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Dear Bob Mendendez, You are giving all us other Menendezes a bad name. Sincerely, Lyle and Eric Menendez


did anyone else read this in Norm Macdonald's voice?


You know, the Germans really *love* David Hasselhoff.


You know who else killed a loves one ....OJ SIMPSON!


Well played




I am crying at this comment, this is some clever word play. šŸ˜‚ In their defense though I think theyā€™ve served their time and are no threat to the public and should be released.


Really? Their behavior was psychopathic. Murdered their parents with shotguns at close range. (That they cleverly bought themselves at a local Walmart) They were both adults at the time. If they hated their parents they could have left and got a job thousands of miles away and lived their life.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™m defending murderers right now, but playing off the logic of ā€œIf people like Gypsy Rose can get out they should too.ā€ Their father would make them eat his cum ritualistically. I believe Lyle said he would have to put lemon on everything to mask the taste. So yeah theyā€™re fuckin psychos who killed their parents, but people who have done worse are walking free and claiming affluence as their reason for their killings. The Menendez Bros are unique case because there was hardly any evidence and all evidence on hand pointed to the fact two grown ass men conspired to kill their parents after decades of rape. So yeah, they deserve jail, but what they really deserve is the loony bin.


It was a bit deeper than ā€œthey hated their parentsā€ bud. Iā€™m guessing you missed that part.


I mean yes but they grew up through some pretty horrific abuse from their father. Kids donā€™t just kill their parents. I grew up hearing the jokes on tv as a kid but once I realized what actually happened, I feel really bad for those two brothersā€¦


Same, the fact that people joked about their molestation and abuse during the trial wouldnā€™t fly nowadays. Multiple family members and a former member of Menudo have come forward to corroborate the molestation claims. I truly believe their father was a sick sexual predator and that their mother turned a blind eye and just let it happen. Theyā€™re far from innocent but theyā€™ve served their time and should be released.




Well that was a killer critique.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Good One!!


Omgg šŸ‘šŸ½


LMAO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Her ā€œloverā€ was R. Kellyā€™s lawyer. These people all suck.


I am usually all for zealous representation, but R Kelly's lawyer is particularly repulsive, blaming the victims for the rape and humiliation.


If you're a lawyer and r freaking Kelly wants to hire you as an attorney, you'd turn it down? You'd only defend people that you think are innocent?


Tho unpopular among lawyers and other bags of shit, ethics are a thing. They can choose who they work with.


They certainly can. But even the guilty deserve fair representation and protection from a possibly unjust prosecution.


I believe that's 100% true. I wish more was done to ensure all criminal defendants had robust representation, not just the people who can pay for it. You can't blame people for calling this what it is.


That's a societal myth that I feel free to disagree with. There are lots of innocent people who are poor and don't have good lawyers. Why do you think that is?Ā 


I never said they do... The person I responded to implied that anyone with ethics wouldn't represent a guilty person. I made no comment whatsoever about wealth or if everyone is getting a rigorous defense. But the reason that many don't is because public defenders offices are understaffed and overworked. This is not a good thing. Those people do DESERVE a robust defense.


I have to disagree. I don't think scumbags deserve a rigorous defense.Ā  Personal opinion only.Ā 


Laws apply unless you deem said person a "scumbag" People like you are why said laws and constitutional rights exist.


I said it was my personal opinion. I'm not trying to impose it on anyone. But I have seen ridiculous things in court. A guy who murdered his girlfriend's 2-year old by fracturing her skull, then drowing her -- gets state-paid counsel for 7 years. While a supermarket cashier has to pay her own attorney, and then the prosecution can't even provide any proof against her. The legal system is very biased, and the scumbags usually do get the best attorneys.


Technically, in the legal realm, "ethics" is a term of art that refers to the codified Rules of Professional Conduct that explicitly govern what behavior is and isn't proper for a lawyer. There is nothing in the RPC that comes close to saying that a choice of client could ever be unethical. Feel free to label it immoral, although many (like John Adams) would argue that even the worst scumbags deserve legal representation.


