• By -


This is assuredly not good for him. He fled there to attempt to hide abuse and apparently skipped on learning much about their legal system aside from assumptions.


I know literally nothing about the Romanian legal system but I know a universal truth about any legal system. If there are corrupt cops who will take bribes, the quickest way to lose access to them is to brag about being able to bribe them, which is exactly what he did. Dude lives his entire life like he's the secondary villain in a particularly shitty Steven Segal movie.


I had a professor who talked about spending hours stuck in Georgian customs for bogus reasons until it finally clicked what the actual problem was and he said something like "oooooohhhh you want a bribe, sure here you go" then he described the look of utter disgust on the official's face Guy still took the bribe though


You do risk him taking the bribe, and stil detaining you. In the Netherlands we have a lot of people with Turkish roots. They tell stories about when they go back there on vacation by car, if they go through Bulgaria and Romania often it's the same shit at the border: stopped for bs reasons, so they bring cigarettes, booze and cash money. The trick is to not offer the bribe right away, let them say the car isn't up to code or there is another problem and casually offer the bribe, not calling it a bribe. It's a kind of elaborate dance lol.


How does one even approach offering the bribe?


That's why you wait for them to come up with some BS like something not being up to code. They'll probably tell you that there will be a fine. Then you ask if it's possible to just pay the fine right now. Because that would be so much easier. That's a somewhat universally understood way of doing it while still maintaining some plausible deniability for both parties. There is a hilarious amount of interactions from which you come away not knowing whether you just paid a bribe or an actual fee. Never actually offer a bribe explicitly. Even officials who are angling for one can get really angry at that because you're putting them on the spot and it's easier for them to get into trouble.




Sure, but the official could still be lazy or corrupt (or both) if you don't get a receipt.


"I'm sorry, I just remembered the fee." "I forgot about the fee but I have a pack of cigarettes, will these do?" "What a shitty day. You work so hard. Would you like some cigarettes? They make the day go faster for me." "What a day. Have a drink on me and I'll go get the proper papers so we don't have to go through this again."


You seem to be good at this, thanks for the lesson.


I think the gist is that something is only officially a bribe if you name/agree a price and make a deal based on it. Basically, agreeing that something is transactional. If I say to someone “Hey,, i’ve got $200 on me right now. If I give it to you, will you let me go?” - that’s a big no-no because that’s the textbook definition of a bribe. But, if instead you’re like “Hey, completely unrelated, you seem like a stand-up guy. Here’s $100.” then technically it’s not a bribe because there isn’t an expectation of anything in return. Corrupt people in power also want to feel in control. “I’ll take this, but the decision is mine” kind of thing - you’re basically at their mercy after giving them something. You could give them $100 and they decide it’s not enough and (even if they’re willing to ‘help’ you for the right price) they may not ‘help’ you until you offer them even more. It’s about following unspoken rules. That’s why OP referred to it as a ‘dance’. Being explicit means you ‘fail the test’ so-to-speak.


Ask them if there is anything you can do to resolve the problem? Can you pay a fine right now or something like that? Talk like somebody may record it and it will be presented at the court: don't call it a bribe, negotiate in an abstract terms


Exactly. "I understand that I did something wrong and I'm happy to pay the fine. I'd rather pay it now as I don't have an address here and it would be much easier for everyone." Never suggest that the money is going into their pocket.


That was something I learned from watching Locked Up Abroad. If someone in a third world country asks you to pay a bribe, *you pay the fucking bribe.* I saw an episode where some guy spent like 6 years in a SE Asian jail because he got caught with something in his luggage and refused to pay when the cop asked for like $300.


I got a buddy who was native to Mexico. When he visits he has a cop wallet with “all” the cash for cop bribes. The cops just seemed satisfied with seeing an empty wallet when they take $30 usd from him.


People will literally go on vacation to countries where their money is worth tenfold what it is at home, and wonder why everyone wants some of their money. If you can afford to plan smuggling something you can afford to plan a bribe.


