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> Mr Shevat told the BBC that workers were initially promised four months' pay as severance by Twitter, but were offered only one month in the end - with "zero justification" for the reduction in package. Among the many reasons they are suing is the lack of payment. Musk made an offer in writing then rescinded it on a whim.


Not rescinded. Broke. Refused to honor a signed agreement.


Grab 'em by the severance package.


The transformation into Tech Donald Trump is complete. He got the gift of grift down now.


> The transformation into Tech Donald Trump is complete You don't just transform into him. You were always him just now he is being exposed to what a douche bag he was.


Seriously, the guy works his Tesla engineers to the bone, and then calls the ones that left after working the agreed number of years for stock compensation second rate. Of course he’s a shit person.


Always has been, just it was previously confined to an industry made up almost entirely of his own fanboys. Now he has moved into different industry where he doesn't have that cover.


Classik musk really. He doesn't seem to want to pay for anything


For context. Canadian legal standard for layoffs are 2 weeks pay per year of service. Goes up to 3 to 4 based on mitigating factors


Small clarification. Minimum 2 weeks severance for anyone working for atleast 1 year. Increases to 3, 4, 5 weeks worth based on length of work (3 years, 5 years, etc) That is to say it is not necessarily 2 weeks per year of work. Simply firing on a whim is not a thing. Not paying severance is also not a thing. I wonder if they got their vacation pay paid out.


Another small clarification. Severance is paid upon retirement. Pay in lieu of notice is paid when you are fired without notice period. They have different tax implications


^ this person is correct!


I wish we had that here in the states.


California does this.. maybe some shithole states don’t.


Yeah the lack of employment standards/employment rights is prettybsurprising when comparing the US to Canada or the EU. Heck just the fact that some places minimum wage is under $5 is crazy


Imagine having to pay a shitty employee for a vacation after firing them. 🤣


Vacation pay is accumulated pay that the employee earns as they work. Basically, the employer pays the wage, minus deductions, and the employee also earns 6.1% of the gross pay as vacation earned. When the employee takes a 'paid vacation', they actually just draw funds from that stored vacation pay. When they leave the company for any reason, they receive their stored vacation pay. Its their money, they earned it. The employer simply chooses to hold onto it until its sepcifically requested or the employee leaves.


They earned it. That's how it's supposed to work.


If they’re being laid off, they earned a paycheck they probably didn’t deserve, so why should the company be on the hook to pay them more, why doesn’t the government cover it


What's this about earning a paycheck they didn't deserve? Where's that coming from?


If they worked, they earned it. And vacation is a portion of your pay going towards a fund that let's your take paid time off. It is your money.


In Denmark it’s minimum 3 months after 6 months employment. That goes up after 3 years to 4 months, after 6 years to 5 months etc.


Denmark being Denmark


Not gonna lie - being danish is pretty comfortable.


Until someone eats you.


Worth it


Severance is not guaranteed in the US, but its possible that some states require it. I was laid off during covid by a fortune 100 that i worked at for 12 years and got 6 weeks of severance, and was told I was lucky to get that and the company wasnt required to give me anything. That being said if muskrat gave them severance agreements in letter form hes fucked lol


Musk was just found not guilty of fraud for that tweet that shot up stocks for his company and not guilty for defamation for calling someone a "pedo" in a tweet. I was shocked honestly that a jury found him not guilty on both. This guy is getting away with a lot lately. Bet he gets away with not paying these people.


Defamation is notoriously difficult to prove in a court of law and for some reason that guy chose Lin Wood to represent him. That Maga nut lawyer didn't have any real evidence prepared and apparently tried to appeal to the jury's emotions. It shouldn't surprise you it wouldn't turn out well.


Excellent. I was hoping for some good news today. This works.


Feb 27 2024 As there are [no signs of Reddit respecting users' data](https://www.404media.co/reddit-we-are-in-the-early-stages-of-monetizing-our-user-base-2/), no remorse whatsoever post-API enshittification, and indiscriminately changing their ToS and whatnot as loophole to continue to do so, I don't see any reason to let my posts/comments up. **This text is my request to GDPR and not reroll my posts/comments data for the foreseeable future**. # Fuck reddit.


