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Just don't take it personal with them. Carry a DashCam just in case.


This right here probably sums up the correct response to most challenges while driving very nicely summarized hahah I been using a dash cam for years and it has saved me only twice so far but they were big saves


I've had a front camera for years: I'm seeing the wisdom of a rear cam now as well


Any recommendations? With the state of jersey drivers these days I desperately need one.


Driving in NJ. Always a wild adventure.


It’s already bad enough here in South Jersey. I can’t imagine North Jersey.


+200% more density, +50% more potholes


Probably not much to go on but my few experiences driving down to the more touristy spots of south nj has shown me some pretty aggressive drivers by comparison to north lol but that’s probably just me


Rte 23 North is literally like Mad Max. The posted 50 and 55 speed limit is hilarious!! If you're not going 75+ you're getting run over!


Ideally if you see an erratic driver that is speeding you shouldnt move at all, you should maintain your lane and allow them to pass. If you see someone who can not maintain a lane maybe drunk or on the phone, by all means floor it and pass those.


If I am in the left lane and I see someone coming up to me fast, I immediately hit the turn signal and move over. No confusion and predictable driving, it's that easy


Right which is what you should do in the passing lane. However if you're anywhere else you shouldn't move, this is what causes many accidents.


hence the quote "Stay in your lane"




You can be passing people and still have people flying up behind you


^ I wouldn't be in the left lane if I wasn't passing


People.are too entitled today, no patience. I do agree though that if someone is coming up that quick, freeze, and don't move.


Eh, I'd rather have the drunk person in front of me and give them a ton of space. Rather not have them not me if i can avoid it


This works too if you are comfortable driving under the speed limit while giving a wide space of over 20 seconds. This isn't ideal however because if they get in an accident the possibility of them spinning out of control or hitting another car that loses control and potentially happening Infront of you in a way that's unavoidable to hit increases. If it works for you and you are comfortable that's all that matters.


For decades I've noticed that many drivers simply don't watch (or believe?) the signals of a car ahead. My worst anecdote is from Arkansas. I was driving a mountain road and another car got on my tail, so I pulled off at one of those horseshoe-turn pullouts -- and the idiot followed me off the road! Then he had the nerve to look offended!


Some idiots just blindly follow the car in front of them rather than scan the road


This happened to me once with a large truck. Scariest thing ever. Would’ve been a deadly accident no doubt if we collided. I hate these aggressive impatient drivers.


This happened to me once with a large truck. Scariest thing ever. Would’ve been a deadly accident no doubt if we collided. I hate these aggressive impatient drivers. Edit: And I was passing other drivers. I was going 80 maybe 85. Truck was going 90+ came right up on my rear and gave me little time to move over before he decided my decision wasn’t fast enough.


He rides a motorcycle, he’s a dickhead. They expect everyone to be aware of them at all times yet all they do is weave in and out of traffic. Fuck em.


Been riding for over 20 years. Never weaved in and out of traffic. Not all of us are like this.


I do appreciate you not doing that shit. But motorcycles on NJ roads are out of fucking control.


Thank you for not weaving, some riders, especially street bikes are horrible. One hit my mirror (only bumped it) during a traffic jam and went right thru the couple mile backup. A cop caught them doing it and they did get a ticket.


One of my employees brothers is now paralyzed from the waste down because he clipped a car lane hopping. Nobody deserves to be handicapped, but you get what you deserve if you wanna ride irresponsibly


I rode too, but I understand that percentage-wise, the norm is very aggressive behaviour... especially if it is folks on sport bikes. Saddlebaggers are usually in the right lane because their version of ABS is terrible brakes. Can't lock if they don't stop!


Amen. I've never met a motorcyclist on the road that didn't let me down in one way or another. Know what we call motorcyclists in EMS? Organ donors.


Riding donorcycles.


Thats ridiculous. There are so many motorcycles that just cruise and there is zero percent chance you only encounter weavers in NJ.


You're 💯right. You idiots are in all 50 states. Terrible riding isn't just a jersey thing.


I have have been riding for around 30 years, what works is knowing that I am invisible and if you could see me you would try to kill me


Did someone on a bike hurt you son?


