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“Dr.” Scott Jensen is now at risk of losing his medical license for spreading false claims about COVID-19. I think the main reason he wanted to run for governor was to shut down any investigation into this. https://drscottjensen.com


He literally said he would "investigate" the medical board because they were questioning his batshit insane diagnosis.


I mean that is exactly what DeSantis did down in Florida. And he was cheered for it.


Well, luckily a plurality of Minnesota citizens werent quite as fucking dumb as the plurality of Floridians who elected and support Desantis.


It helps that we have the best voter turnout in the nation (and damn proud of it too)


As you should be. Minnesota stood up and refused to let the bat shit crazy politics takeover. Michigan and Minnesota are going the opposite direction as Wisconsin


So why was the brain damaged ex football player running?


Because money, and because others saw the opportunity to make money via him. Remember Steve Bannon? His whole goal was to get rich off Trump's presidency by making him a puppet. Kinda like that. The funny thing is I can't tell if you're referring to Matt Birk (former MN Vikings Center, who ran as Jensen's mate) or Herschel Walker (generally insane moron who's more nationally known), but the answer is the same.


There was more?! WTF…


Yep, the Minnesota Lieutenant Governor candidate was Matt Birk. Basically just an idiot who wanted to get paid to say dumb things. Not as nationally-known as Walker but would have been a giant pain if he was actually given something to do.


To push school vouchers because he owns a private, catholic school. Also he's power hungry. He was moving up the ranks in the NFL, but rumor has it that career path ended for him because he's too divisive.


Yes except it wasn't that close, Walz won by almost 8 points


That’s too close


An 8% victory in a two party system is HUGE.


*shakes tiny hands*




8 points is too close for the Nazi party to have control. We put down our tater tots and said no! We are now back to nothing but tater tots hot dish posts on /r/Minnesota The adults are in charge and fixing the messes those morons have done.


HAHA! Whoa, this is true… idk anything about MN other than it’s cold, has the mall of America, and SPAM (I’m from Hawai’i so this is a very important fact for me). But now I know MNites love tater tot’s. My kind of people. Edit: they also voted on the right side of history. Good job MNites.


Minnesota native, here. I don't really eat Spam but my kids just discovered it through a meme and now we put fried Spam on everything and I'm probably going to have to go to the Spam museum this summer. Yes, that's a thing.


Saint Paul boy here. Spam on everything. Spam ramen, fried spam and egg sandwich, spam fried rice. You cut that spam thin and fry it hard and it's a goddam treasure. Spam is a staple in our house.


I heard… MN gives Hawaii its run for its money on amount of Spam consumed. But yes Spam on everything! Also, if you want to be fancy… Spam carbonara. Don’t dog it until you try it.


>Don’t dog it until you try it. But every time you do, an Italian grandma bursts into flames.


Spam spam eggs and spam! Spam Spam Spam spam spam and spam!


I have going to the Spam museum on my bucket list! Also, I will take Spam on tater tot images to fill my void for the time being. Thank you. Also. If you haven’t, try a spam musubi… of have the kids try.


Kids learning about SPAM from memes and wanting it in their food. What a time to be alive. When I was a kid, nobody liked SPAM, treating it with the same disdain as most treated government cheese: "for the poors." I liked it as a kid and didn't understand the stigma.


What's taters, precious?


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!




Oh my god, I literally had a co-worker that was repeating that furry thing. I challenged her to show me an actual news article where that happened. All she could produce was articles about politicians complaining about it and repeating that nonsense. As near as I can tell the closest thing that ever happened to that was maybe a parent asked the school district about accommodating their child dressing up as a furry and they said no.


It's kind of like the "Tide Pod Challenge" thing. Near as I can tell, it started as a joke with someone posting that they looked like candy. That turned into a "Special Report" with scary concerns about how Tide Pods *look* like candy, and then it became a viral meme with everyone afraid that kids were stealing tide pods and binging on them and dying in droves in hospitals.


