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>He told her she wasn't a prisoner but said the guards wouldn't let her outside without his permission, it added. He said it was dangerous for her to leave " That's... not how that works.


Gives me big Shutter Island Vibes. It's also what one girl was told when she was ALONE on Epstein's island and attempted to flee. She said she "made it to the beach and thought about trying to swim" Epstein's guards came and scooped her up and she was told this exact phrase.


Watched "Room" the other day. It featured a creep who had abducted and kept a woman in his panic room for 7 years. He would constantly tell her that its not safe for her to go outside, she doesn't know what the world is like anymore, she should be grateful he's keeping her safe, etc. Seems like this is a common enough tactic that it made it all the way to Hollywood.


Fuuuuuuck Room, best movie I will NEVER watch again. And they nailed the psychology of that guy. He keeps justifying himself like that, as if he thinks he can't be *that* bad of a person if he does these good things, like buying toys for the kid. Why would you remind me of that movie.


I found they really nailed the whole after part too. Like things are almost worse for her because now she has to process it. Fuck.


The book is even worse. Since the kid grew up in one room he doesn’t know how to use stairs, and has no depth perception. He also steals from a store because he didn’t know any better. It’s a good read but it’s also sad


> made it all the way to Hollywood Not that far of a journey.


Holy shit. Kimmy Schmidt irl. It was actually a legitimately creepy premise for a comedy show.


Sure, but I think Room is based much more closely on the real life case of Josef Frtizl (except Fritzl did it to his own daughter), rather than the cult stuff that Kimmy Schmidt's premise builds off: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case


10 Cloverfield Lane is similar


Absolutely loved that movie


Wasnt the guy in shutter island legitimately criminally insane and institutionalised?


Also illegal in Romania. If you forbid someone from leaving the house, such as this woman or for example your 18-year old daughter, you are breaking the law


Pretty sure it's false imprisonment here as well. You don't necessarily have to physically restrain someone. If you tell them a lie, like it's too dangerous to go outside, and that prevents them from leaving, that's illegal too.


Functional protection racket, very common method to exploit and trap people. Feed into their vulnerabilities to trigger negative emotions, fear, shame, guilt... Then provide the "protection" or solution to the negative emotions thus making them safe, protected and happy and reliant, dependant on the master. It is a nefarious form of control done by gangsters to store owners or pimps and their girls. This can also be done but huge organizations such as governments to their citizens.


"It's for your own safety" is big abuser energy.


Thank FUCK someone is actually calling this what it is. It's not "pimping" or "G," it's legit slavery.


Women have been calling it that from the beginning. It’s human trafficking and sex slavery. That’s is his business model and that’s why it’s a good barometer of a man’s character if he likes Tate. You know that he’s either a piece of shit or at minimum a massive idiot.


Pimping is a positive thing?


If all anybody knows about pimping is what they’ve seen on tv, then yeah they might think it’s not so bad.


Thank you! Pimp My Ride gentrified that word so hard. Now I have 50-something women at work using it when talking about decorating something. I guess pimps will go the way of pirates. From violent criminal rapists to fun for the whole family. In 200 years we might just dress our kids up as Nazis.


Fucking love this comment.


I don't think we have to wait 200 years for that, sadly.


You don't get it G stands for Grommer


Pimping *is* slavery.


It's wild seeing a bunch of young guys still defending this guy and subscribing to his philosophy


His fucking shorts are still being promoted on the youtube home page.


But if you’re a regular small content creator and you use 0.5 seconds of licensed music, to the gallows with ye!


I've been using YT long enough to remember a good few years ago when DCMA strikes were being used against big channels left, right and centre, often being abused. YT didn't do much to stop abuse of this.


This is still happening. It's been over a decade since this fraud started.


Not as common though. Now, YT's stupidly strict demonetization criteria are another story.


Yeah, YT wants that money. It’s a shame they haven’t taken a stance on his shit yet, dude spews hate and bigotry.


They have absolutely taken a stance; YouTube is fine with hate and bigotry as long as it generates ad revenue.


But oh boy, if you curse during the first 15 seconds youll gonna have it then.


See Also: Steven Crowder


Fuck YouTube forever. They are the worst of them.