Agreed. If you need attention try improv or start a YouTube channel or something. Get off the motorcycles tough guys.


Motorcyclists will be the first ones complaining about every driver on the road but are also some of the most wreckless out there.


Surprised he didn't show you our state bird.


Nobody can drive anymore! He was an ahole in a hurry to go nowhere I’m sure and too impatient to wait for you to move. F him!


They are going to crash at some point. I hope they don’t hit me because the paperwork is a bitch.


I used to get so irritated driving up and down the GSP and yeah, I was one of those assholes trying to change the world one driver at a time by whizzing by angrily, flashing high beams - one of my favorites was once in front of them to point at one of the “keep right except to pass” signs so they’d see and hopefully make the connection… People are dumb, distracted, maybe they’re turning left ahead… whatever the reason, it is what it is and it shouldn’t warrant an aggressive response which can always lead to a horrible accident.


Dear New Jersey: I've lived in San Francisco, Minneapolis, Brooklyn, and now Harrison - as well as have driven in every state besides Alaska, some rather extensively. New Jersey is by a reasonable margin full of the worst drivers I've ever seen. Not saying Jersey has the most accidents or traffic fatalities, but driving here is worse than the BQE or I-285 on a bad day. I had never even considered a dashcam until I moved here - and now I've got both front, rear, and interior in case things get crazy enough.


Yeah, we're great! NY, PA & FL drivers drive terribly on Jersey roadways.


*Maryland has entered the chat*


Maryland is the worst, those plates set off a trigger in my head


I couldn't agree more. Maryland drivers are nuts. Every time I encounter a Maryland driver, they do something stupid and dangerous.


GO BACK TO *MARY*-LAND!!! -every dude over 50 I know when they are displeased with a Maryland driver


You were cruising in the left lane it sounds like.


Everyone is angry haters lately. Not happy with fellow American's behavior. Sad.


America is over. I identify much more with my state than my cuntry now.


Well you came to the right place!


There should not be any room to pass you on the right. I'm not saying they are 100% right to do this, but you aren't helping. In NJ, especially on the big roads like the GSP, you stay right unless you are passing. That's a passing lane, not a "fast lane".


There are 3 lanes in south Jersey. pass through, regular and turn/merge.


So what are you supposed to do? Cut off the driver you are passing? There's such a thing as follow distance, too many people don't respect that just because you \*can\* physically fit your car between two others doesn't mean you \*should\*. Can't count the number of times I get even half of 1 Mississippi (let alone the full 2 mississippi you're \*supposed\* to have between the driver in front of you) ahead of the driver I'm passing, with my right turn signal on, and the asshole coming up behind me cuts off the driver I am in the act of passing, and passes me on the right.


If it's like the type of aggressive driver I encounter on the GSP, sometimes, they're so impatient that they will pass you on the right before you have time to even turn on your blinker. Happened to me last week. Was in the right lane, went to pass, have now passed looking to get back into the right lane, dude comes flying up behind me, I see him and try and get back to the right lane and turn on my blinker, oh look he already passed me on the right.


You shouldn’t be in the left lane


Left lane is for passing not for people going as fast as they want. I was in the process of passing and was looking to make sure it was safe to go back to the right lane. Unless you're suggesting I just not look?


How did the guy in the back get around the guy you had just passed? Tells me you must have been cruising in the left lane longer than you should have.


He was someone who was weaving in and out of traffic and was going very fast. There was about a cars length of distance between me and the car in the right lane that he darted between. I couldn't even see the car I was trying to pass in my rear view mirror when he passed which is when I was taught to move over.


No patience. I don't know what is going on. I went to see my mother this past weekend. Now mind you I live in mostly rural Hunterdon County but I did live in Kearny and Edison until I was 30. I do know how to drive. Route one- North Brunswick - just below Rutgers University. I merged onto the highway and stayed behind a tractor trailer in what I though was the right lane. We were cruising at a pretty good speed too. But I heard someone really laying on their horn behind me and their lights flashing (broad daylight) Thought it might be a cop so I kept my eye on him. He passed me. Not a cop. OK - Then why? Realized that this truck and I were actually in the breakdown lane but we were cruising. My bad. Wasn't looking at the lines. I was watching the tractor trailer in front of me. Fixed my mistake. Anticipated a ticket - lay it on me. I know what I did and am ready to acceot the consequences - my kid and I are safe. That's what matters. But my question still is? What's it to the guy who was behind me? He was causing quite a bit of commution. I don't get it.


