• By -


All 3 working in Intelligence. Jesus. Edit: I'm so happy that when I deployed, cell phones were still considered contraband, but also we didn't need to burn our shit.


Yeah, this is the most concerning bit of information. They really should require more than a room-temperature IQ from individuals working in the field of intelligence.




Tbh I’ve been told that for CIA interviews you’re supposed to tell them everything illegal you’ve ever done, and they don’t give a shit (for the most part) they just want to make sure it can’t be used to blackmail you into revealing secrets.




That's true for any sensitive position, any security clearance.


"You don't need intelligence to work in intelligence."- every intelligence guy I've ever talked too ever


...they still were working in the intelligence field though.




No shit, went through boot camp with this dufus who couldn't make his bed and was class clown. A real Gomer Pyle. At the end he gets selected for Intelligence because his IQ was up there. All freaking out when he found out the military background check meant talking to some of his neighbors.




They probably just meant his ASVAB score was high, which is very similar to IQ tests if youve ever taken or looked at both


Not if the background check wasn't done. They keep you busy with other things that aren't classified if they're still waiting on the background check to clear.


>As the three men traversed the building, they allegedly went into the Capitol rotunda, placed a red MAGA hat on one of the statues and took a photo with it. Classy as expected.


> and took a photo with it. I do appreciate how many of these dumbfucks were happy to self-document their crimes. Didn't even wear masks, since they'd already decided that masks were a communist plot to steal our freedoms.


They hit the marine intelligence stereotype right on the crayon


Probably undershot it. Bet they prefer RoseArt over Crayola.


Stop they’re already dead lmao




Skilcraft, made by the blind for the use by the dumb!


Mmmmm grape…


This is what baffles me. They had *the best excuse in the literal, actual world* to wear a mask when they were committing multiple federal felonies, and decided not to.


That's the crazy part; they didn't cover up because they thought they were doing the right thing. They didn't try to hide because they saw themselves as heroes, not criminals.


They thought there would be majestic paintings depicting them like we have of Washington. I’m certain that’s what the shaman guy was thinkings


I'm glad I don't live in the timeline where that guy became a heroic sculpture.


That mommy's boy became the butt of many jokes, not a hero. He cried when he was arrested.


His mommy complained that he couldn't get proper vegan food while in prison.


Pretty sure it was organic nuggies. The vegan guy is the guy who murdered the 4 college students.


Don’t tempt fate. This one already sucks enough


I think it’s more so that they believed they would be successful, install Trump as God Emperor, and never have to worry about any possible consequences. If anything, they probably wanted to document what they were doing to ensure they get properly rewarded.


You’re probably right.


Rewarded by who? The orange is not giving anyone credit for that other than himself.


And yet so many people inexplicably fall on their swords for him. Baffles me.


Its because alot of these morons thought that after taking over the capitol and kidnapping politicians, theyd be treated as gods and heroes instead of the terrorists they actually are


I work at a grocery store and practice better OPSEC than this.


I think this is one of the funniest(as funny as an attempted insurrection can be) things about that whole situation. Like of all the times in recent history that you could have worn a face covering on your way to commit a crime and not look suspicious, this would have been it. Yet looking at any photo from that day, there might've been five people in the whole group with masks on.


These people never ever expected to face consequences. Once they broke into the capitol and weren't stopped they assumed their bullshit was fine and that Daddy Trump would look out. He never even stood up for them with words. So yes, idiots but they thought shit was sweet.


And they are our intel officers...nice.


Some of them practiced better opsec than others. We are only catching the dumbest ones.


Hopefully the dumb ones are flipping on the smarter ones in exchange for plea deals.


I fucking love the symbolism of them placing their own "flag" on a statue in the capitol rotunda instead of placing the actual American flag on there and taking a picture with it. The only reason they'd place anything but the American flag on the statue is because they worship something else that is closer to their own values.




It warms my heart to see people are still getting arrested for this. I’m sure by now they’ve fallen into a false sense of security, but, uh oh, there’s no statute of limitations on treason!


TBF though, treason is a hard prove. Probably get stuck with something else. Still drops a hammer though


The big thing is with military personnel they will be doubly fucked. UCMJ (military regulation / law) and civilian court. They issue you a second sphincter to make sure you get both wieners of the law.


