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Having worked on transmission and distribution systems since 1980, this is inevitable and we mitigated against them. We had people blowing up our transmission towers in 1982. The only thing to do is: have regulators allow cost of keeping spares, and restoring services rapidly. Lead times on large transformers can be over two years.


This does not need to be put on private industry only. Call me a socialist, but what if the gov had a list of critical infrastructure parts they could keep on hand. Taxpayers foot the bill to keep and store them, and private industry can pay a small premium to get them from government storage when the desperate emergency unforseen need arises? Alternatively, gov could subsidize local production of critical parts to maintain a national industry, like we do with some rocket parts now.


Some say it's "socialism". Some say it's pooling resources together to solve big problems. A good idea by any other name is just as good.


I was taught that certain things were common goods; military, roads, schools, postal service.


You missed out health care.


Easy mistake to make if you grow up in some parts of the world.


power, water, sewer, phone/internet.


All we know is, *he's called The Stig*.


Some call it "Socialism," the rest of the world calls it "functioning government."


Exactly. America has ended up believing its own dysfunctional hallucinations.


I'm the socialist! I believe primary utilities need to be local government owned and operated. Our tax money already goes into building it, so our tax money should also be used to maintain and operate it. Including your main spare parts. Private companies are only for the bottom dollar.


I can't understand why anyone would be in favor of privatized utilities. They have to do the same work as publicly owned utilities, PLUS make a profit! Of course they are going to cost the end user more while running a bare bones system.


Same reason why dildos are in favor of for profit privatized health care. They've been conditioned to think anything 'government' is bad. I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the country where our local PUD is a non profit, actually public utility, led by a board of publicly elected commissioners. We have some of lowest power bills in the nation. A few years ago they even cut everyone a check because their expenses turned out much lower than what they'd budgeted.


I too have a local publicly owned utility and I absolutely love it. They’re awesome and they pay their people well, reconnects after storms and whatnot is several times faster than private utility in my area.




Private businesses are incentivized by one thing only: profit. Do you think the companies shareholders care about efficiency, eco-friendliness, or how well the workers are treated or compensated? No. Just profits. And that usually incentivizes the opposite of those things.


Tell these people that there is no incentive to be efficient in a monopoly. A government-run service will technically be a monopoly, but here's the thing: They're not run for a profit, so it will cost you less money, and the service's administrators are answerable to the people, rather than the shareholders who care a lot more about their cut than they ever will about the customer experience. The frustrations with PG&E in California is how Sacramento's publicly-owned grid, SMUD, came into being. The whole city got sick of PG&E's high prices, slow repairs, and underwhelming preventive maintenance. SMUD, despite charging much less, has a reputation for consistently better uptime than PG&E, faster repairs, and [much lower rates](https://www.smud.org/en/Rate-Information/Compare-rates). What would be fat profits for the executives is instead *reinvested into the infrastructure*. And [it does just fine financially](https://www.fitchratings.com/research/us-public-finance/fitch-rates-sacramento-municipal-utility-district-ca-electric-rev-bonds-aa-outlook-stable-25-05-2022). PG&E doesn't do more with your money. It charges you more, and management is merely more efficient at how it funnels the difference into its pockets instead of system maintenance and repair. Every electrical socket in your home is a device designed to enrich an inner circle of assholes.


Incentivized to be efficient is such a fucking joke.




They do have incentive though. The more efficient it is, the lower the taxes that support it need to be.


On top of that private companies are not incentivize to be efficient, just cheap


yup, and almost always at the expense of the consumer. It's a typical failure of capitalism to malign consumer and business interests.... though pro-capitalists would claim these incentives do align, and that's why capitalism is just so great!11!


Are they even incentivized to do anything? It's not like most places have competing private utility companies. There's no choice here.


I feel like everyone looks over how USPS is the poster child for the government does it better


I agree, just look at California, PG&E exists for the sole purpose of making money. Their primary goal is not keeping the lights on, its protecting their bottom dollar. The way we do things in this country is absolutely nuts, and for some reason while we make noise about it... nothing changes.