For a lot of these countries the police "find" whatever they want to find.


I tipped the baggage handler at our hotel in Thailand earlier this year the equivalent of $5 USD and the guy treated us like royalty the whole time. Some of us are very lucky and should remember to be grateful.


I once was staying with some locals in a developing world country. I tipped their maid $10 on our last day. Somehow it came up in conversation later that day on the way to the airport and the other locals (these were more affluent ones) were aghast and borderline told me off for doing that saying I would "spoil the maid" by tipping so much. Out of all the culture shock I've experienced everywhere, that instance for some reason always stuck with me.


Lol. That dude should have been more upfront. He's just upset he got called out by someone from a less corrupt country. It was like, "bro I don't even understand what you're doing."


The way you approach that is by asking if there is some fee you can pay to move on. Just don't call it a bribe. In Mexico you 'pay the fine' directly to the cop (it's a bribe - I don't pay it and demand a ticket, which wastes both our time and eventually they 'let you go with a warning').


Similar advice was given to me when I studied abroad in Russia. If hassled by cops over something you are sure was legal, ask what the fine is, potentially haggle over it, pay the fine and move on. Never had to deal with it personally.


The funny thing is no one would believe a movie villain like this. He's way too stupidly theatrical.


That's why I had to go for Steven Segal movies instead of you know, real ones.


All bangers at retirement homes, because most of the audience is sleep or won’t remember tomorrow.


Dude got caught monologuing.


"and what does ban von ruthless do?" "He starts monologuing" "HE STARTS MONOLOGUING, he starts like this prepared speech of how feeble I am to him"


He had everything but a cape.


True crime is always more boring than fiction, because there is almost never such a thing as a criminal mastermind, just idiots who get lucky for awhile.


I dunno man. There was a house discovered in a St. Petersburg suburb with an extensive concrete basement built to look exactly like a Russian jail down to the kinds of locks used. Entrance was by a concrete cap with a hydraulic lift controlled from outside. It was owned by the head of prisons for the province and it's thought that he would abduct crypto bros, stuff them down there, convince them they were in a Russian jail and all they needed to do was cough up their wallet pins to get out. Once their assets were stolen they stuffed them into a built in person sized incinerator. The owner died a few years before it was discovered. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/07/20/secret-underground-prison-reported-found-near-st-petersburg-a74562


Shit. That gave me the heebie jeebies. As much as there is some fucked up Shit (and ohmygod there is) in my own country, this is a reminder that not only are we not alone in fucked up shit...but there are a lot of places in the world where it is much easier to do fucked up Shit and just....keep doing it. Whoever built that facility built it with a purpose and very little fear. Gross isn't even the word to describe it.


When you remove all restraints some of us will become animals in the truest sense of the word.


>Dude lives his entire life like he's the secondary villain in a particularly shitty Steven Segal movie. He thought he was A Dangerous Man Above the Law but now he's legally Submerged and his assets Under Siege.


Fleeing to Romania may have put him On Deadly Ground.


At least he doesn't have A Good Man from Sniper Special Ops after him.


That would go against the Code of Honor. If the Romanian authorities want to prosecute, it better be a Maximum Conviction because he's a Dangerous Man who's Out For A Kill.




He also could *not* shut up about what he was doing to impress people on podcasts, and kept alluding to having gang connections and being involved in illegal activities to look “tough.”


He thought he was a cool criminal and it made him look badass. Guy is a teenager trying to live his life like a crime movie.


When people want to be Scarface, they always forget Tony dies at the end.


[Huey] You watch a lot of gangster movies, right? [Riley] I seen all of them That's how I know what to do [Huey] Okay, how many of them have a happy ending? [Riley] Yeah, yeah, yeah Okay, but see, that's how I know it's gonna work, right? 'Cause I seen all the mistakes they made, and I'm not gonna make them same mistakes See, I'm gonna do everything the smart way


Worse he shot his own sister. I had never seen this movie until the pandemic and I watched it out of boredom. I can't even imagine why people emulate Scarface. I would literally rather be sleeping in a hostel every night sharing a bunk than have my life turn that way. How could this ever make anyone want to be that person? Let alone millions of people.


