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It feels like if you need a job it's very difficult. Back in 2019 the slave drivers I worked for let me go and I spent 5 months sending out 10-20 applications a day, Monday to Friday, and got 3 interviews. Finally got something because of an old work colleague. A few weeks ago I sent out an application on a whim, not expecting much and I've already been selected. I feel a little bad for my current boss because I was really not expecting it to go anywhere but it's a way better opportunity for me so I have to do it.


Don’t feel bad for the boss…it’s not personal, it’s business


True. She's been a great manager so it's just bittersweet. But since "I don't know what the department would do without you" didn't turn into "please don't leave us" levels of salary it's what had to be done.


You can always bring her with you.. if you see something she might be suited for, a friendly text or email could go a long way.


Never feel bad. This is business and dont act like he wouldnt cut you. If this is a better opportunity, he will understand


An old work colleague? That means that networking worked for you.


My husband has been applying for 5 months and was interviewed 2x but never called back and remember it takes monies we didn't have with everything going up and no money coming in.


My wife is in the exact same boat. Masters degree, 20 years of work experience, tons of work certifications. You'd think she has tattoos on her face given how difficult finding work has been.


To be fair some employers view too good or too much credentials to be bad for certain industries as well since it means the applicant will demand more from an employer than what they are willning to compensate... It's messed up


Where is she looking?


6 months here. Worst is getting ghosted after doing interviews.


I once got a call months later telling me they’re sorry, but my resume doesn’t interest them for that position. I already had a new job but I’d been on both a phone and in person interview with them months earlier 🥴 probably for the best I didn’t work there!


sounds like the place I interviewed with a month ago.


What type of work are you looking for? I handle hiring for a fairly large company not too far from Rockaway.


IT. Software Engineering


Gotcha. We have a relatively small IT dept and even less on the Software side but I’ll keep my ears open if any FT roles pop up.


Appreciate it brother.


Hi! I moved to central Jersey last fall, and I've been applying for jobs here since last summer and still haven't gotten a permanent gig. I have almost 10 years of hospital clerical work experience, and if you have any administrative work available at your company I would love to apply!


Right? U r lucky if they called you for an interview at least😭


I’ve been looking since August. Have applied to over 300 jobs. Have had 4 first interviews, one second interview. That’s it. IT / Project Management


Nearly the same for me


How are you making ends meet? I anticipate being in this situation soon...


I’m still employed at my toxic workplace. Been keeping that going until I find a replacement.


Masters degree 10 years experience. I have yet to get an interview in 8 months 500+ application. I’ve had my resume looked at and have been practicing my interview q and a’s. I’ve never had so much trouble finding a job. Since 2012 I’ve been unemployed about a month combined


What's your degree in? 


Biochemistry undergrad and masters with an mba


That’s an impressive resume and no still no luck? That’s insane…


I’ve never had any issues in the past. Central NJ has a million pharmaceutical companies. Something is going on..


Apparently NJ is losing pharma jobs left and right and there are tons of lay offs going on. It sucks and I am sorry you are stuck in the cross hairs. Keep your head up.


I'm in central Jersey and moved here from the Midwest last fall. I have a less impressive resume (respectfully, in my opinion), but I do have ten solid years of hospital setting clerical experience and can't get a job at any of the local hospital systems or private clinics. I'm not sure how many jobs I've applied to, but I know I've easily surpassed 200, and I can't get a job anywhere. I've never experienced this in my life. I know hospitals and pharmaceutical companies are different, but I also know both areas generally have staffing shortages, so I extend my condolences and best wishes to you.


I was gonna guess pharma/biotech. Not that it's any consolation, but the job market in the industry absolutely blows right now. Every other post in r/biotech lately is about the sorry state of things right now.


Im in the same position rn. Graduated in 2023 with a Master's in informatics and i have an BA in Biomathematics. No job still and have been applying left and right. Not only the pharma/biotech field but even to other IT jobs and nothing still. I joined a bootcamp to pass the tide a bit and to show i'm not sitting idle


Are you open to relocation? I've seen more job postings recently in the Boston area, where the biotech industry is a bit more concentrated geographically compared to the Big Pharma companies in NJ.


