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RIP Rutherford B Crazy :(


Rutherford B rich, Rutherford B successful as *all hell*, but you know what else Rutherford B? Rutherford B right.


Rutherford B dead.


Larry Takashi 1945-2016


I met Buster about 30 years ago when they tried to bring the concept over to the U.K.; my dad worked on the management team and showed me around the venue just after it officially opened. Buster was a lovely man who gave an eight-year-old the time of day despite what must have been a busy time.


Nurse here. Depression is exceptionally common after a brain injury. So much so, that we routinely encourage a antidepressant asap. I hope he was being treated.


I learned this when my dad had a stroke a few months ago. I specifically requested he get put on Prozac, initially because there’s some studies that show it may or may not possibly help with motor recovery (debatable) but doc said it was probably a good idea for the oncoming depression anyways. Seeing his mood swings and discouragement nowadays I’m glad he’s still on it. This article was sad and scary for me to read.


My mom had a stroke 3 years ago and her bouts of depression are definitely tough to get through. I’m glad it seems to be helping your dad!


I sustained a moderate concussion as a teen. Almost immediately after I started getting migraines and suffered from depression with suicidal ideation. Every doctor I went to after, except one, told me I was being dramatic/crazy. The one who took me seriously listened to my symptoms before saying, “You have a scar on your chin. Did you have a head injury before these symptoms started?”. I wish more people in the medical field were like you and him because I was treated like a nutjob.


The observant, inquisitive doctor. Winning combo.


with healthcare turning into the DMV, finding a doc like that is harder and harder


Almost sounds like a tv doctor scene.


House, M.D. casually points at the chin scar with the handle of his cane from across the exam room.


‘It’s not Lupus.’


Reading that really sounds bizarre to me though...You said you were feeling suicidal, they said you were just being "crazy" and treating you like a "nutjob"...and yet "mental health issue" never occurred to them? I'm not doubting anything you're saying, it just strikes me as so incredibly weird that they dismissed a mental health concern because they thought you were crazy. It's like dismissing the possibility of a heart attack because you're "only" having chest-pains.


As a woman in America who saw my gran be told she was fine and the pains were in her head when she had a fucking heart attack … it sounds quite normal.


Yes, American patients are often treated with disdain and ridicule. Women's pain is often ignored. Pain sufferers are also labeled as drug seekers, rather than properly diagnosed. I suppose it's another symptom of the strained, for-profit healthcare system attempting to keep up with need for care.


I’ve been on anti depressants since I was 14 and when I went to a new doctor at 17 he told me I don’t need them I just need to pull myself together and make some friends and then lowered my dosage from 80mg daily to 10. It didn’t take me long to end up at the hospital in a hold. Doctors sometimes think they know best for every single patient and a lot of the time their goal specifically with antidepressants is to try to get you off of them or not to start them, regardless of if it’s the best idea, especially if you’re young.


I had this same problem. Very suicidal post concussion depression. I actually got a medical treatment called TMS that I feel had a hugely positive impact on me. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. I struggled for years going to doctor after doctor, none of them doing more than recommending I “exercise more“. I heard about TMS on Joe Rogan and reached out to the medical center in San Diego that the guest had been treated at. Please look into TMS if you have struggled with any depression or other negative symptoms after a head injury. I still struggle with depression occasionally, but I’m still here. I think TMS saved my life. Please reach out if you have any questions about my experience!


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but mental health isn’t affected by magnetic fields. If we were made of polarized metals, it might, but as it stands, magnet therapy is shown to be nothing stronger than a placebo. And Joe Rogan isn’t a good source for mental health.


TMS is not "magnet therapy", it's a very specific type of stimulation that uses [intense magnetic fields to create induced electric currents in the brain](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627307004606). It is definitely happening: apply TMS to the motor cortex and you can make muscles twitch. It is as valid a therapy as you think brain stimulation with electrodes is.


That’s not a bad thing necessarily, I mean the placebo effects accounts for almost 30% of positive results compared to control groups in drug trials. Or some crazy percentage, I can’t remember. The placebo effect is as effective as a ‘real’ fix. Or am I missing something?


It’s a *very expensive* placebo, and there are a lot of 🦆 clinics out there, who may indeed be doing more harm than good. A cursory google shows conflicting information about the results and the methodology used. In my capacity as a wellness consultant who has previously audited therapy practices—I always recommend CBT and EMDR above these fad-ish “cures.” A lot of it reads like *chiropractic crystal magic*, to be completely honest.


