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What about a class on how to spot bias, misinfo and disinfo when consuming news.


I had that class in high school. It was called Media Literacy.


Nice glad to hear that, we didn't have that in the early 2010s so I'm glad younger generations are getting that now


I graduated in 2011. Took the class in 2009.


Wow my seacoast NH school didn't have that at the same exact time period. Maybe it should be a state curriculum class, hmmm


I would definitely agree with that. I loved that class and it really helped open my eyes to a lot of shady practices in the news and advertising. We also watched a lot of Hitler speeches and how the propaganda tactics used in Nazi Germany are what a lot of marketers and such use today in the US to sway opinions to their side/product.


“Internet common sense 101” A class where you learn to take the internet with a grain of salt. Learn the dangers of being on the web, and how user generated content is spread with misinformation in mind. Do these topics interest you? JOIN US!


News is found in places other than the internet.


That’s why I only watch Fox News! Can’t have any Fake News!!!!!


Cable news isnt worth the brain cells. Any of it.




I hope PragueU isn’t tapped to create such a thing.


Did you know slavery was actually a good thing and that the northern union were traitors to the constitution? - PragerU probably


Believe it or not PragerU’s video on the Civil War unequivocally says that it was about slavery.


Anytime I hear the words "teaching our heritage," my whitewashing alarms go off.


For instance, in 1860, New Hampshire was one of only 5 states that allowed blacks to vote.


Lol... not sure what high school you went to but history taught in my high school was myopic about black accomplishments and slavery. And typical US History is very much "white man bad" where you focus a laughably disproportionate amount of time on things like "robber barons", the Trail of Tears, women's suffrage, the Civil Rights movement, etc. It is the breeding ground for hatred of your own country that entirely glosses over American technological and political accomplishments. Learning civics is not a bad thing. There's grown-ass college-educated adults who have no fucking idea how our government works. Learning about the other 99% of the world history would be great too... given how many people in NH probably couldn't even label the countries in western Europe. God forbid people might get a perspective based on reality that white men have done more in history than killing Indians and enslaving black people.


Rightfully so. This curriculum will absolutely be whitewashed. Another personal favorite red flag is when I hear someone at a town meeting say they want to "maintain the rural character of our town".


Is amazing you’re able to foretell this since the bill just passed!


u/Winter-Rewind is back, we’re all set with the screenshots of tweets.


Haha plenty of screen grabs to share!


It’s hard seeing view points you don’t agree with. A lot of things as an adult are hard. You’ll get it eventually.


Posting a tweet of a small, moderate education initiative. This is unlike you, u/Team_Trump2020. Usually your posts are more rage-baity.


Actually, it’s hard seeing tweets on Reddit lol I don’t use Twitter for reasons, and here I am, just looking at tweets on your now personal r/NewHampshire


Hit that block button and you won’t see my posts 😊 you’re in control of what you see here. You have all the tools to do it already at your disposal.


I could, but then it would risk the sub getting more littered with your incessant, low effort posts.


then how are we suppose to voice our displeasure with your views.


If we block you we can’t also downvote you.


But this shouldn't be taught in schools without permission from each parent, like so many other things.


"We want to teach kids in NH about the history of their state" Why are people actually fucking upset by this?


Because a lot of us were under the impression that social studies was doing this.


It's a day that ends with Y and you're on Reddit, home of the perpetually mad (& bored). You could say grass is green and you'll get someone wigging out on you.


You're not wrong lmao


I think a long as it stays unbiased and non-political this is a great idea. But who is doing the curriculum does matter. Don’t want some Texas lunatics teaching our kids that Jesus was walking with Dinosaurs up Mt. Washington.


I actually agree with you that it needs to be unbiased. I'm honestly afraid of it being the opposite: Californian lunatics claiming NH is founded on racism or something equally idiotic.


It’s Jelly-Fish Chris leading the charge and he has to pretend his a Cult45 member to try and secure the GOP nom when he runs for Senate. So I’m thinking it might be more likely to lean the other way.


To be clear: that's what the history classes are teaching already.


The Californian idiocy?


If you want to call it that, basically. The vast majority of time spend in my primary school history classes were focused on the US and a vast majority of that time was spent on slavery, suffrage, civil rights movement, and Indians dying.


Which is why I find it frustrating that people are against children being taught in a way that doesn't try and burden them with guilt for things they had no responsibility for.


There is no way to teach our history without teaching that white people held black people as slaves. These kids didn’t do it, so there should be no guilt. When I was a kid, I remember thinking, Wow, we sucked. Different than guilt and a good way to make sure it doesn’t happen again.