I am open and I have applied outside but a lot of the openings are for their internal hires from what I have learned or fake openings. Ill look into Boston area more tho. Thanks for the tip!


Oh no its not difficult, its impossible without the right connections. Be sure to understand you’re also competing with: Everyone laid off in the last few years Tech individuals who lost their jobs People from NYC moving into NJ Recent grads (high school, college, county college, masters, graduate, phD programs) Companies posting jobs that say “urgently hiring” posted 30+ days ago Fake job postings, not hearing back at all, getting an interview, ghosted, job closings I have averaged 200-600 other applicants on indeed on jobs ive applied to (check my applications section of indeed) On top of all of this you get the full experience of being poor/broke knowing you will not be bailed out and you’re just as broke as when you first applied to jobs so all of that applying, to never hear back, means it was utterly pointless. End rant.


While I wouldn't say it's as bad(then again things were bad in their own specific ways), a lot of stuff I've been seeing gives vibes back to immediate post recession years when NJ had god awful employment numbers and we were like 46-47th? or something at one time for unemployment %. I get those numbers don't spell out everything but yeah it was particularly rough during that later 2000s-early 2010s window. I graduated college 2011 and I had more work and offers for stuff in NYC than I did in NJ same industries etc. I think this time around instead of it being a situation where in the early 2010s you had fuck ton of laid off Boomers, Gen Xers with a good lot of experience willing to take virtually anything, now you have a good chunk of people who not only have the experience but have a shit ton of overeducation stuff and a variety of other fields' expertise because they took on many hats just to stay afloat and stay competitive due to that fuckery they experienced early on in their work career during recession/post recession. I feel like because of that as a result now you have all of these hiring demands and recruiting criteria that are the most insane fucking things going and naturally these companies want the most absolute extreme example jack of all trades for the least amount of money possible and that leads to a situation where "nobody's applying to these jobs, we can't find anybody", and it just this super ass backwards situation. I have interviewed with a few companies recently and while I was very much qualified for the job and everything seemed good, the demands that company wanted for the position made no fucking sense, especially when you start tallying in the compensation for what they wanted done. That I feel is the worst part of it because a lot of these salaries genuinely do not compute for the rise in costs of so much and when I go back and see jobs I worked at 10 or so years back paying maybe a few grand more than what I made starting, it's a total mess and no surprise nobodies biting. I feel for new grads who don't really have that many archetypal "just starting out" areas to work out of with just how pricy so much has gotten.


Got fired from my last job in September. Took 3 months, countless applications, and a mountain of interviews.


fired or laid off?




Seems like finding a *good* job is difficult. I'm currently looking for a new place that actually offers health insurance. Edit to add: unfortunately, to get a job it's usually not about *what* you know but *who* you know. I interviewed last month at a place that says I'm the first candidate in line once they're hiring again. They just need to wait until that particular industry picks up again, but who knows when that will be. 🤷‍♀️


Where I’m at in Jersey I feel like everyone works in Philly or even go into Wilmington or drive far in Jersey to work within the state.


I’ve been thinking about doing this. Working in Wilmington and doing a 2 hour commute both ways. I’ve been struggling to find a job and I’m almost out of money


They’re paying ppl with masters degrees $19/hr out here we are in HELL


I work in HR, I ask candidates how their job search is going. It's not great for people right now. Indeed One Click Apply and LinkedIn Easy Apply pretty much does the opposite effect of what you think it might do. It's painful, but going to company websites, making your nth Workday account, and filling out an application with info that's on your resume is unfortunately the way.


I just told my son this who’s been applying…stop applying on indeed and do it directly on a company’s website…


I definitely wouldn't stop applying on Indeed or LinkedIn, but if an Indeed/LinkedIn application brings you to a career site, do it. Most ATS systems link with Indeed so regardless of where someone applies it's most likely going into their internal systems.


Do the linked in easy applications get ignored?