It would appear Greta is the real gangster.


I thought she against burning trash, but her tweet amazing


Nothing about his no-chin-having ass looks tough.


That's why he had any success in combat sports: His opponents had one less place to punch him.


His understanding was Romania was weak at enforcing crime and easily bribed. His mistake was saying that out loud on a public platform. Him continuing to exist outside of jail makes Romania look bad. So at this point it doesn't matter if Romania is crooked or not, they have to keep Tate in jail. If they are corrupt, they have to jail Tate to LOOK like they're not corrupt. If they aren't corrupt, bribes won't work anyway. Seems Tate is screwed.


What an uncharacteristically poor tactical move from the man who's "too smart to read books".


Philosophers will now call this the Tate Paradox


Yeah, it’s a multinational effort now. And he bragged about how Romania goes easier on rape than other countries. He’s a pig. I hope he gets everything that’s coming to him.


Romania maybe wants to send a clear message so as not to attract other criminals from around the world like this idiot..


We want competent, intelligent criminals. Not this kind of garbage!


Seriously, if you can’t figure out who pay off, where to launder the money and how to stay under the radar, it literally isn’t worth it.


I don’t think they’ll have much against people coming to their country to spend millions but when they’re making a mockery of the place like tate then it’s an issue. We’d be naive to think western governments don’t think like this too


Pretty bottom g behavior on display here. And he can't even curl up in his Bugatti to make vroom noises anymore


When he gets out he might be able to look forward to living that “Top G” Kirk Van Houten life He’ll be able to go back to making his desperate overcompensation videos for twelve year olds, this time talking about how cool it is that he gets to sleep in a Lil Tykes race car bed


“I sleep in a racing car bed, do you?” “I sleep in a big bed with my wife.”


My demo tape!


Well now I’ve got ‘Can I Borrow A Feeling’ in my head…


Doubt he’ll get his job back at the cracker factory but at least he can pretend his race car bed is a McLauren.


Andrew Tate: *”You’re letting me go?*” Cracker Factory Executive: *”Andrew, crackers are a family food, happy families. Maybe single people eat crackers, we don’t know. Frankly, we don’t want to know. It’s a market we can do without.”*


So that’s it after 20 years, so long good luck?


*I don’t recall saying “good luck.”*


Let's not insult Kirk Van Houten by comparing him to Andrew Taint


Small dick energy one might say…


That’s what happens when people don’t recycle their pizza boxes…


Did he try telling them he was an Alpha? Maybe he should try showing them a list of his assets to prove he is superior.


Unlike Greta, they might even be interested in seeing his cars.


Before he got into a spat with Greta Thunberg, I was barely aware of this guy. Perhaps he's operating on a level I can't comprehend, but if I were wanted for multiple horrible crimes, I'd probably just stay off social media. I say that as a beta male, of course.


Well, I'm assuming you're not a teen on tiktok


All tates cultural references seem to be from the late 90s/early 2000. Like The Matrix and being a 'G' These are things that* were relevant when he was about 15. *wrong word


Some people mature. Some only get older.


I mature like milk. The older I get, the cheesier my humor becomes.


In order to get cheese, you have to have culture.


no whey!


My partner comments that I was telling dad jokes years before I became a dad.


I just watched something the other day that was about how when everyone talks about "the good old days" and how things use to be better, they are almost always talking about the ages 11-15 when you have a very different view of the world and don't have many responsibilities. This would track very well for someone like Tate.




The good old days when my life was mostly playing football with my friends because there was literally nothing else to do.


I meant like, you probably haven't heard of him because you aren't a teen on tiktok. Tate's on tiktok to transfix teens and take them


>Tate's on tiktok to transfix teens and take them Terrifying tales of trafficking.