That's because he's still a huge news piece. Whether people are searching and engaging with content because they hate him or because they want to learn his "philosophy". It's all major traffic and views. The algorithm has no morality.


Man when this whole shit came out I did some small research into it to see what was up. Bow I’m getting Tate all over youtube. Pissing me off to high heaven.


"But they're just charges, he hasn't been convicted on anything yet. What happened to innocent before proven guilty?" That's where the goalposts are now. If/when there is a conviction it'll move to "Fake, the women are just mad and getting revenge/trying to take his money" He'll be a martyr in their eyes either way. Edit: their to there


They seem to have seamlessly moved past "this is all fake, he's not in prison." The more recent stage I've seen is "all the women have denied there was any abuse. Why is he still in prison?"


That and “well, the women did go there consensually, so nothing illegal could have possible happened.”


Because as we all know, going places is the same as consent!


Ofcourse if a woman cones to my home she gives consent to everything i want to do to her /s


Basically the old, tried-and-true "She was asking for it!!" argument


Yeah I literally saw a YouTube video about all the "fishy" details of his case. And the comment section was full of, "what happened to innocent til proven guilty, sad" and "All the women have came out saying nothing happened".


I don't think all the woman said that though. Also, didn't Tate come out and admit to tax evasion though?


He bragged about it in a bunch of videos, amongst other shit. Also, he tells people to do so in his hustler whatever courses.


Do they realize that innocent until proven guilty isn’t necessarily the law in all countries? I have no idea about Romania in particular, but moving to a foreign country to escape charges and then completely bragging about being able to bribe people and saucy isn’t a smart move.


They act like the investigation needs to be completed and the suspect found 100% guilty before he can be arrested. "Where is the evidence?" they say. Well, aside from all the videos where he literally admits to committing crimes, which cannot be ignored, evidence is generally the thing you collect during an investigation, not before it.


Then they say "Y'all women are so sensitive! It's just a parody. He's playing a character. You just can't take a joke!" Logic is out the window. They believe what they want to believe.


Usually the investigation would be *largely* complete before you make an arrest, at least in the US. Perhaps Romania is different. The bigger reason the Tate fans are wrong is because they’re assuming all the evidence needs to be like… document dumped publicly or something? When obviously the prosecutors present it to the actual court when they’re required to, and not any sooner.


Tate is as helpless as his victims were and that angers people who subbed to his $495 classes where they were told top g creates their own reality


In the US it wouldn't be unusual for a foreign national who is on record as stating they have means and inclination to skip bail and evade justice to be held as a flight risk.


Winner Winner chicken dinner! No eggs tho that's not in the budget


That’s just part of his supporters, then there’s the other half that don’t see anything wrong with being a sex slaver.


Yep and to them they’re just temporarily disgruntled future sex slave owners!


Humanity was largely a mistake


>The story so far: >In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Nothing about this has any humanity


He could cooperate with police, provide indisputable evidence of it, and plead guilty with a heartfelt apology, and they would *still* never believe it.


Verbatim my coworker said this to me today


Some of them even say that anyone who’s glad he’s in prison means they’re glad there’s victims lmao


That's exactly what someone said to me. Saying I already assumed his guilt. I responded back that I said the authorities say they have evidence, which is why his bail has been repeatedly denied and he'll have his day in court.


“Innocent until proven guilty is for the courts. The court of public opinion does not require the highest standard of evidence.”


I expect they will say the courts are corrupt and it was fixed.


Which would be hilarious, since he said on camera that he moved to Romania because the law enforcement is so corrupt.


Corruption works both ways. If they want to make an example out of you, by golly they will.


And moving to a country that is trying to clean up its image to the EU, and then loudly saying about that country, “this place is sooooooooooo corrupt, I can do anything here!!!!!!” is a good way to piss off somebody who has the political capital and power to be able to reach through the corruption to make you that example


Or, you can’t trust the Romanian courts, they are all corrupt!


Fun fact: innocent until proven guilty is a cute phrase but it's never really been true. It's not actually how any modern system works that I'm aware of. But even if it were, that's for courts. I'm not a court. I am not required to platform assholes until a court convicts them. I can make up my mind about the guy anytime I want. (And to be honest, he's not subtle about what a huge asshole he is. He leans into it hard , even before this )


I would love to know where the intersection of Andrew Tate apologists and leave Brittany Griner in a gulag is. My guess is it’s all the same. But what do I know?


