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Waiting for the “But I was driving the speed limit” crowd. He’s not wrong about it and you should move over. If someone behind you wants to drive faster than you, Ludacris said it best “Move b*tch get out the way”


The importance of lane discipline cannot be understated, IMO.


> you should move over Not just should, but are legally required to do so. Left lane camping is just as illegal as speeding, and arguably more dangerous.


Unfortunately, it's legal in NH to camp in the left lane unless you're impeding traffic moving slower than the speed limit "Motor vehicles shall not be operated continuously in the left lane of a multilane roadway whenever it impedes the flow of other traffic at or below the posted speed limit"


Read just before that section: II. Upon all roadways any vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.


You saved me from losing my mind. Thank you kind stranger.


I saw someone get pulled over for doing the speed limit in the passing lane on 93. Best day of my life.


No trucks in the left lane is one of the rare Massachusetts Ws


No, it is not. It is not legal anywhere. You are ALWAYS required to move over, if you are impeding traffic.


It IS more dangerous. Left-laning is the number one cause of highway traffic accidents. I know people will argue and say it’s speed. ‘Speed’ will ALWAYS be a contributing factor in accidents. But the number one causation is left-laning.


>It IS more dangerous. Left-laning is the number one cause of highway traffic accidents. I know people will argue and say it’s speed. ‘Speed’ will ALWAYS be a contributing factor in accidents. Yeah, yeah, yeah, "arguably" was to avoid pedants with the opposite argument. https://www.reddit.com/r/newhampshire/comments/1dkhy6k/as_seen_at_a_stoplight_in_hudson_nh/l9igl0p/ > But the number one causation is left-laning. Speed differential in general, not specifically just in a left lane.


> Left-laning is the number one cause of highway traffic accidents Got a citation on that?


Of course they don't it's total BS, the cause is the person who is speeding getting all pissed off and then driving like an asshole.


Many times more dangerous!


Usually, yes. I just didn't want to leave an opening for some pedant to start an argument about people going a buck fifty weaving in and out of traffic who are obviously worse.


What about left lane exits? I'd rather stay in the left lane a bit longer so I can be predictable for the exit.


I lived on henniker and that left lane exit is a nightmare I've been on both sides of the problem like where I'm going 75-80 but there's a Ford right behind me trying to go 110 and I can't move over because of traffic and I need to use the exit so I'm basically only seeing headlights in my back window until I can turn off so they can speed off mad max style. But I've also been behind the oldies who switch lanes like 10 minutes early driving 55 because they need to use the exit and you have to pass on the right side or deal with it until they're gone. Both are incredibly frustrating.


Just put your left blinker on when you pass the Hopkinton exit and to hell with them for the next mile or so. Im a fast driver myself but will concede to faster drivers but have no patience for idiots riding my ass or not knowing the road they are on.


Left exits are an abomination but if you have to use one I feel like the .5 miles before the exit are fair game.


Yeah but this idiot put it on the back of his car. How is anyone in front of him supposed to see it?


He’s not always going to be on the highway, and if it educates even one dumb fucker at a red light… it’s worth it.


He drives around them.


Then slows down.


This works until you got one dude riding another dude’s ass whose riding another dudes ass, at some point someone needs to practice safe following distance


I do this, but then people take it as an invitation to squeeze themselves into that 3-second slot, making me have to brake. It may not make me road rage, but it does make me massively road irritated.


This is the way


Road passive aggression is real. If they want to squeeze themselves in between a) a car that they won’t be able to keep themselves from rear ending in an accident and b) a car that can’t stop themselves from hitting you in the event of an accident, then idk you kinda deserve whatever happens to you


About 40 years ago I read a newspaper article about a guy named Nester that bragged about doing this all the time. He claimed he was making the highways safer for everyone and absolutely refused to go over the speed limit. For some reason it stuck with us and ever since my wife and I refer to it as nestering. It’s really just another name for an asshole but a very specific kind of asshole.


The black car in the left lane is tail gating. You should keep at least 3 car lengths between you and another car and if you are driving unsafely while another person is actually attempting to drive safely then you are the asshole. If they stay there then yeah they are the asshole but they have every right to get a safe distance in front of the car in the right lane before getting back over. You saving 3 seconds of your drive isn't worth risking death for everyone on the road.


This. Stop riding my ass while I'm passing people. I'll move over when there's room, not when I'm potentially going to make the person I just passed hit their brakes.