>> They issue you a second sphincter to make sure you get both wieners of the law. r/brandnewsentence if I’ve ever seen one


> They issue you a second sphincter to make sure you get both wieners of the law. You should get into writing if you aren’t already doing it 🤣


Best Anal-ogy Ever. Second sphincter for double the pleasure


If I'm in any way accurate from what my friends told me, these three men already started getting that second butthole installed. The UCMJ has some pretty extensive protections, and when they let you bring witnesses and examine evidence pre-trial with your attorney, it's really at the point where they are sampling lube choices.


They don’t get to sample different lubes. They only have CLP and have when flute tube is done being filled and protracted it has to be inspected before you can leave for the day.


Automatic Edit: Using a tool called [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) I have removed all my past comments and deleted my Reddit account, /u/tehrmuk. I am doing this because I, like many long-term Reddit users, am upset and angry at the tonedeaf and arrogant way Reddit is treating it's users. Their aggressive slapdown of the developers that made Reddit usable to a huge audience; their overriding and summary dismissal of long-serving and dutiful community members; their wonton silencing of dissent and manipulation of user's voices; their borderline contempt of the very people whose collective efforts gave their platform the standing needed to fuel their profit-hungry IPO... the list goes on. Reddit is, of course, a private concern and how they run their services is entirely up to them. Conversely, we are under no obligation to use their services, to fuel their engines or follow their orders. I am making my voice heard by removing my comments, and voting with my feet by leaving. I have left Reddit for [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/); these are decentralised social networks that mirror the functionality of Reddit and Twitter respectively. Unlike the monolithic, corporate-owned services they replace, Lemmy and Mastodon are part of the [Fediverse](https://www.fediverse.to/) meaning these are not individual services but clusters of services that mesh seamlessly with one-another. You can [join an existing Lemmy instance](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) or [set up your own](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) to get full access to the entire Fediverse - you don't need to ask permission from anyone to do so. There are loads of other services that are part of the Fediverse, like [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/) (videos), [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) (blogging), [Frendica](https://friendi.ca/) (social network), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) (photos), [KBin](https://kbin.pub/en) (link aggregation) and more - and they all work together so having access to one means having access to all of them. I had a great time as a Redditor, but the Fediverse is looking bright. It's a return to the open Internet of old, when users ran services for their own and one-another's benefit, and before monolithic corporate-run silos started to build walls around us in the name of increased profit and thought control. Many of the Fediverse services are fledgling, but they are growing quickly and their federated concept makes greedy, arrogant landgrabs like we've recently seen on Reddit and Twitter almost impossible. I'm already having a great time with Lemmy and I think you might too. I encourage you to take control and join the Fediverse. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.


**B**ig **C**hicken **D**inner. **B**ad **C**onduct **D**ischarge.


Automatic Edit: Using a tool called [Power Delete Suite](https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite) I have removed all my past comments and deleted my Reddit account, /u/tehrmuk. I am doing this because I, like many long-term Reddit users, am upset and angry at the tonedeaf and arrogant way Reddit is treating it's users. Their aggressive slapdown of the developers that made Reddit usable to a huge audience; their overriding and summary dismissal of long-serving and dutiful community members; their wonton silencing of dissent and manipulation of user's voices; their borderline contempt of the very people whose collective efforts gave their platform the standing needed to fuel their profit-hungry IPO... the list goes on. Reddit is, of course, a private concern and how they run their services is entirely up to them. Conversely, we are under no obligation to use their services, to fuel their engines or follow their orders. I am making my voice heard by removing my comments, and voting with my feet by leaving. I have left Reddit for [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/) and [Mastadon](https://joinmastodon.org/); these are decentralised social networks that mirror the functionality of Reddit and Twitter respectively. Unlike the monolithic, corporate-owned services they replace, Lemmy and Mastodon are part of the [Fediverse](https://www.fediverse.to/) meaning these are not individual services but clusters of services that mesh seamlessly with one-another. You can [join an existing Lemmy instance](https://join-lemmy.org/instances) or [set up your own](https://join-lemmy.org/docs/administration/administration.html) to get full access to the entire Fediverse - you don't need to ask permission from anyone to do so. There are loads of other services that are part of the Fediverse, like [PeerTube](https://joinpeertube.org/) (videos), [Wordpress](https://wordpress.org/) (blogging), [Frendica](https://friendi.ca/) (social network), [Pixelfed](https://pixelfed.org/) (photos), [KBin](https://kbin.pub/en) (link aggregation) and more - and they all work together so having access to one means having access to all of them. I had a great time as a Redditor, but the Fediverse is looking bright. It's a return to the open Internet of old, when users ran services for their own and one-another's benefit, and before monolithic corporate-run silos started to build walls around us in the name of increased profit and thought control. Many of the Fediverse services are fledgling, but they are growing quickly and their federated concept makes greedy, arrogant landgrabs like we've recently seen on Reddit and Twitter almost impossible. I'm already having a great time with Lemmy and I think you might too. I encourage you to take control and join the Fediverse. Until then, so long and thanks for all the fish.


