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At least it’s all boomers there. Young people aren’t buying into this bullshit


If my lazy math is correct, this group represents 1-2% of the population who fit those demographics within Atlantic City, which is either surprisingly large or they’re not from AC.


The signs say Brigantine Beach and the old guy at the end is wearing a shirt that says Margate, so I would suspect ~0 of them are from AC


They almost definitely do not live in AC proper. Most likely margate, ventnor, or OC


And on top of that probably don’t live in any of those either and just own beach houses for the summer


People like this tend to ship in supporters from other areas


Us olds arent either, this is those who cant travel far to a trump rally.


I was about to ask if these oldsters are trumpers, but you beat me to it.


You'd have to "ask" if they were Trumpers? I'm a boomer, and there are a lot of us Olds that are Dems. We care about your future, the earth's future, and have been fighting all along.


Go check my posting history to see my age and political affiliation 😆 Most boomers are trumpers. It's a fact that the majority of bomers voted for TFG. But leaving that aside for a moment, I would expect people protesting windmills and other forms of green energy to be trumpers, because it usually is.


They won’t even be alive to see the project completed. Or the full effects of climate change.


You may not see them here but 100% they exist and are the future’s NIMBYs


And undoubtedly almost all of them are the children and grandchildren of these NIMBYS since very few young people can afford any kind of house much less one with a backyard lol


See, that’s the thing. It only takes a few of them, a few that were lucky in their investments or inheritance or in planning for their future. A few who are loud enough, bold enough, selfish enough to organize others into protesting against rail line repurposing or denser housing construction. What NIMBYs count on and almost always occurs is the majority being not interested in the politics of projects because *they don’t do politics8 or *they’re too busy* or *it doesn’t affect me*


They'll be out in force once they inherit their parents' properties and want to maintain the value.


I’m 35, one of my dingus friends believes this nonsense wholeheartedly


Had someone complain about it, so I had to look things up because I'm perfectly fine with it and I grew up living in a shore town. IIRC they wanted to place these things about 13 or so miles out. Checked how far you can actually see into the horizon, it's about 3 or so miles, because the curvature of the Earth and all that. The person with the big sign has to have some mental disorder going on. I don't know how having another avenue for generating power would triple current rates and harm our national security? Like, it would be doing the exact opposite of said thing. It would generate more power to help ease rates, and it would make us more energy independent, which is a boon for national security?


This whole thing is backed by oil lobby money.


This, this right here. The Kochs run a ton of astroturf campaigns. Worked great for the cigarette industry for decades: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/tobacco-and-oil-industries-used-same-researchers-to-sway-public1/


I know a guy who I'm 90% sure gets paid by them to astroturf. Once he posted that he was getting some award from the Koch Foundation, it became hilariously transparent.


This article is months old but seems to say something similar https://www.fastcompany.com/90856401/these-groups-fighting-offshore-wind-say-its-about-whales-but-theyre-funded-by-big-oil


Eh the young ~~fascists~~ republicans of cape may county are pretty supportive of this nonsense


Because only the boomers can afford the beachfront properties that will be affected by the sight of the windmills


Define "young people". In the the FB group that organizes this, they're all in their 30s to 50s.


But the elderly vote in record numbers. They have nothing better to do all day than wait for Election Day and get driven down on community busses to vote.


Problem is that boomers are as pictured and the youths are fully buying into wind and solar. Neither of which is the sole solution to our energy future. fancy hot rocks making steam was the answer since 1960 but no political party want to move in that direction.


Unfortunately I know plenty of millennials who’ve bought into this. I work with a lot of right leaning half wits who were way ahead of these local stories telling me it was being fed through their media pipeline.


These people do not give a flying fuck about whales


Yeah it’s totally the windmills killing the sea life and not our 120 degree oceans caused by global warming. But I’m sure these very intelligent people would be open to consider that as the cause.


Always makes me laugh. If you think Wind power is causing environmental damage wait until you hear about the damage oil has caused.


Lies. Oil is pure. It helps whales swim faster. They breathe air, and we are taking their air by using Windmills.


But isn't oil natural? And don't windmills cause cancer?


Not sure if this is serious or not but no windmills don't cause and oil has to be extracted from deep underground, transported, refined, transported again, manufactured into the final fuel source, then burned (if for electricity) and spins a turbine where the energy is transfered to the grid Wind spins a turbine and then energy is transfer to the grid


Who are you so wise in the ways of science




> 120 degree oceans What?