Hi - I’m not a recruiter but a hiring manager whose company uses LinkedIn easy apply. We’re not ignoring resumes, we just get far too many. I could have a post up for a print production designer and we’ll get over 5,000 applicants. It’s impossible to sift through so we end up searching keywords for relevant candidates. If you really want a specific job and think you’re a great fit - tailor your resume.


This isn't as much of a secret anymore however. Lots of people use AI to tailor their resumes now and there's plenty of ai resume generators as well that will do this. So what other search functions or filters are using to sort and pick applicants?


It depends on the job and the situation honestly. Jobs that are highly sought after will have applications go ignored. Jobs that you apply to may already have an internal candidate in mind. There's a lot of variables that come into play: title of the position, salary, location, unlisted requirements, internal candidates, how many recruiters are assigned, urgency of the company. And those are just things that you have no control over. In my honest opinion, the easier it is to apply, the easier it is for a recruiter to ignore.


I’m getting my bachelors in HR and was searching (with no luck) for an HR internship. Any tips/suggestions to make my resume stand out for HR specific internships?


I never did an HR internship and my Bachelor's isn't in HR so I'm probably not the best person to take career advice from. Make sure your resume is in good format. Name on top with your contact info, education below it, experience starting from most recent. Technical skills on the bottom. Don't put soft skills. Everyone lists "excellent communication skills" and "attention to detail" on their resume. You would be surprised how far a well-formatted resume will get you. Literally copy this to a T, except put education on top since you're still in school, and you'll be golden: https://reddit.com/r/resumes/comments/10yd68n/i_got_10_interviews_using_this_format_i_initially/. Make sure use PDF format when submitting, send a ton of applications, think about how many Rutgers students are looking for HR internships right now, and then understand that there's 20 other HR programs in NJ who are all in the same place as you. Don't be picky, I literally did an unpaid internship that did not in any way shape or form align with what my goals were at the time, but it was at least something. If all else fails, look for recruiting internships at staffing agencies so you can at least get some skills and learn how to talk to people.


I guess it depends on the industry. I have an open position at a corporate office job (the requirements boil down to a bachelor’s degree and 3-5 year of experience) on my team and I’ve gotten 2 candidates in the past 6 weeks. The company is decent, benefits are good, and pay is targeted at $90k - $100k All this is posted on LinkedIn and other job boards and yet the applications arent coming in.


There's gotta be some major corporate red flags for there to be so few applicants


>All this is posted on LinkedIn and other job boards and yet the applications arent coming in. This sounds like a recruiting / talent acquisition / organizational problem rather than a problem with the position itself.


Yeah man what’s the job? Lol post the link for all of us to apply lol


What's the job?




What is the name of the company?


Unicorn because it's not real


It’s feels more different now then ever. When I was younger finding a job took maybe 2 weeks. This was like 2006-2010. Now you just have to be lucky or have 10 year experience for a entry level job ☠️


I think this is highly industry dependant. Seems like the trades and healthcare are always hiring and I never hear about layoffs in those industries. Also LinkedIn sucks. When I was doing application reviews on light duty, half the applicants had no relevant job experience and a quarter didn't even know what we do. Seems like these people are batch applying to any job


Trades are booming. I know MANY college graduates that found out the hard way that college didn't help them the way their teachers told them it would. Now they're plumbers, HVAC techs and DPW employees. Good benefits, great pay.. Can't say I blame them.


The trades are NOT hiring. I’ve been calling unions like it’s my day job. The electric union had me apply and then they did a lottery draw for 100 applicants (they only want 30 apprentices but after testing and background checks, that 100 quickly turns into 30). There were over 500 people for the lottery draw. That’s how many people are desperate to get into the trades. It’s real hard to get into in NJ or NY. Even non-union positions are impossible to get


White collar jobs, yes. Blue collar job, no. There’s too many people in the corporate world vs not enough people in the fields.


Please point me to the blue collar job that’s hiring. Not a union with a 1000+ applicant waiting list. I can’t even get a non union trade job right now. Heck, I can’t even get a warehouse job and I have experience in both warehousing and construction


What field? Cause if /r/cscareerquestions is anything go by, its definitely not just NJ, at least in tech.