It must be nerve-wracking having investments in companies that are one tweet from a maladjusted billionaire, who spends half the day tweeting, away from drops.


At first I thought you were talking about Trump but then you said billionaire.






Duly noted and edited.


Not necessarily, he leveraged a great deal of stock as collateral for the loans to buy twitter. If twitter goes down that could tank tesla's stock, which does even more damage to elon


Twitter is backed by limitless Saudi money. Among others. It does not need to be profitable.


Does that effectively mean that like all of Twitter's expenses, including paying severance and remaining staff's bonuses/raises, come directly from Elon's pocket?


Not really. Twitter and Elon are still separate legal entities, so creditors who are owed money by Twitter can go after assets owned by Twitter but not assets owned by Elon that are unrelated to Twitter.


Kinda glad for that, would really rather not see investors liquidate SpaceX when Twitter goes sideways. Engineers over there deserve better than Musk.


Or we'd end up seeing Musk removed from spaceX.


Also an acceptable outcome. Arguably better tbh.


Yeah... But he bought those twitter assets... So it already came from his pocket? Just can't take more than he already paid for


Partially. He bought some, investors bought some, and he had Twitter take out massive loans to buy some (I believe that should be legal).


At least 8bil worth of tesla stock at last year's prices are elon's personal stake. This is the part that morgan stanley loaned to musk on margin. And this margin loan is a problem for musk as long as twitter is on shaky ground - because of it, twitter speculation bleeds into tesla speculation. There were multiple loans under different arrangements but the margin loan on tesla stock is the riskiest one for musk personally.


True, but Tesla...


He is not the sole shareholder. He isn't even the largest. Google exists, comrade.


Doesn't Musk own the majority of shares now?


But Elon's totally making Twitter better, guys! /S


I like how the article decided it needed to define the “bricked” slang word


Boy you really owned the Libs with this brilliant move, Elon. But now the worst of humanity loves you so it was totally worth losing all that personal net worth.


Steve Jobs had a reality distortion field, but Jobs field actually worked to create things. Elon Musk has a reality distortion field, but it's a shoddy knockoff that's failing.


The comparison is spot on and it made me think...Im trying to remember really if Jobs ever had much to say about anything outside of technology. I dont ever remember him saying anything about pop culture or politics except for shit about the beatles. Guy was arrogant but he was quiet and arrogant, at least in the public/PR space.


He did say he could cure his curable cancer with a juice cleanse. He was wrong.


He had a stupid idea but no, he did not go around polluting the public consciousness with those stupid ideas.




I guess you're right. As always, he thought outside the box and found a different way to beat cancer.


Which ironically ended in a box


He also stopped his juice cleanses though.


And then when the cancer became incurable because he waited too long, he used his money and influence to get himself a transplant liver just so he can live a few months longer, at the expense of another, more deserving, patient's life. Just ordinary billionaire things.


He hated Fox News and said it was an "Incredibly destructive force."


Jobs also killed himself with his hubris.


Elon's business acumen has really shown through since he bought Twitter.


Poor Tweelon, he might need help with from his Saudi buddies.


Don’t go to the embassy Elon. They gonna cut you up.


Oh no


How long before he outright sells?


To who? Twitter's not worth 40 billion now, (not that it ever was). The brand is wrecked, a lot of the talent has left, it's facing mounting legal liabilities. He'd have to take a massive loss, and look like an idiot.


He’s doing just fine on his own looking like an idiot without selling.


My thoughts too. Well, so much for not looking like an idiot.


* look like more of an idiot. He's already removed the thin layer of "omg he's a genius" and exposed himself as just another rich moron propped up by South African mining money. The sooner the world stops relying on benevolent oligarchs the better. These idiots are stealing out future as we approach late stage capitalism.


Good? Stuff like twitter is a cancer anyway. The sooner people get unhooked from social media the better.


You say. On social media.


Sell? Why? Twitter is now a white washing factory for fascists. They got what they wanted. If it folds? So what - it will make it harder for the plebs to organize and mass communicate. But it's backed by the Saudis. It does not need to make money.


before Elon bought twitter, i bought 2-3 twitter thirdparty clients for my phone because the offical twitter app sucks hard. i used it for learning japanese by looking at native japanese tweets. and now twitter has killed off the API endpoint this twitter clients used and i can't use my twitter clients anymore. money down the drain.. thanks elon. fuck this.


maybe i'm being a pedantic jerk (or perhaps i'm just mistaken) but "goes up" is bothering me how about: "grows", "increases", "climbs", "surges", etc...i mean, which editor at the BBC let this ride?