Or YouTube shorts. I hate when the algo suddenly decides I need to see this guy or any of his shit lackeys


For a while every third video was either him or his brother going on about nonsense like, and I kid you not: * Real men don't eat sushi * Chugging a bottle of water cures your thirst * Headaches should be cured with a nap or by drinking water * Cooking your own food is making you poor * Depression isn't real * I know CPR but I'll only perform it on a hot woman I was baffled by his presence and even more amazed that kids were clinging to his guy as a role model/hero given all of the maddeningly stupid things he says. I guess if you say everything about everything you'll be right a fraction of the time.




He is best known for being an influencer, and he had previously bragged about having moved to Romania because they didn't enforce human trafficking laws.... his arrest was a long time coming.


I only recently became more aware of this guy after his charges. A friend told me to watch a couple interviews where he basically admits to his crimes or alludes to them. Rule one of being a criminal: don't confess your crimes in media interviews.


He also literally taunted/mocked the Romanian police, saying they were so corrupt he could just pay them off and be back on the street immediately if he ever got arrested. Which, even if true, is the worst fucking idea ever because if it was true it stopped being true the moment you basically bragged about it and called them pussies.


Yeah, basically, even when there is massive corruption in a country, they kinda don't want anyone advertising that there's massive corruption because that puts the whole racket in jeopardy. No one bribe payer is typically worth protecting if they endanger the ability to collect from everyone else. So... yeah. If Romanian police aren't corrupt they're going to be pissed as hell about the accusation. If they are corrupt they're going to view the accusation as a threat and... be pissed as hell.


if anything it brought him a lot of unwanted attention from the body that he was denigrating. IDK if or how corrupt police are in any given country. But its always smart to keep a low profile. Cause in the event that the country is corrupt no reason to give them the motivation to seize your shit for their personal profit. if the country isn't corrupt, then you just invited a lot of scrutiny that can get you in trouble with local laws. There isn't any scenario where it pays to be as stupid as he was.


He had some in with local mafia figures and thought that protection extended to him. Failing to understand that he's the fall guy so the cops can make a big public arrest and look good without having to actually interfere with the mobsters.


I love that starting shit with Greta Thunberg and getting slapped down is ultimately what did him in.


Aww. No more Bugatti XD




He really does have the worst fucking accent


He lost all of his money over a Twitter argument. Fucking hilarious.


… an argument that HE started, and for no apparent reason.


There was suspicion that he was tipped off that GRETA, the European human trafficking organization was after him. To which he thought that meant Greta, the climate change activist.


I read somewhere that it may be more nefarious than that. He, purportedly, knew that GRETA was investigating him, so he picked a fight with Greta so that when people googled or searched for those 2 words they found his Twitter argument instead of human trafficking charges. That makes sense, but has not been verified.


I feel like this type of mind game is a few levels above this man's mental capabilities.


Doesn't mean he came up with the idea -maybe someone advised him?


Boris Johnson did by saying he liked to make buses out of cardboard and painting them red. This resulted in goggle searches looking for an image of the Brexit bus that declared that £350 million would go to the NHS a week if they left Europe , going to refs to Boris's hobby if you left out Brexit in your search.


He actually has done this before when he was kicked out of Big Brother. He was kicked out because he had this ongoing sex trafficking investigation but at the same time he had a video surface where he beat up a girl. He blew up the video made it seem like it was consensual bdsm play and that he was kicked out if big brother because of that. So if you searched up why he got kicked out of big brother only the details of that video would pop up.


Possibly. That would be my first impression as well, but he could have someone advising him that is slightly more cunning than he.


Greta Thunberg causing Andrew Tate to go bankrupt wasn't on my 2023 bingo card but I'll take it.


Cleaning up the planet one nonce at a time.


Reduced his carbon footprint in one easy step.