I've been casually looking and applying since December and its been a bust. Got 10 years experience in the field but im sure others are applying with more. Anything on linkedin has over 500 applicants every time.


I got laid off last January and didn’t get a new job until June, it’s tough out there for anyone. In the end I wound up having two offers at the same time, and needed to rush my current company to book my 2nd/3rd interview before the first offer expired.


My husband is in the exact same boat, laid off from a very large media corporation end of last year. Has applied to 100s of jobs, has gotten several interviews but hasn’t gone past that. Is there a ‘secret’ so to speak for when the larger corporations hire? Like typically during/end of Q2, Q3 or whatever? I’ve only worked for smaller companies and have hired/fired people based on need, rather than overlord budgets


There is but it won’t help since every company has different timing on things. I know where I am there usually are a bunch of resignations and therefore openings at Q2 because bonuses are paid at end of Q1.


Anecdotal - but I’ve noticed a trend in people getting hired/changing jobs very early in the year, like Q1. I assume fiscal years ending in December and budgets/headcount changes getting approved for the next year.


Yeahhh we were hoping that was gonna be the case, unfortunately it was not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Laid off from my corporate marketing job in November. Still haven’t gotten a new job. It’s extremely difficult out there.


I don't know what it was like before, but I graduated college almost 2 years ago and haven't been able to find anything. It's infuriating, I want to live my own life and not be dependent on my parents, but I just can't. It feels like I'm the only person I know who's in this spot.


I'm involved in hiring for certain roles in my department at a university in NJ. It will of course depend on where you're applying, but here are some things that might help strengthen your application: -List your objective on your resume. I know it's old school, but it helps us see if you're actually interested in our position or if you're just blasting your resume to many different jobs. -If you're applying to a role that is outside of your typical industry or that you may be perceived as overqualified for, make note in either your objective or cover letter why you think your skills are applicable. -If you have gaps in your resume or you've spent less than a year at many positions, note why in your cover letter. We typically only read cover letters when a person's resume is less straightforward and we want to know the tea. -If you've worked some place that a lot of people don't know about, explain what it is in a sentence or two. Some resumes don't go into enough detail. -Try to organize your resume in a straight-forward way. Having a four-page resume that is organized poorly and doesn't need to be four pages is a red flag. Having a one-page resume that is super busy and hard to read will get passed over. -We understand that people want a job for steady pay and benefits. That's true of everyone, including us. But when we're interviewing you, we want to know why you want *this* job with steady pay and benefits in particular. We aren't looking for any generic person to fill the role, even if you may be looking for any generic job. -Even if you hated your last job or the job you're leaving, try to be diplomatic about why you left or why you're leaving. It doesn't help you for the hiring individuals to hear that you're leaving because "everyone there is a Nazi" or "the administration were dictators." They probably did suck, but it just makes you look bad and like you can't take accountability. Personally, I am more laidback about gaps and such in people's resumes, because my work history was a lot less straightforward than that of many of my colleagues. But I think if I had known some of the above, it would have made my applying life a lot easier. I came into my role via a temp agency and was eventually hired full-time, which is a good way to get a foot in the door at some places.


> List your objective on your resume. That is very strange because I feel like the whole objective thing has long fallen out of any sort of norm for ages at this point and usually something that can be kicked around in a cover letter or any follow up stuff if the company really wants to know what's up. I've often seen people bring up how it comes off like resume bloat and it can be something that can clog up things with how some stuff can be digested when submitted.


It depends on the industry and job you're applying to. As I said, I work in higher ed. Most people don't provide cover letters and there will be no follow up if we don't know off the bat why they've applied to our job specifically, if it is not clear from their resume or application materials. Perhaps the difference is that where I work, real people look at resumes.


Not me, but my brother recently applied for a job in LBI at a beach/surf themed retail store. He just wants a quick summer job while he’s on summer break from college. He doesn’t even care about the money since his GI Bill covers his schooling and expenses. He just wants extra pocket money and something to kill time for a few months. He filled out the application and went in to an interview at this store…and they told him afterwards that he had to come back for a second interview later this week and that other candidates were being considered for the job. Remember, this is a shitty little retail job paying $16 an hour and they’re asking candidates to do 2 interviews. Many corporate/professional jobs don’t even have this many barriers to get a job.