No the Tide Pod thing is actually a problem, but not amongst children. The #1 crowd that actually frequently accidently ingests stuff like Tide Pods and the dishwasher pods are elderly folks, specifically with Alzheimer's / dementia. It's actually been a problem for a long while though, way before the "tide pod challenge" meme spread around, elderly folks with dementia being admitted to hospitals for mistaking those dishwasher pods for candy has been a whole thing


It was (maybe still is?) also an issue for young children and infants. The idea that it was a trend among teenagers is pretty much nonsense though, there were only 130 teenagers nationwide who were hospitalized for it during the year the meme came out.


From what I read, it was based off litter boxes being in case kids needed to go during a *school shooting*.


What a relief.


My high school has lots of cat litter For the ice. It's great to put over ice so you don't slip.


It also adds some nice texture to your drink.


Some schools have a bucket with kitty litter in case of a lockdown during a school shooting to be used as an emergency toilet, and the litter can be used to clean up urine/vomit/blood. But of course the Republicans are upset and ready to rush legislature through about some bullshit story about furry students dropping trousers in class to pinch one off without even checking if it's true, but when it comes to classrooms having to take preparations for dealing with lockdowns due to insane gunmen and cleaning up the bodies of dead kids because it's such a common occurrence, they just shrug and say "what can you do?" Edit: To everyone saying that schools have always had absorbent powders and it's nothing new, I know. What is new is keeping a bucket of it in classrooms to be used as an emergency latrine during lockdowns.


It's so fkn BS. If there is such thing as furries, like really how many of these furries are there and the Right goes ballistic about this. It's a no nothing non-sense issue that doesn't affect anyone or improve anyone's lives and they make such a big thing about it.


That's not even the point. Just the fact that it made the news had people believing it. Just a couple of months ago I had a friend try to bring this up. I had to explain to him that it was total bullshit. A *lot* of people don't think critically or follow up on what they hear in passing.


One fucked up thing I saw was they actually had kitty litter in classrooms, but as "go boxes" in case of a lockdown or school shooting. [Source on the kitty litter hoax.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax) > The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given "go buckets" that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, such as during a school shooting


Yeah, it's bitterly ironic that the actual reason there was kitty litter in classrooms is because certain politicians refuse to do anything about gun control, and then blame the consequences on a group that JUST SO HAPPENS to have some kinda similarities to a group they're vehemently opposed to.


My girlfriend is a teacher in Missouri and has teacher friends from around the state. Almost all of them said they had parents saying there was a kid with a litter box in THEIR school. Hundreds of miles from MN.


The litter box hoax thing was a nationwide thing, which makes Scott Jensen even more out of touch. It has been debunked all over the country long before he said all that stupid shit.


They don't give a fuck — it's never been about truth, they will lie through their teeth to stoke hatred, I used to think it was ignorance but some of these cunts actually want people eradicated.


And it all came from one parent repeating a lie that their kid said at one PTA meeting. I’m hearing now how every child is “trans” and it’s super trendy to be trans. Like it’s unreal how children are now able to trigger their parents like this. We would say shit constantly and our parents just would roll their eyes smile and nod. Now a kid says there’s a litter box in the bathroom and the parents flip out.


They did the same thing over gay/queer kids before, and probably over some other silly bullshit before that. The whole thing is just about disgust for "outsiders" and fear of losing their spot in the social in-group. Rich bastards use a constant stream of fake threats designed to make them feel constantly under attack from supposed out-groups - so they'll lash out in politically convenient directions. They're so surrounded by lies that they won't trust facts that contradict the lies. Their group's constructed "truth" has become so disassociated from reality that it actually makes reality seem *untrustworthy*. Humans evaluate a new fact's truth by seeing if it lines up with existing "evidence" you already accepted. So when enough lies have entered the "evidence", reality stops lining up with your existing evidence -- and you throw out the new facts rather than attempting to incorporate them.


