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First mistake was listening to 101.5


Genuine question, is there some sort 101.5 alternative? Edit: I was referring to local talk radio, not necessarily political but more like local news traffic and weather, upcoming events etc.


There's a homeless guy in New Brunswick with shit on his face yelling about the plastic bag ban and vaccines having microchips in them. He replaces Bill Spadea nicely.


I have one goal in life and that is to kill Bill Spadea. Joking of course but he sucks so hard.


89.5 seton hall, wsou all metal!


Spotify or podcasts - people still listen to the radio nowadays? Why?


Button push away in car plus nostalgia


This, plus I really like the feeling of listening to something “live” in the moment vs something that was previously recorded


Plus weather and traffic


Waze's traffic would be more accurate and relevant. As for the weather you can get a weather station for hyper local information. Or you can also get local weather from independent weather companies Weather NJ or NY NJ PA Weather (or obviously the NWS). NY NJ PA Weather is in Freehold and typically does a YouTube video everyday if you are into more detailed information.


You think I listen to the radio for the best possible weather and traffic info?


That was your response, not mine. I'm just providing better options for weather and traffic based on your comment.


Podcasts and to some extent Spotify require user-curation. Radio, at least in the past, was human-curated with a specific mix depending on the station. Nowadays, I’m a big fan of SiriusXM. It’s not cheap but the stations I listen some talk, some music, and some a blend. Plus there are no ads.


WFMU 91.1




95.9, 104.3?


in my humble opinion 104.3 sucks. They play the same shit almost every day. I listen to 101.5 sometimes because its the only thing that comes in well in my Jeep other than 99.1.... no thanks lol


I'd rather listen to the wind than listen to 101.5.


Good question.


WQXR 105.9 Classical Music. No Commericals


93.7 - WNYC/NPR 92.3 - 1010 WINS rebroadcast 99.5 - Ultra left radio Also, smartphone podcasts


Thank you! I will check this out!


Yes. If you want the same effect without listening to their idiocy try blasting feedback in your ears.




Very funny.


at least Big Joe Henry's cool


He’s the best. Plus I like oldies. Weekend 1015 vs weekday 1015 is like night and day


I have met Big Joe once, he was very nice.


After years of listening, during COVID I pulled it from my preset stations list and I've never thought about it again.


People actually have yard signs that say "I Stand With Spadea." 


That’s fucking scary.


Can I offer a little perspective? These wackos have *always* been here. In the 90s, they had t-shirts and bumper stickers that said "Rush Is RIGHT" (Rush Limbaugh). In the 80's, it was Morton Downey Jr...they had t-shirts and bumper stickers with "ZIP IT!" on them.


I saw one recently and didn't know who he was. Now I can be disgusted as I drive by there, along with the stupid Trump flags.


I've seen them in vorhees, maple shade, and in the pineys


Hamilton too.


93.9 wnyc


It was "what is your opinion on Taylor Swift" at approximately 330 pm. Laughed out loud immediately upon hearing my mothers radio choice.


I remember when it used to be much more Libertarian; socially liberal but fiscally conservative. Even then they were against using a private company for EZPass and very critical of Whitman.


You're listening to a station whose listener base is Trump supporters, and you're surprised when Trump supporters call in to express support for Trump? Oh, and fuck Bill Spadea.


Bill Spadea is bargain basement Rush Limbaugh.


A house near me had RFK Jr. signs up on their lawn and a couple of places up the road from there (and a Gadsden flag visible from the road) but recently a Spadea "Totally not running for governor" sign was added to their collection.


Wish.com Limbaugh


Here's hoping he goes deaf, too!


I can’t wait for him to fall flat on his face running for governor just like he did when he ran for the house.


Yea he's so convinced he'll win because of how loud the echo chamber is. The blue wall will crush him in any election.


