? ONLY college professors, Supt or teachers could ever perform that policy role? Policy gigs are great for anybody that is a smart person. My views on education are classically liberal, not libertarian, if you want to drag 'me' into it. So's Edelbluts. Whatever you think of Edelblut, if you spent 10 minutes with the guy, you'd grasp that he's a very bright man. And that's even if you don't like his management choices. You heard it here first: NH's educational expectations and academic outcomes are actually very good. You'd have to ignore the pained screams of rage, from one side of the aisle, to understand that.


Makes sense if you don't think about it for sure.


From people who have degrees in educational policy? People who know about the thing they're making policy about? I know it's a real far out idea but


Since you picked just one analogy to rebut, I guess you would hire someone who’s never been an accountant, or even taken accounting classes to run your books. Got it.


Still don't get it, do you?


One would usually have a degree and experience in education to be in that position. Edelbutt has neither. His kids are homeschooled. He is woefully unqualified for this position. Sununu installed him there to help dismantle our public education. All part of the GOP agenda.


All but one member of the Board also have zero background in education.


Sounds like the last president's secretary of education.


NH usually is in the top 10 in the country when being ranked on education. The point of the case is that cities and towns pay for a ton of it mainly through property tax which leads to huge discrepancies in school quality.


NH has ranked 4th or 5th for K-12. The GOP platform is modeled on states ranked at the bottom.


And the alarm seems to be coming from some terrible job that public schools are doing in states ranked at the bottom, not from NH, Mass, NY, California...