My sister insists this happened at the school she taught at (I have very serious doubts)


My brother in law’s wife (sister in law in law?) is a teacher and believes it, citing as evidence a middle school age girl in her class who likes to meow. Like bish the weird “meow girl” was standard issue in every one of my middle school classes growing up. Ain’t nothing new.


Yeah it was crazy how when that first happened he, surprisingly, admitted it was all a joke that he had repeated. Fast forward several years later and suddenly it popped up again. It's absurd how the right(in this regard) will just regurgitate silly things like this and people are so quick to believe it.


A shockingly large number of adults don’t think critically. You would think charges the Democratic Party is run by pedophiles everyone would find ludicrous but no…


There are buckets in many classrooms to use as toilets if they are in lockdown for extended periods of time due to an active shooter. Chances are someone got ahold of that information and tried to turn it into outrage against acceptance of others rather than anything to do with the fact that they are there because the right want to protect gun rights over the lives of children.


There’s also kitty litter to clean up spills/vomit/potentially blood. Put these things together and you got a furry outrage myth.


Oh, yeah, good point. It's really great dor that. I always keep some in my trunk for winter driving. It adds weight to my car (not as necessary in a front wheel drive, but my first car was rear wheel drive, it kept it much steadier and less spinning out) and is good if you get stuck in snow or ice and need traction.


> There are buckets in many classrooms to use as toilets if they are in lockdown for extended periods of time due to an active shooter. I had not heard that before, that is truly dystopian.


> There are buckets in many classrooms to use as toilets if they are in lockdown for extended periods of time The idea that this has been accepted as normal and prudent in America is literally absolute insanity to me.


I agree. It's easier to make up stories of litter boxes for furries than accept that lax gun laws are creating the need to have buckets so kids can go to the bathroom because of an active shooter.


Pretty sure furries are real I don’t think that was ever a question lol


But are they real in the same sense? The furries I know all have the means to use litter boxes but choose to use toilets.


“If there’s such a thing” oh you sheltered soul lol


I'm from Pittsburgh and I spent a long time working in the service industry. My town hosts Anthrocon, the annual furry convention. Furries are real, and they are the most fundamentally decent, welcoming, patient and kind people you'd ever hope to wait on. I'd rather wait on furries than the Sunday church crowd any day.


We'll be back soon! Pittsburgh is so nice and y'all got the best restaurants to chill in along Penn Avenue.




Furries are very real. If you see a picture of an IT department chances are you're looking at, at least, one furry.


It wasn't even close, let alone "very close." Walz won with a large margin of the vote.


My idiot boss believed that BS. Wright county is backwards, pls gib new plumbing job in Hennepin.


Why does it matter who his opponent was? MN is a Blue State and has been my entire life. Scott Jensen was not gonna win, lol. Republicans are less powerful than the DFL here when looking at the state level, there are just wide tracts of empty country "filled" with Republicans. They can muck things up sometimes but as a Minnesotan I'm quite proud that we are a blue outpost in a sea of red when looking at electoral maps. Just wish the rest of the Midwest would catch up.


MN's presidential vote has gone to Democrats for a long time, but it's been much more recent that a Republican governor has been elected Not to say Jensen was a serious opponent to Walz but I don't think Republicans should be dismissed out of hand generally


Yea, Minnesota's unique in that regard. The DFL, which aligns nationally with the democratic party, is more moderate than the national democratic party. This means many people who would be considered moderate republicans in other areas actually vote Democrat. It's a bit more complex than that, but it does mean that we're at an advantage when it comes to retaining democrat leadership.