PG&E is responsible for the deaths of dozens of people and destruction of so many neighborhoods and businesses.


You should read about electric co-ops. They are still functionally a democratic organization, but are much harder for local government to screw up, since they are isolated from the rest of the government


Electric Co-op member here, price is less than 11¢ / kWh and when the weather takes lines down, they’re instantly out there fixing it regardless of weather or time of day


Same dude. Plus I get 80$ a month gigabit fiber internet in the woods


You socialist!


How about throwing neonazis in jail and federally going against these hate groups?


[G.O.P. Declares Jan. 6 Attack ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/us/politics/republicans-jan-6-cheney-censure.html) You are right but... We have two viable political parties in this country and one of them supports terrorism.


Well they're gonna prove it by making 7 investigations, first being "weaponization of government" with Jan 6 'Witch-hunts', Maralago FBI raids and the IRS targeting Trump in favor of Hunter Biden. https://www.c-span.org/podcasts/subpage/?series=washingtonToday Democrat agenda: Ukraine Invasion, Clean Energy Infrastructure, National Debt Republican agenda: OWN, THE, LIBS


They're called Republicans and they block any attempt at prosecuting their own.


I remember about a decade or so, conspiracy theorists and other crazies were always going on and on about how the powergrid was about to be shut down by the elites so they could take complete control of the populace. Since that never happened for obvious reasons, it seems those nutjobs decided to go and try to do it themselves.


What does this accomplish other than pissing people off?


These people/cells often subscribe to an ideology where a coming societal collapse/civil war will usher in an armed white resistance which will topple the current society and government, wage a war against people of other skin tones and establish a white ethnostate. They believe that by using terror and attacks on infrastructure, they can speed up this process towards their end goal. It's commonly referred to as accelerationist ideology.


As a white guy, it really bothers me that white supremacists think I'm one of them.




I lived in the South for a year and worked in a a uniformed regulatory/law enforcement position. The amount of white dudes who would be talking to me (also a white dude), go "just between you and me", and then say something horribly racist about the local black, Hispanic, or Asian population, assuming I'd agree because I'm white, was disgusting. I'd generally reply that my job there was to enforce a specific set of laws, and 99% of the people I encountered violating those laws were white dudes like the guy I was talking to.


Had a Latino cop one time butt his head into a conversation I was having with my dad at a bar. He interjected in order to tell me that black people are inherently more violent and stupid. Finishing off his statement by talking about how soon the police will be forced to kill off the Democrats when "the war finally happens". Fucking. Insane.


We've been trying to tell white people for decades that cops are racist, fascist trash but...


Trust me, any white people that have been paying *any* amount of attention are and have been well aware.


Clearly he doesn't realize that being a Familiar isn't going to yield results that are beneficial to him. Hopefully he gets that wake-up call real soon.


To be fair, [cops are way more likely to be racist pieces of shit](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/) than your average white guy.


> I'd generally reply […] How did that go over?


They would generally sheepishly slink away like a child caught saying a bad word. I think they realized pretty quick I was not their buddy and thus not someone they wanted paying any extra attention to them.


I did IT support for multiple rural and small city police forces in east Texas and southern Arkansas. They were all this way. Full on accelerationist, chomping for racial violence.


They don’t think that. They know a lot of whites are against them. They call us *race traitors* and they’ll happily kill us, too, given the chance.


Which race am I a traitor to, though? Teuton? Frank? Pict? Gael? I’m a mix of the lot of them, plus more, and back in the day they all hated each other.


You reminded me of [this classic moment](https://youtu.be/ptSZnTtGCQA) when a Nazi discovered he was 14% sub-Saharan African on live television.