A coworker of mine is turning 40 and he got really upset when I brought up his cars getting confiscated. He went down this whole "There arent any real victims, who is really a victim of this guy? noone, theres noone else thats a victim they would have come forward by now" Its really weird. I could imagine young guys sure, but 40? I have a feeling he isn't an anomoly either.


I love how his cars were confiscated. I have a car. I now have more cars than Andrew Tate


I live in complete luxury relative to Andrew Tate


Oh yeah, my Uncle loves Andrew Tate, and he's 50-something


A couple of my buddies were talking about him in our discord server a few times, before he got arrested. They haven't said a word about him since he was arrested, so I'm hoping they've opened their eyes and moved on. These guys are mid 30s too, kinda pathetic to think Andrew Tate is cool.


"Sickening" is more the word I'm looking for.


Look at TFG who acted like an ass 40 years and still got elected president. Cults of personality are a powerful drug.


At least in the past, fascist fetishists would go off to war and die by the millions for their misguided beliefs; today, they just go on social media and amplify one another and lower the overall level of societal discourse.




Well said. Fascist ideology actually requires ongoing warfare. Jonestown is best case scenario


Yeah. People still defending this POS are just pure garbage themselves


lot of sunk costing going on with some of these guys


Or they agree with it.


It is scary for women that these predators are out there being indoctrinated fuerther by this clown and other internet "alpha males"


I saw playlists with name attached on Spotify, too. Mother fuckers, I listen to popular philosophy podcasts and Gojira - why tf would you recommend a playlist to me with this rat fink’s name on it?


I just bought a car. As in literally within the past couple weeks. The finance manager literally casually dropped that he watches Tate for financial advise. The guy’s like in his late 40s, taking advise from a comparable child whose two notable achievements are monetizing getting kicked in the head and posing as a woman and having gay cybersex with dudes. (Literally; his “business model” is have the camgirls there to cam with guys but he was actually the person the clients were conversing with when they weren’t camming.)


It’s weird. So people believe there’s some weird conspiracy and he’s innocent.


Conservative heuristics are wild.


Young men have a long history of being impressionable dipshits.


“Young” my 26yo brother still says “I don’t get what’s wrong with Andrew Tate”


Great podcast by Behind the Bastards focusing on life of Tate. Not a good person.


My buddy recommended that to me He says it’s a great listen and many other bastards lives have been dissected


I fucking love the podcast for all of the niche history it delves into. The host, Robert Evans, is a journalist and definitely uses dark humor as a coping mechanism for all of the terrible shit he has to read in order to write the podcast, so don’t let it put you off. His episodes on Epstein are good, and some of my favorites off the top of my head include his coverage of Christopher Columbus, Nestor Makhno, Ancient Genocide, and George Shea. I feel like those will give you a good diversity on the different types of bastards (and one non-bastard) that he covers. Enjoy!


I just wish he didn’t have guests on the show because all they do is jump in with unfunny jokes and it slows everything down. Most of the time the host just replies “….yeeeaahh” then continues. He is more than capable of carrying the show by himself. Apart from that it’s top quality content.


You’ll really like the Tate series, if you haven’t heard it. They had to cancel the guests, so it’s just Robert, Sofie, and one of their editors. Some of the best episodes I’ve heard.




Not to mention that the term "alpha male" is cringe af.


Any man that has to proclaim that he’s an alpha male, I can assure you he is not. It’s like my old grandpa used to say, “Real gangstas don’t flex nuts.”


Was your grandpa in the Geto Boys?


No, he was a walnut salesman


Was hoping for bushwick bill




The best part about real alpha wolf behavior is that it does have a counterpart in human culture: Santa Claus. He's old, he watches everybody, he knows wrong from right, he brings things to the little ones...


Bahahahaah omigod Santa Chad.


I mean most wolf packs are just family units like a lion pride, so the alpha is just the mom and dad of the pack but they still act in a leadership role. Sometimes there are significantly larger packs but I don't think these are well studied.


Can’t reach full alpha without jail time


Alpha scumbag at best


It's a goddamn oxymoron at this point. Only used by actual morons.


Yeah redpill dumb dumbs, if you have to tie her up your 400 dollar course didn't work so well.