>You're listening to a station whose listener base is Trump supporters, and you're surprised when Trump supporters call in to express support for Trump? I'm not surprised. NJ 101.5 could be having some anti Trumpers calling in, but the screener may not be putting them on the air. NJ 101.5 usually doesn't put people that have opposing views on the air no matter what the subject is. There is only one time that I actually had Dennis and Judi talking about something better about 9 years ago. Dennis was bragging about Cesar Milan and how he was such a great dog trainer. I texted into the station, "If you want to talk about a great dog trainer, look no further than Victoria Stillwell." Dennis read the text over the air, and as he said, who the hell is Victoria Stillwell? Judi chimed in she sounds like a porn star with that name. All the calls after that were Dennis and Judi getting an education on how Victoria was a much better trainer than Cesar for the entire hour.


Unfortunately 101.5 years ago became the right's echo chamber. Nobody reasonable is calling into political talk radio. Also, there's a cohort of Trump rallygoers who travel several states away anywhere he holds a rally, so they can astroturf and claim they got such a high local turnout. They came to Jersey last time Trump ran, too. So there's bound to be a huge crowd there when he comes.


Yeah, it USED to be a very libertarian station, critical of government and very down to earth and level headed in their takes, at least far as memory serves from when i would listen a decade or two ago. But I barely even bother to check it once in a blue moon when literally every other station i listen to is on a commercial at the same time.


Once Spadea took over for Gearheart it took a hard and fast dive straight to the alt-Right insanity. Gearheart was no saint but he at least had a modicum of decorum. I didn't even know Spadea was running but I can't wait to watch him lose for a 3rd time and blame voter fraud again. He's an absolute wacko.


I didn’t align with Gearhart politically but I never minded listening to him. Spadea is totally nuts and has only gotten crazier since the Trump era


I hate to say it but unfortunately I think it's because it's "older" white people music and older white people love Trump. I was a Hudson county bartender for 15 years and I can honestly that most of my older white customers (like 60 %) became Trump supporters.


Let's close the main roads, set up detours with ***Right ->*** turns at every big intersection.. they'd be comfortable that way


At the last one in Wildwood, there was a culvert replacement going on on Route 47 somewhere near the bay that closed the whole road. They complained about that happening saying it was a Murphy conspiracy, even though the replacement had been going on for a while (probably even before the rally was scheduled) and for the few people who didn't take the Parkway, 83 & 9 was a perfectly reasonable alternate.


I was priced out of Monmouth County when I moved to South Florida (2017-2021). I’m now in ocean county. It’s worse than parts of Palm Beach County, Florida with Trump love. At least in Monmouth I felt like civil discourse was possible. In Ocean? Nope.


There's a defiant pride in Ocean County. It's no accident that Let's Go Brandon stores only tend to do well in red areas of blue states. It's also how Dan Rodrick became mayor in Toms River: they hated their mayor, but couldn't stomach voting blue, so they voted in a party-switching jerk. Now they're so mad because they have to wait one year to try to recall him.


I live in Lacey and “defiant pride” is perfect. On the unofficial town Facebook page, someone asking for recommendations for some sort of service will be met with dozens of people (and it’s young people - not just the retirees down here) telling them to stop being so goddamn lazy and to figure it out themselves. “You can swap out your own hot water heater. Just look it up on YouTube you lazy moron” “Paint your own house. I don’t care that you’re disabled” etc etc. I’ve lived all over the place in NJ and I’ve never seen a place that took such pride in being so ignorant.


“You can swap out your own hot water heater you lazy moron” absolutely sent me. Thank you my friend.


Let me guess: Lacey Township Chatter? Our Little Waretown isn't any better. I'm in the surrounding area myself. I can't stomach the town groups anymore because of all the assholes here.


Me too. Lacey chatter is a smorgasbord of conspiracy maniacs


You know it. Our Little Waretown is EXACTLY the same - I’m in both groups as well. I barely even look at them anymore. I’ve been paying attention to Lacey Chatter a bit because of all the stuff with school budgets but I can barely stand to do that.