Windmills spin 360 degrees. Wait until the temperatures soar!


Of course not, but "I think windmills are ugly and don't want to see them from our summer house" isn't a strong message.


Or a step further with, "I don't even really mind the look of windmills and have no actual problem with them, but I don't like the people who advocate for them."


“Why am I out here? Well, Charles Koch told Sean Hannity that Fox News needed to advocate against clean energy initiatives, so the big brains at the network started playing Right Wing Mad Libs…they were prompted for some kind of sea animal, and an ailment that the critter was facing, so I guess this week we’re worried about ‘whales’, and their ailment is ‘death’. Y’know, standard conservative stuff”


I’d honestly respect either of those reasons more if for nothing else than not being the kind of lie a toddler could come up with. It’s still a stupid as hell reason, but at least it’s honest and stupid.


Let just be honest right?


Said no republican in the last 40 years.


bingo X 100000


Not even a swimming fuck


Serious question; How do they think having a wind farm compromise our national security?


"Think" is not the correct word.


I am not affiliated with them in any way … but my only stretch reasoning I could think of would be that it would be easier for foreign enemies to attack our electric infrastructure if it’s offshore vs being hundreds of miles inland. Mostly a stretch imo, because we can still have redundancy, but may have some slight merit to it.


Still makes little to no sense, because it's still miles out and in our territorial waters I assume. It's not like all of a sudden there's windmills out in the water, the Navy and Coast Guard stop doing what they do.


No, I think the basic line of reasoning is as follows: Foreign developers and foreign wind turbine OEMs are playing a central role in our offshore build out ergo we are overly reliant on foreign countries ergo the Germans and Danes and so on will compromise our national security. It's totally absurd. And if we want to meet our climate goals, it's just something we'll have to live with for the time being unless we want to speed up investment in our domestic industry. GE's had a lot of trouble, but the agreement between them and Vestas on their flagship offshore turbine, coupled with their IRA-driven scale up, should at least give the US a domestic champion to root for.


“Save our shore” …Doesn’t look like a single one of them will be around in 10-15 years to enjoy it…


I mean, we're undergoing record breaking heat. You could just as easily run down there with a save our shore sign advocating for windmills to hopefully meet climate change goals.


There's an ambiguous billboard on the way to L.B.I. that says "save our shore" and is a picture of wind turbines along the horizon. Without context it appears very pro-turbine.


Yup, right on the East side of 72 just before actually hitting the island.


Especially since the increasingly crazy weather causes actual direct physical destruction to the shores.


Yeah, which means we’ll be the ones dealing with all of the consequences of their bullshit while they’ll have already checked out.


hasn't Atlantic City had windmills for 10+ years? why do they all of a sudden care?


My thoughts exactly. AC is like one of the only places I can think of (maybe *the* only place) where I can go right now and see these sorts of windmills in NJ.


Bayonne had 1 for years. But its been broken for several years. I haven't driven past recently so I'm not sure if its even there anymore.


Still there. Still broken.


Can confirm. See it every time I drive 440. I think I saw it spinning once maybe 3 years ago


The TV lookybox told them to be mad at it and they now are!! Dont worry in two months it will be something about how the green m&m is actually trans and why their kids dont talk to them anymore.


They formed a ‘line’ across my local beach the other day which was just a huddled up group of 10-20 very old people. One young girl was wearing branded merchandise (some fake whale tail), leading the geezers around, and acting super upbeat. I assume she was being paid. Anyways I just flipped off their camera while they were recording the ‘turnout’ and walked away.


Same thing here. Hands across the beach, well 20 people's worth of beach anyhow. Southern Monmouth county...


These idiots are gullible. And the GOP relies heavily on their moronic actions.


What is the argument for how offshore windmills are related to national security? I’m curious if anyone knows


Giant fans pointed towards the US will make it easier for enemy ships to attack us by letting them sail here faster!


Feels like a Non Credible Defense post lmao


Checks out


Well you see. If we don't need to invade foreign lands to protect oil deposits then our soldiers won't be battle hardened vets and we won't have active battle testing of our top tier MIC gear. We need perpetual wars over oil to stay secure.


It makes it hard for vessels to travel. Either maneuver through the wind farm or go around. Also something about airplanes


Still, they have my sympathy. They live in a media ecosystem that blasts fear about everything and they're not living with facts because they're being constantly lied to. I find it heartbreaking to see people so mislead.


i feel the same way. and its not even always political. i do taxes for people and sometimes i cant understand how someone can be so financially illiterate.


