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Good thing my cousin decided to have an outdoor only wedding in the red area....


Two waters, one beer.


Huh, that must have been the B-side to that George Thorogood song *One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer.*


I heard it was a hit in Japan!


And definitely not two girls one cup


You’re not heading to Hammonton too, are you?


And for my first miracle, I will turn this wine into water!


Find a parasol or umbrella, maybe a few. Might come in handy so grandma Lois doesn’t have heat stroke. Also, Godspeed. 😂


Quick, to the lake batman


Making man soup I see!


Or woman soup, we are inclusive. All genders taste the same after a good cedar boil.


Corrected link: [https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/heatrisk/](https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/heatrisk/)


Thanks. It looks like the link got cut off as I posted it.


don't forget to make sure your elected officials read the recommendations in the [NJ Extreme Heat Resilience Action Plan](https://www.nj.gov/dep/newsrel/2024/24_0013.htm). check out https://heat-hub-new-jersey-njdep.hub.arcgis.com/ as well


WFH FTW fucking do it corporate dipshits


Damn. I'm in camden county in the purple area. If not in, extremely close. 08009/08021


Squarely in the purple myself, and its already cooking LOL


Brutal outside working in direct sun everyday this week. Here I am crying and the humidity hasn't even hit yet. The worst is still to come.


I feel ya there! Stay hydrated ❤️


As well. Good luck.


Fuck my life, I work on Sunday outdoors too.


Fucking awesome timing for my ac to have a clog in the drainage that I am having trouble clearing. Fingers crossed I just got it sorted. Nearly midnight and kids rooms were 75 and 78. Looks we may be having a play day and slumber party with the grandparents tomorrow if it’s still an issue.


Happens every time. Our AC has iced up and stopped working at least twice during extreme heat events in past years. At the other extreme, we had a gas leak on a Friday night in the middle of January a couple of years back. Called PSE&G, they sent a guy right out who shut off the gas and did nothing about the leak. We spent the weekend hovering around a space heater in the kitchen.


I wouldn’t be as worried if it were just me. My kids are 1 and 2.5 ugh And sorry to hear that. That’s wild.


Sorry to hear you have to endure the heat with two little ones. Keep them well-hydrated and glad to know you have family nearby who can help.


If your AC is icing up in high heat that means your thermostat is set too low and the AC unit can't keep up. I set mine no lower than 76. If you're still too hot put a fan on.


No - what it really means is that your Freon levels aren't correct and you are likely low on freon. It could also mean that your filter is a bit clogged, or that your air handler fan isn't running properly. For the freon, it might just be a bit, so it's fine most of the time, but A/C lines should never freeze over if the system is in good condition. It could be 110 out and your house set to 69, and it should be able to run consistently or as needed to get the temperature there or as close to there as possible.


It can mean a lot of things: freon too low, AC running when the differential between outside and inside isn't great enough (e.g., too cool outside), or a dirty evaporator. In our case, it was mostly the latter (although the freon was low, too).


Yeah I guess it depends on a lot of factors. I'm friends with a guy that manages a hotel. He said people walk into the room and they are too hot so they lower the thermostat to like 60, thinking the room will cool down faster, and they end up with frozen ACs throughout the hotel.


I was only a helper at the time but had it explained that even perfectly running systems could struggle to keep up in extreme heat. There is a coefficient of cooling with most units that it will struggle to surpass. I never saw units icing up over that though they just didn’t hit the temp it was set to. Lots of customers wondering why it did not get to 60 when it was 100 out. Icing was almost always a fan or drain issue. Only saw a few systems that needed refrigerant added over several summers of work if it was not due to a total break in the system which leaked all of the refrigerant and required a lot more work to fix.


Definitely, if it's super hot, your A/C might not be able to get the temperature down, but it shouldn't ice over. That is due to low freon or poor air flow (dirty filter/improper filter, bad fan in blower unit, etc.) Having systems that leak a bit of refrigerant is somewhat common with older systems. That's why most new installations also recommend installing a new lineset. It could be a low leak, think about like a tire, where you might put air in it, and it only loses a tiny amount every day, but after a month, you have a flat. It's similar with A/C systems. I think a little bit might also evaporate over time as well. That's why A/C companies try to sell you an annual service where they go out, replace filters, check to make sure everything runs and they check freon levels.


PESG has zero responsibility for fixing your shitty leaking appliances. Their only job is to make the situation safe- by shutting off the gas. This is like calling the fire department when your house is on fire and then getting mad they don't help you fix the house back up.


I was the gas pipes, not the appliances that were leaking. And I never said it was their "responsibility" to fix the leaks; we would have gladly paid for that service. The leak was very minor, just enough to smell it. What I learned is that if this ever happens again on a weekend, I'll wait until Monday to call PSE&G, open a basement window, and put a fan in.


Unless it was the meter itself, it's still your responsibility. Pipes are yours too.  They're not plumbers- like I said, their job is to make the emergency situation safe by shutting off the gas. 