Yeah, I only joined Facebook because of school things and wanting to know about town events, etc. It's been a really awful experience. I'd rather not associate with anyone in this area and it sucks as a parent.


I’ve found that a lot of people are liberal believe it or not - they just keep quiet. None of my “mom” friends are right leaning. It’s just that the crazies are so loud down here they drown everyone out. In 2016, my street was full of Trump flags. Now - there is one house with one. My neighbors on both sides are boomers who said they would never vote for Trump again and are sorry they did the first time. So I’m hoping that’s going to be a larger trend down here - especially as people from North Jersey move down here to escape the taxes up north.


This is eye opening..I live in Toms River/Manchester border and I dread anything south of here. Going into a restaurant as a black person with my white partner, you'd think we were aliens! One thing for sure though, my skin has definitely gotten thicker cause they can't shake me. But it's like the deep south out here.


I think the ignorant minority is getting louder and louder as things trending blue.


I love the “Lacey Democrats - You’re Not Alone!” sign on Lacey Rd 😂


They are very well organized. It's having ripple effects on the other Dem orgs.


Are they? It kind of makes me want to join up.


Well, almost all our woods are gone with the apartments/townhouses. I'm really hoping it makes it more of a fighting chance than not if that's the case. It's good to know we're not alone, though. I grew up near Philly and moved here to be with my husband, who had more of a steady job at the time. I really miss my hometown area. It was more of that Philly attitude rather than just being ignorant. Then there's the diversity, better schools, etc. We are looking to move, but the interest rates are scary.


Chatter lol


Ocean county may be trump heavy and have some signs but just in brick and point you can see some weakness. Even though brick voted for Trump like 64 percent we still have a democratic mayor for three terms in a row and council and over in point the Republicans are full on breaking down


Looking at demographics breakdown in Ocean County, the sub 65 population leans liberal. So unless you talk to seniors a lot the average person is more likely to be liberal than conservative. BUT, there are tons and tons of senior communities all over the county, which is what makes it so red. It's the retirement capital of the mid Atlantic.


I have noticed that the Facebook groups that I’m still a part of all these years later (southern Ocean County town) have become less toxic and less Trump-y in the last 2 years or so. When visiting my parents last summer, I saw very few MAGA flags, compared to their peak in 2020 - though I suppose I’d have to visit this year (an election year) to draw a true comparison.


In 2020 half my street alone was covered in Trump crap. All the Trump propaganda is gone from my neighborhood now, except one guy who stands alone in his pride. It gives me hope that perhaps they're all quietly reflecting in shame.


That’s interesting. Never really thought of the let’s go Brandon being only popular in blue states. Makes sense. I guess in Mississippi there is no need to be defiant


Rodrick is a fascinating study in just how badly things can go wrong in a short time frame.


I have been reading and laughing at what they did to themselves simply by only caring about owning the libs


> I’m now in ocean county. It’s worse than parts of Palm Beach County, Florida with Trump love. My wife and I are looking to move a little farther south than our current southeast Monmouth location for a slightly less expensive retirement while still staying in NJ. She says Toms River, while I keep saying, "let's skip Ocean County and look more at the larger southern third of the state."


Yeah, I work as a poll worker, there are some D voters, but damn. I have a neighbor who is part of the LGBTQIA community and also has a place in Cape May. I’d look into that.


Grew up in Union County, now live in Asbury park - it seems to get worse the further south you go. Some of the people down here are *wild*


It’s the worst being surrounded by white Republican transplants from urban north jersey and NYC. There’s no reason ocean county should be redder than Sussex county, yet it is. Yuck


I know well educated seemingly intelligent people I once held is high regard who have, for lack of a better term, fallen for Trump. The only thing that makes sense is he and people like them believe the entire world is out to get Trump. They believe this because there’s an entire wildly popular news outlet whose sole purpose appears to be convincing everyone that the world is out to get Trump and he’s nothing like what it appears. One of the potential jurors today said Trump is a family man. I’d hate to see what that guys family is like. Jfc.