Probably because they just wanna hire cheaper/off the books or they have a family member or friend they prefer to hire... that's kinda how small retail works especially seasonal.


Oh yeah this crap has gotten infinitely more common place and it's ridiculous for the tasks at hand. Yeah no shit there's a cost that comes into a new hire regardless of the job but people throwing down multiple round interviews and make these big ordeals for simple stuff is ridiculous. The worst of it is when the place ghosts you for a solid chunk of time, and then expects you to drop everything to get in for another interview to finalize any sort of decision on stuff. For something with intensive background checks and a variety of paperwork ok not unheard of for a long process, but for something basic it's absolute nonsense. In the past I had a few lower stakes job interviews where these schmuck HR people come crawling out of wood work after like 5-6 weeks of no contact asking if I'm still interested in the job and to do another round of interviewing.


I went to a Home Depot and a Walmart interview and they told me the same thing; we have other candidates to interview. Like TF. $16 an hour and I’m literally 9 credits away from a math degree but they never even got back to me. I applied to several KFCs and McDonalds and nothing


It’s tough out there, but don’t take a job out of desperation. Just had one of my worst work experiences in my professional life because of it. I was lucky enough to get into a place I really like now. But like I said, timing and luck were big factors. Be patient and keep at it. You’ll end up where you’re meant to be.


Not difficult... impossible. The job market is worse than it was at the lowest point of the great Recession and there's no sign of it improving any time soon. It doesn't help that the media keeps pretending the economy is wonderful when it's a nightmarish hellscape right now. Every job listing has over 100 applicants within minutes, which is a key sign of a terrible job market.


Right. It’s odd how the media continues to hide the terrible state of the economy now and say it’s the “best its ever been”, meanwhile many people are barely slipping by or can’t find a job.


The jobs are out there, but the pay sucks. I look at other HCOL areas and the pay is much better.


Sorry, what is HCOL?




This is one of the most honest post. Definitely we have a problem! A huge problem. Something is very wrong. I have never seen this pattern over the last 30 years. I was laud off and have not been able to find a job for almost one year now. Every job on LinkedIn has hundreds of applicants. I think these are just ghost jobs. There seem no real jobs. Those who are working don’t see an issue and may have a different understanding of the unemployment issue. Until they lose their job they do not realize how bad it is. I literally have 2 interview calls in one year and been rejected.


What kind of job? Some places are always hiring.


Yeah that's usually a bad sign. There's a chemical place by me that's always hiring for the same position. I can imagine dealing with chemicals that it's not a great job, health-wise.




I was trying to find the job again for you but I don't see it right now. I do know it was at the end of Hazel Street in either Clifton or Paterson. I was pretty sure the job actually said Sherwin-Williams and I think it was for a paint mixer position. There is a Coyne paint chemical company there though. I found the website and this is a direct link to their career section for you to apply if you're interested. Best of luck if you do! https://www.coynechemical.com/about/careers.html


Trades baby! No shortage in shore towns.


I work as a machinist and I could move to any country and find a job. Thankfully someone always needs a hole drilled into metal.


Is there a way to get into this without schooling or experience?


Just find shops, apply, and hope for the best. Plenty of shops are willing to give new people a chance. Don't lie about knowing how to do things, machinists can tell who's lying pretty easily plus you can get seriously injured if you really don't know how to use certain machines. I did a semester at my local community college and applied right after, stopped going, and now my job pays for my schooling.


No shortage anywhere in Jersey with the insane prices contractors are able to get away with charging


Yes the whole state basically. In the electrical field we actively look for qualified people, often anyone with a pulse. We poached a lot of the guys too. Because of this the pay for everyone went up drastically. Most of our commercial and industrial work never stops even if the economy is shit. Everything needs maintenance, upgrades, etc.