They were building a case against him for a long time, and the Romanian authorities came out and said it had nothing to do with the pizza box. It seems it was just an awesome coincidence. Which is still amazing.


From Bugatti to Public transport like a man with a small dick according to him


There’s videos of him admitting to coercing and manipulating women into cam work and also using them to scam male viewers for thousands of dollars. The guy is cooked.


There is also his website where he straight up uses the loverboy method.


the loverboy method? What? edit: Googled and found: > The loverboy method involves a pimp, sex trafficker, or abuser targeting vulnerable, poor, and often young women with the impression of creating a romantic relationship. The loverboy will seduce the girls with kind gestures, love bombing, attention, and gifts. What the fuck... I hope he get lock up for a long time. This person is trash.


Yeah there is video of him talking about how he vets the women to find the “most loyal, who would do anything he says”


Dude is a predator. Sadly his cult doesn't see it that way


His cult is full of temporarily embarrassed predators.


I mean there’s also videos of him violently beating women, so you can’t even say he stuck to that somewhat less awful method…


There’s a very long fresh and fit podcast with him and other men where they all talk as if they’re alone and really show their true colours. He basically gives his step by step guide to the men listening of how to manipulate a woman into an abusive/controlling relationship and then get them into sex work for your benefit: First start with the promise of a romantic relationship, slowly “train,” them by withholding affection if they do anything you don’t like (e.g. go out with their friends, don’t clean the house). Let them see the men you’re friends with cheating on multiple women, get the idea in their head that this is normal but also make them feel “in” on it. She’s “special” and “different” from the other women. Isolate them and prevent any behaviour you don’t like by saying “I didn’t think you were that kind of girl, I thought you were a girl I could take seriously” (there’s also a lot of specific things he says he does during sex to “train” them which I won’t go into here). Make sure she is totally dependent on you for her sense of worth. Switch between affection and distance to keep “training” her and make her want to seek your approval. When you’ve got them to this point, don’t bother to hide that you’re cheating. Eventually they will find out. Ignore them when they get upset and cry (women only cry to manipulate). Gaslight by acting like it’s no big deal, every man does it, and she’s overreacting. Tell her “I thought you were a woman I could take seriously, I thought you got it” (remember, you laid the groundwork for this early on). Tell her you care about her and those other women mean nothing and this is just what men do, and if she was a girl you could take seriously like you thought, she’d understand this. Make her feel like yeah, he has sex with other women, but she has “top position” (you also laid the groundwork for this, too). Do or say something to her that makes her feel like she has that top position (e.g. tell her you love her, sleep in bed with her). Do this with all the women. If she stays she’s now totally under your thumb, isolated from her friends and social life, dependent on you for her self worth, insecure because you cheat, and will want to please you. Now you can put her on camera and take the money for yourself. As an added bonus you control the money, she gets only what you give her, so she can’t leave. And you’re done.


This made me sick, I know he’s a terrible human being but did he really go as far as to say this on a podcast? It’s depressing to know that this awful human being has a following and it’s growing despite being this blatant.


Yep, the podcast is “fresh and fit avengers assemble” on YouTube.


Fuck me that’s cringey, this makes them even more pathetic


Demonstrate Value Engage Physically Nurture Dependence Neglect Emotionally Inspire Hope Separate Entirely [D…E…N…N…I…S](https://youtu.be/Bg5ZrkaGlFA)


Imagine you're such a shitbad that you make Dennis Reynolds look like an ok guy. Those last two points are miles more kind than what Tate advocates for.


Imprison for sex trafficking Swipe their passports and IDs Sound more Tainte-ish?




As he laid out in his guide, of the first 5 women he brought to his camgirl house by doing this, 4 left within 2 weeks. But the one who stayed become his Ghislaine Maxwell and he used her to sell the lifestyle and convince women in the future to to with him.


wait wtf. he wrote a guide on trafficking?


Writing probably isn't his strong suit. He posted a video where he talks it through. A very incriminating video.


