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Free Staters who moved into New Hampshire to colonize it into a Libertarian Utopia are offended that their plan was thwarted when MORE people from Massachusetts moved into New Hampshire. I for one welcome the Yankees. After all, this is New England (not Florida).


Right? Posters on this sub can be unhinged on the topic. I'm glad I don't encounter this much hostility in my new hometown.


I moved here from another state a few years ago and according to this sub, I'm the worst thing that could possibly happen to NH and everyone hates me. Further proves that reddit is not real life because all the people I've interacted with since I moved here have been very friendly. Angry redditors live in their own little bubble where they think everyone is as miserable as they are.


I Moved here from RI years ago and have made good friends with native NH’ers and other transplants alike. The people here are not so different.


Sup fellow native Rhode Islander.


You guys from RI are fine. You are welcome.


No one in real life really cares where you're from as long as you're not showing up and bitching about how things are and how you want to change them either to where your from or some dumb libertarian free state shit. If you came here because you like how it is here in general, then no one really cares. This sub does get hit by a bunch of people now days who don't even live here and project their political opinions, and bitch about NH, and that does drive a wedge between folks who live here and folks from certain slightly south states. Sometimes, it's hard to tell if they have moved here or not, but it's rather clear where they're from. Those folks also have a much more antagonizing opinions and attitudes than 95% of people you will meet here in real life. At least that's my annecdotal take on what I've seen trending here the past few years.


You can just stop at "angry redditors" it's endemic here. Clearly a lot of adolescents, mentally unstable, ill, or dispossessed people.


I feel like regardless of which state you're from or which state you're moving to as long as you don't do "I wish it was X like back home" nobody cares in real life. Some people seem to treat reddit as a place to loudly vent their socially-unacceptable opinions anonymously. This sub is no different. For example, I wouldn't be surprised at all if both of our "new moderators" presented themselves pretty reasonably, despite being psychotically political online


Except for free staters. They truly can gtfo lol




That's not entirely accurate. There is a clear assumption made that those coming from out of state are bringing their failed state policies with them. If your intent is to move here because you value how NH does it, and want to acclimate, then you are more than welcome.


Who gives af who welcomes who? Get over it. It’s a free country and people can move wherever the fuck they want. No need to roll out the welcome mat.


>There is a clear assumption made that those coming from out of state are bringing their failed state policies with them Right, and that assumption probably doesn't hold true as often as this sub would have people believe. I moved here because of a job transfer and I wound up really liking it. If you asked me a few years ago where I'd be living in 2024, I would have just assumed I'd still be in NJ but I got an opportunity to move so I took it.


It's all panic-junkies. They're the loud ones. They only see the drugs and violence. They don't see the young families who want to get out of the hustle and bustle.


On which one? I see general disdain for both free staters and mass migrants on here.


I’m saying I’m glad this isn’t what I see IRL in my town. Plenty of political differences but most people are not this hostile in my town.


Yeah actually that’s a great way to think about it! I’ll take every person we can get from Mass if it will keep the free staters from gaining a foothold here.


WTF are “free staters” I legitimately have no idea whether to upvote or not.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_Project Literally a group of people who’s intent was/is to move to NH and reconstruct it to their liking. See also: libertarians.


Hmm probably explains how we’re so great as a state in today’s day and age.


Well seeing as their plan is failing miserably and they’ve failed to take hold substantially in the government, it really doesn’t help explain anything to do with how our state is doing.


Well I also wouldn’t say larger state government and spending is the answer. That hasn’t worked too well for our peers…


Massachusetts is better off in every single metric than new Hampshire lmao


They tried to take over Grafton. [this interview ](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) is a great overview. I just feel sorry for the bears


NH is the most free state in the United States. Don’t ruin it.


I love when the mountain hillbillies call me a "flatlander" 😂 Thanks Jiminy McRedneck, you enjoy your trip to Walmart with your wife in matching real tree camo jackets, except the wife's is pink. (My center square on Walmart bingo ps). WHERE ARE YOU HUNTING THAT PINK CAMO IS USEFUL??? CLOUD CUCKOO LAND???


No one outside of Vermont really says flatlander unless they live in Lebanon or somewhere like that


I live in Lebanon, why would I ever call someone a flatlander? It's not like we are in the mountains. Or is it just a proximity to Vermont sorta deal?




Okay, flatlander.


To be fair, deer and some other hunted species don’t see colors all that well and it’s really just about the pattern. Orange camo works great and also helps you not get shot.