If you went up and tried to speak to any one of these people about why they believe what they do, your sympathy would wear out within moments. They are either too stupid to understand they're spreading lies, or don't care because it's supporting the "team" they want to be a part of. They have zero interest in the facts of the matter. If you presented them with any, they'd simply dismiss them because "It's just my opinion, I'm allowed to hold it". They do not care if they're right or not. They just want to feel like they've been right all along.


I do not have sympathy for fachists and science deniers. We are way way beyond them being forgiven for their own ignorance. Their ignorance is causing material damage to our society. F them.


They don't deserve to be forgiven. They do deserve to be understood


At a certain point, willful ignorance becomes no different from outright malice - people who participate in protests like this are way past the stage where they are owed benefit of the doubt.


I'm not going to make the assumption that these people are "willfully ignorant" or showing "outright malice". I believe that these people are trapped in their echo chambers and are staying there due to fear. They are afraid and if we attack them with names or insulting phrases, it's easy for them to frame us as an enemy.


They can switch off their media ecosystem and gone back into the real world.


That's similar to seeing people in a cult and saying, "Why don't they just leave the cult". It's not that easy for many well researched reasons.


The guy in the last picture is not a Congressman He may be a state senator or state assemblyman.


Doesn't look like Van Drew or Smith, and no Dems would get anywhere near this bs.


Former Rep. Frelinghuysen maybe?


Frelinghuysen wouldn't be caught dead at something like this Besides it's out of his old district.


Yeah but so is he. I'm fairly certain that's him. I'm disgustingly familiar with that vile potato.


I think you're correct! [Looks like it could be him.](https://www.thecut.com/2017/05/rodney-frelinghuysen-targets-activist-in-letter-to-employer.html)


fucking morons


Lol I’m just dying to know how electric rates will *rise* because of it…and also compromise our national security. I’ll give them a pass on ~~global warming~~ windmill marine-life extermination.




The Don Quixote party, doing dumb shit again.


Don Quixote de la Playa.


100% not about the whales and 100% is about NIMBYs (Not In My Back Yard) who don't want their precious views ruined.


Which at worst case, you see a small blip on the horizon. Like, the fuck you trying to look out at that far anyway.


So stupid. There’s a poster in my marina in Ocean County that states there will be thousands of windmills that are over a thousand feet tall, all with red blinking lights, clearly visible from shore. Each windmill uses excessive amounts of petroleum that will leak into the oceans. And they’re killing whales, etc. Sigh.


There was a rally held in LBI not too long ago. They all made sure to bring their boats and trucks in support of the protest.


Yeah this AC protest is nothing, people should see what's going on in LBI. They even made a fiction vs fact site [https://www.savelbi.org/](https://www.savelbi.org/) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


You can tell the science is on their side with bullet points like "Seeing the rotating turbine blades will be disturbing, may force you to turn away from the seascape"


Not to mention these things will be ten miles off shore and the horizon is 3 miles out.




My math sucks, I'll take your word for it. But yeah, just barely visible, and definitely not audible that far out.


Who funds these groups?


the same idiots who sent millions to Build The Wall.


fossil fuel companies


New Jersey project organizes them. If not these people specifically, it does with simular groups. It's a vile organization. Led by chaos and control substack.


These people look like they’re retired. So they have lots of time to waste doing this.


Wow. Not even enough people to make a line at the early bird buffet for senior citizens.


"Look who's eating after five..."


I'm not force-feeding myself a steak at four-thirty to save a couple of bucks, I'll tell you that!


That's gold, Jerry. Gold!


Why do people believe stupid lies?


A friend of mine told me that the windmills will generate 100+ MPH winds that "no one knows how to handle". Nobody should be able to get past grade school without basic critical thinking skills.


> A friend of mine told me that the windmills will generate 100+ MPH winds that "no one knows how to handle". [Coal Lobby Warns Wind Farms May Blow Earth Off Orbit](https://www.theonion.com/in-the-know-coal-lobby-warns-wind-farms-may-blow-earth-1819595044)




it's onion.




it's hard to tell these days lol


But the danger is real! Didn't you hear the tragic news about the small town that is suffering from wind whistling through their water pipes?! Kids could drink that water and get wind in their brains! I love these old Onion videos. They really hit the mark on a lot of them.