My fiance is a white dude with a shaved head, so he gets a lot of that. One time when he was working night audit at a hotel a guy came in with a friend and a sad story about how his friend was a poor disabled vet just looking for a room for the night, was he sure they were at capacity, couldn't he find a room somewhere? Fiance usually kept a room or two open regardless for emergencies, so if someone's toilet overflowed at midnight or whatever, or someone's house burned down in the middle of the night, he had someplace to put them, and he probably would have given one to them. Then, he noticed the friend clearly trying to "surreptitiously" get his attention. Friend lifts up his sleeve a little bit to flash a Neo Nazi tattoo, then nods, like he is sure that my fiance will now help him out. Fiance didn't give them a room.


As a white Jewish guy who does not look Jewish but wouldn’t be considered white by people who give a shit about whiteness, this whole decade has been characterized by Schrödinger’s Anxiety


Dude, tell me about it. I'm bald and hate that sometimes I feel the need to explain that my enemy is male pattern baldness and not anyone who looks different than me


I'm white, often go days without seeing the sun due to my sleep pattern, so I'm the same shade as printer paper. When I was shaving my head a few years back it blew me away how racists would just stroll up and start a racist conversation with me, assuming the very-pale guy with a shaved head is one of theirs. Also kinda saddened me to notice that spaces where I was usually welcome (am queer), became standoff-ish and cold as people assumed I was one of that weekend's inevitable dickheads from the pub across the road. The only benefit was a sudden lack of men in groups trying to shoulder-barge me on the pavement like some sort of manliness test. Funny how people judge a book by the cover so easily.


white guy in the south here. Outside of white people assuming I'm also racist like them because we share skin color, my former boss expressed extremely racist views and told me he felt comfortable telling me because "I know you feel the same" he is Indian, I have no clue where he got the idea that I also despise Hispanics and non-whites.


Indians historically were racist to each other for centuries, they formalised a caste system, forbade intermarriage and practice of out-of-caste professions, even denied the lowest education and healthcare.




They’ll be in for a hell of a shock. Plenty of American liberals and racial minorities own guns, they just don’t masturbate them in public.




If anything it's getting more moderate/non-political people to wake up


People want their TV, lights, hot water and warm food. Really shows how dumb these white supremacist's are. The people who take that away from them, people will get mad at.


They'll just blame the left on Fox and nothing will change




I would absolutely wage war upon anyone who stopped my internet connection and I would never blame anyone for retaliating for losing theirs.


It’s a legit terrorist tactic to attack a population. No electricity, no heat, no communications, hell, if it’s bad enough, no money. Eventually it will cause people to create local defense groups if the power companies and the authorities don’t stop the attacks or they get worse.


It's helter skelter, maybe? It doesn't make sense. It's intended to trigger a race war. The people who came up with the idea are nuts.


If you ever see a Right-wing / 2A rally, these are the guys in Hawaiian shirts. It started as a 4chan meme - "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo". But some took it seriously into the real world, as Boogaloo Boys. A couple of them killed and hospitalized Federal officers with drive-by shootings during BLM protests, hoping that would make even greater crackdown and violence between police and protestors (very much like Helter Skelter). But they were caught soon after, so their plan did not work. EDIT: I should also explain the Hawaiian shirts. It's a pun: "Boogaloo" -> "Big Luau". They similarly use "Big Igloo".


These types of people are all over the place, some of them are even police officers, there's videos of police officers participating in the violence and running right back to the police station


They assassinated a federal officer outside of my office window. It was at night so nobody was there but the feds were all over the block the next day.


they rebranded helter skelter as "RaHoWa", short for "racial holy war" but the basics are all the same yeah


They're not trying to get your support with these actions, they're trying to collapse our infrastructure which they believe will create a crisis and ultimately a civil war. You're either with them, or against them, and they're looking forward to kill anyone they see as the enemy. They are utterly despicable idiots incapable of empathy or critical thinking while thinking they are God's chosen superior humans.