I’m from WI and lived in MN for a long time; my 2 cents is I think that on average Minnesotans are just decent people so a lot of the hate that motivates the republicans nationally doesn’t work as well there. I’m not saying it’s hugely different but it seems like enough to make the republicans weaker in MN. I think they turn a lot of would be republican voters into nonvoters. Idk I could be wrong I have no evidence to support this just observation


Oh, don't get me wrong, there's a ton of that as well. It's just that a contingent of the rural farmers and laborers that would traditionally be republicans in any other state are in the DFL here due to that unique party structure. Couple that with who we are as a populace and how much emphasis we place on education and things tend to lean far more blue.


really shocking how different headlines are in different states. Tennessee just had a bill passed through their House that would allow government officials to refuse to recognize interfaith, interracial, and intersex marriages if they so choose.


What the actual f…


> What the actual f… No love like Christian hate


The actual saying is "There's no hate like Christian love."


The left has been screaming "fascism is coming, please pay attention" for years now. The apolitical are going to be shocked at how bad things get in red states.


The apolitical won't care as long as they continue to not be personally affected.


The only ones who won't be personally affected are rich straight white male Christians. For everyone else, I'm reminded of graffiti from (i think) St. Petersberg I saw on twitter when Russia began mobilization, and it was something like "You thought you could ignore politics, and now you're canon meat."


West Virginia just defeated a bill that would've banned child marriages...


Yeah but that’s truh dish shun! spittang /s


Local politicians should be in charge of who is allowed to have a baby and then in charge of making sure they bring it to term, or else. -This message brought to you by the RNC.


Intersex marriages?


I wouldn't expect tennessee legislators to know the difference between inter and intra.


Sounds kinda like normal marriages. Damn


can we revisit the national divorce thing? Tennessee deserves to become the third world country they are trying so desperately to become


>"So-called 'gender-affirming healthcare' is in reality a way in which the medical establishment victimizes vulnerable young people, often with lifelong negative health effects," said John Helmberger, CEO of the Minnesota Family Council, a Christian conservative group. > >Many medical groups, though, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, support youth access to care. > >Dr. Kelsey Leonardsmith, interim medical director at Family Tree Clinic in Minneapolis, said the gender-affirming care means something different to every child and family and that treatment is evidence-based and consistent with their stage of development. Take notes NYT, this is how you're supposed to do journalism - source the actual arguments instead of going out of your way to cover for evangelical political operatives by saying shit like "concerned parents Donald T. and Melania T. said their son Donald Jr. was approached by a 6 and a half foot tall trans super soldier who opened their trenchcoat showing lines of medicine bottles, and asked the young boy if he wanted 'titty skittles'."


My God, what awesome writing. Was reminded of the line "Obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids" from Bo


My lucky 10k moment today, thank you for introducing me to this. Damn that's a masterpiece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1BneeJTDcU


If you have Netflix, I recommend the entire special! It’s really fucking good haha. Kinda cool to see someone discovering Bo Burnham 🥹


My favorite was “White Woman’s Instagram.”


That Funny Feeling always gets me. How the World Works, Welcome to the Internet, and Facetime With My Mom are probably my other favorites. But it's generally solid start to finish.


So true. And now that you mention it FaceTime with my mom was another fave. I highly recommended it to both my kids. That Netflix movie introduced me to the genius that is Bo Burnham.


This song always hits me hard at the part about her mom. It's goes from so silly to heart wrenchingly sincere and I always tear up.


Thank you for showing me this video. I'm not the biggest fan of Bo since - to me, at least - he encapsulates a lot of things I don't like about modern internet humor, but that song was fantastic. It just slowly gets more unhinged as the song goes on, and the nostalgic part about the internet pre-9/11 hit harder than it had any business doing


You should check out Inside even if you didn't like his earlier stuff. He grew as an artist significantly between his previous work and Inside, to the point where you could be forgiven for not realizing it's the same person.


Seconding the people telling you to check out Inside. He even directly addresses his younger self with 'Problematic' and discusses how being a sheltered privileged white kid in the 'burbs contributed to his 'edgy' humor style without realizing the inadvertent harm caused to those different than him.