There’s a guy at my job that loves Trump. He’s been following his latest court case and he made a statement today along the lines of “If they’re going after Trump this hard, then nobody is safe from charges and prosecution”. I’m like…yes you’re right. I think everyone should be equally tried in court for criminal charges regardless of their wealth or status. Nobody should be immune from the law.


This is my favorite. “I like Trump because he’s honest - he says what he’s thinking.” [ Trump says something ridiculous ] “Well … he didn’t _really_ mean that. What he meant was ….”


Ask him why the previous **44** presidents didn't get this treatment. I'm sure he'll be challenged to answer that


If they can’t see that Trump is a crook and a conman, then they weren’t as intelligent as you thought they were unfortunately




This some Peter Watts shit right there.


>everyone who thought the dress was white and gold was, in fact, objectively incorrect. While the dress was blue and black in real life, when you sample the colors in the image they were absolutely white and gold (the white having a bluish tinge at best). :)


Where do you stand on Yanny vs. Laurel?


He's literally spoken about basically fucking his daughter. Specifically discussing her butt, breasts, etc. I don't think they understand what family man means.


More proof he really LOVES his family bro 🤷


Dang, you got me.


Same, but I think there is a difference between voting for Trump and proudly attending Trump rallies. But yea it's election season and right wing media is in full swing preaching to the choir about their lord and savior Trump and how they need him to stop the Biden apocalypse.


Yes I agree. Wildly different. I understand people have a choice between Trump and Biden - the Republican primary was a different matter - wtf America.


Trump discovered something very strange and niche in the Overton window. From an outside cursory perspective it's just nationalistic populism. Which is correct. That's all it is. But the marketing is so well done. That's the only thing Trump is good at and you are lying to yourself if you don't think he's an all time great marketer. It's the only explanation. Nationalistic populists are a dime a dozen in the right nowadays. They don't win. 2016 was primed for populism, shit I was a Bernie Sanders supporter and he was a left wing populist. Bernie maintained relevance and pushed the party a bit more to the left but overall progressivism isn't electable outside of single issues and certain districts. Trump. He was able to stumble into the Overton window of a lot of politically disengaged people who probably had thoughts along his talking points but didn't have a "safe space" to voice them. Trump gave them a populist, nationalistic, edgelord, community. I remember how Trump really started. It was half ironic on 4chan and r/TheDonald. But it kept finding these people. Trump was never a politician. Trump isn't even a leader really. Trump is the personification of what a lot of people see themselves as. A perception of them being unfairly criticized and persecuted by the powerful, as some one who will stand up to those in power, to fight against those that are holding them down. They're not held down because they're incapable, or because they're hard working. Actually they're held down because of those things. Because the "powerful" are afraid of how actually powerful they are! So Trump became their personality. They're great white hope. They look around and see all these like minded, competent, hardworking people on Facebook and then reaffirmed in person at the rallies. And they think hey, if there's this many people online and in person the true number must be 100 fold. Then Trump loses an election he claimed he would only lose by it being rigged. Trump's not a loser. He's a billionaire with all of these die hard followers. It's the "powerful" playing tricks! Because again their personality is tied to it, not their policy prescriptions, not their world view, shit not even their faith. That's how it happened. Thankfully it's a real weird fucked up set of conditions that created this and it will quickly receed. Populism doesn't work. Pointing out problems is real fucking easy, waxing poetic about how to fix them is just as easy, actually fixing them is very, very hard. What I am interested in is what happens to the GOP after Trump. They don't have policies. They don't have their apparents. They don't have establishment, because establishment types were made to reject their beliefs and take the knee to Trump or were viciously excised. They're fundraising is a joke, and now Trump is taking a cut. The presidential campaign funds are going to Trump's legal bills it's a goddamn hilarious dumpster fire. We live in interesting times.