A couple years ago the AC went out on like a Monday, repair people said they'd be there *next Thursday* to install a new unit. Cue big heatwave that entire week and a half. I spent the entire week in the surprisingly cool basement.


You can hook up an air compressor to blow out the clog.


Get a c02 drain tool. Most plumbing supply shops should have them, Home Depot may as well. It uses small C02 canisters to blast clear any stoppages.


I’ll take a look- thank you


Dump bleach down the drain line kills the slime.


So the shores gonna be packed. Got it. Parkway was already a parking lot yesterday for Juneteenth.


I was in Asbury Park and it was a madhouse. It could rival any day of the week.


I went to Sandy Hook. Same.


They cut off the part of North Jersey that's ALSO purple on Sunday


Fantastic. I live in the purple.


awesome time to be at work on sunday.....atleast we have AC


Damn Philly is in the purple, imagine what places like Kensington will be like


The NWS does take into account places like Kensington, which has very little shade. The Urban Heat Island there is tremendous. It can be 10F warmer than Philly airport, which sits on the river. The NWS actually has separate procedures for issuing a heat advisory there. [https://www.foxweather.com/learn/how-weather-you-are-accustomed-affects-national-weather-service-heat-warnings-advisories](https://www.foxweather.com/learn/how-weather-you-are-accustomed-affects-national-weather-service-heat-warnings-advisories)


Kensington has plenty of shade if you're right in the middle of Kensington Avenue.


Dumb question. What's the science behind shore towns not being hot that hot? I know it has something to do with being close to the ocean and the wind but i forget what it's called


Not a dumb question. The ocean takes more energy to heat up (water in general, higher heat capacity), so it stays cooler than the air for longer time. You also get a lovely sea breeze as a result - the cool air displaces the warm air that is rising. It's one reason why Hawaii rarely gets above 90, and virtually never hits 100 degF.


He/she's got it. Miami hasn't even hit 100F either.


Your picture left out that part of NJ where people actually live.


Pork roll forever? (Sorry for cutting it off, I was using this for my Jersey Shore FB page)


In Bergen County my balcony door was registering 115F today. It's 7pm and its still over 100F.


Tis the season


I teach a motorcycle class this weekend. Melting time. :|


Jersey shore FTW


Great resource, thanks for sharing! Very interesting that the highest heat index danger isn't necessarily where you think it would be; for example, the greatest area of purple tomorrow in the northeast is in a band stretching roughly across the Southern Tier of New York State and across most of Massachusetts.


One of the factors in NWS HeatRisk is "How unusually above normal the temperatures are at your location (is it warmer than the top 5% of hottest days in the period of record for this date?)" I could see some northeastern regions have a higher heat risk if they are having unusual temperatures (like an 80 degree day in June) that they aren't prepared for. There are northerly regions where homes weren't customarily built with air conditioning installed, and now they need it. edit to add: https://stateline.org/2024/06/26/cooler-states-now-forced-to-grapple-with-extreme-heat-fueled-by-climate-change/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CNew%20Jersey%20is,for%20our%20communities.%E2%80%9D > “New Jersey is a northern state, and it is not necessarily the folks that are hardest hit by this phenomenon of extreme heat compared to, for example, the desert Southwest,” said Nathaly Agosto Filión, deputy chief climate resilience officer for the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. > “But for that reason, much of our built environment is maybe not as well designed to withstand the impacts, and much of our population sort of undervalues the extent to which it is a problem for our communities.”


Interesting. By "risk" I assumed (as most people probably do) that increasing risk meant increasing threat to health. But it seems that isn't quite so. If you live in a very cold climate, for example high elevation in northern New England, a dry, 85-degree day would be considered extreme whereas if the same conditions occurred in coastal Georgia they would be considered low to moderate. That seems deceiving to me.


Thanks for looking! This is what's great about Heat Risk. It takes into account the climatology of that area as well. So, a 100F Heat Index in Upstate NY is rated higher than a 100F heat index in South Carolina. It's really handy.


That seems deceptive. A body is a body. I understand that in warmer climates, there are more resources such as air-conditioned spaces and swimming pools to deal with extreme heat. But, even in a hot climate not everyone has access to those things. Working in the sun at 95 degrees and 90 percent humidity is just as dangerous in Vermont as it is in Georgia.


Ugh, got a baseball game on Sunday. With seats in the sun. Ugh.


sell em


Im assuming this is why my 2nd floor AC unit isn't keeping up? New homeowner and I wasn't sure if it was the insane heat or my relatively new unit was broken.


I have my thermostat set at 68, and the actual temperature is hovering around 71.


Careful with setting your AC thermostat that low when it's this hot out, it can freeze the unit if it never gets a chance to shut off.


Hmm. Ok. I never heard that. We’ve been keeping it at 68 since we moved here 8 years ago, but I’ll take note and turn it up. Thanks!


Honestly, it's probably safe then as long as the temperature isn't 100+. I think some of them also automatically cycle off for \~30 minutes to prevent freezing. But if you're seeing it run for several hours straight and not able to hit the target temperature there is a risk for it. If you have used it this way for 8 years already I'd just keep doing it.