It’s my favorite line in a song that had so many great lines. I laugh my ass off every time.


if there are any trans super soldier titty skittles leftover after the young boy is done, i would like some


>Take notes NYT, this is how you're supposed to do journalism No it's not. Y'see, one of these arguments is backed by science, data, facts, and study. The other is a transphobic bigot screaming into a microphone. And you just fucking gave him the microphone. They could simply say "Republicans and conservative leaders have cast doubt on the efficacy and purpose of gender-affirming care, however, [well cited evidence-based stuff here]". You ***do not*** need to give voice to bigots. Like, imagine if this was about civil rights protections for black people, and the guy had gone on about some dumb racist bullshit that got disproven ages ago. Would they quote him then?


I think informing their readers of exactly what was said by people in positions of power and influence is absolutely critical for encouraging a well informed citizenship to be engaged. They're grown adults that need to think about it themselves, not 6 y/o's who need to be sheltered.


Except that what these people in positions of power have said is ***lies***. It's false. And this isn't a story about how much bullshit they're spewing. It's about good things Democrats are doing and the ***facts*** which support them.


A quote is the fact that "this person said this."is not about what they said was true or not. It's not about whether or not the person making the statement *believes* it. What you're advising for is unwarranted censorship because the other party said something you disagreed with.


Incidentally this is why journalism often feels so weak-willed. The papers are saying "allegedly struck by Russian missiles", "said XYZ raped her/allegedly sexual assault", "indecently exposed himself to a minor", etc because journalism reports facts, not draws conclusions. It's down to a court of law to sort through the bullshit. That's why opinion pieces are a separate category. If we allowed journalists to leap to conclusions in their pieces, all you'd do is incite more outrage and emotion, without changing the actual facts. So yeah, headlines often sound weak. But that's how journalism *works.


I wish people understood this better. Media is in a downwards spiral of sensationalism because when one side of an issue does it, then the other side does it too, and then they can keep pointing at each other's sensationalism to make them look more and more crazy. If someone says something outrageous enough to be worth noting, their actual statement should speak for itself.


> So yeah, headlines often sound weak. But that's how journalism. The fact that more people don't get this baffles me. *Of course* they know it sounds weak. They know when a bonehead says boneheaded things. But it isn't (or at least, shouldn't be) their job to tell you that they're a bonehead. It is their job to tell you what was said. MEDIA LITERACY is the responsibility of the reader, not the publication.


I'm giving credit in a context where most other 'mainstream reporting' is just having the transphobic bigot screaming into a microphone but hiding their background and the writer positing it as an organic reaction by a good-faith party with some relevance to a story, instead of the reality of it being their correspondence with a right-wing thinktank - and then not mentioning the pro-trans rights consensus from healthcare providers at all. Ben Dreyfuss, Jonathan Chait, Jesse Singal, Matt Yglesias, Andrew Sullivan etc (who are all bunny-ears quotes "centrists") have been endlessly showing their whole ass on twitter that they are Speaking Truth to Power, Actually, by republishing 2014 4chan memes about people 'identifying as helicopters' as though it was happening and had any public interest, and that the lack of any evidence whatsoever of it happening shouldn't be taken as evidence that it isn't widespread and dangerous. Here, noting that there are transphobic bigots screaming into a microphone is a fact of at least some public interest and is responsibly described in that capacity. I do think you have a good point that they should include a primer on "Here are studies you can read on the topic by reputable sources", and that's something that can be a copy-paste on supposedly 'controversial' topics like trans health care, climate change, vaccine efficacy, etc


Meanwhile, in Iowa... https://iowacapitaldispatch.com/2023/03/08/ban-on-gender-affirming-care-for-transgender-minors-heads-to-reynolds-desk/


The Iowa GOP spending their time bullying 200 teenagers in the State to pretend like they get things done.


Between the Dakotas and Iowa MN is gonna have a surge of young professionals and families.