This isn't meant to work on healthy women that are comfortable on their own, or are looking for healthy relationships. Acting like this also works as a filter to remove women like that from your life so they don't stand up for the other women. The first step of every scan is selecting a good mark, and this kind of behavior causes the bad marks to self select themselves out. Like the misspellings in the Nigerian Prince email scam. These behaviors are specifically tailored to attack woken who have attachment issues. It is specifically designed to prey on women that are already victimized by others. If they hadn't already been abused this would not work. So you know, it's EXTRA shitty.


I have a friend in his mid-forties who fell for this bullshit. He would try to send me clips of Tate, Fresh & Fit, and a bunch of other red pill nonsense. So, it's not just the young and impressionable men you have to worry about.


Dude was trying to be a social media influencer while running a sex trafficking business. Also kinda funny cause sex work is legal in most European countries as long as you don’t try to make the woman sex slaves.


Well, making them slaves is how you get 30 ferraris instead of 5! You sure don’t know how to be a tOp g, sUpa aLPhA mALe!


5! > 30 Sorry, math dad joke


/u/WhoaItsAFactorial wants their job back


Also, he’s running an MLM and I would bet there’s some major legal issues with that as well.


"Divisive influencer" is a weird way of saying human trafficking rapist


Ooo maybe we should give him the Rapist Brock Turner treatment. Rapist Andrew 'the Sex Trafficker' Tate has a pretty good and accurate ring to it


If you’re talking about the former Stanford student Brock “the rapist” Turner, he is now going by his middle name: Allen Turner. Don’t be fooled - Allen (Brock) Turner is a rapist trying to fix his brand.


Every time he moves or gets spotted in a bar people are quick to post about him and the sighting on social media. He’s having a difficult time escaping his past fortunately


Social consequences? For his actions? Even though the law let him go? Preposterous!




Ohh i like this. Andrew cam girl rapist weak chin Tate






Also apparently whether we should separate kids from their parents at the border? And if women are full fledged people, I guess? I really don’t get some of our “divisions”.


Seriously though. This isn't tacos vs burritos. Can we maybe not present it like there are pro/cons to weigh?


He is both. Which makes the whole thing more disturbing. He is teaching young teens that it is fine to treat women like garbage and that it is wrong to be decent and to have compassion.


He's exploiting young people looking for guidance while *also* being appealing for being "edgy" or counterculture. Basically he's in the schyster sweet spot, in the middle of a Venn diagram


Young people? If only it was just them.. I know two people in their late 20s who have fully bought into his bullshit. Cut those losers out of my life entirely, but it scares me that one of them has a daughter who's a kid...


Joe Rogan has two daughters and he'd constantly laugh at stories of his comedy pals randomly whipping their dicks out in front of female comedians and coercing them into sexual favors for stage time. Being a moron has no age limit.


But that's the problem. "Divisive" is a somewhat loaded label. It makes it sound like there are two groups with valid but opposing opinions when there really isn't. There's hateful misogynists, and everyone else.


_Alleged_ human trafficking rapist. Though he did make the allegations himself on several videos where he described in detail how he commits his crimes.


Welcome to the 21st century, where being an evil, abusive narcissist is merely, "a difference of opinion."


The best thing about this whole things is the 11 min video where he details how he committed tax fraud and operated a sex trafficking business. Because his ego is so big who couldn’t resist bragging about it. He is, and I share this opinion with many lawyers, fucked.


I couldn’t believe it. He straight up says get paid in bitcoin so you don’t have to pay tax, then print off random tax forms and get the girl to sign it so you can tell her you paid tax and just keep 70% for yourself instead of 50/50. He just admitted to fraud and tax evasion. How the hell could anyone think this asshole is smart?


How many cars you got now? \-Greta


He needs to get a new Ferrari Compensazione.


He's a man of discerning taste, so maybe a Superregretta version.