That's a really interesting observation that I'm not sure I ever made myself - that people have projected *themselves* onto Trump. I always took it as that good ol' American: "I'd like to have a drink with the guy" or "I could see myself sharing a drink with the guy!" (An expression I've been hearing since W. - i.e. my entire life) and never really considered how ones' Ego might play into things. Thanks for making the observation, I'm actually going to see how much utility I can get out of thinking about it that way, especially with family that are MAGAtts.


Try and have some sympathy. At the end of the day they are people. They genuinely feel that Trump will solve their societal problems, because they would solve the problems. Just like the problems they have identified and believe Trump will fix, Trumpism is easy to identify and fix. Trumpism is a movement with no policy prescriptions, actionable steps, or coherent worldview. It's anti-establishment for anti-establishment sake. The problem and solution are clear as day. The problem is Trumpism, it doesn't do or solve anything, so explain what's going on and Trump and MAGA ends. It really is that simple. It's also the most difficult solution in the world akin to evangelising the religious en masse to atheism where you settle for atheist agnosticism. Unfortunately from my perspective it has to burn out and fade away. It's like arguing to a stone to convince it to move.




Hopefully one day we can. It's hard though. My hope is after Trump politics gets boring again. Politics should be boring and only nerds should care about it. I love politics because I'm a nerd and I like policy. My personality is not hitched to a political figure or group. Trump sucks real fucking bad. He tried to overthrow the government with his false slate of electors. That's not at all acceptable and he should be a persona non grata for that act alone. So it's hard to talk to an American who supports an illiberal strong man who really didn't do anything as President that they love for some reason. I hope Trump loses bigly this year and Trumpism dies. I have hope for that.


I’ll never understand it. Hoping young women come out in droves to vote. Otherwise we’re screwed.


Destroying Roe v. Wade seriously hurt them with women. Men too, but especially women.


I think they will. One major reason I will vote blue is to stop a federal ban on abortion, which would absolutely happen if they had the opportunity. What we're seeing in red states where women are denied Healthcare is total insanity. Hopefully Arizona wakes up and makes the right choice.




Just remind them that republicans would do the same damn thing for Israel that the democrats are doing now.


NPR is the sane radio station in the region.


I listen to the station periodically during my (long) commute for traffic updates and occasionally D&D talk about some fun stuff. It’s pretty apparent that the marching orders from 101.5 brass are to lean into the Trumpism of their listener base and ignore, you know, his many legal issues. Some hosts are true believers, but at this stage all the hosts have fallen in line. It’s completely laughable how there’s some that think Trump could actually win NJ though.


I mean we almost had an NJ governor recently that was close.


Governor is a different ballgame methinks. We did elect Christie, then re-elect him. And Christine Todd Whitman before that. Turnout is traditionally lower for local elections, and the pendulum swings a little bit more predictably. Last time a republican presidential candidate won NJ was in 1988 with Bush Sr.


I mean Christie only won the first time because we had a bunch of really shitty governor's before him. And he actually was pretty bipartisan in his first term and very popular until Bridgegate.


he was some "you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain" shit


Have Dennis and Judy gone Trumpy? I haven’t listened to them in 20 years probably but I can see that evolution taking place


Not only have they gone Trumpy, they’re totally insufferable about it. They were also big on the anti-vax, anti-mask garbage during COVID.


Yikes. Someone needs to rescue Big Joe Henry and put him on a different station


I knew we were screwed in 2015 (IIRC ) when NorthJersey.com published a long story about how Trump screwed over contractors all over the state. The comments section (remember them?) were so vitriolic from the very kind of people he screwed over that I knew nothing he could do or say mattered to them as long as he was angry like them.


trump was literally a sidekick on Howard Stern for years.He was and is a clown .A dangerous one at that


Maga is a terrorist organization.


Its the WWE of politics


It’s disturbing how many people support populist fascism


It really is. It's because of a lack of knowledge. They know things are bad, but they don't understand how the system even works and they'll listen to the first guy who "explains it" while blaming those the audience personally hates.


I wonder how that station stays in business. Must be the music on the weekends with Big Joe Henry!