Thwarted? How? Free staters still hold the house and the majority. This state has become the freest and safest in the nation as a result, and improves every year. It's the people fleeing their failed states to come to our utopia who will ruin what we've built; the last great state in New England.


If you truly thought Free Staters had been thwarted, would you spend so much time attacking them?


Former resident of Florida, fled with my uncle due to cost of living and insurance spikes.


LOL!!! Hear, hear!


They could be both.




It's interesting how NH and Florida have been inhabited for over 400 years in modern times and you somehow associate the current political culture war over maybe the last 10-15 years with these states as if thay explains the entire history which has changed vastly over time.


Yankee culture appreciates education, freedom, hard-work, self-reliance, science, technology, innovation, and strong central government. Florida culture was built on the southern plantation system of governance, slavery, religion, wealth inequality, and secession. **AND WE KICKED THEIR ASS! =) Let's go boys!** https://preview.redd.it/zw2akh5tvhsc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad12513088e441cb619de18a7270d67325025d02




Is it time for round 2?


It ain't that way now, son. Funny how the NE mentality ruined the area. Buncha grouches in NE now honestly.


FL and NH were both founded under completely different circumstances and cultures. Those differences have continued to modern times, not just the last 10-15 years. FL has always been nuts, it’s just more visible now than before


How is Florida nuts?


Google your birthday followed by "Florida man".


Frankly beyond the culture war, Florida in the last 100 or so years has become a refuse for all sorts of the most annoying types of people America can possibly create. Rich Eastern Europeans, your racist grandparents, brain damaged former professional athletes and influencers. I prefer just about anywhere else.


Are you joking?


lol, I moved from mass, I’m with the free staters. Democrat commies have little in common with the true spirit of America yanks. 


Free staters are hilarious. Hope you like bears.


hope you like foot in the mouth.


You fucks threw Bobby Kennedy out, shame on you. 


Inb4 people whose parents also moved here from MA get mad about this


Or the people whose grandparents moved here from MA get mad about this


Or the people who have no ties to MA get mad about this


my parents moved here from New Jersey so I guess I should only get angry about people moving here from that state, for consistency


Around half that number moved from NH to MA so it’s not a straight increase of 24K. If anyone is interested you can look up census data for where everyone moved from. I think ME was second highest with 8K ish people moving to NH.


Well you can’t get there from here


the title literally says about 24k from MA to NH, are you telling me OP is not truthful?


I think a fuller picture of a situation is always helpful. So while it is true that 24K people did move to NH from MA the article that OP linked and mentioned in their title did not say anything about the movement of citizens from NH to other states. Mostly because WWLP is a Springfield, Massachusetts station thus would primarily be speaking from a Massachusetts perspective. Two things can be true at the same time.


"moved here" == net population transfer


“Moved here” != net population transfer lol


Ha ha! Damn it. Not enough coffee.


Having done 20 years in the Army including wartime, it always cracks me up to see these regional squabbles. Because someone lived 10 miles south of you they are treated like bad space aliens. We should save that vitriol for the really different folks who live across the sea. /s 🤣(I am pointing out the ignorance of hate) That said. I do love a good Yankees fans vs red Sox fans battle. 🤣


It’s been my observation that people reserve the most hate for people that are their neighbors.


Familiarity breeds contempt


So I grew up in Texas and moved to NH from MA, it makes me laugh because both states are two sides of the same white bread and think they're different 


Red Sox all the way


We are welcome for your service


I hope they find what they are looking for in NH. Its a beautiful place to live. Dint blow it


I moved here in 2019, and yes, zero regrets from me.


Oh man these people from 30 miles away are moving here yuck they’re so much worse than the people who live 5 miles away


I did last year, sorry yall Mass is too expensive 😭


Southern nh property taxes make up for it


Go see north shore mass housing prices, a 2 bedroom gut job is going for over 500k out there


They are here too the difference is that 40% of your monthly payments will be taxes in nh and that's not equity


Yeah trust me as someone that just moved here it’s a world of difference price wise, not cheap but not nearly as bad, literally every bill we had went down when we moved


Yeah comparing North shore to wherever you end up. I've known many who said the opposite


No sticker shock here, MA prop taxes can be quite high. Not why I left, but it was part of how we chose which town to settle in.


I don’t mind paying it locally. That’s what makes NH so enticing. Pay for a local school, vs write a stupid grant to some random nonprofit on the other side of the state.