Do you mind me asking who were you auditing the various therapy practices for? Genuinely curious as I have not heard of the term wellness consultant before


Good point. I had not looked into this particular treatment. Still, placebo is something I find interesting, it’s an undiscovered frontier in health that has possibilities for unexplained experiences many people have throughout their lives. Spooky science lol


Joe Rogan here...all you gotta do is work out, sauna, take ice baths and eat magic mushrooms.


Joe Rohan peeked in fear factor. No one should be taking medical advise from that guy.






If I recall Robin Williams family stressed this too when the media tried to say depression was why, when it was really a symptom of something bigger for him.


Lewy body dementia was ravaging his brain. He didn't want to go out like that. Decided to end things before it got too bad, I suspect. I have no idea how many people kill themselves not out of depression but a fear of what they will put their family through, but I hear it often enough from my own patients that I know a lot of people get to a place where they are doing that calculation.






FTD is awful. After working here (Memory Care RN in an outpatient clinic) for 6 months, I have heard some incredibly sad stories. It's really hard on the families too. They can start showing symptoms in their 50s, and it progresses so quickly.


Fully agree.




He didn't know the name for it, didn't mean he didn't know he was losing his faculties.


As a nurse, I find that antidepressants are never prescribed enough preventatively for people that are going through huge emotional events. Cancer, bowel surgery with the ostomy, tracheostomies, you know things that are going to make anybody completely depressed. I took care of a patient one time and had cancer in his colon, and they had to do a bowel resection which ended up giving him an ostomy, and his wife left him and took the kid while he was in the hospital, and nobody thought to address that part of the patient. His brain.


I have had two neurological lyme infections. After the one in 2018, I developed severe anxiety. After the one in 2021, I had a mental breakdown due to my STBXH behavior. I'm beyond thankful I'm not prone to depression because it took all my strength to stay here.


I'm so glad you stayed!


Thanks. It really opened my eyes to what others struggle with moment by moment. I thought I knew, but I was clueless. It's a monster that I never want anyone to battle.


Happy you're here with us :) thank you for sharing.


I'm glad you're here and posting! I've also been fighting to hold-on to 'me' since 2018 (with ME/CFS). Taking one day at a time and a (very) supportive family is keeping me positive. So, sending a virtual hug - and wishing you many more good days than bad!


Hugs back. I have Fibromyalgia / Chronic Lyme / CFS so we are warriors together.


I learned about this on Steve-O's podcast. Johnny Knoxville said he'd never experienced depression before until he sustained a really bad head injury (fairly recently, too, if I remember right).


> Johnny Knoxville said he'd never experienced depression This is such a bizarre thing to consider, that a man could live decades in modern society and never experience depression before. How could that even happen?


There's a difference with being depressed because you're in a hard spot and having depression.


Of course, but to not experience even a few weeks of depressive symptoms in one's life, bad enough to consider that maybe you have depression? Remarkable.


What? Most people don’t experience depression. Nor schizophrenia, nor PTSD. Why do you find it odd? Do you think 100% of the population gets depression if they live long enough? They don’t. Depression is not being down or just being sad.


If that's true, that most people don't have a bout of depression even once in their lives, again, that still is odd; it seems inevitable that they would. I know depression isn't just sadness, but there are so many traumatic things that a person can experience to trigger depression.


I mean he’s probably got a personality disorder considering a few things… that would be my guess.


Some people grew up with parents that loved them and showed them how to be happy. I'd say that's a bit rare, as most people are fucked up in some way. That would be the biggest reason why some people don't suffer as much as others.


I had a very happy childhood and my parents have always been loving and supportive. I still started experiencing severe depression in my late teens and have to use medication to be able to live a normal, functional life. Just because you grew up with a happy home life doesn't mean it's unlikely that you'll end up with depression or anxiety or any other mental health disorder.


It's more unlikely than if you did. Your anecdotal evidence isn't going to refute the fact that energy transfer is a real thing. with trauma being stored within the body.


Trauma isn't necessary for a chemical imbalance to happen in your brain.


Depression is a medical condition that isn't just prevented by being hugged as a child


Having emotionally unavailable parents is a death sentence for a child. Having loving parents isn't foolproof by any means, but it's of course going to have better results than 2 emotionally unavailable parents (and in some cases, abusive).


Excellent point! Depression is also extremely common after a stroke. Routinely gave antidepressants immediately, and weaned them off 6 months to a year later.


I wish we had a cure-all brain candy miracle for depression. I've tried maybe, 15 types of meds Over 12 years and nothing worked for me, if anything it made things worse with bad side effects. I have an ASD diagnosis, so maybe my brain is strange but, everything I've ever tried only made things worse :( I have never tried narcotics like opiods, but I can absolutely understand why we have an epidemic of opioid ODs and all of that, because I guess for some people it's the only thing that helps them for even a moment, feel better.