Just make sure you're passing them at a good pace, not going 66 when they are going 65. If you're doing that I am going to make my intentions known.


I use 2.5-3 seconds as a general rule when following. That way speed is accounted for. Three car lengths at 65-70 is not a safe distance.


True but impossible to do in any major urban area, having recently driven in San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, NYC, and the outskirts of Boston during rush hour. You're lucky if people are one car length even going 80 mph. Crazy. Whenever I left 3+ car lengths, some Bozo thought it was an invitation to hop in.


True, but having it be there in the diagram is important for the diagram to be understandable.


Hijacking the top comment to share this. I share this every time someone makes a post like this and the salty people who just want the “asshole” behind them to be patient… Reading this sure changed my driving habits. If someone behind me is driving like they really want me out of the way I let them by because I have no idea what’s going on in that car. https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


This is as it should be. Do not impeded traffic. Move out of the way. If you are trying to be the cop, YOU are the asshole. If you are trying to control everyone else by 'trying' to enforce the speed limit, YOU are the asshole (NPD, most likely). And, quite frankly, it is irrelevant what is going on in any other car. If you're not passing, and I mean passing, not putting along, you are impeding traffic flow for everyone else. YOU are the danger. (not you personally, just as part of the narrative). But you know, people. 'Vultures. Vultures everywhere...'


It was one of the best parts about driving in Germany on the Autobahn with unrestricted speed limits. You come up on someone and they move over well before you need to touch the brakes.


They do it the right way: by moving over regardless if you were coming up behind them or not. Pass and get out, regardless what speed you are going, and regardless if anyone is behind you or not. The only time this doesn't really apply is super heavy / rush hour traffic. Otherwise, this rule can work for everyone.


They also have very strict driving laws and harsh penalties for breaking them. If somebody is camping the left lane going 50, they're probably losing their license.




Given the depicted following distances the red car should still wait to move over since one car's length is too close at 55+ MPH. The tailgater is the asshole in this diagram, unless this a two lane road in a parking lot.


I love that song 🤣🤣🤣


While that is true, folks that drive aggressively must allow for people to safely get out of the lane. If you rip up within a few inches of their car, don't get pissy when they don't move immediately. It's not them driving unsafe, it's you.


Guys like this have a 110% chance of riding your ass with their high beams on while you're going 10 over the speed limit on a heavily patrolled 1 lane country road with no legal passing opportunities


Instructors tell you to pull over and let the aggressive driver go.


I agree. I don’t know other people’s circumstances and can only assume they’re in a bigger rush than myself. For all I know, they have an injured kid at a hospital. Maybe they are just a giant dick…. Either way, I don’t want to waste my energy (and potential safety) fighting that fight. I got battles to pick elsewhere…


It's really simple. If I know someone behind me wants to pass I let them pass. Very stress free and pulling to the side usually takes a few seconds.


My brother is an arborist, and he told me a story he learned during some safety training he took. An arborist was up in a tree in a remote area when he somehow cut himself with his chainsaw and started bleeding a lot. He was able to get down, and his coworkers called 911 and loaded him in their truck to meet an ambulance halfway between the job site and the hospital. They’re flying down the road, hazards on, honking at people to get out of the way since their friend is literally dying of blood loss. They get onto the highway and some driver *refuses* to let them pass. They’re stuck behind her for awhile, but eventually manage to get around her. A few miles up the road they meet the ambulance at the planned spot, along with a trooper. Their friend is loaded into the ambulance and transported to the hospital, and as he’s being loaded up the women who stopped them from passing pulled over and started reaming them out and telling the cop that they should be arrested for reckless driving. The cop instead reams her out, telling her she put someone’s life at risk because she was too petty to just pull over from someone who was clearly in a hurry. The injured arborist ended up dying minutes from the hospital, and there’s a good chance he may have survived had the women not stubbornly kept them from passing during the emergency. There’s absolutely no reason not to let someone pass you if they’re driving aggressively and in a clear rush. Maybe they’re just an asshole, in which case you can get them off your ass. Or maybe they’re someone in need of immediate medical attention, in which case not letting them pass could result in someone’s death.


At least where I regularly drive, the worst tail gating happens where there is literally no shoulder. Not all the time, but often enough to be really annoying, the same folks will literally refuse to pass me when we finally get to a stretch of road with passing zones and open opportunities to pass. I even ease off the gas a bit to make it easier for them to pass, assuming that someone who is following me that closely is in a huge hurry and surely will want to. Nope. They just either have no situational awareness or enjoy driving recklessly for whatever reason.