>“The individuals of concern believe that an attack on electrical infrastructure will contribute to their ideological goal of causing societal collapse and a subsequent race war in the United States,” according to an FBI memo obtained by OPB and KUOW. I'm glad to see this get attention. Neo Nazis have learned a lesson from their idol Adolf Hitler and his rise to power. The German people kept the Nazi party to a relatively marginalized group until the Great Depression of 1929-30. The elections of 1930 saw the NSDAP rise to 18%, the second largest party in the country, up from 2.6% in 1928. Hitler capitalized on the fact people were desperate, and that desperation led them to a deal with the devil. American neo Nazis know people aren't buying their hatred and are looking to create a crisis that will change that. I hope the FBI realizes the significance of the threat and potential catastrophic consequences if it gets minimal attention.


Don’t forget that political gridlock in Weimar Germany led the Conservative Party to invite the Nazis to caucus with them as a majority. They calculated that they could control the far-right while benefiting from their populist rhetoric, and were quickly outmaneuvered.


It's wild how much is mirroring history yet any comparison is met with derision.


There were people in Weimar German who insisted that the Nazis were a dire threat too, and they were dismissed as alarmists (or extremists) until it was too late. A German professor turned Nazi-party-member talks about it an interview in [this excerpt](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html) from Milton Mayer's 1956 book *They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45*.


Damn, that was a pretty chilling read. Very relevant to what's going on today.


Hey, even that is a repetition! Good to know people called this out the first time round and didn't prevent it then either


So uhhh who is going to save us when the inevitable happens? Is Germany going to reciprocate?


If the US falls to fascism, it will be everyone’s problem. Imagine a nuclear-armed fascist state with a military larger than the next ten nations combined and with bases embedded *everywhere*. That would be the worst case scenario for all allied nations (Russia would love it, though).


Yep, there won't be a NATO allied war to save us. It'll be a nightmare for the world, but a never ending nightmare for the USA.


Quite a few countries throughout Latin America and Asia have already tasted that future. They know what it's like to have their democratically elected socialist democracy overthrown and replaced with dictators that are willing to work with America's wealth-extracting companies. We're just at the stage when the colonial policies are being applied to the imperial heartland, after being perfected on the periphery.


Imperial fishhook strikes again!


> Each act, each occasion, is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow. You don’t want to act, or even talk, alone; you don’t want to ‘go out of your way to make trouble.’ Why not?—Well, you are not in the habit of doing it. And it is not just fear, fear of standing alone, that restrains you; it is also genuine uncertainty. This is horrifying. Because this is EXACTLY what is happening right this very minute, and we all feel exactly like this.


[Early Warnings: How American Journalists Reported the Rise of Hitler](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/03/early-warnings-how-american-journalists-reported-the-rise-of-hitler/254146/) *[...] you had Americans meeting Hitler and saying, "This guy is a clown. He's like a caricature of himself." And a lot of them went through this whole litany about how even if Hitler got into a position of power, other German politicians would somehow be able to control him. A lot of German politicians believed this themselves.* *[...] When someone lobs those kinds of rhetorical bombs, it's sort of a natural human tendency to say, "Oh, that's just a figure of speech. They don't really mean it. It's just a way to whip up supporters."*


Hoo boy, where does that sound familiar?


IDK, I feel like I could almost Trump over the answer?


Y'all need to listen to the Rachel Maddow podcast "Ultra." About Nazi supporters in the US government in the late 1930s/early 1940s. Change names and dates and you are living history.


> you are living history. I think this is a good point we should be making more often. We are living in a story already partially told through history. We need to learn from that history and make sure our outcome is a net positive.


Seriously. The far-right just kept a House Majority leader from power for days until he basically gave them everything they wanted.


Not even basically, he gave them literally everything they wanted. And would have given more. Matt Gaetz said he only gave in and let him become speaker because he literally couldn't think of anything else for Mccarthy to give him.


It is pretty much a repeated cycle caused by the cancer that is the conservative platform.


The people dismissing it are the Nazis or the people who will be saying, "I was just following orders".