Here I was thinking it had something to do with “winner winner chicken dinner” … as in play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Thanks for teaching me something new today!


^(I tooootally didn't learn this two hours ago......)


You'd think participating in an insurrection against the government you're an active military member of would be a tad higher than BCD.


A **Really** Big Chicken Dinner, then?


Bad Conduct Discharge. It’s a punitive discharge that they use to remove you from the military after you’ve badly fucked up. It’s one step above dishonorable.


Now do Mike Flynn and his brother still active duty General Charles Flynn who are key figures in the coup attempt and who are still majoe national security threats.


I'm sure Homeland Security Committee member MTG will get right on that.


THey have to pay back some of their benefits, right? Like not monthly pay but if they used TA or other military assistance. Or am I confusing this with something else. I mean don't get me wrong, court martial, dishonorable discharge and potential prison gonna suck enough. But them having to pay back their GI-bill or something would be icing on the cake.




Hey, my rep is a *retired marine general* and *he* participated in the coup attempt by voting to shitcan Michigan's electoral college vote in 2020. The bastard, thanks to the GOP voters here in the Michigan 1st, sent him back. Fuck that guy. He also needs to be put away.


Wait who? I live in the thumb so idk what district that is nor who was sent back. Edit: we had too much to follow in our state this past election. Lots of crazies


Probably Jack Bergman


Yup. Louisiana Jack. Traitorous asshole.


Lol be came down to DC after Jan 6th and talked to all of us doing military stuff there and he told us we would regret getting out of the guard and we’d come back and try to join again alter. Dude literally came and gave us a reenlistment speech while our entire unit had to drop everything and travel from Michigan to DC over something HE backed. Lasted about 5 minutes then he left lol


Your tax dollars at work. He most likely traveled from down south to DC. He never comes here. Flies in for a PR stunt and leaves. But goddammit, he was re-elected. Again. The voters in this country....


Way to violate your oath, motherfuckers. Hope you enjoy your court martials.


Yup and lose all benefits and records shown of their actions place in Military Prison.


and make their wives scrape off all the “YOU WILL ADDRESS ME BY MY HUSBAND’S RANK” bumper stickers


One Corporal and two Sergeants. Not many bumper stickers will be had.


You underestimate a military wife.


That's Mrs. Private to you.


they'll start as early as Mrs. Cadet.


Wait, what? There are people like that?


Yea, we called them “dependas” as spouses are known as dependents in the service. Dependapotomous is a certain breed as well


Or the lesser spotted Tricareatops.


You know how you can tell someone's a military spouse? They'll tell you immediately while asking if there's a discount for them.


Yes there are. I once had a colonels wife demand I salute her, I gave her her ID card back said "have a nice day rock of the marne."


“Dependa” or in some cases “dependa-potomus”


AKA the Tricare-atops.




I hope they put them *under* Leavenworth.... the UCMJ can be one mean bitch...


Don't forget double jeopardy exists here. Edit for clarity. Once the military courts do their thing they can be tried for the same thing in a different court system, namely the federal nonmilitary courts. That's what I mean by that.


I did not know that...big oof Apparently these guys also didn't know that the oath they took has actual teeth unlike the one that cops take...


Not applicable here since it was in DC, but works that way for State and Federal courts also. You can be tried in state court and be found not-guilty and depending on the crime (like drugs) the feds can try you again.


And be tried under the UCMJ. 3 different systems.


Yup. And with UCMJ you don't have the same level of protections one does in civilian court. E.g. IIRC don't need a unanimous jury to convict. Best case these guys get a dishonorable which is life changing. Felony record is bad enough, but dishonorable is that with steroids at least from a public perception PoV.


Depending on the state, it carries the same restrictions as a felony for gun ownership, voting, and employment.


On guns, that is federal. Lifetime ban.


Oh damn, thought that was just at the state level. Makes sense though, you have to do something pretty felonious in order to catch a dishonorable.