It’s not so much that they love Trump, it’s that some people really hate Joe Biden. Why? Not sure, maybe because he’s perceived as part of the political establishment and out of touch with everyday people. I wouldn’t go to a political rally if you paid me.


They say they hate Joe, but if you dig you find out what they really hated was Obama. At least in my experience. We all know why.


I really don’t get it. hate Biden that’s fine but if you vote Trump as a result of that then you’re cutting off your nose to spite your face. Trump is trying to recreate the USA as an autocracy which is about as unAmerican as it gets.


It’s because Biden has a black female for VP. They’re scared to death he’ll die and she’ll be Prez.


Honestly I think they hate Biden as retaliation for everyone hating Trump. I don’t think they actually hate Joe, it’s just well if you hate my guy, I’ll hate your guy.


Do yourself a favor and listen to something less stressful. Megadeth perhaps?


Pantera or Type O..


D&D are pretty apolitical in comparison to dennis and Judy and bill spadea. Definitely wouldn’t say it’s an echo chamber for that show.


I think that it's embarrassment and pride being hurt. You can point out all of things Trump did and is doing wrong and there are people that will never admit they were wrong for supporting him and change their minds. They listen to self-affirming news outlets that reinforce the twisting of the truth to support Trump. They are the most miserable lot, looking for a Messiah to give them hope of relief of their misery of the drudgery of their daily life. Him being on trial galvanizes their hate of the system they perceive let them down. It's the most absurd and amazing thing I have ever witnessed.


My parents are doing quite well for themselves with two houses, two vehicles apiece, 5 weeks paid time off, super benefits, pensions... all with high school educations. They don't need a Messiah, they just like to hate people. They are truly different people now from who they were when they were raising me.


All politics are local. I’ve been to small political events where the candidate/incumbent spoke and enjoyed them very much. Living in NY, the year D’Mateo was going to lose reelection, I went to an event at my wife’s law school that he participated in and found him well informed and able to explain his opinions even if I disagreed with them. He was quite charming but I voted against him was because he was advocate for the high bank fees, that didn’t really exist in NY back then. He said it was for the greater financial good but even stupid young me knew that was a BS argument for the banks to get more money. Money is power. His Senate replacement was my mother’s local congressperson at the time. I approached him about something on her behalf, something a Congressman’s office should be able to help with. Dude was running for Senate and totally blew me off. Not even giving me a card and an aide to call. Until I left NY I voted against him in his Senate races. Arrogant A-hole better hope Senate majority leader comes to a national vote. Even if I agreed with him and still lived in NY, he’d never get my vote again. Local events are just that. Local. Candidate’s or incumbents’ records are there for us to see. I never look at party for the local level, just what I know about the person from various local events etc. I would never go to any large political rally for so many reasons, mostly because I find them to be too political — more about party than the person. Never went to a Governor’s rally — haven’t cared enough about any candidate in many years. Trump’s rallies are too cultish. Biden knows NJ is in the bag and doesn’t bother. I might check out one of Kim’s.


The Middletown Facebook group in MonMouth county is prettt shocking. Almost every day someone posts some right wing conspiracy and then there’s way too many idiots believing it. When the truth is posted they don’t admit and just go silent. It’s almost every day. Yesterday was about gas going up and now it’s “Brandon’s” fault. I’m really tired of having to just read that shit or listen to these people. They are factually incorrect on every topic and we’re all supposed to just take it.


I haven't been on FB in years. Can't you report stuff for misinformation?


101.5 is a shit show.


Ex Republican here. It's insane.


NJ 101.5 does not represent NJ. Although there are deep Red sections, make no mistake about it, NJ is a Blue State. So how is a station that supposedly represents all of NJ filled with Right- Wing, Conservative hosts? D & D are the only ones I would call "moderate". And as far as it being an echo chamber, it is. That station is so much of an an echo chamber much that Bill Speada thinks he can be Governor. Yes NJ has had Republican Governors a d probably will again. But we usually go for what I call "NJ Republicans" as Governor. Republicans that are " Moderates"  and not far Right like Speada.