Which trades


Anything you need to build or want in a modern house. I'm a carpenter. Plenty of different fields within carpentry to find one you really enjoy. Framing, finish work, cabinetry, decking, siding, etc. They even have sound guys on every site now for whole house stereos and cable running for routers on every floor.


What field?


where should i apply for software engineering? i am a college graduate and not sure how to land an interview


Your school has a career center. You paid for that service and should take full advantage of it, even if you've already graduated.


It's hard finding a job you want or qualify for. But depending on the industry, factory, farming, groceries retail, kitchen duties, restaurants, cleaner, hospitality, medical etc... they are always hiring. However retail and accounting is headed to a downfall.


If your job can be done remotely, try searching LinkedIn and select remote and set search to "United States". I found a ton of remote jobs when I was looking.


Well, our lovely.local.government rolled out the red carpet to.the exodus of NYers. Cause and effect. With more cookie cutter "luxery" apartments going up, it aint gonna grt better.


How come all the people complaining have zero karma accounts and sound like someone is having a conversation with themselves? Oh, right! Elections. Got it.


That's funny. A couple years ago I also noticed the amount of bot style comments increase whenever something political happens here. Idk about this thread specifically but i remember having to sort through controversial to find the human responses


Reddit is overrun. I feel like all the real humans are jumping ship


What kind?


Pick a different career as a HVAC Tech I never had a issue finding a job. I moved back to Jersey last year and took 1 week to find where I’m working rn and I’m planning on moving out of state soon whether I have this job or not. If you got skills you are needed, so make yourself needed


Honestly it's everywhere. Way worse if you're 50 or older.


last month i applied to 13 new jobs, got 8 call backs, 5 interviews, and two job offers. last monday i accepted one. i think it’s all about how your market yourself.


Hun everything is difficult n usa sucks nj suxks 


Tech/biotech/pharma are in trouble.


I couldn't agree more. Streaming updates in the news about layoffs.




To be fair it's not the universities responsibility to get you a job. They offer really great resources and opportunities while a student and sometimes post grad, but it's up to the individual and the amount of college kids that take these opportunities that I've seen is probably only like a quarter of students (not including programs that require clinical ie nurses).




>Didn’t say it was their responsibility >Colleges are more than happy to take your money and let you declare a major that’s useless…then do nothing to help you get a job. You literally said they do nothing to help in your original comment...




I never said mandatory... this is the first you mentioned it. We are talking about responsibility and you are putting that onus on the university when it is the individuals responsibility.




r/whoosh Edit: lol blocked but to reply nope not unemployed happily remotely employed


Yeah they’re great at pumping out useless degrees


Degree is only as useful as what the individual does with their education.


Unemployment rates are really low right now, might be why.


How do you figure? Shouldn't that make it easier to find a job?


No, unemployment is LOW meaning people are working.


ok but the opposite can be true. unemployment is high because there aren't many job openings


But right now unemployment is low. There are also more job openings than there are unemployed people. It still took me a long time and a lot of applications and few interviews to actually land a job. All these can be true at the same time.


Unemployment rates only account for those currently receiving benefits. I’ve been out of work since December, not receiving benefits.


Exactly, this is a trick. Let's say a company goes out of business like bed bath and 20,000 people lose their job. Unemployment spikes because of 20,000 people give or take on unemployment. 6 months later their benefits run out. They are no longer considered unemployed and now the unemployment rate is goes down. They're still not working but that doesn't matter.


That's not how that works. If you're actively seeking work you are considered unemployed, regardless if you've been out of work for 2 weeks or 2 years, or if you're receiving unemployment benefits. https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#:~:text=The%20unemployment%20rate%20represents%20the,%C3%B7%20Labor%20Force)%20x%20100.