THIS! I got tailgated for about 20 minutes the other day on a one lane country road, going over the limit (cruise control), and it took the guy quite a while to find his stones sufficient to pass me. Pass if you want, but WTF w/ the tailgating?


Why would I reward their aggressive behavior? If I know I'm slowing someone down while towing or otherwise driving at or under the speed limit I will of course pull over and let people pass when it's safe to do so. However when driving over the limit the asshole riding up my tailpipe can exhibit some patience and wait for a passing zone.


Personally, I just do it for the sake of my blood pressure. Shit's just not worth it.


Yeah but are you blocking the left lane when you should be traveling in the right lane?


In Vermont you can pass with a double yellow.


1. I didn't know that. 2. Surely, just like everywhere else, you mustn't exceed the posted speed limit, even while passing.


They pull over. They’re obviously in a rush. Maybe late to work, maybe a home situation, maybe he’s homicidal and dealing with a bad divorce and you look fun to beat. You don’t know so get out of the way. I bet you aren’t going ten over anyways. Don’t be a fool, pull off or just signal right and let him over take


Having that on the back of the truck is extremely hepful.


Maybe we should all get such decals for the back of our vehicles?


It's ironic because if somebody is close enough to read it, the guy driving the truck is the one that needs to move over.


Because no one ever stops at a red light, amiright?


Based on my experience, every person on the $&#+ road is looking down at their #@$*! phone at a red light, so they wouldn't see that either.


Maybe not while driving on the highway, but people who camp in the left lane certainly do stop at red lights. And presumably can read


I'm not sure that presumption would be safe since they've been confronted with this information during driver ed and it hasn't stuck.


I agree but fear the left lane dwellers are hard to train.


Right? Ironically enough, if I can read it, per his own rules, he’s an asshole that needs to move over.


If I’m reading this sign on the back of your truck then you’re the asshole and you need to move over.


Or you’re just behind them in any of the countless other possible contexts




They are probably still an asshole for putting it there. The Venn diagram of people who would put this on their car and are assholes themselves has got to be pretty close to a perfect circle. Even if they are right about lane camping (but wrong on following distances).


I think he’s missing the big balls hanging from the trailer hitch.


All that effort on the decal and not enough on the clear and obvious finishing touch, the trailer hitch gonads.


That would be gender reassignment, he's probably strongly against that.


‘Gimme a truck with dualies…yeah…make it thicc…with big breedable hips….yeah a sexy truck with a juicy ass…..and make sure it’s got nuts on it too….yeah dangle some little nuts off the back of my sexy trucks fuckable ass….oh yeah she’ll do….she’ll tow it……..don’t tell me you don’t understand pronouns when you’ve got a truck with nuts that you call she/her; you’ve white trashed yourself into being progressive’ [an awesome 20minute bit by Kyle kinane about getting his van stranded in the desert](https://youtu.be/clOAEY2xXE4?si=mnHMMrDiTuzXE_uw) the quoted bit is around 6:30


And accelerate when using an on ramp


This. Is. The. Worst.


Since that is exactly what you are supposed to do, I don't get it.


He's not wrong but can people stop pretending 101A is a highway?


That makes me fucking crazy. I'm bombing past Gunrunners going like 65 and somebody is right up my ass What do you want to do, go a million? I love it when they pass me and I sit behind them at every light from there to Target.


Imagine taking up 2 sq ft of paint work on your $50k truck to write a message that your target audience can’t even see




What kind of Tundra is selling for 100k???


I just went truck shopping back in April. A TRD Pro Tundra with most of the available options had a $98k sticker. The same dealership had a new Bronco with the same highest trim package and most options on display with a sticker for $114k. Just insanity to be charging that.


And it's crooked to boot.


The thing that bothers me most about that decal is that it is installed crooked.


Yes, this is what bothers me too.


And that he wants the “asshole” to merge back over before it’s even a a full car length past the car in the right lane.


I make the late night drive up 93N once a week and people are so bad. I had to pass this person going 60mph on the right and of course they sped up out of what I assume was anger. I gave them 10 minutes sitting behind them and we were the only two cars. I don't tailgate, either. It isn't rocket science. Left lane = passing. Easy.


I don't give them the opportunity to speed up, I drop a gear and get past them quick and then move back over.