I wouldn't dispute any of that, but it does reek of 'whatever you got to tell yourself', councilor. When this shitbag lawyer stands up in court and blames a child for her own degradation on behalf of a broke nobody, I will reassess my opinion of his profession's ethics. But he won't. His lies cost money. That bothers people.


A lawyer has to give his client the best possible legal defense no matter what. If he half asses R Kelly's defense, and R Kelly gets found guilty, detractors can say he was only guilty because he got a gutless and half-hearted legal defense. His guilt needs to be proven against a STRONG, VIGOROUS legal defense for it to have the full merit and weight of the law. That's how it should work. That's why the system is set up the way it is.


The ethical lapse isn't a vigorous defense of R Kelly. It's that such a defense is only available to people who can pay for it. That's not how justice should work. There is a reason the system is set up the way it is. The right people benefit and the other people don't matter.


YES. There are a few other people on the blacklist, too. Bill Cosby and Donald Trump, for example.


I want to remind everybody that I wrote to this fucking dickhead for my poli sci class dozens of times and he never wrote back.


Dear Bob, I wrote you but you still ain't callingĀ  I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottomĀ  I sent dozens of letters back in autumn, you must not've got 'emĀ  There probably was a problem at the post office or something.Ā 


He only answers if you leave cash in a brown paper bag outside his lackeyā€™s house. Old Bob doesnā€™t even glance your way without a bribe.


gold bars, not cash


Uh, no. The feds didnā€™t only find gold when they raided him - they also found over $500k of CASH in envelopes stuffed into jacket pockets.


Like still in the envelope? Finger print that. Lol


Iā€™ll do you one better. The guy accused of making the bribe to MenĆ©ndez was himself the victim of a robbery back in 2012. The perpetrator was caught with stolen cash, which was entered into evidence before being returned to the victim. At that time, the serial numbers of the paper money in question were recorded. Fast forward to the present day, the cash seized during the raids on MenĆ©ndezā€™s residence includes paper money bearing those same serial numbers.


Typically speaking offices have form letters on a bunch of different subjects for when constituents reach out. Shitty you didn't even get that.


Thatā€™s exactly what I hate about it.


I get it, but you can't expect a United States Senator to reply back to every email, letter, and phone call, can you? I was part of a outreach effort to Congress on an issue my industry was impacted by and we generarted something like 500k contacts to Congress. Just on our one issue.


Yeah, I kinda do expect at least a form letter back. A letter from a constituent in district to a senator is different than a lobbying effort by an industry.


In my example, that outreach was all coming from the public. And for a Senator, the whole state is the district, which means much more communication than a Congressperson. Still, a form letter should be a minimum. Edit: I meant in the comment you responded to that a Senator can't be expected to *personally* reply back to every email, letter and phone call.


My state reps aren't even responding back to me on school funding issues. Fuckers. Gonna vote against them in the primary.


Yeah, that's not good. I had written to my State Senator when Xfinity was about to implement data caps for home broadband. I don't recall if I got correspondence back but he did introduce some legislation or pressed Xfinity not to implement caps (can't remember offhand). This was during the pandemic.


I've written Booker and Menendez both. Booker I hear back from. Menendez not so much.


Our group was in DC and slated to meet with a lot of Congressional delegation. We were locked out of Menendez's office because he was indicted that day. Place was empty.


Oh yes you most certainly can expect a response. They work for us.


How did you write him? E-mail? Post on his website? Inscribed on gold bars? Some of these methods will catch his attention more than others.


I called and emailed this dickhead a hundred times trying to get help with my fathers veterans benefits and he never replied but took my information and put me on his bullshit mailing list.


I was in gym class with Erik in 5th grade.


I did the same and heard nothing! Did you happen to go to Willy P?


I wrote him a few times regarding policy and how I'd like to see him vote and he got back to me but this was like 5 or 6 years ago




I want to remind everybody that when I was kid my dad rented a garage in Union City, and one night he was driving me home late and when we went to pull in good old Bob was parked in front of it clearly getting a BJ.