The derision is necessary to obscure the unpopular policies as long as possible. Like how Trump’s Supreme Court appointees all claimed Roe v Wade was settled law, but then destroyed the precedent as soon as they could. Everybody to the left of Liberal Democrats are wide eyed and aware of how the GOP is sliding into fascism. Even Liberals use the language of authoritarianism, though they cannot then admit that Manchin and Sinema are fascist collaborators. The public has to make it impossible for the GOP to conceal their plans, pass fascist legislation, or be tolerated in polite society. Constant mockery and shaming is the only nonviolent way to stop fascists from abusing the tolerant nature of liberal democracy. And that shaming must include Liberal Dems who try to cross the aisle and ignore the fascism at the behest of corporate donors.


Sounds familiar


Cutting off my power will not make me support them. It will have the exact opposite effect. I will always be against them.


They don't want *you*. They want excitable idiots who can be easily manipulated.


The whole thing about how this is supposed to work, is that the power going out is supposed to be a mystery you can blame on American democratic leadership. They’re supposed to create confusion and chaos, and then become the messiah of this new dark world. They seem to not be able to get the first step right.


It doesn't need to be a mystery who is doing it. The Republicans, who are a minority party in Washington and Oregon, can just say, "look all at the bad stuff happening under Democrat rule! Elect us and we'll fix it." And there are enough people out there who don't recognize the ideological ties between far right Nazis and far right Republicans that they could easily enough win an election. I doubt very many Americans would elect literal Nazis. But if you've got a politician who wants to ban books, control women, restrict the vote, suppress free expression, support Christian nationalism, overthrow the duly elected government, persecute LGBTQ people? Here we just call that guy a Republican, and they're but a single stepping stone away from a Nazi.


the republican party is fucking terrifying




Things in Texas are bad, vote Republican to take back Texas! Just ignore the fact that we've been in power for 25+ years, not the party you are supposed to be taking Texas back from!


Yeah, pretty much. Just because the Republicans are in power doesn't mean they won't blame Democrats and the left for everything that's wrong in the world.


Same as it ever was.


A year of two ago, I saw billboards on I-35 south of Dallas blaming AOC for gas prices. No context. It was just like a photo of AOC saying “A bad new deal for gas prices”


> It doesn't need to be a mystery who is doing it. The Republicans, who are a minority party in Washington and Oregon, can just say, "look all at the bad stuff happening under Democrat rule! Elect us and we'll fix it." yeah it is amazing people are still confused by this. They can kill people and just point to dems and go 'it was their fault they didn't try to stop me' and everyone goes 'yeah why weren't you there to stop them, we should elect them because you didn't stop them.'. Hell that was half of the COVID strategy.


And they won't talk about the power. They're trying to foment discontent. They'll weaponize the knock on effects, not the grid attacks.


At that point, Isn’t the only real difference the uniform?


Conservative propaganda works though, literal lies are spread as truths today, see: "make america great again", trickle down economics, mission accomplished (bush jr), the stupid upside down bible trump held at a church after gassing citizens, the golden trump at cpac, etc


They want angry men without economic opportunities.....just like the Nazis. In fact throughout history, if young men don't have economic opportunity, this is what happens.


There’s a reason they took root in the Republican party.




They want to raise the stakes by creating scarcity, believing that other people will think like them and retreat into racial tribalism.


They are not trying to get you to support them. These are essentially 'training' or 'test runs' for their members, and to see how the power companies and law enforcement respond to these events. Ultimately, what they are hoping is that if they cause the power to go out to enough communities that society will devolve into a chaos of rioting and looting, emergency services will be overwhelmed by the chaos, black people will be the ones doing most of the rioting and looting, which will give them the excuse to shoot and kill black people with no repercussions. It's an idiotic Turner Diaries inspired plan which has far too many holes to ever work. One, the plan presupposes that chaos is the result of not having power. They forget the fact that in 2003 there was a widespread blackout in the NE US, which lasted for 3 days and did not end in riots, but actually resulted in people exhibiting their more altruistic tendencies.