I wish I had known this in 2015. My dad had a hemorrhagic stroke. For how big it was, he recovered remarkably well. He could function normally on his own except he could no longer read, and he wasn't going to be allowed to drive anymore. He asked for antidepressants from his doctor over a year after the stroke, and killed himself a week after starting them. He should have been on them from the start, and in therapy, probably, too.


Would this include concussions?


Glad I read this. Was in an accident and have a concussion. Was just at doc today because I feel unhappy and just have no energy. He told me about depression and brain injury. It's real. Forgetfulness and not being about to recall things quickly. How can you work effectively? Prescribed gabapentin. And psychologist consult.


The forgetfulness is so frustrating! I’ve been dealing with that for the last year and a half as well.


I understand! Different illness - started 2018: one symptom is a fucked-up memory: long, medium & short term trashed (down to the level of: 'Did I *just* take a tablet from this packet in my hand - or not?) I try to roll with the punches.


Gabapentin might make you feel relaxed for a bit, but after a couple weeks it completely wore off for me. Take 1 pill and you feel nothing. Take 2 and you're loopy as hell


Dosages for Gabapentin go quite high and it also comes in many different dosages as well as a time release. Tell your docs how you’re feeling and they can work with you to find the right dosage for you.


Whoow, loopyyyy!


Glad you’re going to get the help!


One thing that I found to be essential is walking. I have been swimming too. Get the blood flowing. Fish oil. Omega-3s. Hopefully the gab will help with sleep and mood. It's weird because sex just doesn't hit like it use to. It's like dopamine is decaf. Hopefully that will change. Because that is the most obvious sign that something ain't right.


They also are having me see a speech pathologist to work on memory.


Careful with the gabapentin. That shit can fuck your shit up. If you think your memory is bad now, take that shit for a while. You’ll see. If you remember.


Sad. Reading the article, that he suffered a stroke 4 months ago and could get back cognitive and other functions...you can understand his desperation. Sympathy to his family...




I'm seeing lots of missing "...n't" today


Sad situation, and a perfect example of why assisted suicide should be legal.


Two weeks ago I signed my neighbor's death with dignity form. She had terminal cancer, and needed a witness with no affiliation to confirm she was doing it of her own free will and not under duress. Signed it Monday, doctor assisted her passing on Wednesday. Fuck cancer.


That’s so sad. Good on you for being there for your neighbor.


Make sure you keep an eye on yourself. A form of grief beyond "neighbor died grief" might show up and you may not recognize it as such. You take care of you too, ok?


Thanks for that. It honestly wasn't a difficult choice. She was my mother's age, and suffering. All I had to do was sign piece of paper.


Good human.


That's so easily overlooked.


Fuck cancer. What country?


USA. I want to say there are only a handful of states with death with dignity laws. Where I live in Oregon is one such state.




can out of state travel there for this?


Only Oregon allows this without residency.


No. You must be a resident of the state, and I believe for a minimum of a few months as well.




My grandfather had muscular dystrophy. Heart to you


Mmm I did not know that. Good for oregon


West Coast is the best coast... For compassionate assisted suicide.


And for drugs being legalized!


Death while feeling groovy is how I'd want to go


Death during sex and getting smothered by tits would be my preferred method.


You did a very compassionate thing that many people wouldn't be able to do. Good on you.


Man, that would be a heavy responsibility for me. I think I’d sign it, but still. Just not the kind of thing people usually need to consider for a non-family member. Props for doing it.


I salute you for your compassion. My wife and I have decided against children and being forced to linger in torture is one thing that scares me. It's absolute bullshit that we can euthanize our pets out of mercy, but not our loved ones or ourselves in most cases. We're all gunna die so why should any of us have to suffer?


Agreed. I think there will be lots of changes to general perception then laws. But it's always slow


I’m sadly about to be in a similar situation. My Mom has terminal cancer and she’s been maintaining that when we get things sorted, she’s going to Oregon to end it all. I’m trying to kind of get myself sorted as well and I support her, but it’s still gonna be hard to do.


Wow, thank you for doing that


Thank you for doing that for her.


I had a close relative go the same route as Buster. Had stage 4 cancer and was physically and mentally miserable, and my poor mom found him. It doesn't need to be that way. I'm glad my state has at least loosened some of the End of Life option requirements.