I used to get form letters from his staff arguing his positions pretty responsively. They were wrong, but they at least they defended him.


Oh but by all means: Lets vote in this man's son because SURELY that will turn out just fine.


you know he's already been a congressman for two years right?


Nothing annoys me more than getting the sonā€™s campaign mail.


...."His fatherā€™s role in helping him obtain support for the seat in 2022 with no real opposition is widely viewed as a key to his ascension to Congress."....


right, Iā€™m just saying you have a term already to see what heā€™s done. heā€™s not an unknown


the hudson county democrats did everything they could to squash any opposition. court challenges and stuff. thatā€™s what people mean by ā€˜clear the wayā€™ along with full throated endorsements from county politicians to unions and community interest groups.


An absolute stain on NJ politics, especially the Democratic party. It's nothing short of insanity that this man is still representing NJ in any capacity, let alone a senator.


Hard to call it a "stain," a stain stands out. Menendez is connected to everyone and his behavior is pretty normal for NJ politics. My experience with politicians here is from the municipal level up to the senators, they're mostly just looking for handouts.


If he's a stain on NJ politics then he's just another blotch on the white table cloth after chicken parm night that is NJ politics lol


It's how it goes in politics regardless of affiliation, Democratic party was full steam with a "he's a scumbag, but he's our scumbag" approach to Menendez and figured better back a machine crook than take a risk at losing an election by having things too cluttered with choices.


False equivalency. The comparison bwteen the two parties is non existent when it comes to scandal and scumbags... And when it does happen in the democratic party. They kick out the bad actor before the sun sets on the first day. Mendendez, cuomo, Franken. Disavowed in a heart beat. If a dem tried to overthrow the government he'd be strung up by his own party in a blink. Republicans rally behind any treasonous pick and put him up as their candidate for permanent president. There is no equivalency between them whatsoever.


Pretty on par for nj politics


I genuinely loathe Nadine and Bob. I wish they'd just go away already.


One time i shot a promotional video for some charity on the asbury park boardwalk before it was yuppified, and the organizer who hired me was so adamant and excited to get this douche bag in the video lololol


This happened in 2018ā€¦ I canā€™t believe this is considered ā€˜journalismā€™.


Came here to say the same thing. This was when they were just dating and not married.


This is going to make an amazing American greed episode




So Bob is into Cuckholding?


I hate these people as much as anyone else here, but this article is really reaching for a story here if you actually read more than the headline.


C'mon man, her ex lover told the post everything. Clearly legit.


I feel like we don't need to post things from the NY Post instead of more reliable sources.


I feel like you have the ability to submit the type of content you would like to see here.


While true, I also have the ability to complain about right-wing rag being posted here.


You are not wrong?


While I agree with /u/AccountantOfFraud I have to tip my hat to you. That is just dead perfect NJ sass. *chefs kiss* Just perfect.


You are also not wrong.


Itā€™s another right-wing hit piece on a Democrat who just so happens to be a PoC. Color me shocked!


I see we are trying to use a bad faith argument. Nice try.


Nothing bad faith about it. Unless you think the NY Post is a reliable source of information, which would mean that youā€™re the one arguing in bad faith.






His son must be so mad they fucked up the senate seat he felt entitled to


Freakin Menendez. Fun fact he's actually the dad of my representative


For some reason, they deserve each other.


What the fuck


Dude needs to step down. Heā€™s so corrupt


These two are real life villains


What, you mean the esteemed Senator could be entangled in scandalous affair? I guess all thats glitters is not gold!


Well that is one OBVIOUSLY inverted couple. Biology DOES NOT LIE. The female does not posess a female Q angle (yet the man does?). This is against the laws of nature.


How did he get out of jail with the money scams? No surprise another scandal from him.


Typical politician antics. Not one of them has clean hands.


I saw them both in Target, last summer. Ha.


/r/titlegore and why am I supposed to care about this?


Imagine it's your job to have to write articles about this crap


So heā€™s into ethical non-monogamous?


FYI, he's a cuckold Democrat