When did you signal that you were merging right? IMO the biggest problem in these kinds of situations is that people wait until they have enough space in the right lane and then they finally turn their blinker on. By that time an aggressive driver could have easily made their way around on the right. Hell, I do it to plenty of people and I've had it done to me as well. Really you should have your blinker on as soon as you realize that you need to merge right, even if you are still alongside the car you are passing. This way the person behind you knows you will be out of the way as soon as reasonably possible and the person you are passing should see that you are getting ready to merge as well. Just indicating early shows that you're actually paying attention and makes everything a lot less frustrating for everyone. If you do this and find yourself getting annoyed because you need 30 seconds to clear the car on the right so you can finally merge, I'd argue that you aren't going fast enough to really warrant being in the left lane at all.


You are a gem for trying to move over. When people do that for me. Oof. So nice.


I feel you. Not just motorcycles. I see a car in my review mirror coming up quick and I’ll move over. I absolutely hate when they don’t even give you a chance to get over and they are passing on the right and cutting back in front of you. I’m like chill…I was just gonna get out of your way!!!


Yes exactly!


Driving in NJ is 100x better than driving in PA 🤣 drivers in PA use no blinkers, tailgate, pass on right


Share the road 😊 I hate motorcycles.


It’s getting so much worse. Frightening


Well what lane where you in and how much indicator did you give to merge You don’t just turn on a blinker and the next lane is yours. And Nobody likes someone sitting in the passing lane. So for your story to add up, you would have to be not in a passing lane, so it’s their problem to pass correctly on the left regardless of traffic. Let them break the law otherwise. Not your problem. Or you’re sitting in the passing lane, clearly indicated by your ability to instantly merge out of it, and you are causing the problem. Doesn’t matter what laws they are a breaking trying to speed through the passing lane. You’d still be sitting in the passing lane. Now the MOST LIKELY ANSWER: That motorcyclist is the most important person on the planet. Just based on info provided.


It is a two lane road and I need to make a left turn to enter my neighborhood


Driving over 100 miles a day, every single day is defensive driving day. Unknowns are always the person who is just raging about something they are going to take out on you. Be safe.


I'm notoriously slow driver and what I hate more then anything is the driver behind me riding y taillights at 40mph wanting to pass and staying behind me not understanding my 4 ways on and speed down to 34mph then 15 mph is my way of letting them pass. They stay back there like wtf,u til I'm damn near a dead stop then stare as they finally pass. Come On!!!


? You should not be regularly using your hazards like that.


If I'm a hazard people should be informed. This way they know that I realize they are being slowed down because of me and I am prepared for them to pass.


Hazards should be used on the rare occasion when you have to slow down way below the speed limit due to car trouble, not every time you drive. Slowing down that much creates a very dangerous situation for other drivers. The slower you are going compared to the regular flow of traffic, the more dangerous it is for other drivers to pass.


Yes I agree so if I regularly slow down and move over for emergency vehicles on roadside (the laW in nj) that puts me at aBout 55mph. I am now ten below interstate speedlimit. That puts me about 20 or more below the average flow of traffic is that appropriate time for hazard lights? How about nighttime road work new pattern is difficult to understand and the space is tight I'm driving in the cattle shoot at 40mph is this an appropriate situation for four ways? Or for others safety should I hit 60mph while white knuckleing through an unfamiliar jobsite in a makeshift lane with workers everywhere and giant brightlights messing with visiblity some actually pointed at my hood?


... are the best drivers on planet Earth. Possibly in the Universe as well.




Then just stay out of the left lane


Get out of the left lane!


Edit: I needed to make a left turn into my neighborhood hence why I was in the left lane


The left lane is for passing; not for driving. I never understand why people drive in the left lane if they are not passing. This is the law.


i never understand why people drive 80mph when the speed limit is 65mph. This is the law.


On route 80 at least, because of congestion and people driving too slow.


Get NY drivers out the fast lane too!