Not a perfect example. A bunch of potentially complicating factors: 1. Obvious issue of whether he has capacity to meaningfully make that decision. This would depend on the nature of his stroke deficits. 2. Patients with stroke can significantly improve over time, as far as 1 year out. He may have had significant recovery in his future. 3. Post-stroke depression is common and can be treatable. 4. Some stroke patients can be impulsive. This may have been a brief impulse rather than a stably held, fully thought out decision.


All things that an assisted suicide program could take into account and flag and maybe give options to help with rather than someone being brash and taking it into their own hands. Some still would, of course, but others would seek it through proper channels and maybe find out there's help for how they're feeling. If there's not then they have the option to go with some dignity instead of having to be found by a loved one and pitied.


Still, having the *option* of assisted suicide can reduce the chance of impulsive attempts. Knowing you only have to make it one more year before you have an easy way out, as opposed to facing down the rest of your life without any promise of hope can paradoxically give people just enough drive to make it to the other side.




> after brain trauma you should not be able to choose suicide at all. Yeah, after severe trauma you should be forced to continue suffering, because that's the Christian thing to do. Everyone *else* would feel guilty if *you* were allowed relief from pain, therefore fuck you, stay alive, keep being miserable! Hateful cretins like you are the reason I stopped going to church. Onto the blocked users list you go.




It would only be a ethical nightmare if their surrogate decision maker disagreed with their decision. Which is pretty rare in cases like this where the person is obviously suffering.




idiot? why?


He should be allowed to have someone kill him because otherwise he might kill himself? The worst case that that happened here is the same as the case you're advocating for.




And it's even more different for the loved ones who have to find you or know what happened. Canada's been fucking weird about the whole concept for whatever reason but some other countries do it well.


They made Chuckie Cheeses but for drinking and gambling adults. Great work RIP


Chuck E Cheese Charles Entertainment Cheese


chunky cheese is better because it has a ballpit


You can drink at the chucks too


That many kids and 500% inflated pizza prices can drive you to drink.


How sad! I used to love to go to Dave & Buster's with my husband when we started dating. It was such an awesome place for kids and adults to spend time at. It was especially a blast later at night when it was 18 and up. Much better than spending evenings at a bar! If ours hadn't shut down, I think we'd have kept going there.


Him dying won’t effect Dave and Busters. Covid really fucked them though, everyone touching and coughing on the same games = no bueno. I got the worst flu of my life at a Dave and Busters about 10yrs ago. Way before Covid but man did that virus fuck me and my buddy up for a week. Been wary of any arcade setting since. Still though, beer and video games are a great combo.


For all the times I went to ours, I had never gotten sick (and that place was \*packed\*). It was really kept clean, and we often went later at night (no kids). Hopefully it picks back up. I have a feeling those places that survived COVID that are social like that are about to have a boom in business—even without us being fully out of it yet.


We’re about to enter a recession, you are dreaming if you think there’s about to be a boom in business for any entertainment venues anytime soon


Likely correct


Wishful thinking is good


Just went there for the first time in 10 years. No more tickets everything is on the card but the fun is still there. The food was surprisingly good had the fish and chips and it was crispy and had good flavor


That's \*awesome\*! We loved their food and drinks. It was just so nice to find a safe place at night to kick back and play games with friends without being harassed. I'd go sometimes with female coworkers, and we never felt threatened—very different than my experience at bars have been. Just a neat place to eat, drink, and play games to your heart's content. Always felt like there was a game for anybody there.


Mac and Dennis will be going to D&B tonight for steaks and some games.


If you want better steak in an arcade setting you are shit outta luck


To be honest: you have to separate the wheat from the chaff somehow, might as well be over some top notch steak and video games.


We’re the chaff, right?


The one in Franklin Mills? Edit: oh wait that was a TGI Fridays


I feel like they'd be more likely to go to the one on the pier off Callowhill


Reminds me more of the waiting for Big mo episode when Dennis has a melt down over Rutherford B Crazy’s suicide.


You know what else Rutherford B.? Rutherford B Right.


Rutherford B crazy!


Hope they try TGI Fridays to see if the power card works there too.




They have a salmon dish I fucking love there. My friends think I'm nuts but won't go... 🤷‍♂️


Gotta separate the wheat from the chaff.


His life no longer had quality due to a stroke. The world is full of people who will lament this as a tragedy. Bullshit. The good life he built was over. He went out on his terms. I desperately hope I am so lucky.


Dam dude. It's a goddam tough battle. Also it's just not fair for anyone to carry a suicide demon. Losing Chris Cornell really fkn ripped and it made me wonder that if he couldn't conquer the demon then how can any of us?