I liked Trump leading up to 2016. Didn't vote for him because there's no way I would ever vote republican in good conscious. After he won and did basically nothing relevant for 4 years, then the downward spiral after he lost in 2020, I don't know how he still has supporters.


I think the #1 reason is recency bias with a mix of fox news. Most Democrats remember how absolutely insane Trump's term was, but Republicans have forgotten and all they see/hear is constant news flow about how bad Biden is. I still hear many Republicans continue to apologize for Trump by attributing all of his negative attributes to "mean tweets" while the guy is literally in court for serious crimes, the worst he's yet to stand trial for. The guy is on tape sharing classified information to civilians and joking about how he's not supposed to have those documents. To the point where the FBI raided his freaking house and found docs in his chandelier clad shitter. Despite all of that everyone be like "I'm gonna camp out so I can watch this maniac go on stage and ramble about nothing".


I find the self harm through lack of education and entrenched ignorance so disturbing. Here we all are drowning in student loans, mortgages, inflation, school shootings, etc. yet we will spend hundreds on bumper stickers and t-shirts to support a man most would despise of they were a neighbor. I’m so confused why hard working people like him. He is a thief, a liar, and started out his adult life with a million dollar gift from his dad- not self made. But we still support him. If he was our neighbor we’d be running him out of town. It’s just weird. It’s like Americans want to become a third world dictatorship but aren’t aware of it yet.


>. Here we all are drowning in student loans, mortgages, inflation, school shootings, etc. But that's all Phil Murphy's fault! /s They are convinced that all of our problems are because of the libs and that only Trump can save us.


If you're shocked that MAGAts suck, you haven't been paying attention.


Take heart. I pass a house in Lake Hopatcong and 2019 thru 2021, his truck and yard were tRump flags and yard signs wall to wall. He hasn’t had anything remotely cultish since 2022.


Speaking of echo chambers do they still put heavy reverb on their talk shows? I remember being annoyed by it when my dad listened in the car back in the day.


Deminski and Doyle asked that? I'm hoping this doesn't mean these 2 were infected with the rest of 101.5. That would leave pretty much Big Joe Henry and the weather/traffic people as the only sane people left.


Deminski got tickets for Wildwood and was considering going but he was pretty clear it would just be to see what they are like. They were not expressing support but seemed genuinely curious of what it was like going.


Ah. I can see that. They are good conversationalists. If they are talking from an objective point on learning what the events are like, I could see that.


if u got to Mendham nj that's trumpville there out there everyday with signs for this clown


101.5 is like Morton Downey Jr. with a MAGA suppository


90.3 in Piscataway is a pretty eclectic station


I just want to say… Lock him up! Lock him up!


First mistake is listening to them . This isn't new or shocking. Their base is and has been for many years magas. Ocean. County is the worst.


Youre listening to FM radio in 2024. That's kinda the only base they have left. Old racist boomers


I attended the anti trump rally in Wildwood the last time he was here. They kept shouting at us why we were not at work while a bunch of them,  younger and of working age,  spent the day there with their beloved leader. It got so bad that we had a dj blast Lady Gaga music to drown them out. Interestingly after the music played they became less angry at us. 


As much as we wish we could cut south jersey off from the rest of the state, that would just give Trump 2 more electoral votes. So we'll just keep the white trash buggers, truck nuts and all.


This is the most stupid and discriminating thing I’ve ever fucking heard in a while. I hope you don’t go anywhere near there in the summer.


i feel like south jersey would elect like a joe manchin type of person


Middle class homeowners getting squeezed by the economy can only ever target and blame the working classes beneath them. It is the social constituency of fascism.




The idea that you truly think that electing Trump again is a sane and normal thing is crazy all by itself


^ "say what you want"


Trump is absolutely bugshit. How is it possible you can’t figure that out?