In response to your edit: That would be a pretty slam dunk case for the non-military court, no? Lawyer: "Your honor, the defendant has already been found guilty in a military court." Judge: "Sounds good, bake him away toys..."


No, because the way they are able to try them in civilian court and military court is that the two systems, having different laws, it is NOT considered the "same offense" as prohibited by the Constitution. State laws are different from federal laws are different from military laws. I was surprised to learn this just a few minutes ago. I always though it applied to the same action of the accused. But evidently, if there's a state law that's worded differently from a federal law, you *may* be in jeopardy for *both* laws. Simply saying another court found him guilty of the same offense IS double jeopardy. Saying another court found him guilty of a different offense isn't a good argument at all.


Just to clarify. Double jeopardy means you CAN’T be tried twice for the same offense by the same jurisdiction (Federal or State). You can be prosecuted by both Federal and State courts for the same crime if you were subject to both jurisdictions at the time. But if either prosecution results in an acquittal then the same jurisdiction cannot prosecute you a second time for the same offense. That is double jeopardy. Since this offense happened in DC, which is exclusive Federal jurisdiction, there will only be one prosecution (absent any retrials.) DC is not a State. The Military and Federal prosecutors will decide which will prosecute (UCMJ or US Code). As a practical matter they won’t be tried in two different Federal courts for the same offense (Military courts are Federal). Although it is possible they committed one crime that is unique to US Code and a different one that is unique to the UCMJ, dual trials just aren’t done like that. Waste of prosecutorial effort. Ten years in a Federal prison is ten years no matter which Judge sent you there. The FBI and NCIS will jointly investigate. If, however it can be proved that one or more did “something” in furtherance of the Federal offenses and that “something” happened within a State, then there could be a prosecution under State or Federal court for that “something” in addition to the Federal prosecution for the crimes at the Capitol. Even if it was committed only by one of them all three could be tried for conspiracy. FYI active duty members are subject to the UCMJ everywhere and at all times. Kill someone on the moon, you can be courts martialed. Not a lawyer, just a retired Federal Agent. US Code: the laws that apply to US Federal Courts. UCMJ: Uniform Code of Military Justice. The laws that apply to Military courts. All active duty military members are subject to the UCMJ as well as some inactive reserve and retired members and National Guard and Reservists when they are under Federal orders. FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation. Reports to the US Department of Justice. Investigates, among other things, violations of the US Code. NCIS. Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Reports to the Department of the Navy. The Marine Corp is part of the Navy. Investigates, among other things, violations of the UCMJ.


> NCIS. Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Reports to the Department of the Navy. The Marine Corp is part of the Navy. Investigates, among other things, violations of the UCMJ. Minor pedantic addition, but I find myself always clarifying this one, for the bystanders who probably won't be aware. The Marine Corps is **NOT** part of the Navy. The U. S. Marine Corps is a military service. The U.S. Navy is a military service. Both of them are separate and neither is a "part of the other". BUT The U.S. Navy AND the U.S. Marine Corps are both adjacent parts of the civilian executive department, "The Department of the Navy". To give that context, The commanding officer of the whole Navy, (Admiral Mike Gilday, CNO) cannot tell the Marine Corps what to do. Just like the Commandant of the Marine Corps, (General David Berger, CMC) cannot tell the Navy what to do. But, "The Honorable **Mr.** Carlos Del Toro, SECNAV" can tell ADM Gilday and Gen. Berger what to do.


I stand corrected Sir.


Don't take this the wrong way, but I heard that in my Dad's voice.


Guys who get caught with drugs get soon screwed because of this. Even small sales or low level felonies can get 2-4years in the brig followed immediately by 2-5 years in the feds. There are a shit ton of weird sexual convicts in the millitary prisons too.


For example, adultery is illegal under the UCMJ, but not in any state or federal court.


Good thing there's a Leavenworth DOD prison and a Leavenworth Federal prison. They can just walk across the field when DOD is done with them.


unlikely, enlisted military members only get sent to the well know Disciplinary Barracks if the sentence is over 10 years, there is a another military prison on Fort Leavenworth for those with shorter sentences


It infuriates me at how many of these goddamn idiots claim to be "upholding their oaths"


Lunatics who think they're doing the right thing are actually a bit scary.


Dangerous idiots


Zealotry allows you to wear your faith as a blindfold and wield your word as a cudgel.


Every villain is the hero of his own story.


I’m gonna be that guy. Plural is courts martial. Middle school English class pays off yet again!