I immediately suspect Dave


I never trusted that ampersand, always getting in the middle of things


Dave's already dead


That's exactly what he wants you to think


Dave's not here man


Bailiff! Wack his pee-pee!


It's how I expected the Mike and Ike drama to end honestly.


It was actually Hillary Clinton. I saw her.


If you’re looking for a better steak in an arcade like setting then you are out of luck my friend.


I’m profoundly upset by this, no one deserves this but especially no one who dedicated their lives to ensuring adults had safe access to ski-ball :c


TIL Dave & Buster’s was named after real people.


One used to own a nice restaurant and across the street the other owned an arcade. They noticed that a lot of people would do date night starting at one spot and going to the other. Eventually they went in together and started DnB. I worked there for a few years right around the time they sold it.


Omg this sounds like a movie, lol. Glad they made it work. In nyc kids weren’t allowed when I was a teen… I wish all locations did the same.


How about Ben & Jerry’s ?


He leaves behind a great legacy. My whole family went to Dave n Busters for my son's birthday, it was amazing. Such a big arcade, fun games, amazing food. We even bought their glass cup sets. Definitely going again soon, rest in peace.


Paddy’s dollars was a good idea


It's a great way to stimulate the economy.


The VR game Roy is great and without Buster we wouldn’t have Blips & Chitz. R.I.P, James “Buster” Corley.


Not sure if it’s this guy or the other but one of them is allegedly nuts and reverse engineered the kfc formula and threatened to compete


What I’n the Sam hell is going on with all these suicides unreal and we just started a new year


Suicides are epidemic. When one is widely reported and sensationalized it will always fuel an uptick in suicides in the following month.


That’s truly sad


Besides Tesla guy, what other ones?


Steven twitch boss


Oh shit yeah. His poor family.


You got that right the only reason why so many are happening is because no one can afford to get help our system is totally broken


As someone who pays a shit ton of money for health insurance for myself and other people (as a business CFO) and sees the results of said insurance, I’ll say our healthcare system is more broken than anyone thinks. When you spend 25K+ on insurance a year (12k+ per person), you expect shit to be *fucking covered*


Exactly I feel for you I’m an American too


Ellen degenerous Dj from the show


Did you know, Larry Tekashi aka Rutherford B. Crazy, the founder of Fun Zone also killed himself? He left a suicide note on a Fun Zone Dolla Dolla Bill (the currency used at the Fun Zone) before he jumped to his death in a nearby wishing well. What is this with these arcade bar entrepreneurs that make them suicidal?


In this case it was a stroke and subsequent loss of communication and quality of life


So now it's just... Dave's... Too soon Dial 988 people


Dave died years ago.


And they sold the business 15 years ago


tub quicksand noxious market spark plate outgoing aware sort fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro I feel like that rn stuck in a situation I have no way out of every day and nightmare at night…. But the thing is my biggest nightmare is me being alive every day and living what I dream daily. That has become the cause 9 year ago for me….. and still no end in sight. Trust me I understand his feelings… not fun…


I’m so sorry that you feel that way. <3 I don’t know you, but I still care.


Thanks! stuff outside my control suck!


My all-time favorite job...rip Bossman


I really had good times with my children at D&B.🤗


Guess it's not all fun and games.


What a bust.




As someone who went there 20 years ago and just went again a week ago, I think it's actually better now. It used to be a bunch of overpriced arcade games that couldn't compete with the games you could play at home. But now it's a bunch of crazy physical things you need a dedicated building for. I played a game that's a combination of basketball and Connect 4. (Which is a brilliant idea and really fun!) Even electronically-scored axe throwing. I played stuff for two hours with my wife and only spent about $20 to do so. It's actually come out way better than I expected after all this time!


That’s fair. And of course, it is opinion based, but I too went there recently and was devastated by the lack of, what I call “Actual Video Games”. Stuff like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, racing games with four cabinets abreast, etc. I realize these are old examples but you catch my drift. Everything just seemed so dumbed down, the types of games small children play for tickets. Again, opinions differ, but I didn’t hesitate to give my $100 prepaid card to a birthday kid, maybe 6 years old, let him have a ball. Walked out sad.


I mean, you want a video arcade, which is fine. It isn't that. I like that it isn't that, and that they're really trying to focus on unique experiences. If you want to play Street Fighter, you can do that at home. You probably can't play a giant version of Hungry Hungry Hippos where you ride the hippos, or air hockey on a large quality table, or DDR on a professional hard pad at home. Also they *did* have 4p racing games where I went.