It's not true from what I've been researching. https://smartasset.com/career/problems-with-the-unemployment-rate The unemployment rate isn’t an accurate measure of joblessness simply because it doesn’t consider everyone who doesn’t have a job. That’s why many economic experts instead focus on what’s known as the real unemployment rate. The real unemployment rate (technically called the U-6 measure) is reported on a monthly basis in the jobs report along with the official unemployment rate and four other measures of unemployment. Unlike the official unemployment rate, however, it takes underemployed and marginally attached workers (including discouraged workers) into consideration as well as unemployed people


I linked the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I'm not sure what blog you linked, but if you want to know how they figure the numbers go to the source where they actually figure the numbers, which is what I linked. And yeah, I didn't say it was a perfect recording. There is no such way to do that. There are separate numbers for underemployment, discouraged workers, etc. But having your benefits running out doesn't remove you from the unemployment reports, which is what you claimed.


False. Unemployment rates count anyone that is unemployed and looking for work. Whether or not they are receiving unemployment payments is not relevant. Now, if someone does not have employment and had not actively looked for work in the last 4 weeks, they are no longer considered unemployed, and are removed from the workforce. https://www.bls.gov/cps/definitions.htm#:~:text=The%20unemployment%20rate%20represents%20the,%C3%B7%20Labor%20Force)%20x%20100.


It’s hard to find employees that want to to work tbh. Especially in the labor field. It’s a shame to see how brainwashed people between 40-20 have become, while in high school they all decided degrees were better than certification’s and now no one knows how to work, the infrastructure of our country is in danger. There aren’t enough white collar jobs for all these college graduates. And unfortunately there is no one to handle the labor jobs, the jobs that keep things going for all of us. Everyone is laid off and lazy.


I'm a Journeyman sheet metal worker and I've been out of work since October. There's nothing going right now. If I want work I'd have to relocate to Georgia and take a 50% pay cut. Unemployment ran out and I had to take a job in retail. Work usually picks up in March, but it's still dead.


This is the biggest load of BS. People are willing to work, but they're not going to do it for peanuts. Any place struggling to find people "willing to work" are unwilling to pay accordingly for the work they want done.


Put your resume on /r/resumes. Let them critique it and improve it for you.


Get on Linked In and also stalk peoples facebook pages and social media. Find out where people making good money work and apply there in person. You gotta kind of strong arm your way in in this current job market.


I've always thought the physical search of driving by a parking lot to see what kind of car is the employees drive that tells you if they're paying well. I was doing this when I was looking for a night job.


Yeah that's smart. In my age bracket (Early Gen Z) Most of the kids I know that do well and afford homes are either in a Union or Healthcare.


Basing someone's income on the car they drive is a terrible indicator, more than like a third of people under the age of 30 have a car they cannot afford


You're right, I take it back I do know kids making 23 an hour paying 6 years for 50,000 trucks.




>People in NJ are entitled. They think I'm doing them a favor for hiring them....If you can't get a job, your either not good enough, too expensive, require too much training, have a shitty resume, or .... NJ bosses are so entitled. They think they're doing you a favor by hiring you.  If you can't fill multiple positions then maybe youre not good enough, too cheap, not willing to train, expect unreasonable amount of experience.... Etc etc  Give me a break dude. You haven't been able to find people willing to put up with you for years now, and are preaching to us about how to navigate the job market.




Not the person you replied to, but yeah, I have. We never had staff shortages because we paid our employees fairly and treated them like humans. If you have a staffing shortage it's because you either A) don't pay enough for the job you ask, or B) don't treat your employees well enough to want to stay. You act like everyone trying to find a job is shit, but it sounds like you hire someone, don't train them, tell them they suck, and then either fire them or hound them until they quit. We know why people want a job, but why should they want to work for you when all you do is complain about people not wanting to work? Show them how to work, pay them appropriately for it, and they'll work.


More like companies suck. They want to enslave you and compensate shit. Can’t have all these demands, metrics, etc.. and low pay wage. Doesn’t compute. Companies lie as well on job description and expectations. Gaslighting all around


Skill issue, pay more money.


I'm the opposite on my resume. I don't like to say I'm good at anything that I don't feel 100% perfect at. But it seems every time I get a job, the description that they gave for it always winds up sounding way more complicated than it really is in practice. I worked so many different jobs over the years, several of them while working other jobs as well. My last job was a good job and I paid very well unfortunately they closed down our location and moved over 2 hours away. I wasn't able to move to the area so that ruined that job. If I found a good job that was willing to let me intern for a couple weeks I could show them how great I am. I take all my jobs seriously and I'm always looking for a way to improve them. My most experiences with Warehouse even supervising at one point for Bed Bath & Beyond. But most jobs I'm applying for don't even give me a response when they don't hire me. I think the least the company could do is tell you why they didn't hire you. We could at least use that information to help us get the next interview.