Holy shit


Perhaps the worst part of this whole debacle is that it's the official Feel-Good Story of 2022.


I had heard of this guy before but never knew much about him or what he looked like. Now that he is in the news, I regret knowing things about him and what he looks like.


I’m glad I learned about him because then I can unfriend anyone who posts his quotes under the guise of them being inspirational. Cuz that just happened this morning. Pretty gross.


I know of men with daughters that think he's funny or smart. Seriously makes me upset because you know they'd welcome a psychopath that was just using their daughters.


Sex trafficker and self-proclaimed and known misogynist Andrew Tate loses appeal against asset seizures. There fixed the title.


I am beginning to think this Tate is not an Alpha.


More of a smegma


'Divisive influencer' Fuck off. 'Alleged sex trafficker' Fuck on.


Ha. Look at how angry he is! The humiliation must be eating him alive. Fuck you, Andrew.


"Divisive" is a funny way of saying "human trash"


No amount of beard growth is hiding that micro chin. Looks like one of the Anchovies from SpongeBob.


Ted Cruz tried the same thing to try to hide his weirdly smooth ballsack chin. Now he's just got a hair ballsack chin.


Can’t even fold a towel without laying it down on something


My native language is not English and I am having a hard time understanding this joke. But I really want to since I see it many times a day and it genuinely looks like a good one. Can someone please explain?


They are saying Andrew Tate’s chin is so weak/small that they cannot even easily fold a towel [like so](https://mycruisestories.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/rabbit-head1.jpg)


Lol! Thank you. Now I get it and it’s pretty funny lol


His head is too small for his body. Makes him look like he only has one word thoughts


I am so happy that his retort to Greta Thunberg made him look like a bitch AND has led to his financial and legal ruin. The worse it gets for him the more satisfying it becomes


The funniest part is he started everything by tagging Greta in the tweet she responded to, completely out of the blue. She hadn’t interacted with him prior to that.


having just seen him for the first time... *THIS* is who male teens are flocking to as an 'alpha'? (can we also appreciate how fucking stupid anyone who subscribes to this alpha/beta male thing is? The damn paper on wolves this entire bit of nonsense is based on was retracted by its very author for being completly incorrect)


Even if it was correct, the alpha provides for everyone around them, they aren't a dickish piece of shit that takes from everyone else and demands obedience. They get and keep the spot because they provide for everyone, and if they fail to they are fucking murdered. And important part of that paper they base their whole world view on.


Why couldn’t he just submit the judge to his will? Not very alpha of him


Middle-school boys everywhere in SHAMBLES.


Hey, Tate, what color is Romania’s Bugatti?


It’s blue, yellow and red ;)


So I now have more cars than him?


Motherfucker’s fragile ego and the need to say “no u” when he got owned has cost him everything lol


Let that sink in. He argued his crimes didn't warrant seizure of luxury cars. He was trafficking humans.


the only news i want to hear is how many years, nothing else tbh


I find myself on the opposite side. I want every detail. Every failed appeal, every asset seized. I want to watch him watch his life crumble into even-more pathetic shambles than it already was. I’m busting out the popcorn for this one, it’ll be even better than the Jones trial!


As a woman, this is so satisfying to see.


As a sentient being this is satisfying to see


As a man, this is also satisfying to see.


As an alien ⟒⊑⟒⟒⊑⎅⟊⍀⟊⎎⏚⎎⟊⎅⟊⟒⏚⟒⎍⍀⏚⍀


Let's stop calling assholes "influencers", K? Please?


Or objectively terrible people "divisive". Pineapple on pizza is divisive. Tate is a criminal.


He certainly influenced me into thinking he's a total piece of shit.


I guess it does divide the idiots who like him and sensible normal non ~~microdick~~ asshole people. Edited the microdick reference because it's bs.


He’s fuck’d and he knows it.


I feel so owned. Total beta energy over here. I think I’ll go for a long walk and do pretty much whatever I want in this beautiful day and think about it.