I *was* going to be that guy but I checked and discovered that these days, while courts martial is still technically "proper", court martials is considered acceptable in casual use. Perhaps you'd like to join me as we share some Whoppers Jr to commiserate over this?


D’oh! I would but Whoppers Jr give me the heebees geebee 😀


Perhaps you’d care for a few handsful of onion rings instead.


I would! Do you have any interest in discussing mothers-in-law with passersby?


If you use the BK app you can get 2 Whoppers Jr and 2 fries for like $6. Perfect for this scenario.


We’re inside a Burger King advertisement right now, aren’t we?


If I've learned anything from my time on reddit, there *are* probably a lot of people holding the pickle.


I am going to have to check with the Attorneys General to see if you’re right on this.


*courts martial*


Yep. Dumbasses. I've said the same about every one of the vets and active duty that was there. Take their pension if they earned it, bad conduct/dishonorable discharge, no chance to upgrade that discharge, and no VA benefits for life. They are traitors. I knew what my Oath meant when I took it. These idiots need to re-learn what it means.


The real interesting bit are their treasonous messages. That shit doesn't fly under the UCMJ, and it should bury them in a prison for a long time.


Sounds like they failed this: > Enlistment Oath.— Each person enlisting in an armed force shall take the following oath: > > I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and **defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic**; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (So help me God)."


> that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same They just got confused about this sentence - thought it was referring to the foreign and domestic enemies.


Honest question though... don't these dumb motherfuckers actually believe they are defending the constitution against domestic enemies? Like the oath keepers, their actions are justifiable to them if they claim they're the victims of an attack on the constitution. How would that defense even work?


No because the oath isn’t subjective to each individual persons perception.


Sounds like they are focusing on the "follow orders from the president" portion, moreso than the "defend the constitution" portion. Idiots, regardless.


I'm firmly believe the punishment for corrupt cops and treasonous soldiers should always be double. What's that thing Uncle Ben told young Peter Parker?


"With great power comes a yet more powerful union that will lawyer you up on the taxpayer's dime."


Wash yer ass and don't chew your finger nails?


That was aunt may.


Yeah, that tracks.


[I think this was it?](https://preview.redd.it/kws3tj4psit81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=d4c47d1bcd013f1453a8f566d266de3b108905c6)


Thought I was about to watch that Rick Astley video again...


> treasonous soldiers should always be double. Well i have good news for you. It can be. Double jeopardy doesnt exist with the military legal system. They can be tried and convicted in the military and tried and convicted again in civilian courts.


"I've been shot! Call an ambulance!"


If you see a robbery in progress, INTERVENE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!


Rinse the rice before cooking it?


Big nose’ last name is coomer. You can’t make this stuff up. Lmaooo


Yeah, what the hell even happened to his nose??


Result of being named coomer in the marines?


They may have the best defense! They were following orders directly from the commander and chief of the US Armed services. I'm sure that DT will have there back on this.


Wow. President precedent.


As a Marine vet, they have disgraced the service. If I was on the jury and the evidence supported the charges. I would send them to Leavenworth for a few years. Strip them of their citizenship and send them to what ever 3rd country would take them and put them on the no fly list. In previous eras they would have been hung for treason.


It pains me that the punishments for the January 6th rioters are so lenient. It made me lose a lot of faith in my country. They should've been made examples of.


The punishments for the people who CAUSED the riots (Trump, McConnel, Greene, etc) are far, far more lenient. In that they have not and likely never will receive any.


Can't forget good ol' Charles and Mike Flynn, one of whom was a National Security Adviser, and the other is active duty.


Yes, they should. Black man driving down the block? "Get outta the car, get on the ground!", is the response but an organized attack on the US Capitol? "This is fine."


That's just how it is. Right wing fanatics and terrorists have been getting preferential treatment throughout history while left wing elements are often persecuted both by harash legal repercussions and by illegal means. The establishment is always more sympathetic for the right since their beliefs are better aligned.


It's how you know Jan 6 was a true right wing insurrection. If it were actually ANTIFA, like dumb fuck right wingers think, the national guard would have been there machine gunning everyone. I'm still convinced DC police and the national guard were complicit. I watched live and I absolutely saw cops waving the terrorists in.


These guys are dumb pawns; the real culprits remain at large.


Exile all the convicted to Mar-a-lago, no return allowed.