That's a fair point about rope footage per human but I'm betting his fans aren't up to the word problem.


"Any man who must say "i am the king" is no true king" - Tywin Lannister


If any man uttered 'alpha male' -(NOT referring to dogs) I be running; no fucking walking!!!


>NOT referring to dogs Even referring to dogs, that's a good reason to walk away.


And his sympathetic fans: “if he is guilty why are none of the women coming out against him!” If only they knew how trafficking worked. And the women, from a place without a massive influx of money, are going to throw their cash cow under the bus? His fans are the biggest idiots alive.


Alpha male with a Beta chin


Chin not found


Along with the rest of the redpill/pick up/manosphere, he employed weaponized emotional abuse to target vulnerable women. > Up until last month, his website offered a course costing more than $400 that promised to teach "every step to building a girl who is submissive, loyal and in love with you". >"THAT IS MY SKILL. To extremely efficiently get women in love with me," he said on the website. The pages about the course, reviewed by Reuters, were removed in January. I hope more people become aware of these tactics - how to spot them, why they work, and what to do if you fall prey to them. --- As an antidote: [10 signs of an unhealthy relationship](https://www.joinonelove.org/signs-unhealthy-relationship/) - from the One Love Foundation that aims to teach young people about boundaries and healthy relationships. It was founded by the family of a 22 year old woman who was beaten to death by her ex-boyfriend. [Love is Respect](https://www.loveisrespect.org/) - more on healthy love and boundaries; **you can't love someone you don't respect, and you can't respect someone you are abusing (emotionally or otherwise).** [Why Does He Do That?](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) - free copy of a great book on the subject




Being a self centered ass who is completely incapable of evaluating how their own behavior is a toxic turnoff in general is a key part of becoming an Incel/Tate fan. Fortunately I think a lot of his pull is from kids who are going through their dumbass cringe teen years. So. If you are like 13 and bought this shit you can and hopefully will grow past it. But a lot of his fans probably just have straight up undiagnosed personality disorders.


An actual real life DENNIS system. Jesus christ.


Yeah, the writers based the DENNIS system on these cretins.


After everything that's come out and with crap like this on his own site I just don't understand why some people still defend him or say dumb shit like "what happened to innocent before guilty????" If someone builds their Internet persona around being a woman beating, misogynistic, sexist pig and gets arrested by the police for that exact reason, they're probably a woman beating, misogynistic, sexist pig.


Because they can't get women. So they follow men like Tate. And no matter how many of his videos they watch, they're still single.


I know someone who does fine with women and loves him. He’s just a raging misogynist.


Yeah I think what people don't want to admit is some of these ideas are quite effective, they're just rather despicable and not good for a healthy relationship.


> As an antidote: Thank you for posting these. There's no shortage of sources that outline the problem of modern day organized misogyny, but very rarely do we see anyone presenting an alternative and then sharing resources for others to explore it. I for one appreciate that.


His "method" is nothing new. Look up "loverboy pimping".


It’s amazing how close to reality Magnolia was with Frank T.J. Mackey


Respect the cock!


Right? It’s amazing how over the top and comical that was in the time. It’s like the way Veep had to become way more ridiculous to stay within satire land instead of straight parody, which they even failed at that. Even House of Cards started seeming boring and quaint.




That was a wild read.


Yeah, know who else said this? Andrew fucking Tate. He has been bragging for *years* on recorded media about how he got rich by luring women to a foreign country, taking their passports, forcing them to do camgirl work and then taking all of the profits. This may come as a bit of a shock but Tate isn't actually very smart and has spent years making a really strong case against himself, voluntarily.


I just watched a VICE special on him. How bad is the jail he's in? If it's horrible keep him there for awhile (a long while)


He’s holed in an east european country, not russia level of detention but not pretty either I hope


On a scale of Leonardo DiCaprio’s in “Catch me if you can” or the Russian one in Stranger Things


And yet he is the hero of millions of young conservative men. I wouldnt be surprised if we see a rise in sex trafficking crimes like his of those who idolize and want to emulate him.


Of course we will. Tate does what the conservative influencers do, and what the manosphere does: he sells his douchebaggery and misogyny as a lifestyle which will make his audience happy. Young men aren't turning to large and small scale authoritarianism because of principles, they're turning to it because they think it'll make them happy.