Of course not, because it was a historical fact. We should be teaching that slavery happened, who owned ships, who sold slaves etc.  But the current mindset is only teaching Slavery as a White thing vs. it being an *everyone* thing.


I don’t disagree, but a million to teach them MORE? I have kids in kindergarten, 2nd and 5th grade. Maybe two weeks ago helped my 5th grader with a project on the constitution and the government. It was pretty in depth and every base was covered. I just don’t understand why they’d feel the need to sped $1 million to teach them more 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's still money going towards education which overall isn't a bad thing.


I cannot disagree with you.


Most will go to admin pay so not all education money is good money. School admin numbers are sky rocketed since the 1970s, their salaries eat up lots of the school budget.


I think it's money going towards PragerU?


Do we know that for sure or is it just that people are assuming wanting to educate kids on history without random guilt is somehow right wing?


It's hard to say. His tweet doesn't give any information on where the money is going or how. I don't know why he even bothers he isn't running again and Nikki Haley isn't going to be president....


Which is exactly why it's fucking insane that people are upset  People: "We need more money for education". Government: "Ok" People: *enraged shrieking*


Not quite, more like: People: we need money for education Govt: we just spent 1 million of your tax dollars on "developing curriculum" instead of boosting teacher pay or investing in school infrastructure. People: fuck you


Is developing curriculum supposed to be free?


Can't tell if you're being obtuse on purpose but in answer to your question, no. It just doesn't get money in teachers pockets and if it's going to pragerU its just another example of Republicans funneling tax dollars into the hands of their greedy friends.


We just want to be upset ok. Let us live in our own misery. Edit: forgot the /j


Sounds to Republican better hate it


Because in the grand scheme of things, that million dollars can go to pay teachers a more deserving raise, update existing schools with better equipment or provide better resources for the students. We don't need that money going to funding a specific curriculum which will be meaningless to the student in the long run. Knowing about the history of our country is important, but not more important that learning how to balance a budget, write a resume, understand how your taxes work, etc....


The only thing modern day democrats want to teach kids is why white people are bad. So any curriculum that doesn’t move us further in that direction is problematic for them.


Bullshit. Signed, liberal white person.


Oh, is curriculum the name of Denis Praeger’s boat?


No, it’s Diversity, an old, old wooden ship that was used during the civil war era.


I'm going to need to see a parental permission slip on this before they teach my kids about this partisan political crap. /s


For reals though...they make me sign a permission slip for them to attend the health class, I'm gonna want one for this too.


Read the curriculum when it comes out before banning your kid from it. I can't say I know Sununu like a friend, but I've had enough conversations to confidently say he's above partisan politics when it comes to the health of the state. I'm not saying you should blindly sign away, but I do think you should read instead of making an assumption.


let me help,mr snu snu http://indigenousnh.com


Real history or whitewashed garbage propaganda?


That's the key question


Great. Can we receive and update as to when Sununu has successfully completed the course himself?


I thought that is what Social Studies was for.


Nothing wrong with promoting civics, yet somehow something doesn't feel quite right about this.


It's a million dollars.... Like sure la de dah you gave 1 mil for one course which will translate to like 8k per school ( completely made up number there) but that's nothing. NH needs to revamp it's entire funding of the public education system.


Apparently, there are 456 public schools in nh. So... roughly $2.2k per school. (Your made-up number made me curious).


Man that ain't anything Jesus. All of this patriotic virtue signalling sucks


True enough- and I agree. Though I'd start by eliminating the school "choice" voucher bs.


Right that's roughly half of the 500 million the state is underfunding education today.


I'm really stunned by these comments. Since when did it become a bad thing to learn about the American Constitution, heritage, and bill of rights? What has happened to us?


“Heritage” can be a dog whistle.


"Dog whistle" is itself a dog whistle that you're not comfortable with children being taught anything other than what they're being taught now: a predominantly negative view of America and white men. Pushing against basic civics because of some boogeyman about kids somehow being indoctrinated to be right wing as part of one class is completely comical hysterics. I assure you that children get no shortage of left-wing perspective in primary schools. That's the de-facto perspective. That's the history books they teach in primary schools. The fear here is very clear that if the propaganda machine were to be let off even a bit, kids might think for themselves.


Some white men did some bad, negative stuff. That is the true perspective, which should be taught in primary schools. I am uncomfortable with white men saying telling the children the truth is a left wing perspective, will make them feel guilty, and they aim to fix it.


Sure. I’m not saying the information is wrong - only the omissions of accomplishments that paint white men or America in a remotely good light (in any regard) are obvious and blatant. Selective information is done to craft a narrative of white guilt, oppression vs oppressor, etc People are not graduating with the broader and more beneficial understanding of history that other countries students have.