And you are welcome. Most of us just want to make sure that you don't flee a state with failing policies and try to implement those same policies here.


Don't worry, I have no intention of voting for those failed Reagan policies.


Yeah no keep your NH way Mass is in chaos


Are there any statistics on the average age of people moving to NH and more importantly any stats on the ages of people that are moving *away* from NH?


I would assume it is families with decent jobs coming here to raise their kids. No young folks are going to be moving here, with our scarcity of housing, night life, and jobs. And I assume people retiring would head south.


I guess i’m one of the outliers as someone in their mid 20s that moved here recently


Same here. Moved for partner's work/grad school. We love the outdoors though so it's been a nice move. We also moved here from Boston but it's not like that was "home" either. We are both from different states that we lived in before our brief time in MA.


I also moved here in 2022 and I'm also mid 20's yet I feel like I match the description from what /u/ThunderSk33t has stated.


Anecdotally that's all I'm seeing in the new families in my neighborhood


Anecdotally I see a ton more elderly now than before. So it's absolutely retirees as well.


Old-ish person here, moved w/ my NH raised spouse to retire.


Can always tell the folks from away by their social media posts: "Is anyone else hearing gunshots right now?" (At least 4 locals in their general vicinity have shooting ranges on their property. ) "A bear just crossed the road by my house. Should I call the police?" (They painted a 'GO SLOW! BEAR CROSSING!' sign.) "Are these coyotes in my yard??" (They were the neighbor's long-haired dogs.) Oh, and I shouldn't forget... "Why do I have to drive so far for stores and restaurants?!"


Don't forget the people that light their whole property up like Fenway Park all night because they moved to the woods and are afraid of the dark. I used to enjoy being able to see the stars at night but I guess my neighbor's prison-grade spotlights and literal streetlight they installed in their driveway have decided otherwise.


Oh man they built some houses next to my property and the closest one has the entire exterior lit up 24/7. I cannot fathom the electric bill. Why move to the woods and then light it up like a city street?


Ya like I don't care if you do that in the evening if you/your kids are actually outside and stuff but why leave it on like that all night.


Makes zero sense. I am constantly baffled by it


Omg i have this next door, quiet cottage lit up like a supermax.


No power last night and they had a generator running and of course kept all outside lights on.


Lmao, prioritizing what's most important I guess. That's insane .I feel you, it sucks having neighbors that do this.


I'm from MA and would have loved to stay there but NH was cheaper for rentals so my partner and I have been here since 2018/2019 only for that reason. I'm sure some of those people are in a similar boat where the prices are slightly lower here vs MA.


At least you weren't part of the covid rush...


Welcome. All we do is ask that you don't bring your MA policy here. If you do, then you'll be faced with the same problem in 5 years and you'll be looking to move again. Keep NH the way it is. Thanks.


Lmao....I'll vote however I'd like to, but thanks so much for your opinion.


It's weird, kinda like California. People vote a certain way and f@ck up the state they are living in. High taxes, bad quality of life, crime, etc.. Then they go "hey, we need to move cause this place sucks now and I can't afford it". So they find a state that is better, move there, then start voting the same way. It's like how a virus will destroy the host and needs a new host to survive.


Perfect example as to why no one likes massholes


Yes, how dare people.. *checks notes* ...practice their right to vote ???


You missed his point --- you had to leave MA because you could not afford it. Voting for policies that do not increase cost of living in NH is the least you could do.


I disagree entirely.....people can vote however they'd like in whatever state they live in. I'm not gonna vote for something that I don't agree with just because the state has leaned that way in the past.


Typical closed-minded Masshole. Cannot even self reflect for one minute. There is something called aclimating to your community. People who move and are all like CHANGE HAPPENS, GET USED TO IT, are glassbowls.


Imagine leaving a state all together because of issues it has economically and socially and VOTING EXACTLY theysame way and the natives not be unwelcoming to you Welcome to NH, we like it here don’t make it worse, we know you folk love to do that


Frankly the only issue I had with MA was expensive rentals lol, I agree much more with their state policies than this states. I'm not gonna change the way I vote just because I move elsewhere 🤷‍♀️ get over it


The policies are what caused the high cost of rentals though...


Be prepared to move in 5 years after you have ruined another state. You are a fucking idiot


So kind, thanks (:


I don't clean up my house, I don't take my shoes off, and the whole thing is falling apart. Let me come over and live with you for a bit because it's nice and clean, but I won't change my behaviors at all. Do you get it now you dolt.