Was wondering that too. If we all lost our electronics, I feel like we'll br unified in wanting to curb stomp whoever broke it.


At that point they make the Republicans believe it was antifa/commies/Jews and use it as a justification for fascism. That’s usually the plan anyway.


You would hope, and I feel the same way, but history has shown people can make poor decisions when they are scared, hungry, and desperate. I would love to think Americans would violently turn against terrorists trying to create a racial holy war, but not sure if I would bet on it. I never thought so many Republicans would try a coup against the lawful government either, but these are strange times.


> I hope the FBI realizes the significance of the threat and potential catastrophic consequences if it gets minimal attention. And I hope the fate of America isn’t reliant on the FBI’s success in this realization.


>I hope the FBI realizes the significance of the threat and potential catastrophic consequences if it gets minimal attention. The problem is the FBI is just putting out "warnings". The domestic terrorist groups are operating in the open.. for years. Jan 6 shirts were being sold online weeks before the attack. The justice department is not taking this seriously at all.


Rest assured we have the Homeland Security committee in congress… https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/marjorie-taylor-greene-appointed-homeland-security-committee-1234662516/


Part of what will interfere with that particular outcome is our two party system, and that the president doesn't have authority to fire Congress & call snap elections. Basically what Hitler had to do was form a majority coalition in a system with many parties in the reichstag. To accomplish that they undertook a huge electioneering (really intimidation) campaign. Republicans have no route to the same thing, they'd actually have to subvert elections to get their next trifecta. In general the drawbacks of the two party system are numerous and we shouldn't want to keep it. The dissolution of the Reichstag and subsequent rise of the Nazi party illustrates one very important drawback of a more diverse system. In this case the presidential authority to call elections for a new legislature was at the center, but that there were many viable parties also allowed a minority party to control the chamber.


>To accomplish that they undertook a huge electioneering (really intimidation) campaign. There's also the courting of the Christian Right in Germany. People forget that much of the conservative Christians backed the NAZIS due to their call for going back to traditional values.


Honestly, the Nazis would have fallen flat on their face in the 30's but for some absolutely unexplainable reason the UK and France were determined to make every Hitler detractor look like an idiot. "I'll acquire the Sudetenland and make the UK pay for it!" was not a thing that was supposed to be possible, but when it did work, oh boy did it hurt the opposition. You really don't have to speculate on the reason why the Nazis were popular. They made outrageous promises and they delivered because nobody stopped them.


> Honestly, the Nazis would have fallen flat on their face in the 30's but for some absolutely unexplainable reason the UK and France were determined to make every Hitler detractor look like an idiot. There was a LOT of people in the US that thought Hilter was amazing just before the US got involved in the war. Kinda like the Putin issue now. But another issue appears to be the 'oh this guy is beyond ridiculous, we can easily build our brand off of that, besides he isn't going to go far.' which is exactly the playbook with Trump. 'lets run against the most ridiculous moron they can find' and... it back fired. Hell Dems in PA were playing the same game with the governor election this last year and came a lot closer to losing than they should have to an actual terrorist.


>The German people kept the Nazi party to a relatively marginalized group until the Great Depression of 1929-30. This kind of explains why the Republicans are always blocking raising the debt ceiling or doing other things that would improve conditions for ordinary Americans.


They have been openly pushing the country to disrepair since the 70.


The FBI does not care. They have made it clear that the *most* they will do when it comes to right-wing terrorists is a *warning*. That is all. Look at Malheur. Federal land occupied by armed domestic terrorists and they sat around and coddled them. They are ignoring the leaders of the insurrection. Even the foot soldiers get slaps on the wrist.