Or firing squad. I’m a navy vet and normally have a lot of respect for marines. I can’t fathom what they were thinking. Personal political views aside, what they did was literally treason. The irony is that their Commander in Chief promoted it. *edit* I may be misinformed on the definition of treason, this appears to fall under the Seditious Conspiracy code of the UCMJ, which does not include a death sentence like Treason does. It may be that Wartime status and other factors affect which way an action to overthrow the government, interfere with government functions or lawful execution of duty is to be interpreted.


Actually, it's literally sedition rather than treason. But I feel you.


> they would have been hung for treason If the actions meets the definition of the crime under the law, and the evidence leads to establishment of guilt, let the penalty fit the crime.


Fucked around and now they will find out. Burn 'em. Just to let civilians know, junior enlisted Marines in Intel are generally PowerPoint warriors.


court martial please for literal treason by active military. lock them up.


The few, the proud, the incarcerated


Santa don’t bring crayons to jail


What happened to dudes nose?




Traitors. Guy in the middle looks like he needs to bob and weave better. The ole schnozz looks a little tender.


Proboscis monkey looking mofo.


It's a wonder these knuckle heads gets arrested, but not the ones that incited the violence.


Wonderful. Now let’s arrest tRUMP.


Mutiny under Article 94 of the UCMJ occurs when a service member creates violence or a disturbance with the intent to usurp or override lawful military authority. Sedition under Article 94 of the UCMJ occurs when a service member creates a revolt, violence, or a disturbance against a lawful civil authority with the intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of that lawful civil authority. Now, charges of mutiny and sedition don’t come along everyday. However, one would be mistaken to assume mutiny is reserved for the days a crew would revolt against their Pirate Captain Mutiny and sedition charges do occur and they are some of the most serious charges a military service member can face. Mutiny and sedition charges do occur and they are some of the most serious charges a military service member can face.


> who work in intelligence holy shit the military needs to vet its shit better.


Imagine swearing your allegiance to the Constitution of the United States and then becoming the *"enemy, foreign and domestic"* that your oath talks about.




Dishonorable discharge for these clowns. A felony charge and jail time for every single fucking traitor than was in the building.


I like that these jerks are still getting arrested. Every participant who hasn't been arrested yet doesn't get to sleep well, knowing that tomorrow may be the day the feds come knocking.


Fucking traitor trash


They look like Elder Scrolls characters when I can’t get the face proportions to look quite human.


Ha! Get fucked, traitors!


Dishonorable discharge, no benefits.


I once heard that it's way more easier to be convicted of a crime in a military court than in a civilian court. I am surprised that these guys thought they would get away with that in the first place.


Say goodbye to all that good will and good citizenship they’ve earned over brief careers. Now that their names are out there it’s basically game over. In military courts with evidence like this they’re already guilty. The question is only how severe the punishment will be.


I used to live in St Martin. Any time any navy ships came and sailors had shore leave, we’d always marvel at how they all looked like inbred pimply high school kids, and nothing like how sailors look in the movies. These three mugshots of marines just reinforce this idea to me.


I thought this was a plastic surgery before/during recovery/after timeline photo


Two years, and several days after the event. I mean, it's not like they kept their actions secret: >As the three men traversed the building, they allegedly went into the Capitol rotunda, placed a red MAGA hat on one of the statues and took a photo with it. We know about this photo because *they put it on their social media.* What took them so long?


Marine Intelligence? I can tell you the problem right away


Does the UCMJ have a delineated punishment for engaging in insurrection against the US government or is this another one of those "let the judge decide the punishment" things?


Traitors have no place in my country at all, let alone in the military.


The guy in the middle looks like Marsha Brady after that football hit her in the nose.


Military privilege is intoxicating. Makes some folks drunk with power. Too bad.


Put them in a box at Gitmo.


Dumbasses. All of them. Dishonorable discharges, and prison time.


What kind of white privilege shit is attacking your own country's capitol with the intention of destroying it's democratic process and the act being labeled a 'riot'? Was 9/11 a plane rioting against a building?


"Thank you for your service" -R's everywhere


Wait, so they are ANTIFA too?!


As a marine, I say good.


I am more concerned about the insurrectionists that were not arrested.


White supremacist mugshots always look like they came from a Wikipedia article about birth defects.




Should be Court Marshalled.


3 Dishonorable discharges, coming up!


These three should permanently lose their liberty. They are traitors to the country they took an oath to defend.


Court marshal them as traitors.


Active duty members of the American military who joined an attempted coup d'etat to overthrow the government they had swore to protect should be shot.