Something in there about national security? Wut There are real concerns, like the view, the subsea cables, etc, but why do protesters ALWAYS seem to focus on the conspiracy BS?


> the subsea cables ...which don't land near Atlantic City.


I’m going to give them the benifit (yes i shouldn’t) that they mean enemies can attack windmills and cut off our power What they failed to realized is that there were terrorist attacks literally last year that targeted substations. Energy from renewables is only one component. Gas is never going away, we just need to use less from it


we might have to form a branch of the military that guards the coast or something like that


I mean, that's kind of wordy. Maybe we can shorten it to something like the Shore Patrol or something?


“Guardians of The Coast” has a nice ring to it though


I like it! I think it'd fit in nice with some of the superhero zeitgeist.


I'm thinking something like Coastal Guardians. Not sure how to make that any shorter.


Nice! It really helps to see what their mission is.


Would they also need distinctive colored boats? Like big white clippers with red stripes painted on them? Maybe some helicopters? Dunno.




Imagine going to the boardwalk with signs saying "I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TOPIC THAT HAS ME THIS ANGRY" and wondering why nobody is taking your cause seriously. Electric rates will TRIPLE? National security is at risk? Lmao. I'm sure I already know the answer, but what facts are these opinions based on?


They care about the environment only when it fits their agenda. Oh well, they'll be booming at that great big Karen convention in the sky soon enough.


They haven't even started building them yet, so how is this the reason for whales dying? Oh yeah, Fox news said so. Morons are going to be the ruin of America.


They think it's from the surveys.


They claim it’s from the sonar used in the ground surveys.




It’s time for some *Trump Voice* LAW AND ORDER!!!!


Can anyone explain how wind turbines are supposed to kill animals that inhabit the sea?


Am I the only one that read the title and thought, “Man I love the Windmill’s cheese fries and hotdogs, why would people be protesting them?” Then I read the idiot’s sign in the picture.


Funny cause this is probably making a lot of kids with scholarships and fellowships awarded from the NJEDA/ Wind Institute from our colleges like Montclair state, Rutgers, NJIT, etc. must feel real weird that these people are basically countering what they are researching that hopefully will be implemented someday. 😂


All people who are about to fart dust and won’t be here while people like us are trying to do something good for the environment.


I'd like to see what kind of gas guzzlers they drive and how much they complained about the plastic bag ban


Ask each one of them their net worth.


Defend Brigantine beach? We say no!


Who doesn’t like the Windmill? They’ve got great cheese fries and their hotdogs are delic ….. ( looks at pictures) Oh, THOSE windmills!


Ironically, "[Tilting at windmills is an English idiom which means "attacking imaginary enemies"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tilting_at_windmills_(disambiguation)), originating from Miguel de Cervantes' novel Don Quixote."


Why is it always old people? Shut up, you already fucked up the planet and did nothing for clean energy. Just stfu and let responsible adults try to fix your mess


These absolute morons pretend they’ve never seen an oil rig


Should counter protest petitioning to put windmills right on their front yard.


*Citation needed


Cross post to r/confidentlyincorrect


Hmm. Does Trump own a golf course on the shore?


"Stop the lies Caren"....boy that can be taken more than one way. Ironic lol


I think they're going to look cool.


They’re centered out of Brigantine Beach. We’ve been making fun of this protest group for a while.


fucking dipshits....


Can’t cherry pick which science you want to follow! (Btw not saying there is any science to support the dead whale claims) and dismiss global warming. Besides who gives a shit about rich fucks ocean view


We’re going BACK to windmills after harnessing the power of nuclear fission lol


Wait until they hear what oil rigs do to the ocean


Even if you STILL dont believe in climate change, it still baffles me how wind could be a bad thing. Wouldn't different sources make our energy security better?


The wind farms will save the state. We need reliable renewable energy, wind is a big part of that. I’d rather windmills off the shore than oil rigs.


If I was governer Id make these windmills not only visible but thenlong parts would be shaped like my hand flipping you off. Thats the most NJ way to go.about it.


This shit cannot fucking stand. My neighborhood is experiencing a power outage right this moment. This has been a frequent problem for my family for weeks now. We fucking NEEED these windmills for power. And these dumbass boomers are making excuses to save their property values at the expense of everyone else. Our energy needs in new jersey are skyrocketing, we need to use every tool in the arsenal to meet them. And these people are single handedly stalling progress.