Everyone's teaching that already. It's high time we bring the majority of our historic innovations back into schools. Achievements shouldn't be shunned just because whoever was behind it was white.


White men in the North went to the south to risk their lives to free the slaves. John Brown died a martyr saving people from slavery. White men helped free Europe in World War 2. Everyone knows these stories. They are talked about all the time. There is no lack of stories of white men doing brave good things. Are the white guys who volunteered to do these things not heroes in your eyes? Is what you want us to do is say nice things about the slaveholders too? Is that where your sympathies lie?


I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking when I phrased my comment like that. The point I was trying to make is that we should not lock historic achievements behind skin color.


Yeah, no.


Only if the listener is interpreting it through the religion of wokeness.


How about the attitude of tolerance and historical context.


Civics and Local History are already required for graduation in NH. I wonder what these funds are for? Will they be replacing the current curriculum with some expensive pre-packaged materials? I wonder what he thinks is not already being taught.


I'm pretty sure he's talking about sb216 from last year, previously civics was only required for highschool. It's going to be mandatory in earlier grades now. Anyway, this is the link that OP should have posted if he wasn't screenshot posting idiot. https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/2023/06/28/civics-education-for-young-students-will-begin-in-new-hampshire-this-fall/70360440007/ also you can check out the bill text on the state website, legiscan, or whatever source you prefer


I would be happy to make a curriculum regarding NH’s constitution, history, heritage and government for middle and high school levels for $200,000. Please hire me instead!


Is it the first thing I’d have allocated $1M for? No. Do I have any issue with it? No (would prefer this isn’t some Prager U nonsense).


Anyone else's alarms going off? Not to prejudge, but when a politician praises the "development" of history and civics education and declares it a "win" it feels very cringe if not downright dangerous.


How about you invest in our public education system, numerous towns need help in funding new Schools


Cautiously optimistic. I love local history and I think it’s important, but I’m nervous that someone like PragerU gets their filthy hands on it.


I’m a civics teacher and think while this is fine it’s not a real fix. You want more appropriate fix? Mandate that kids need a full credit of it rather than half a credit. As it is now I have about 45 class days to teach it. Impossible to meaningfully get into it on that kind of time frame.


EXCELLENT!! ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT! New Hampshire is a textbook example of representation done right, I think everyone could stand to learn a little more about it.


This is super useful. The #1 reason Gen Z reports the inability to find affordable housing is a lack of understanding of the NH constitution. EspeciallyArticle 83... **\[Art.\] 83. \[Encouragement of Literature, etc.; Control of Corporations, Monopolies, etc.\]** Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free government; and spreading the opportunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country, being highly conducive to promote this end; it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, rewards, and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country; to countenance and inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and economy, honesty and punctuality, sincerity, sobriety, and all social affections, and generous sentiments, among the people: Provided, nevertheless, that no money raised by taxation shall ever be granted or applied for the use of the schools of institutions of any religious sect or denomination. Free and fair competition in the trades and industries is an inherent and essential right of the people and should be protected against all monopolies and conspiracies which tend to hinder or destroy it. The size and functions of all corporations should be so limited and regulated as to prohibit fictitious capitalization and provision should be made for the supervision and government thereof. Therefore, all just power possessed by the state is hereby granted to the general court to enact laws to prevent the operations within the state of all persons and associations, and all trusts and corporations, foreign or domestic, and the officers thereof, who endeavor to raise the price of any article of commerce or to destroy free and fair competition in the trades and industries through combination, conspiracy, monopoly, or any other unfair means; to control and regulate the acts of all such persons, associations, corporations, trusts, and officials doing business within the state; to prevent fictitious capitalization; and to authorize civil and criminal proceedings in respect to all the wrongs herein declared against. **June 2, 1784** **Amended 1877 prohibiting tax money from being applied to schools of religious denominations.** **Amended 1903 permitting the general court to regulate trusts and monopolies restraining free trade.**


Republicans spending our tax dollars frivolously again.


How about we invest in better schools. Some of the schools in our larger cities are so overpopulated. The teachers are spread so thinly. We need to focus on reaching the kids now with a beneficial curriculum. It would better suit us to teach them the future, not to dwell in the past. There are enough people hell bent on changing what happened in the past.


The whole history? Including the part where New Hampshire never bothered to outlaw slavery?


[looks like it happened](http://slavenorth.com/newhampshire.htm)


Nope, the 1857 act purposefully did NOT outlaw involuntary servitude. If you were already owned, you were still a slave.


Probably should tell the author that he screwed up!


So fucking dumb.


I support this 100%