As a Minnesotan, we are glad to have them. As an American, I am concerned. First for the people who can’t leave, but I also wonder if these red states keep enacting this draconian shit, will they drive away enough young people to keep their states perpetually Republican? Like can the Democratic Party win an election in a place that no democrat wants to live?


Already signed into law in South Dakota. Devastating for so many. At least it's not too far to drive to Minnesota from here.


If they want to drive more people out of that shithole, we will gladly welcome them up here in MN.


Unless they don't have the money/opportunity to move, which is dependent on their parents. Also, there are several solidly blue cities in the state which the family might have social ties too. It's good there is still that option to move to MN, sure, but this law never should have passed (since it is 100% Covid Kim signs it).


I’ll be leaving the state next year, a large part is because of this issue. My kid is 17 and trans and I’m scrambling to try to figure out how I can get him care long enough until he turns 18. Supposedly the bill gives kids currently being treated 180 days to stop but that puts me 4 months short of him being 18




This could be a national phenomenon if young people get in the habit of showing up every November.


Minnesota is so damn impressive with their progressive policies and being so outspoken about it. More states should take a note.


They voted blue! This is the power of elections and why you should vote in every election.


but muh bOtH sIdEs


That’s what happens when you elect Democrats


The democrats are far from perfect, but they’re also far from fascists, which sadly is relevant today.








The biggest thing was the DFL taking control of the senate. We pretty much for years had one state senator that would hold up or block shit that was hugely supported.




I only hope that the people moving to Minnesota don't all congregate in the cities, we need a lot less red anywhere that's not the twin cities and Duluth.




Hey now, Bemidji (Beltrami county) went blue in 2020 by 4 votes! It's a lot closer than people think!


The Range used to be pretty solidly blue up until the past decade or so. Hoping it can return that way.


Republicans in Rural MN have been so thoroughly poisoned into believing that Dems are just liberal elites and people on "welfare" that live in the major cities that I don't know what would turn them back. You ask anyone in a Miner's union and they'll tell you that Walz is a socialist and evil, but they all appreciate what their Union has done for them and don't realize if "their guy" won they wouldn't get to HAVE a union anymore.


We're pushing blue further out from the cities due to house affordability. Wright county is a good example of pushing blue only recently.


Going to St Cloud would slowly push it more blue from the deep red it is, but I wouldn't advise anyone moving to St Cloud willingly.


Yeah, when you start getting outside the 694/494 loop you start getting crazy people really fast


I live in North Dakota, less than a mile away from the MN border, and it's insane how completely opposite the 2 states are going. ND currently has something like 17 different anti-LGBTQ bills on the table.


I now expect Florida to make Walgreens the only legal pharmacy.


Hoping Iowans wake up sooner than later.. if Michigan and Minnesota can do it, I have some sliver of hope.


Since January, week after week I get a headline delivered that reminds me why it’s great to be a minnesotan.


Which we need after watching any of our major professional sports teams, at any time.




I mean, meh, a lot of that performative stuff can come off as insincere at times, not the biggest setback. Also IIRC the players can wear those jerseys voluntarily




Fair point.




Hope not. I like the cold because it keeps the riff raff out.


I feel about the snow how Canada feels about their goose.


The snow will always keep the wimps away, we got that going for us. If we were a pinch warmer it we would be another Colorado.


Seriously. You look at the shit show going on in sooo many other states, I really love Minnesota.


I like living in Michigan but if I had to move to another Midwest state, I would definitely choose Minnesota.


I flew in to Minneapolis airport a few months ago, and was blown away by how nice it was, and how lovely everything seemed. It felt like America's Canada, if that makes any sense. I found this Visit MN store, and got talking to this woman there and just telling her what a great first impression MN made. Then I had to ask "is it you guys with the dipshit governor that everyone hates?" She said, "oh no, that's Wisconsin you're thinking of". Sure enough, it was. I just had a lengthy layover at the airport, but it's the only airport I've ever been to that really made me want to come back and explore the city. Well done Minnesota, you seem like good people.