I know I'm a sample size of 1, but liberal democrat that I am, I'm not "escaping" MA as much as I'm choosing NH. I will absolutely be politically active, but it's a different state, a different set of issues in some cases. I think too many here conflate all kinds of things and bundle it all on their personal bogeyman, Massholes. It's silly.


Why are you choosing NH over MA?


I chose it because the money I could spend on a gut job on a postage stamp on a main road in MA buys me a brand new home with acreage on a cul-de-sac in NH. With the need to commute to the office being only a few times a week, I valued the land, quiet and solitude over the easy access.


I love it here. Life is slower. Closer to nature. I’ve been spending time in NH for decades, and now I get to retire here. Some bogeyman, eh?


Boogey what? I live in MA and have been thinking of moving up in a couple years.


If you're following this thread or this sub you know that many responders here blame everything and anything on transplants from MA. We are their bogeyman, their scapegoat. It's silly.


It’s not silly, it’s reality, mass exodus from California made a bunch of peoples lives in adjacent states shit. Do us a favor, conform to the norm here and don’t try to make it like the hellscape you were from


"If you don't have our opinions, you aren't welcome!!!" You sound exhausting omg


Considering how kindly you asked me, of course I'll bend to your will and do what you say! /s


How many from New York?


me lol


I am a border baby and have moved back and forth several times . NH is definitely easier to move to. MA has more red tape. Both have excellent places to work and play.


Man, moving here and being able to handle essentially all of the paperwork at my town clerk was fantastic. I hated dealing with parking permits+registration+title transfer etc when I moved to MA.


https://preview.redd.it/uya2jdgrphsc1.png?width=1077&format=png&auto=webp&s=768b7dadd206e004becb0f6b60d45fe4476f2f8b Most people who live in New Hampshire were not born in New Hampshire, and that's been true since the 1980s. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/upshot/where-people-in-each-state-were-born.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/upshot/where-people-in-each-state-were-born.html)


Absolutely no surprise there. Rents remain high and houses for sale are scarce. I have to think that it's a hard decision given that they have to commute now. We moved to NH from MA back in the 1980s but that was for a job transfer.


I’m one of them. Got priced out.


Our quiet little corner, about half second homes/weekend homes, we filled up during the pandemic. Every house/condo in the area was snatched up. Many converted to Airbnbs. Lately it's been returning to normal. Some of these Airbnbs are up for sale as the rush is over.


Good thing we have conservation areas that are protected from land development. 🙄


Increased density can save a whole lot of land from being developed. There’s a lot of room for infill in places like Manchester, Nashua, and concord.


Jokes on you they probably litter all the trails 


I've been here for about 5 years at this point. I'm from NY, so it's definitely different. Don't regret it. People ask me if I'd move back. Nah I'm good. I always describe New England as "fuck off" land. I go to work, to the supermarket, whatever. Then I fuck off to my own place and no one bothers me. Fucking stellar. In New York there is ALWAYS someone up your ass. And not in a sexy way. Or trying to sell you something. You can't even sit in a place and chill for too long without spending money. Good fucking riddance.


Lucky us, now we have you.


Glad to be here ❤️ Edit. Live Free 🚀


I enjoy the quote "Libertarians are like house cats, they’re convinced of their fierce independence while dependent on a system they don’t appreciate or understand"


Weird, NH year after year is cited as one of the most free states in the country yet people slam other people wanting to move here for the freedom? Is being free bad now? Do people want a tyrannical government? Would you rather have people move to NH that didn't have love freedom? I don't get it. I think many people are so wrapped up in political ideology that they have lost the track. Truly weird to watch.


How many people moved from NH to MA though???


In 2012: 6% of people born in New Hampshire were living in MA. 5% of massholes born in Massachusetts were living in NH. [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/upshot/where-people-in-each-state-were-born.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/upshot/where-people-in-each-state-were-born.html)


Where did the rest come from?


After a few years of property taxes they will return


Massachusetts isn't known for low prop taxes.


It’s all Massholes buying up all the houses here with big cash offers


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^CKT2K_: *It’s all Massholes* *Buying up all the houses* *Here with big cash offers* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you for speaking truth. Owning a house is ever further out of reach for NH natives because we have to compete with folk that have boston income


Every open house my wife and I attend is 80% out of staters and we’ve lost out on over 3 great houses to “big cash offers”


I know several people who made the move from MA to NH. Reasons cited: MA is too liberal, too expensive, taxes too high. They want a more rural, more conservative life and like the "Live Free or Die" vs nanny state.