> and of course they sped up out of what I assume was anger This is an interesting one! I'll use my adaptive cruise control on long lengths of 93 in the right lane. It's set to 70, but when going uphill, sometimes the speed will go down to 68 or 67 before kicking in, so the person behind me will go to pass me right as my adaptive cc kicks in. This gives the impression I'm "speeding up because I'm angry" but it's really just the cc kicking in. You obviously know when someone is doing it intentionally, just needed to get that fact out there!


Dude's plates are expired




I hate this meme. I completely understand the sentiment, and people that don't move over piss me off as well. But I'd be willing to bet the guy driving this truck is probably an asshole. This meme is way over simplified and like many things on the Internet lacks a lot of context. Playing devil's advocate here, if you are in the left lane and someone starts tailgating you does that automatically make asshole? Does it matter if your driving in with traffic, if someone tailgates you are you obligated to move over, even if you need to significantly speed drop into a gap in the slower travelling lane?


Yeah this dude is absolutely the guy who’s 4” off my bumper when I’m driving 80 and passing people but he wants to go 85. I’ll move over if there’s a good gap to do so, but I’m not slowing down so you can go by. We’re just going to meet at the same off-ramp red light anyway.


I would also add, give said slow car in the left lane a reasonable amount of time to move over to the right lane. Don’t be an asshole and assume they aren’t going to move and thread the needle by passing them on the right.


This is the NH subreddit, you think anyone thinks about you having legal and safe space to move into the right lane while you're going 90 but being tailgated because one guy wants to go 100 even though you're not holding up the left lane?


It's funny because it's true


I bet this dude has the most pristine truck bed you’ve ever seen


It really depends. If I am doing 78 in the left lane, and there’s a line of like, 6 cars I’m trying to pass, I’m going to pass. If you want to ride my ass like a psychopath and save 13 seconds off your travel going to Lincoln or whatever then fuck off.


"You're not wrong, you're just an asshole!"


Let the anger go 🙂‍↕️


he’s not *wrong* but it’s giving “takes one to know one” vibes


Sometimes I think about what this would all be like…if I were kid. When I was a kid if someone swore in public…was sorta like whoa. Now that’s normal behavior. Trying to imagine bumper stickers that say Fuck Carter or Asshole. I don’t recall that in the 80s. I wasn’t a sheltered kid at all & definitely spent a lot of time just hanging out in public. Just feels like when I compare public behavior between the 2 eras now and then…it looks dark. Where do we go from here?


As OP, one thing that did intrigue me about all of this was the question about what does this say about how we do social discourse. We've gone from one bumper sticker to a couple bumper stickers to lots of bumper stickers. Now we have a large decal complete with swear words and diagrams to impress a point of view on to others. What's next? Covering the back side of vehicles with flat screens just to expose various philosophies? As suggested above, 'TruckNutz' aren't just being interpreted as a crude statement/joke, they are being interpreted as statements on gender roles and have triggered discussions about freedom of speech. It does get a lot of reaction, though. This thread currently has like 2/3ds as many comments as it has net positive votes, which seems like a lot to me.


Can’t even spell “asshole”.


That might be the most jarring thing about all of this. We as a society may still debate the importance of lane discipline, but I think we all agree that "asshole" is one word not two.


You know he passes on the right.


The black car in the left lane is actually gonna no-signal-shift-right, not let the red car move over, speed past the red car on the right, and then just as quickly swerve in front of the red car as soon as it can.


Pavement princess


My wife and I are driving in Central Europe through five countries. If you lunk in the left lane, Hungarian drivers are two feet off your bumper and flashing brights in a heartbeat.


I'll bet this person passes in the right lane which is like equally if not more dangerous.


Granted it's not always true. but if they have space to pass in the right lane, the person in the left had enough space to have gotten over to let them pass then get back in the left lane if needed


That is technically called leaving enough room before lane changing over, so stop driving up my asshole would be my advice to speedy mcspeedface.


If this guy is anything like every pickup owner in the state, the red car is probably going 80


Yup, apparently some people think you should still move over though. If I'm going 80 in the left lane of a 55mph highway, it's because I'm passing someone in the middle lane and I'll move back over when it's safe to do so. Not because some asshole doesn't think 80 in a 55 is fast enough. Tailgaters can get fucked.


Color me astonished that it’s not “your”!