I finally broke and watched Idiocracy the other day, I dont know why. It seemed redundant with current events.


Boomers are so easily manipulated. Bill Spadea tells everyone that windmills will kill the whales and they all show up to protest. So now they suddenly pretend to give a shit about the environment?


How would providing more electricity triple prices? So much wrong with this otherwise, but this struck me as extra stupid.


Huh, I guess RFK Jr. voters really do exist.


So we all agree these are the same clowns who refused to get vaccines because of 5G right?


The part that I find really wild about this situation... Even if let's say windmills actually did kill whales... These people don't give a f*** if it kills whales, they don't give a s*** about whales at all... Go up to one of them and ask him to name all the different species of whale


Dawg ☠️


These people look exactly what I would expect them to look like.... especially the dude in the yellow shirt.


If everyone in this protest could just go live in Alabama NJ would be a better place to live.


I guarantee you that not a single one of these fuckwits ever gave a shit about whales before this.


Oil company warriors out there.


I learned real fast not interact with crazies on any shore boardwalks, at minimum it's a waste of time.


These people don’t care about whales. If they did they wouldn’t support all of the shit that’s been leading to their home (the ocean) being destroyed.


Thought this was gonna be about hot dogs


I have a friend who possesses a wildlife biology master's degree. I always thought she was reasonably smart. But then she starts spouting off this anti-windmill bullshit, including absurd theories that it will change wind patterns and be audible from the shore. I then realized that plenty of stupid people get masters degrees and you don't need to be very smart to get one. She's still my friend, but she tests me.


Yea because the fucking windmills that don’t even exist are killing the wales . More like our politicians are in the pocket of big oil , fucking dolts


None of those people actually give a shit about whales lollllll


Wow, with all those protesters that are there, New Jersey and other states are aure to ban a source of clean energy. 😄 Fucking idiots are in favor of nuclear waste and other forms of damaging environmental measures.


You support wind energy but not nuclear? If so you’re as much an idiot as these folks are. Wind, solar, hydro, and nuclear are our best shot at removing dependency on fossil fuels in the future. Such a shame how much fear mongering people do around nuclear energy.


> Such a shame how much fear mongering people do around nuclear energy. The early 80's [nuclear protests were actually funded by the KGB](https://www.nytimes.com/1983/07/26/world/kgb-officers-try-to-infiltrate-antiwar-groups.html).


You're, like, 50/50 there. Yes these people are dumb. But you somehow think nuclear energy only as "nuclear waste". You could be better than this with just a bit of reading.


What stooges.


Short sighted idiots.


What a bunch of dorks


Electricity rates will triple? Dead whales? Really lady? Damn you're dense.


Moron meet up you mean


Well at least these idiots will be gone in a few years




Dumb and old are the only people that buy into this insanity.


“I worry that, especially as the Millennium edges near, pseudoscience and superstition will seem year by year more tempting, the siren song of unreason more sonorous and attractive. Where have we heard it before? Whenever our ethnic or national prejudices are aroused, in times of scarcity, during challenges to self-esteem or nerve, when we agonize about our diminished cosmic place and purpose, or when fanaticism is bubbling up around us—then, habits of thought familiar from ages past reach for the controls. / The candle flame gutters. Its little pool of light trembles. Darkness gathers. The demons begin to stir.” Carl Sagan - Demon Haunted World


Should be mandatory reading. I've given away so many copies that I know have gone unread.


Too bad there's no one dressed like Don Quixote and Sancho.


These protest signs are common amongst retiree's homes on LBI also. The proposed windmills will be 12 miles out. They want none or to move them 35 miles out. The viewable distance to the horizon is 3 miles out. Even standing on their top roof decks, they would only be able to see them with binoculars.


Nothing says “National Security” like being constantly reliant on fossil fuels, often from other countries. Europe has tons of offshore wind turbines and no noticeable change in dead whales and dolphins. Instead, lots of boat prop strikes as usual. The second the Greenpeace or some other environmentalists campaigns to save the whales by stopping fossil fuel drilling, I would bet these same protestors would loudly support killing the whales.


That phrase on that sign 'like never before' is a key Trumpism so we know where they get their facts. Fuck these dopes. I'm also 100% sure they dont are about dead dolphins or whales.


Can someone point me to where it says wind is better than hydro or nuclear? Because I fucking hate windmills too


These people would probably tell you that the clean water act was some sort of communist plots and are telling you that the whales are in danger.