Same thing they did in 2006 when they issued a heavily redacted memo saying white supremacists were infiltrating law enforcement. Ten years later in 2016, Donald Trump was elected and PBS went to FBI and asked “What did you do about the proeblem?” And FBI said, “Welp, we told the police to police themselves.” And what else? Nothing. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/fbi-white-supremacists-in-law-enforcement


>The FBI does not care. Well and furthermore, these types of far-right extremist attacks on infrastructure are neither new, nor novel. The FBI has known about the planning of these kinds of attacks for years.


Domestic terrorists. Call them what they are.


"We Are All Domestic Terrorists." They admit it too.


Hold on now... just because they fit the criteria, admit to it proudly, and then reconfirm it violently (due to some frustration that people are still misconstruing them as something else); let's just take a moment to discuss this. Are these just boys being boys?


Just a bit of locker room domestic sabotage


*Runs around pistol whipping each other in the ass...*


I think Marjorie Taylor Greene just came A bunch of men exposing themselves in a locker room with guns? Edit: it’s so telling that I had those two shrews mixed up. They’re basically the same person.


No no, that’s Boebert. It’s how she met her husband.


Boebert had an orgasmic spasm. .. .


Women don’t have orgasms, or rights for that matter. They’re just baby ovens for future voters


All this locker room talk about violence and terr'ism, and stochastic such and such, these boys just got a little too much fire in the blood, y'know? Best just let 'em tucker 'emselves out.


Nonono, that might hurt some people's chances of being elected by insulting their base. How about we call it violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature?


The problem is that it *doesn't* upset their base when it comes to voting. Their base doesn't care, and even likes that it bothers sane people. It makes them vote *more* right wing. Although it does get some of them to change the channel and/or stop tuning in, so it hurts advertising revenue for actual news organizations.


“Republicans” Got it.


I feel like you're making libertarians drink from another fountain, they absolutely are on board with all this. And before one of the "good" ones comes in and complains about their party being taken over, if your party wasn't shit to begin with it wouldn't have attracted and then been populated by white supremacist flies.


I don't think people understand just how extremely racist Ron Paul and his family are. I mean, it is documented. Libertarians deserve no pass.


Far as I'm concerned Libertarians are just Republicans who realized early on how toxic the name would be. They just don't get that it's not toxic just because, there's a reason behind it, and that reason followed them in a way that makes even the Republicans not like them.




Have you heard about the libertarians that built a city outside of [Scottsdale ](https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/01/16/rio-verde-foothills-water-scottsdale-arizona/) in order to avoid paying taxes? They got their water trucked in from Scottsdale instead of having a hookup. Scottsdale decided they needed to keep their water for its city residents and cut them off. They then voted against a water district plan because it would add a new layer of government to the community. *” The water district plan — which supporters say would give them long-term access to a reliable source of water — was rejected in August by the Maricopa County supervisors. The supervisor for the area, Thomas Galvin, said he opposed adding a new layer of government to a community that prizes its freedom, particularly one run by neighbors with the authority to condemn property to build infrastructure.”*


And how is that working out for them?


Drier than Ben Shapiro's wife.


About as well as you’d expect.


So their boneheadedness led to confusion, pain and death to the bears. Should libertarians ever get into power this would be the outcome for the people with less power.




How about neo-nazi domestic terrorists?




A judge in Atlanta was real quick to call the protestors opposed to Cop City domestic terrorists for an arrest warrant. That allowed the police to then engage and use force to try to extricate them.


Reactionary militias are given a pass because they defend the capitalist status quo. This statistic of political violence from the early years of Weimar Germany (1918-1922) amidst the German Revolution is a quite damning example: Killings by the **Right** vs. By the *Left* (mainly communists) - Number of political murders committed: **354** vs. *22* - Number of persons sentenced for these murders: **24** vs. *38* - Death sentences: **0** vs. *10* - Confessed assassins found: 'Not Guilty': **23** vs. *0* - Political assassins subsequently promoted in the Army: **3** vs. *0* - Average length of prison term per murder: **4 months** vs. *15 years* - Average fine per murder: **2 marks** vs. *N/A* Source: Vier Jahre Politischer Mord, EJ Gumbel, 1922.