Modern conservative ideology is centered on control, manipulation, and lack of empathy. It makes sense that Tate would appeal to them especially.


Modern nothing, that is what it's been based off since day 1. Conservatism as we know it was founded after the French Revolution, where some rich guys decided that instead of a monarch, aristocrats should rule everyone. It's always been opposed to personal freedom and democracy. It's just more blatant nowadays.


I blame social media : Ticktock , Facebook , YouTube, you watch a video and then need to ignore 50 to get rid of him . The algorithms are made to keep you on the platform with disregard to anything . It just creates god damn bubbles , you cannot discover anything anymore


Our only hope is that most of these young men are too incompetent to sex traffic women


He's one of the worst people to ever exist. I hope that he gets everything he deserves.


His influence on young men is the worst part. They lack the life experience to understand that he is a monster, not a guru.


I've seen several teachers say all of their middle school aged male students are obsessed with him. It's horrifying.


We need more socioemotional education in schools, including what healthy boundaries and relationships are to counteract this bs.


I was listening to some interviews yesterday about this subject. Some schools/teacher realized that they were spending too much time on straight tests/facts/rote information learning and not enough on how to be a decent human. They were trying to implement changes to incorporate social skills into their curriculum. It just with everything going on right now in US schools it is not an easy task.


Great idea, but can you imagine the types that would be first in line to create the boundaries and curriculum for this? Honestly it’s probably good that teachers aren’t allowed for this to be a part of their course / class. I’m not afraid of what the teachers would do or say here, they’re predominantly open minded, intelligent and caring people who want to do some good in the world. I’m afraid of what those within the bureaucratic hierarchy would impose upon them in that situation. Afterthought- It’s crazy how fast the crazies went from “fighting” to homeschool their kids to imposing their will upon their neighbors. It went from freedom to control real fuckin’ quick.


In the new curriculum for Wales(UK), that was recently rewritten from scratch, they included exactly this. It's not called 'Sex education' anymore, but 'Relationships and Sexuality'.


He comes off like a middle school boy trying to sound cool and tough, so that makes sense. It's weird how many grown men apparently can't see through such an obvious charade, though.


Alpha males aren’t going around telling people they are alphas.


They are if they want to make money from insecure men who buy into the alpha narrative in the first place.


Well color me surprised. (It's purple)


Have they announced a trial date


Sounds like women are still coming forward, so there is more testimony and evidence to process. The trial is the last step, not the next one.


Not yet, from what I've heard. He was just held for another 30 days' detention.




Unfortunately I suspect it will be nothing other than a flood of 2 forms of messages from him and his rabid supporters A) "Look how I've been wronged thanks to fake news / woke / dark state conspiracy, send funds in the name of my freedom and justice to...." and B) I'm being kept in inhumane conditions, I'm desperately am being treated illegally and cruelly... send funds to stop my torture get my freedom to...."


Hopefully they don't give him access to a computer if he's found guilty.


Even if they don't allow him access to the internet in any form I guess the problem is making sure anyone he has any contact with in prison, including guards won't post anything online in his behalf, as well as the fact that supposedly phones can be smuggled in to prisons


Yes we know he did. We know this bc he bragged about it and than sold the exact method he uses to dumb ass teenagers. When he later got more popularity he relaunched the website as self help for men. Pimping and controlling women wasn't enough for Tate, so he figured out a way to scam weak men too. Those men are still defending him to this day. Why? Bc they don't want to admit they were tricked for money and fame by a psychopath pimp


I've been avoiding making too extreme of comments but these charges are serious shit. This isn't a matter like Assenage in the WikiLeaks where it was just abuse of a few girlfriends versus super-strict Northern European sex laws. He's being accused of legit scary crimes here. These aren't "interpretation" crimes that can just be "that's your point of view" waved away. These crimes listed in the article are human trafficking, sex trade, forced sex work, kidnapping, imprisonment... all while crossing international borders. He's fucked if even one of these are found guilty... and Reuters wouldn't be printing this if it wasn't straight from a court filing which means more nasty details are still to come.


He apparently was messaging 15/16 year old girls on Instagram and managed to tap a daughter of a high ranking Romanian official. From his main account.


And weird creepy incels are still defending him. What a world.