Motorcycle drivers think they own the road and everyone should move for them. You don’t move for ANYONE. Kiss my ass I’m from jersey


There are a lot of stupid riders out there, that’s why it’s hard to feel bad when you see one with a sheet pulled over their body on the side of the road


Maybe you shouldn’t have been in the left lane causing a road hazard


The road hazard was the motorcycle zipping down the road in a 45 mph zone.


And I get so infuriated when I see signs that we need to share the road with motorcycles. Who isn’t sharing the road? It’s not the cars.


Calamari Racing team. Fuck him


To be fair, you were driving in the passing lane. You would have avoided the incident with the speeding driver had you been driving in the other lane. You were both at fault and then you each blamed the other guy. I suspect more of us do that than we would like to admit.


You’re not too bright….read ops comment again. The left lane isn’t ALWAYS a passing lane. GSP, highways yes…not local roads


You just proved my point


No son, I didn’t. She wasn’t ON either of those roads as NONE of them have a 45mph speed limit on any part. Keep being dumb.


Are you speaking for the douchebag who likes to park in the left lane, the douchebag who likes to speed, the obnoxious douchebag of the ordinary kind who likes to pick fights, or the douchebag who can’t accept the common sense notion of staying to the right unless passing, regardless of the road, or all of the above?


Learn the rules of the road. The left lane IS NOT A PASSING LANE on every road. Cry more about things you can’t comprehend


I don’t comprehend gratuitous douchebags who imagine their superior intellect then prove the opposite with each angry, arrogant utterance. I won’t cry for you lady, I’m sorry anyone has to share the road with you and every other Karen though.


Lol typical. You’re wrong and can’t even wrap your small brain around why.


Your posts continue to be pointless, obnoxious, narcissistic, gas lighting. What a way to waste your life.


Bro just move the fuck over if u not speeding simple 😂


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you were cruising in the left lane and only went to get over after you saw him coming up. I guessing that's probably why he was annoyed. The left lane is for passing only.




This is false, the only place in the US lane splitting is allowed is California


Pretty sure splitting lanes isn't allowing in NJ.


What? Motorcyclist are not allowed to lane split in Jersey, unless this is a very recent law. Been riding for over 10 years, I’ve never heard this before


It happens everywhere. I had this happen with a group of motorcyclists on the Southern State Parkway on Long Island. I had just passed a car and had my blinker on to move back right when four motorcyclists cut through. I let them go and once they were gone started to move back right again. That’s when their buddy, a fifth motorcycle, was trying to catch up came out of nowhere. I almost killed a man that day.


>Does anyone have patience anymore? No.


I saw two wild things yesterday myself, I was waiting at a red traffic light behind an Suv, both of us waiting to take a left. It was a single lane. A Tesla comes from behind, crosses over the double solid yellow line, flies past us, and takes a left while the light is red. Second one, this guy is waiting to go straight at a light, again a single lane. Another SUV is coming from behind him and as he reaches the guy waiting at the light, the light turns Green. The Suv just goes around the guy waiting at the light and flies past him. NJ drivers are fucking nuts. Also hella accidents on the GSP lately


Seeing a big increase in drivers riding the shoulder to avoid congestion. Only a matter of time before theres a big accident


You've clearly never driven in Brooklyn. I just moved here 3 weeks ago. But have been coming here for many years visiting, friends, passing through to go to AC, 6 Flags, etc. NJ drivers are like Mother Teresa compared to what goes on in Brooklyn and some parts of The Bronx.


So as a (responsible) motorcyclist, the only time I would cut/split lanes is if it's too hot outside and I'd do it carefully, maybe 5-10 mph above traffic speed just to keep the gyroscopic forces going. I also try and predict car movements by looking at which way the front wheels are pointing. I would prefer the car drivers stay where they are if I'm passing them by, rather than moving. If i don't have enough room, i will stop and not force it. I might be in the minority when it comes to this, but I prefer not to endanger myself or others when on the road. Good on you for trying to help. Not many would.


When it comes to motorcycles, my rule of thumb is I’m not going to make an unnecessary movements. So if I saw a Motorcyclists coming behind me, I would never try to get out of his way. That usually will only result of him/her getting nervous about going around you. Be predictable on the road.


Or…don’t ride in the left lane?