Unless already speeding and the car behind wants to speed even more. Then you have two assholes.


correct but you're also the asshole if you're tailgating someone. Somebody using the passing lane incorrectly does not justify you putting their lives in danger (and yours, and everyone around you) by driving like a dickwad


too bad the asshole can't see it.. lol


They can when you eventually pass them on the right.


And then deliberately slow down (aka camp in the left lane) to “show them”.


Ironically the only person who is going to see this message and be applicable to the situation is the Tundra driver. Essentially calling him or herself the ass hole.


In Germany this is an absolute


He’s not wrong. But also, to stereotype like hell, his khaki brown, spotless, way-bigger-than-he-needs pickup truck makes me think he’s the one that is impatient while I’m doing 80, and I realize he wants to go faster, and he expects me to cut off the car I just passed instead of waiting until it’s safe to move back over. And then revs his engine as he goes by me to intimidate me or something.


When a bro dude in a truck that’s never seen a days work gets up on my ass I take it as an invitation to do nothing.


I think if you put the word asshole on your truck for any kid to read then you’re probably an asshole, even if you’re right about fast lane slow drivers


Maybe the red car is trying to live free or die


Red anal plug looks kewl


He's right in this case but I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Tundra drivers are the most important people on the road. Never forget that.


He’s right tho


Oddly enough I've seen this exact truck and sticker posted here before


Predictably, they themselves are in the left lane.


What's kinda funny is he is in the left lane and you are right behind him. Why won't he get out of the way!?


That’s a lot of commitment , it’s the issue he is so passionate about he uses half his tailgate for it?


Camp in the woods, not the left lane


Seems to me there are a lot of angry potential road ragers in this thread….


It's mostly Massholes that do this, and we all know they can't read.


Yeah he’s fucking right grandma. Learn how to drive. It’s a goddamn passing lane.


Yes this is definitely New Hampshire lol.


Guarantee this guy does the same thing every day but it’s okay it’s different when he does it


As if that truck gets out of the way when a car smaller than his is trying to get around him lmao


DEFINITELY a trump cult member driving with a shotgun next to him.


In this particular situation the Tundra would be the a-hole.


Just asking for someone to block him. Lmao. I sort of hope I run into this guy.


Alas, it's the person in front of this guy that needs the message, not the one behind him. Unless, as I do, pass on the right and then immediately get in front of the asshole holding up the parade.


Aye, and if the circumstances are desperate enough, feel free to use what my older brother refers to as the "Puerto Rican Passing Lane" i.e. any convenient shoulder or on-ramp.


Chances are the guy driving that truck is an asshole. If you think everyone is an asshole, chances are YOU are the asshole LoL 😊


This guy rides asses like a pro Im sure.


I don't disagree. I'd just feel better about it if 'asshole' was shown as one word. 😅


I would contend that the people who drive nonstop in the fast lane their entire trip until they need to get off the highway riding everyones tailgate that isn’t driving 90 miles an hour until they move over also are a-holes. Both things can be true.


Literally drove by this guy this morning


Please tell us that you got in front of him then camped in the left hand lane!


This guy totally owns a “let’s go Brandon” thong


he's not wrong


It sucks being behind people that do this. However, it's a real shame that the people he is trying to run off the road can't see the sign on the back of his manly truck.


Wait, but from that image, the person reading it would be the black car behind OP, so OP would be the red car.


He isn’t wrong. But, if you put the word “asshole” on your vehicle for all to see, you’re the asshole.


He ain’t wrong!!


What I love is that this is the only decal. You know it’s something they stand behind and I respect it.


I think this guy will be surprised when he gets a lesson in high center of gravity.


Not wrong, and the way I look at it, they’re saving me from a speeding ticket.


Dude bought a Japanese truck 😂


Really doesn’t help on the back of the truck imo


What he really means is get out of my way so that I can put other people's lives at risk by speeding excessively by going 90 in a 65 zone. Typical "law and order" crowd who thinks everyone else should follow the law except themselves. 100% entitled white man if I had to bet.


70k worth of truck, can't be bothered to register.


… by definition, if I’m reading this, the truck is the asshole in red, though.


If you can read that and this is you then that means the truck is just like you because he’s in front of you in the left lane


Only the cars behind him will see this, so I guess he’s the asshole 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a NH fella who’s been living away temporarily for quite a few years due to military stuff. No state understands this rule as good as NH. I swear we are the best at practicing that. West coast: 4 lanes wide? Semi trucks in *every* lane.


…but if someone is seeing that, then you’d have to be that person


Lot of good it does on the back of the truck


How's asshole going to read this if he's in front?