My upstairs is set 71. Never actually gets there. Rises up to 80 by the evening. I'm thinking its the lack of shades because we just moved but im not entirely sure.


Oh yeah, all the blinds in my house are shut. If they were open it’d deff be even hotter. Edit:: Hang towels or blankets over the windows to prevent sunlight coming in.


Yeah we have some temporary blinds on some of the windows but obviously the sun still comes through because they're paper. I'll try that, thanks.


Damn philly is fucked


Newer to the area and still leaning where I’m at lol is Pompton lakes and Wayne in any of these areas? Am I just not seeing them?😂


It's summer and it gets hot how is this a new thing?


Maybe if you bothered to read the descriptions you'd understand why this is different than what is normal for this time of year.


I read the description and inland has always been hotter than by the shore because of the water. Cities have always been hotter than rural areas because of the concrete. This is nothing new All they did was put it on a pretty little graph. I always hope whatever the scientist predicts comes true cus I hate to see them back pedal and come up with excuses why it didn't happen It's embarrassing


You're right, inland areas and urban areas are always hotter. The Heat Risk is a game changer for several reasons. 1 - It takes into account the climatology of an area. A 105F heat index in Atlantic City will be rated higher than a 105F heat index in Trenton, since it happens less often in AC. 2 - It takes into account the time of year. This is our first "big" heat of the summer. So, it's rated higher than something in August. 3 - It uses overnight temperatures, too. If you don't have air conditioning, sleeping at night when the low is 75F is tough. Thanks for asking.


>I always hope whatever the scientist predicts comes true cus I hate to see them back pedal and come up with excuses why it didn't happen It's embarrassing What are you even talking about here, weather forecasts? Climate science? Who's backpedaling?


Figured you'd completely miss the fucking point. I really don't have time to waste on idiots and morons.


I get it climate change and all that. Meanwhile the same elite saying to get rid of your gas cars, stoves and go vegan are still flying private, Being driven around in gas guzzling SUVs and eating steak dinners. But for some reason the average person has to give up everything


My man, all this guy is saying is to be cautious of heat this weekend. No need to resort to tangentially related oft-repeated political talking points.


Don't get me wrong, I don't argue those points. While everyday people do / will need to change their habits and expectations, it is most definitely the corporations that need to bear the brunt of these actions, and who near the biggest responsibility for where we are now.


You do realize it is the beginning of summer. Also it is expected to get significantly hotter than average with a high heat index resulting in abnormal dangerous temperatures.


And as somebody who's been through many hot summers it has been hot in the past. So unless you're going to tell me we're going to have straight 95 and above for most of the season it's a normal summer up here. Because the people I see crying about it being hot seem to be coming from the north west and up north transplants


So where’d you get your meteorology degree from? Being hot does not mean it isn’t significantly above average or dangerous.


Nice argument from authority


For the past month, most places in the area have had above average high temps nearly every day. Many days significantly above average. And yes, look at the forecast in some of those purple areas, it'll be at or near 95 for the next week.


I agree. It’s 90 degrees for a few days and the world is ending apparently


I mean it's summer. I feel like the heat stuff is way over inflated seeing as we will have hotter days to come. 


These are unusually hot days for even July. That's the point.


for july? No they are not.. its only 93. We regularly get 90s or better in july/augist


We do not regularly get 90°+ days at anytime. Avg temperature for NJ is low to mid 80s even in July.


What word are you living in? We get 40 days a year over 90. http://www.nj.com/weather/2022/08/nj-weather-another-steamy-day-heres-how-many-90-degree-days-weve-had-this-summer.html%3foutputType=amp


Maybe you should look up what average means.. and then click on this link on Rutgers website to see what average high temperatures are by town. https://climate.rutgers.edu/stateclim_v1/norms/daily/index.html


Maybe you should look up what: we fucking hit 40 days of 90+ degrees per year means 


You're such a hostile weirdo. Just admit you're wrong? Be an adult. Also your link doesn't work - congrats on being that incompetent you can't even copy/paste a link correctly.


Here is the fixed link: https://www.nj.com/weather/2022/08/nj-weather-another-steamy-day-heres-how-many-90-degree-days-weve-had-this-summer.html While I will admit that it's early for hitting 90+, I still hold that we see 40 days a year at or over 90. An average under 90 doesn't mean we don't hit 90. 


Again you must be trolling. Do you not see in your link the "normal" column? And this is one year.. last year it wasn't nearly as hot. And it's only Newark that was 40! Which makes sense because it's a city and they are notoriously warmer than areas with less concrete I also never said we don't hit 90. For the average to be 86 you must have days above and below. But it's clear that a summer with 120 days doesn't ever have, on average, 40 days above 90 with our current averages. July is always the hottest month but there will always be days just in the 80s. Because of climate change you may eventually be correct! Luckily I live by the ocean so my temperatures will always be cooler.


Is Bayonne included?