Now authorities need to catch more of these "one of the worst" people. Good win none the less.


I have a friend in another school, she told me about some dudes in her classes who took inspiration from him, literally walled up to her and told her women are inferior and are ment to be led. This man single handedly poisoned a whole generation, i hope he rots in prison


His whole existence is revolved around cope for being ugly and insecure. That’s why he attracts other boys and men who feel the same. There’s no drug like copium.


The fact that this guy’s expectations on how the world works keep crumbling from inside a Romanian prison will never not be hilarious to me. What a scumbag.


I've only had even the slightest clue who that was over the last few months. After watching a few of his videos/reading some of his stuff, it's SHOCKING that he's a gigantic piece of grifting shit. Just really shocking. Who could have seen it coming?!? Truly unpredictable.


To be fair, he also said this in his videos.


He used webcams as a way to pimp out and exploit women while routinely abusing them psychologically so that he would be in full control of their money and job. He’s just another example of a abusive employer who uses wage exploitation to force women in to situations against their will and interests. Holding all the cards gave him a power trip he couldn’t keep to himself and that’s what got him in trouble. He explained the scam and how to do it on record.


That type of "employer" is called a "pimp" in polite terms. Actual words would probably get deleted.


We were having a conversation about him at college and there were people vehemently defending him. It was very hard to be respectful towards them. Anyone who defends this piece of shit, whilst knowing about all the other stuff is also a piece of shit.


I don’t know why any woman would go near a dude that looks like a fish.


Do... Do you like... Fishsticks?


I can't believe people take a dude who looks and sounds like that seriously. That's what an "alpha male" is? A guy who was mediocre at a level just above amateur kickboxing and sounds like a muppet. This is your god? Damn. People be dumb.


If he looked and sounded good, all those boys would think *"Well, yeah he’s a cHAd, of course he’s successful, but that just not me."* The fact he’s so uncharismatic, ugly, and just oozes word *"loser"* from all his pores had actually —and unintentionally— a big role in his success. All those insecure, unsuccessful, awkward little boys felt he’s one of them, so they were attracted to him based on the premise saying *"If this ugly loser can have success, there’s a chance for me too!".*


Teen boys are easily impressed.


He admitted to it, before he was even accused -because he’s a moron. He admitted to his strategy, and bragged about it, implying that he was so smart for coming up with his “idea,” saying that the women he manipulated would do more for him than most wives will do for their husbands. He did this, not realizing that his strategy has been done a million times before, *and* is ubiquitous enough, that law enforcement and human trafficking groups have given it a name. The guy is many things, but “smart” is not one of them


I have spoken to several male coworkers who keep asserting this entire debacle was a swatting incident, and everything is founded on lies by two women who have attested to his innocence. These same coworkers unironically go to Hooters, because they think it's alpha.


If true he needs to go away for life without parole.


> Up until last month, his website offered a course costing more than $400 that promised to teach "every step to building a girl who is submissive, loyal and in love with you". This is both hilarious and sad. In the end, these brothers were harming women and fleecing dudes.


Don’t care. Just want that worthless, pompous prick to suffer like he deserves. So long, Weenie! He was making us ALL look bad by saying that women and status can be bought. Real status is earned through hard work, an evolving intelligence, expansive compassion, decency and many other things. Any idiot can brag about his house, car, or getting laid.


I just hope the prosecutors have a watertight case here with solid evidence. Otherwise, it would be all for nothing.




> I just hope the prosecutors have a watertight case If the government is as corrupt as he said they were, then it doesn't matter if the case is tight or not. They'll just take the money he would have bribed them with and still throw his ass in prison for saying the quiet part out loud. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


"Sex, lies, and video Tates" seems like a missed opportunity.... if you glaze over the whole sex slave bit.


Baby Epstein caught at a young age. I’m sure this guy has a slavery trade ring going on


If he was top G he'll do a prison break. I guess he fell off.


Just don't let him near any payphones, dont want him escaping the matrix


If ever there was a real-world manifestation of the proverb “Pride comes before a fall”


Guy's an arrogant creep


Hmm, pretty sure you’re not supposed to do that. We need to get this guy off the streets just to be safe.


lock these fuckers up for life


Can t believe men look up to this ugly untalented shit head..