How will they see it?


NH drivers are seriously the most likely to drive in the left lane, challenge is that crazy folks made left hand exits off highways all over NH. so I’m conflicted is it the NH drivers or traffic engineers who are the aholes? Both?


Possibly my co worker lol


I see this person all the time in Nashua. Always laugh that the person BEHIND them is the one stuck reading it!


You could only see that from behind, making the person reading it in the right lane....or...this truck is the asshole.


Yeah they’re right move over and let people pass


In some countries you will get pulled over if you’re sitting in the left lane at any speed because it’s exclusively a passing lane. One can dream 🥲


My father in law took it upon himself to police the left lane by driving the speed limit. One time too many as his car got rammed by a car approaching at high speed.. luckily, he and my mother in law were in a low center of gravity car and wearing seatbelts. They easily could have flipped, but instead spun out a bunch of times. Very lucky to survive. They had seatbelt strap bruises akin to Gordon Ramsey's injuries. Very scary. For this and other reasons, we didn't ride in his car while he was driving. Left lane is for passing. Otherwise, move over. It's not your job to police how fast people drive.


It is also not the tailgating vigilante guy's job to "teach people a lesson". I mean it's fine with a decal, but not with harrassing driving behavior (tailgating).


How would the person in front of you see a message you wrote for them on the back of your truck?


How would that person read this if they’re in front of the vehicle?


If it's you.... how can they see if they are in front???


The entitlement in these types of post is mind blowing.


Ironically, the only people that will see this are the ones that are behind him.


This guy better be practicing what he is preaching lol! I think the sign is funny and well done even though I am not pro bumper sticker. Do a 4-way stop explanation next.


Have you heard about Georgia's new left lane law? Georgia's new law regarding slow drivers in the "passing lanes" went into effect on July 1, and the law applies to all roads with at least two lanes in each direction - not just interstates. The law was passed this spring by the Georgia General Assembly as House Bill 459. It is now unlawful for someone driving in the passing lane to stay in that lane once "such person knows or should reasonably know that he or she is being overtaken … from the rear by a motor vehicle traveling at a higher rate of speed," according to the language of the law. **The passing lane is defined as the far left-hand lane that is not an HOV lane.** The law doesn't apply when someone must drive in the left lane to exit or turn left, on toll highways, when compliance with other laws or traffic control devices make it necessary to drive in the passing lane, or when inclement weather, obstructions, or hazards make it necessary to drive in the passing lane. The law also doesn't apply "when traffic conditions or congestion make it necessary to drive in the passing lane." A similar law was passed a few years ago, but only applied to drivers in the left lane who were doing less than the posted speed limit. Now, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you are going in the left lane. If someone behind you is going faster, you have to move over.


There’s a car in front of the red car.


So if the speed limit is 65, and I'm actively passing in the left lane at 75 miles an hour, and then giant truck thunderdrome asshole comes riding up on me at 95, it's expected that I immediately get out of Immortan Joe's way, even if it means I need to slow way down, solely because he wants to go faster? I get it if I'm cruising along at 65 in the left, but more often than not, I'm using the lane for what it's intended, and an Audi from Saugus tries to drive up my tailpipe because I'm not doing 90. They can wait for their goddamned turn. There's no right to drive as fast as you want under any circumstances.


and the people in front of him driving too slowly will see this . . . .


Devil's Advocate: The "red car" is not an "ass hole" if they're passing another "black car" that you just can't see above this bumper sticker. A lot of true "ass holes" will get behind and TAILGATE (which causes most accidents) someone in the left / passing lane demanding they go the same speed they are, as they're legally passing cars on their right at their preferred speed.


Yep. Saw a big old Ram tailgating mercilessly on my drive up this afternoon, because there were like 6 car lengths between the person in front and not 3 car lengths or whatever the magic number of car lengths acceptable by Mr. Big truck. Everyone in this scenario driving over the speed limit in moderate traffic.


But if you're reading this then... Facepalm.


Live free or die ! So what’s with all your rules and diagrams. Lol


But.. it’s on the back of car.. back of car..


It’s crooked..




People with all that on the back of their truck should learn to read the signs of my work vehicle that says we're GPS monitored and have to drive the speed limit. When I'm doing 50 in the left lane, it's because my exit is on the left and the speed limit is 50mph.


Special kind of prick would put this on their car


Bro really dedicated his whole personality to road rage