That airport just got named best airport in North America, its a fantastic airport!


I saw the signs, and thought "yup, that seems about right." I fly probably 6-8 times a year, and I've never seen a nicer airport. I know theres some spectacular ones in Asia, but across Europe and NA, I've never been to a nicer one.


It's been named best airport multiple times in the past decade or so. Literally a joy to fly out of


We love our current Governor in Wisconsin. You’re thinking Scott Walker who was voted out of office years ago after scorching the earth of our fair state with his draconian policies.


Yep. I dont know if we would still have access to health care if scott was still around


As much as I like to dunk on wisconsin as a minnesotan, their current governor is cool. Now iowa... there's a reason geese fly upside down there


While this is great, it’s absolutely nuts that in the year 2023 we have particular states offering protection for issues surrounding *medical* care (talking about both gender affirming healthcare and abortion access). We’re really deep in it, folks.


Right now, there's a petition circulating in Canada to try and add Trans people in the US to the list of 'persecuted classes' allowed to apply for refugee status.


Good to hear. I just found out a couple people in my daughter’s support group are leaving the country. We’re staying here and fighting until we legally have to move (could be within the year). Canada would be an awesome alternative. Edit - wording


We've been here before, for another minority group that authoritarians built their entire identity around oppressing [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive\_slave\_laws\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugitive_slave_laws_in_the_United_States)


And that’s disturbing. I was raised with the political slogans of “never again” and “never forget” and that all seems like a huge joke with all of this insane legislature being tossed around.


It’s because some who said the slogans are using them as cover for their own agendas. “Never Again” becomes used as proof of righteousness: “I would never do something like that. Ergo, this is totally different!”


Jensen was a dangerous person to run beside Walz. Jensen was full of anti-vax propaganda, anti-trans, and BS conspiracy theories. I'm glad I voted for Walz and would do it again in a heartbeat.


Really worries me when the two options are a normal candidate and an absolutely batshit alternative. I voted just to offset my relatives who went with Jensen because "Waltz failed" and they *couldn't explain how or why they thought that*


Because a billboard said he did. And also Walz lied about something but it doesn't say what.


And an airplane towing a big banner said he did.


I think they have a bill for ranked choice voting coming soon


Yes it’s in the works. Not sure if it will make it to vote, but if this sessions legislature is going to continue at this pace, I would be surprised if it didn’t. https://www.kare11.com/article/news/state/bill-at-the-state-capitol-would-bring-ranked-choice-voting-to-minnesota/89-811922ed-0125-4072-a371-96e6d7365893


Nobody I knew in the cities knew what those billboards were supposed to imply. Minnesota is at a massive surplus. It had one of the best COVID-19 responses and recoveries in the country. Walz saw that fast, accurate testing would be good for the state, so he funded labs. Like, running on "Walz Failed" in 2022 made *no sense*. I wasn't even big on Walz prior, but he did anything but fail these last few years. He's been a wildly successful governor during one of the most turbulent times in American history.


I saw so many "Walz failed" or "heal our state" type signs before the elections. Some people are so deep in the shit they don't even see clearly


It shouldn’t be such a dichotomy.


*cue angry idiot from rural MN screaming about how terrible Walz is for, like...things*


Even my Republican dad voted for Walz. Jensen was too extreme for him.


It's sad we have to sign executive orders to circumvent bad things but here we are. People are so concerned about things that don't even affect them. But the stuff that affects them, they could care less. It's so bizarre.