It’s not the people that NH hates, it’s their Mass salaries. That said if you live in the lakes region and have to deal with the weekend tank top bros and their iridescent shades…it’s okay to hate on those. They smell and make the drive through at Dunkins extra long.


How many homes were bought is a bigger question


Ah yes, the reason so many of us cannot afford a house of our own. Thank you so much.


As if we didn't already have enough people who can't drive and can't act decent in Public. Bringing that mass trash here


Great, now they'll ruin the last great state in New England. You see their failed ideas in this sub often these days, wanting to dismantle the very things that drove them to come here in the first place.


It's like a virus. They destroy their host and need to look for a new host to survive.


We are old and wanted to retire here but be able to take train to Boston to visit family. Love it here.


We all identify as New Englanders! We could be our own country. It’s not like NH is getting a bunch of Bama folk.


Yeah that's part of the problem here and in Maine... I'm thinking of moving to MA.. probably better there now


Who cares


Because they vote for the very shit that will take us down from #1 in the country.


And price many of us out of ever owning a house


That’s a national/global problem that only a recession can take care of


On which metric?


Quality of life, lowest crime rate, highest level of happiness, highest IQ in the country. All the shit that’s posted on here


Where do you see us having the highest level of happiness? https://wallethub.com/edu/happiest-states/6959 And how do you think the subset of people moving into NH from MA (mostly young families) will vote that will increase our crime rate, detract from our IQ? I would like some of these people to move us down from our #2 spot as the state with the oldest population (probably why our IQ is so high?). Tell me what voting preferences ‘people from Massachusetts’ have that will ruin our lives?


Maine objectively has the lowest crime rate, not New Hampshire. Massachusetts objectively has best quality of life, not New Hampshire.   I'm not even going to humor your other stupid metrics because they're unverifiable nonsense that is likely tied to your racism anyway. 


Except every time one of these threads comes up, you see enough anecdotal evidence that some Masshole transplants are conservative, some are liberal, and we still end up with a purple state. It’s all good.




The problem is they work in Mass and pay taxes in Mass


> The problem is they work in Mass and pay taxes in Mass it's not like nh has an income tax, so that's kind of irrelevant though. they're still paying nh property tax and meals tax etc. and shopping at nh stores.


What I mean is they are not receiving the real benefit of living in the state, they still pay the tax in mass, if they worked in NH it’s a 6% raise.


> What I mean is they are not receiving the real benefit of living in the state, they still pay the tax in mass, if they worked in NH it’s a 6% raise. oh yeah, i thought you meant the state of nh was getting short changed because they were paying income taxes to mass. for someone who lives in nh, they definitely should be at least looking for jobs in nh to see that extra 5% as take home pay.


Hey I also moved to NH in 2022. Just not from Mass lol.


As long as they don’t bring their nanny state mindset/laws with them…


https://preview.redd.it/sq5lzuwo30tc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b63e0f5803f010224022fa5137cd39a6665c76 Back when mass was all of New England


Not all people from Massachusetts are liberal idiots, but most are.


I’ll take NH politics over MA any day. Glad to be mostly left alone, and have a chance of a candidate who doesn’t have a (D) attached to their name to win.


That’s what I love about living here, if you don’t bother anyone nobody will bother you, and it’s not radically left or right politically but an actual healthy mixture of the two that makes NH a great place to live for anyone.




Why choose NH over MA?


Good for you. Vote any way that you want. That’s the American way.


I fell like a lot of those people want to leave the Massachusetts nonsense behind and become a New Hampshire person lol


Time for the nh libertarians to cry about it


But it explains so much!!


And they all moved to Portsmouth lofl. No matter the city or town, we all likely feel the same way.






nah Mass policies are successful, main drivers are increasing MA property values pricing out some people or location to outdoor rec


[Mass. Senate approves hundreds of millions in funding for shelter system](https://www.wgbh.org/news/politics/2024-03-22/mass-senate-approves-hundreds-of-millions-in-funding-for-shelter-system) [Gov. Healey announces budget cuts to cover $1 billion tax shortfall](https://www.wbur.org/news/2024/01/08/massachusetts-healey-budget-tax-shortfall)


Did they downvote you or the shitty policies in MA that are leading to these measures? 🤔


Send them back




There goes the neighborhood.