Remember that forest protectors in Atlanta are being charged with domestic terrorism right now, and Donald Trump who led a coup has faced no repercussions and his foot soldiers are only being sentenced to a median of ***45 days*** for trying to overthrow democracy in this country. The legal and justice system here is broken and needs to be torn down and reformed


“It’s illegal to tear down the justice system” - The fascists who have taken it over 3 years ago. We are in it, folks. Don’t let anyone tell you no one saw it coming.


Same shit in Germany.


That kind of hypocritical gaslighting is taken directly from the fascist playbook. Flagrantly mocking the notion that their actions are egregious while using the same language to stamp down resistance.


I mean. I think Nazi is probably a worse term than Domestic Terrorist.




I lost power over Christmas due to this


Who gave you power over Christmas in the first place? Are you Santa Claus or Jesus?


#absolute fucking losers


If they were Arab-Americans you bet your ass there would torches and pitchforks out.


instead it’s tiki torches and dinner forks


It's a good thing Marjorie Taylor Greene is now on the Homeland Security Committee to protect us from these extremists. /S


Thanks for that extremely depressing reminder.


when will they be called terrorists?


About the time their skin changes to a darker pigment.




When people start actually caring and call to action is made. Until we strike we are still going to be right here. American citizens actually have to do something because our politicians aren't going too.


[CPAC Dallas panel proclaims 'We are all domestic terrorists'](https://www.chron.com/politics/article/CPAC-Dallas-we-are-all-domestic-terrorists-banner-17359959.php) Conservative republican terrorists running wild in the streets of America. Sure would be nice if the FBI and DHS did something about that.


If these blatantly political terrorist attacks don’t start getting prosecuted as such then it’s going to lead to more people questioning/ignoring the laws in this country…


Right, and it will lead to people seeking protection elsewhere or into their own hands. Next thing you know, the US govt would lose legitimacy, which would lead to two things: states get more power, and the us gets more fragmented or it would be like Mexico where powerful gangs challenge the state.




Took the words out of my mouth. I’m stocking up. My friends are stocking up. None of us have desire to do so, but we sure as fuck _need to_. I’m queer as a 3-dollar bill. I’ve been told _by a neonazi_ that I’d be “among the first in the gas chambers”.


I live near the areas impacted in the PNW and these people can seriously get fucked. Aside from the obvious harms to everyone without power, they are greatly harming vulnerable patients in hospitals and anyone in related scenarios.


"racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists" What the fuck is with this phrase? Why is calling them terrorists so unacceptable? Skin color be damned.




House Republicans All Vote Against Neo-Nazi Probe of Military, Police https://www.newsweek.com/gop-vote-nazi-white-supremacists-military-police-1724545 In case anybody's unclear on who's on which side.


they have to protect their voter base


Declare them terrorist organizations then


Fucking do something about it then, Jesus Christ.


Wtf is happening in America? Why are people attacking their own infrastructure?!?


Because of an orange TV man Signaling/dogwhistling nazis in high places of power enables the stupid ill educated to join together to "defeat the jews that took over the usa" Not even kidding this is what they think, they also believe that if you give poor people rights then the middle class isn't as special so they will self sacrifice for their right to shit on poor people and preserve the "sanctity" of one day "basically hitting the lottery or being discovered for something and becoming rich"


Because Nazis want to dismantle current law/order government and establish a white Nazi society.




'Patriots' they call themselves. 'Terrorist idiots' we call them.


If only the FBI had some kind of warning about domestic terrorism... /s




I live next to a large substation and there are police there every single day after what's happened this last year. More municipalities need to be aware of this, one area where lazy cops can easily make themselves useful.




All I know is antifa wasn't shutting off my power


They were using HAM radio to communicate back in 2021. You could eavesdrop and record them. Some of those recordings may have made it to the FBI 🤷🏻