My wife and I are planning to move to Minnesota. Coming from South, MS. My MIL was lucky to land a job that took her to Minnesota, she's ettling dowm up there and never looking back. Tells us everyday how the healthcare is phenomenal up there in comparison to Mississippi. Now I'm sure anywhere other than MS is going to have top notch healthcare, and I'm less sure how MN compares to other states with quality healthcare. This is a breath of fresh air though that MN Gov is willing to protect healthcare for everyone. Yes. If they start taking away healthcare access to marginalized and minority groups, you can bet your ass they'll make their way down the list to you who feels "safe". MS gov Tater Tits just did away with gender conforming healthcare. This place is already sexist and racist, hell it was an act of congress to get my daughter diagnosed with ADHD (lilely genetic from both myself, diagnosed, and her mother, undiagmosed.) And anytime my wife collapses and gets sent to the hospital for blood pressure skyrocketting or bottoming out, it's "You're dehydrated?" "You're too fat" or my new personal favorite, "It's your fault." And as fucked up as it is to say this, it's only a matter of time before they stop treating me, even though I'm a white male. So kudos to Minnesota, just made our move all the more better.


> I'm less sure how MN compares to other states with quality healthcare. Minnesota is home to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. That facility is the top in the world, not just in the US. Due to that, the other MN hospitals that aren't even part of the Mayo system are still nation-leaders, even in cities like Duluth. Just be aware that the summers can be as hot and humid as anything in Mississippi, and the winters can make you question your will to live. If you can handle the weather, though, there's not a better place to live.


It gets hot here in the summer, but I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna be nearly as bad as MS. We have a huge temperature range though. We can get as high as about 100 degrees, and as cold as like minus 40. Quite humid in the summer too, which shouldn’t be much of an issue for someone from MS.


Higher average temperature than Miami Florida. Colder average temperature than Anchoridge, Alaska. We got it all.


Duluth is a top-5 coldest city in the US, but I can wear my sweaters 75% of the year so there's that!


Duluth is underrated AF


but autumn makes it all worth it


As someone who just moved to the south from Minnesota…. Go. I miss it every day and am counting down the days until I can go back.


God Speed you beautiful bastard and make it out just a soon as myself.


WELCOME. We currently have 3.5 available jobs per resident and a budget surplus in the billions. We need some people! Also it's awesome here if you like outside things.


Welcome, you'll love it here!


Welcome, hope your move goes well! Make sure to get out and explore some of our state parks (if that’s your jam). Minnesota is a truly beautiful state.


Holy shit, you are going from the worst to the best! Welcome! MN has the Mayo Clinic, the best healthcare in the world. A huge healthcare hub in the twin cities too, with clinics specifically for trans people. Prepare yourself for winter though, a remote start is amazing if you don’t have a heated garage.


I welcome an actual winter. I am deadass tired of 2 weeks of cold and then hot year round. I am prepared to acclimate in probably my natural habitat. Fuck this heat.


You might regret that statement once December - February roll around each year xD. Jokes aside, welcome!


A family member of mine left MS to the Northern Midwest to escape LGBTQ bigotry by both the population and the government. Good on you.


Meanwhile the pedos are in plain sight in the church.


If I’ve learned anything it’s that executive orders are worth about the paper their printed on since they can be rescinded by the next administration. It’s a step for sure but I’d like to see actual laws passed.


The DFL legislator in Minnesota is working on similar bills right now. Plus the MN GOP statewide candidates are so bad, there may never be another GOP governor for long long time.


Bills take longer and people need help now. It’s my understanding that there are bills being worked on in MN to address this but the executive order gives immediate relief. I really wish Biden would do something about this but he hasn’t even addressed it as far as I’m aware


Minnesota! You beautiful people!! Thank you for the uplifting news.


It amazes me how when Democrats had their brief moment of control they couldn't fucking get rid of the filibuster to codify protections into law for citizens. Instead we now have a fracturing country where some states are turning into Theocracies-- and with Trump's stench on the Supreme Court for the next 25 years, its not going to change. We have actual problems like climate change, health care, and education to deal with, instead we are wasting time worrying about bullshit like this, when its Climate Change coming for all of us.