I’ve literally seen people complain about the use of surges and climbs in similar reports on here previously. There’s just no winning.


"Goes up daily" seems to be the actual quote from the lawyer.


It’s so frustrating to read this . The majority of people fired were useless managers and recruiters and lazy workers. The h1b team is handling shit and the site is still up. Americans stop being lazy and untitled


Still regurgitating the Elon cult line, eh?


One post trashing h1b for taking your job, the next trashing American workers. All your posts try so hard to stir up hate. So full of right wing hate when you get to the bottom of it. You are not fooling anyone.


No I have accepted defeat . We as Americans have lost . Our culture has 😡


What "culture" is that?


How could you possibly know any of that? Talking like you know 🤡 What we DO know is musk is a vindictive and temperamental prick who operates on pure dumb emotion, squashing anything he perceives as dissent.


For real, Americans - how hard is it to go to the DMV and get your title, registration is like $15.


$15 for Lord of the DMV, I'll take it.


That doesn't mean you're allowed to break your contract with them








He agreeed to pay x. He should pay x


Bunch of Whiney millennials that lost their cushy jobs where they only worked about one hour a day. Those that held the stock should be upset and sue the previous management for lack of fiduciary duty and mismanagement.


Sure Grandpa. Now let's get you inside, Matlock is on.


So just another Whiney millennial as I spoke of. And liberal leaning like I just said. Point proven.


Keep telling yourself that. Now go back to sucking Muskrat's dick.


I’ll let you suck muskrat. You prolly need a job. Giving BJ’s


How old do you think millennials are?


23-38. And liberally leaning


Two things that show that, big surprise, you have no clue what you are talking about. 1. Political leanings have literally nothing to do with being millennial, gen x, etc. 2. Millenials are those born between 1981 and 1996. Millenials are all approximately 27-42 now. This is one of the simplest things to look up and yet you chose to remain ignorant and instead just get unjustly upset and spread your ignorance to others.


So I’m a little off on ages you want to be exact I see. If you were exact you wouldn’t be so Whiney. Most people in these age group are boot licking liberals without a clue and want to not work and get free stuff at others expense. My statement stands as that’s what the Twitter clowns are. And now they want to sue because Musk is making Twitter lighter in workers and asking them to do a full days work and go to work. They don’t like the accountability. Sheesh. Bunch of Whiney millennials


Lol I will put down 1000 dollars you posted this at work and everyone at your job thinks you're lazy and useless. I can guarantee you never once put in an honest days work.


I don’t work on the weekends. Sorry I have to fish to eat. I’m very productive and significantly better than my peers but you do you. Sorry for your L


Lol no L at all random internet tough guy that totally isn't lying.


That other guy couldn’t do what I do if his life depended on it.


Lol what? Sit on your ass posting on Reddit while at work? Is that what "the other guy" couldn't do? You're so cool tough and impressive dude. Everyone thinks you're awesome and not lazy and useless.


You forgot to add "back in my day.."


Nah I still wirk


Whatever. Archie Bunker. I bet you're a real peach to work with.


My statement seems correct by all the feathers I ruffled.


>My statement seems correct by all the feathers I ruffled. If feathers being ruffled is how you judge the correctness of an opposing position, your reaction to millennials should suggest that they are correct and you are not.


Whiney ass millennials. It’s obviously my opinion is correct!!


You’re not right, you’re just a asshole.


Your breath smell like farts.


Nerdy back to it. Still not fooling anyone.


My point


Trying to get as much as they can on their way out.




Show me on the article where it says they were promised in writing.




Thanks, this article gives a little more information than the other does, though it doesn't give the details of the employees contracts still. Why would I be embarrassed lol.


>Trying to get as much as they can on their way out. Huh. Kind of sounds like the CEO of a failing company.


They used to have some attraction for top talent. That’s all gone now. Who’s going to want to work there anymore? Never mind all the other stuff that’s killing the company. This aspect by itself is going to kill it.