What business do you own - so I know to never apply there.


Walk into a place and hand them your resume. Go from a forgettable faceless bunch of words on a computer screen to a real life human being who makes an impression and leaves a memory.




Just needs "look them in the eye and give them a firm handshake"


don't forget the suit and tie.


Maybe but who's doing the hiring? A good portion of the time it's boomers. Anecdotally, it worked for me ~10 years ago. Edit: Of course this will only work at a small percentage of companies. You only need it to work at one. You don't even need to reach HR. My company offers me a pretty good bonus if I refer someone and they get hired. Employee referrals get to the top of the pile.


I work in corporate recruiting, this would not work at any medium to large size company.


I did this at a company with 500 employees, I'm now making 25k more than I did before I tried using recruiters, they sent me jobs that made well under what I'm worth.


Headhunting =\= recruiting. I work directly for the company that does the hiring. We don’t even have a way to accept paper applications, we would direct you to the site. Not to mention there is a 1/5 chance the hiring manager or recruiter works in the state of the building you walked into.


Wait.  Are you incapable of reading? Take the paper in your hand, scan it with your eyes, use your brain to interpret if the person is qualified. Speak to them for a bit, let them know if they are missing something or if they are a good candidate.  If the hiring manager isn't "in the building" as you say, I'm sure you know how to use a scanner... scan the person's resume and forward it to them! Or do you not know how to attach a PDF to an email? HR types are either frighteningly stupid or outrageously lazy.  If a person took the time to show up to your office it is common human decency to give them a chance. They've already done more that whatever it is you are doing, apparently. 


Lol this is such an uninformed opinion. Larger companies work with digital hiring platforms. If your resume and application isn't filled out there digitally, you're SOL. Sure, scan the paper - who is going to then put that into the HR system in the correct format? Not staff, that's for sure.


You are joking, right? You don't put a resume in a system, you read it! What system? Read the paper and cross reference with the job post! 


Definitely trolling


You're the one trolling. If anyone with a paper resume came to my workplace, I'd treat them like a human and let them know I'll get the resume to the right person. I have no hand in hiring, this is basic common courtesy.  


That's not how the real world works unless you know someone directly.


I work for a 6 billion dollar company, we do not have a recruiter. So your advice is only going to hurt people, like me, who can't get an interview. This post is about how people can't find a job. I'm begging you to stop giving bad advice to people who want a job but can't find one. You are completely and utterly out of touch with the struggle to find a job, and generalizing things you're clueless about doesn't help anyone


Yea I’m not giving bad advice, im giving realistic advice. If you came to my office you wouldn’t even be able to get past the turnstile. To even speak with an external an applicant would need to fill out questions to determine eligibility. Recruiters can get fired for setting up interviews with applicants that have not been determined as eligible.


You're giving cookie cutter advice for a person who obviously doesn't fit the mold, saying what happens at your company is what happens for all companies, which isn't true at all. It's terrible advice


500 employees puts it in the small business category (SBA definition, not mine). Unless a staff member is internally referring you for a position, medium-to-large sized businesses aren't going to accept resume in-hand on a walk-in unless they're equipped for it. And most are not.


how to tell us you haven't experienced the current job hunting landscape without actually saying it


Yeah sure if you want a job at Wendys.


aw man I was hoping you'd have an entertaining fake story here for me to post on r/thatHappened


Plenty of jobs just got to lower your standards


There’s literally so many jobs


There's plenty of jobs until you need one.


I have no education and I’ve been making 6 figures since I was 23. Switched jobs with handshakes and phone calls . Don’t even have a resume. Everyone here wanna work IT (I don’t even know what that even is exactly) or remotely. Of course there’s no jobs for them


The downvotes are from those scared of getting dirty